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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!

Spruchy said:
Really? Have nearly 5 days played in game time and it's quite fun.
you may be lucky and I wish that I was too, have you had team members quit to save their rank or a map they dislike yet? bumped into anyone using a lag switch? probably 1 in 3 for me so far in the last 2 days of solid playing.


Littleberu said:
You're the one that needs to calm down. Lower your expectations and learn how to enjoy a game.

Lower my expectations? Epic hyped Gears 2 through the roof. I was expecting an amazing upgrade from the first. What we have here is many bugs and glitches some new, some from gears 1. Matchmaking is a mess, I can't play the gametype and map of my choice. Splitscreen online anyone? Ghost bullets? Invisible people? Smokes?

"right now we're working on lots of polish and bug testing, balancing etc." -Rod F.



Diablohead said:
you may be lucky and I wish that I was too, have you had team members quit to save their rank or a map they dislike yet? bumped into anyone using a lag switch? probably 1 in 3 for me so far in the last 2 days of solid playing.

I play with my friends, its a team based game why would I want to play with the hive of villainy that is xbox live?
Spruchy said:
I play with my friends, its a team based game why would I want to play with the hive of villainy that is xbox live?
Even with a full party you have to play against another 5 from elsewhere for deathmatch games right? or is there somewhere I can go to for 5 friends vs 5 friends on live?

Check out the last post on the page before this one, and I was with 2 other friends on my team too :/


Diablohead said:
Even with a full party you have to play against another 5 from elsewhere for deathmatch games right? or is there somewhere I can go to for 5 friends vs 5 friends on live?

Check out the last post on the page before this one, and I was with 2 other friends on my team too :/

You can play a private match with up to 10 friends, or you could mix friends and bots. It really is the only sure way to avoid glitches and standbyers. You can also customize what weapons cycle is available. A lot of times we played with no frags/mortar and it was like a breath of fresh air. If you need another player go ahead and add me.


Black_Ice said:
Wow. People are selling Gears now?

I can say that he's not the first, some friends already did it.

(no not me, I still.... believe)

Littleberu said:
Holy fucking shit are you bitter or what. It's a fucking game, give them time. They'll fix it, what needs to be fixed will be fixed.
Wait, are you saying that Gears 1 is fixed ? :lol

And, I guess everybody remember the multiplayer glitches compilation video, but the user made another funny video before.
I love this guy :lol
Hellraizer said:
You can play private xbox live games with up to 10 people including bots.

Full Recovery said:
You can play a private match with up to 10 friends, or you could mix friends and bots. It really is the only sure way to avoid glitches and standbyers. You can also customize what weapons cycle is available. A lot of times we played with no frags/mortar and it was like a breath of fresh air. If you need another player go ahead and add me.
Now THAT sounds great, and I will have to add more gaffers so we can private match sometime.