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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!

Really, I don't see why they have rankings visible at all. No good comes of it. If the purpose is to match people of similar skill, then there is no need to show it. People chasing after Lev 50 in Halo or whatever else just seems to cause problems.

CoD4 is fine, because as mentioned it is not really directly tied to your skill, thus is not a huge fucking e-peen thing.


Unconfirmed Member
PedroLumpy said:
If the purpose is to match people of similar skill, then there is no need to show it.

That is exactly right.

I've joined games with 4 and 1 ranks on my team and the abuse people get is pathetic. And (no surprise) I've seen people with high ranks quit before the match starts because they don't like the rank of the other players.

I think something as simple as getting rid of the rank icons would have a positive affect overall.


aka II VerTigo II
To be honest going back to how gears 1 did MP wasn't that bad, sure you couldn't invite the people you wanted to play with or see who the host was. But it gave you a ping status,to choose how many rounds you wanted to play and game type you wanted to work on.

And yes the rank system needs a hauling, maybe hide it and for someone to see what rank you are search for the player on the site or ledderboard?!


So, I'm sure a faction of you guys will say I'm part of the problem, but I bought the Combustible map pack last night and played a bunch of matches. I have to say that I really liked all of them. They each kind of have their ins and outs, and present their own sort of special strategy.

My favorite of the bunch is probably Gold Rush. It's got plenty of areas with little nooks and crannies to take cover in. It was also fun getting into heated battles on either set of stairs; trying to keep opponents from making their way up. Mind you, I was playing Annex mainly.

Flood was also kind of cool, though I only played maybe two matches on it. The way it looks and feels, it reminds me kind of Ruins. It also seemed like in the matches I played nobody rushed the power weapon on the map which was kind of odd. I must've passed by the Torque Bow or Boomshot five or ten times in the matches I played well into the round, and nobody had picked them up. It was weird, but actually kind of refreshing.

Fuel Station also presented some neat elements like the volatile fuel tanks and pumps that can be detonated, as well as the elevator in the building. I did find that in every match I played on it, some fucker always rushed to the mortar in the far corner and spammed that the whole match. It was easily remedied by getting to the roof of the building and taking them out from the corner though. All in all, a lot of fun.

However, I will say one thing; if I get blown to kibble by a rushing shotgunner one more time, I'm going to vomit. I mean seriously. It'd be nice to get killed by something different once in a while. :lol


are you guys jus the usual gaf crowd that whines about every lil thing or is gears online really that broken? because skimming through the las page even ive seen like,10 problems highlighted. ive only played horde mode because the rest of the online sounds like a mess.


DubloSeven said:
What are you basing this on?

I finally found out why I thought quitters would be more likely to be matched up with other quitters. From the TrueSkill FAQ:

But: Players who drop regularly from a team would eventually be identified by the TrueSkill ranking system as having a negative impact on the team skill and will eventually be matched with other players of that have a negative team impact. So, you should not see this happening to often if you are a player of average skill.


From reading the FAQ, it seems like you're given a "negative team impact" if you have a negative score in a game (by doing suicides and team kills), as well as dropping out.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
DiddyBop said:
are you guys jus the usual gaf crowd that whines about every lil thing or is gears online really that broken? because skimming through the las page even ive seen like,10 problems highlighted. ive only played horde mode because the rest of the online sounds like a mess.

one thing thats quite refreshing about this thread is the lack of trolling or just whining because you're a gaffer and being super picky is what we do. I get the feeling everyone loves the game, just let down by how broken it is.

this should be game of the year and it should be number 1 on the xbox live charts, the reason it isnt is because its flat out broken. sure you can still play it and enjoy it as I do, but I've played beta's which are less screwed up than this.

it wouldn't be so bad if it was just one area, like say, there's a bunch of glitches, or the netcode is inconsistent, or there's some imbalances in the gameplay - its the fact that its all pretty screwed up at once.

but you should just find out for yourself.

ranking is weird. I somehow made it to rank 3 after a few nightly sessions with Mr Affluenza but none of the rest of my team mates did, its not like I did the best out of us all either.

Still eagerly await fixes, and failing that, bring on Gears 3.


DiddyBop said:
are you guys jus the usual gaf crowd that whines about every lil thing or is gears online really that broken? because skimming through the las page even ive seen like,10 problems highlighted. ive only played horde mode because the rest of the online sounds like a mess.
Well, I'd say I have "problems" playing online maybe less than 1% of the time. And this is 1% of weeks and weeks of playing standard multiplayer -- not Horde -- online for 4-5 hours at a time. When I have a problem, it's usually lag on the host's side; my ammo never depletes and my shots don't do damage. The matchmaking itself has gotten infinitely better than it was before. Some may complain about waiting up to 2 minutes for a match, but that doesn't bother me. I'm a patient man. Gives me a chance to get comfortable, take a sip of soda, bite of a snack, etc. *shrug*
DiddyBop said:
are you guys jus the usual gaf crowd that whines about every lil thing or is gears online really that broken? because skimming through the las page even ive seen like,10 problems highlighted. ive only played horde mode because the rest of the online sounds like a mess.
I played Gears 1 for 2 years, until Gears 2 came out. Never complained that much and the first one wasn't perfect either. But this one is in a league of it's own, especially after everyone knows how to glitch now. It's ridiculous.


bumpkin said:
Well, I'd say I have "problems" playing online maybe less than 1% of the time. And this is 1% of weeks and weeks of playing standard multiplayer -- not Horde -- online for 4-5 hours at a time. When I have a problem, it's usually lag on the host's side; my ammo never depletes and my shots don't do damage. The matchmaking itself has gotten infinitely better than it was before. Some may complain about waiting up to 2 minutes for a match, but that doesn't bother me. I'm a patient man. Gives me a chance to get comfortable, take a sip of soda, bite of a snack, etc. *shrug*


You don't run into these problems?

Players using glitches to their advantage:

1. Shield glitching (invisible shield - able to shoot shotgun in one hand super fast)
2. Shooting while roadie running (grab walking)
3. People jumping through walls they shouldn't be able to using the shield (Pavilion happens all the time)
4. Weapon slide (slide quickly into a weapon and pick it up)

These technical issues:

4. Extreme host advantage with shotgun
5. Shooting shotgun from the hip completely broken at all times
6. Broken weapon and spawn switching implementation on maps like Hail and Subway (one side always gets the frag grenades or torque bow)

I won't go into game design problems, since whether they're good or bad is subjective (smoke grenades knocking people down, proximity grenades on walls, etc.)

You say you have problems 1% of the time. I run into people glitching and technical issues more like 90% of the time.
I just recently went through Gears 1 and 2 back to back co op with a friend. What really
is mind blowing to me is how awesome Gears 1 still looks. The part where you pull up
to the mine and it raining everywhere is still one of the most breathtaking scenes in a
videogames. That being said though I think Gears 2 still looks quite a bit better. The resolution especially is really noticeable going from Gear 1 to 2. Playing splitscreen it really
is apparent how much more crisp everything seems to be since my eyes didn't have nearly
as hard a time taking in all the details.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Flunkie said:

"After much testing, it looks like matchmaking is permanently broken. There are new maps though, only 800 Microsoft Points!"

What a dick. :lol

Normally I'd say the same thing, but the way he wrote it, I don't know.

It makes me think Microsoft forced Epic to get these maps out first when Epic wanted to work hard on an update to fix the game.


Domino Theory said:
Normally I'd say the same thing, but the way he wrote it, I don't know.

It makes me think Microsoft forced Epic to get these maps out first when Epic wanted to work hard on an update to fix the game.

What irks me wrong is the fact that he said "after much testing". Didn't you freaking play the game before you released it?

*edit* lol apparently its a joke account? kk i am loser




Today's games:
Game 1) Match loads up and it's 5v2, I'm on the team with 5. During the countdown clock it freezes as the two other players quit. "Lost connection to host"

Game 2) Lag switched, host runs around shotgunning everyone, I quit

Game 3) A legit match with minimal glitch use! Got 26 chainsaw kills, good times.

Game 4) Game loaded up 4v5, I was on the team with 5. Quickly beat them but I was still able to sneak in 8 chainsaw kills.

Done for now.


Domino Theory said:
Normally I'd say the same thing, but the way he wrote it, I don't know.

It makes me think Microsoft forced Epic to get these maps out first when Epic wanted to work hard on an update to fix the game.

You base this on something that was said on a Twitter joke account?

Also, map designers (in general) don't work on multplayer patches.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
get this, I'm rank 3, I go to start a public game, during search I drop back to rank 2.



Is there any way to play the new map pack only? I don't see an option like the Flashback map has... I've never seen any of them come up yet :/


aka II VerTigo II
kaizoku said:
get this, I'm rank 3, I go to start a public game, during search I drop back to rank 2.


Haha this has happen to my brother as well. So he played a match, won and it went back up.


kaizoku said:
get this, I'm rank 3, I go to start a public game, during search I drop back to rank 2.

Amazing how that happens mid match. :lol

Kinda like Third, Recovery, RSTEIN, and I have played roughly 60 matches over the past 4 nights and have won about 35-40 of them and not one of us has moved up a rank at all. Even RSTEIN who's only Rank 2 and he plays games with the 3 of us being Rank 3 and the other teams often consisting of Rank 3's and 4's. :/

Smidget said:
Is there any way to play the new map pack only? I don't see an option like the Flashback map has... I've never seen any of them come up yet :/
Yeah, there's a whole playlist for them. "Combustible maps playlist" or something along the lines of that.


Comics, serious business!
Funniest shit happened.

I play some wingman. I'm paired up with a guy named "shaken not stir." We're on Day One. He totally chooses not to follow me and walks around to do his own thing. I can't really follow him because he doesn't seem to know what he's doing. No strategy, no getting power weapons, defense, anything. Just kind of floating around. I get like 4-5 kills and he gets exactly 0 kills before the whole thing is over.

So, I start the search again for Public Wingman. Guess who my partner is?? It's my good buddy shaken not stir. What are the odds of that? I think, OK, I guess I'm on my own again. We're on Blood Drive. This time something is different. It's totally a lag fest but he's just blitzing the crap out of people. I can barely move but I see:

shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir shotgun
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir shotgun

he totally lag switched everyone. I had a grand total of 0 kills and he had like 18 kills or something. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Smidget said:
Is there any way to play the new map pack only? I don't see an option like the Flashback map has... I've never seen any of them come up yet :/

It should be one of the playlists.


aka II VerTigo II
RSTEIN said:
Funniest shit happened.

I play some wingman. I'm paired up with a guy named "shaken not stir." We're on Day One. He totally chooses not to follow me and walks around to do his own thing. I can't really follow him because he doesn't seem to know what he's doing. No strategy, no getting power weapons, defense, anything. Just kind of floating around. I get like 4-5 kills and he gets exactly 0 kills before the whole thing is over.

So, I start the search again for Public Wingman. Guess who my partner is?? It's my good buddy shaken not stir. What are the odds of that? I think, OK, I guess I'm on my own again. We're on Blood Drive. This time something is different. It's totally a lag fest but he's just blitzing the crap out of people. I can barely move but I see:

shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir shotgun
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir chainsaw
shaken not stir shotgun

he totally lag switched everyone. I had a grand total of 0 kills and he had like 18 kills or something. :lol

ROFL! It was a sign, epic wanted him to redeem himself from the loss he received from the last match.

Im going to add him. Lol


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
so we're playing guardian, 1st round and these 4 guys down our final guy, gather round and hump him before killing him. theres nothing quite as satisfying as beating someone who's done that to you. :D


Falagard said:

You don't run into these problems?

Players using glitches to their advantage:

1. Shield glitching (invisible shield - able to shoot shotgun in one hand super fast)
2. Shooting while roadie running (grab walking)
3. People jumping through walls they shouldn't be able to using the shield (Pavilion happens all the time)
4. Weapon slide (slide quickly into a weapon and pick it up)

These technical issues:

4. Extreme host advantage with shotgun
5. Shooting shotgun from the hip completely broken at all times
6. Broken weapon and spawn switching implementation on maps like Hail and Subway (one side always gets the frag grenades or torque bow)

I won't go into game design problems, since whether they're good or bad is subjective (smoke grenades knocking people down, proximity grenades on walls, etc.)

You say you have problems 1% of the time. I run into people glitching and technical issues more like 90% of the time.
If I've run into any of those, I didn't know it. The only thing I know is I find that a majority of the times I get killed is because of a rushing shotgunner. A good portion of the time I'm emptying a clip into their fucking head and they still keep coming... They're taking damage though, and don't always get me first. It's just not often that I stop 'em first. But it doesn't always happen every round, all match long in every match I play. A majority of matches, I get kills and generally have fun. I've been quoted here as saying I think Epic needs to nerf the gnasher because it's too powerful; maybe it seems overpowered to me because I'm seeing the glitching you're talking about. Who knows.


DubloSeven said:
The shotgun/lancer shield glitch is a real pain in the ass.

Still... The game needs region matching more than anything.

It needs a distinction between ranked and unranked, and searchable browser. It's not fun having a Guest player and waiting to see if it's possible to round up 8 more players for some gears fun. It's terrible and a massive step back from the first game. Big, better, more badass (at the cost of the rest of the game).
Finished up the single player campaign today. Such a great experience. The graphics are beautiful. Real works of art at times. Next I'll play through again in co-op with some friends.

Been playing a lot of Horde mode as well. Just a blast.


Apparently it is now possible to FORCE HOST on yourself every time.

Doesn't matter what game type it is either.

The host bitches from Gears 1 have returned. fuck, fuck, and fuck.


Full Recovery said:
Apparently it is now possible to FORCE HOST on yourself every time.

Doesn't matter what game type it is either.

The host bitches from Gears 1 have returned. fuck, fuck, and fuck.
It never stops :lol


Full Recovery said:
Apparently it is now possible to FORCE HOST on yourself every time.

Doesn't matter what game type it is either.

The host bitches from Gears 1 have returned. fuck, fuck, and fuck.

How can you do this with matchmaking?


Tomcat said:
How can you do this with matchmaking?
Maybe it's done when everybody is in the lobby.

I already seen some strange things with matchmaking. Sometimes you don't even have the choice of the mode or the map. Not sure if it's somebody doing or just a random bug.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Full Recovery said:
Apparently it is now possible to FORCE HOST on yourself every time.

Doesn't matter what game type it is either.

The host bitches from Gears 1 have returned. fuck, fuck, and fuck.

I can't believe how powerful host advantage is either, I was literally tearing through people like butter when I was host on one match. It was like I was invincible. At least, my invincibility suggested I was host. Is there a surefire way to actually check?

Sadly it was a submission game which lasted 20 minutes for round 1. Submission + frags on a small map is not a happy combination at all. It was evenly matched until 3 of our team mates left! They were gaffers too! :D

I reckon I've pretty much adjusted to having to aim shotgun and the whole grenade fest. I don't prefer it to Gears 1, I still think it messes with the games balance, but I suppose there are areas/situations where its improved things, like king of the hill or annex.

I think the sniper is too nerfed now. Its nowhere near as good as it used to be (used to be my weapon of choice). Now, pretty much any weapon can take out a sniper in a direct confrontation unless you're really far away. Picking up sniper suddenly feels like you're significantly weakening yourself.

It used to be that the torque bow and sniper were evenly balanced. torque was guaranteed kill if you hit but took awhile to charge, sniper had the one hit takedown and better zoom. In a direct confrontation, sniper probably had the advantage, but now its all the way torque bow with its much quicker charge time, deadly accuracy and removal of the one hit sniper takedown. Having to hit someone's head, in a game where people rarely stay still thanks to the rush around gameplay, is ridiculously hard and makes the sniper SOOO ineffective. How many shots to the body does it take to down someone with a sniper? Adversely the torque seems much easier to use and hit a moving target with.


With the torque bow now you dont even have to stick the arrow in order to get a kill. They should reduce its splash damage

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I am tired of getting matched up with sorry to average teammates. I am always at the top of the team and we fucking lose.

13 and 2
14 and 1
7 and 3
9 and 2

All losses. Fuck this matchmaking shit.


Tomcat said:
How can you do this with matchmaking?

By screwing with your firewall settings once you have a party going.

kaizoku said:
At least, my invincibility suggested I was host. Is there a surefire way to actually check?

Once the round ends, when you can still move the Host can't melee, while everyone else can.

Tomcat said:
With the torque bow now you dont even have to stick the arrow in order to get a kill. They should reduce its splash damage

I agree, the bow is much easier to use now. Charge times are decreased and splash is increased. Cliffyb must suck with the bow. It was perfect in Gears 1.


I am tired of getting matched up with sorry to average teammates. I am always at the top of the team and we fucking lose.

you called :D I am crap at these things but I want to play online, when I play Gears 2 online the matchmaking always sticks me with people who are OBVIOUSLY way way better than I! So yes I frustrate people like you while I have a crap time with little chance of improving because the semi pros keeps butchering me! I should start some Gears 2 amateur level support group.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
why is host such a big deal for shotgun? I mean, how is this massive problem not present in halo for instance?

I've had times in Halo where the shotgun feels a bit wanky, but..... why is it such a big issue?


Zezboob said:
I already seen some strange things with matchmaking. Sometimes you don't even have the choice of the mode or the map. Not sure if it's somebody doing or just a random bug.

I think that's lag related. The others have already voted when you get up the screen.
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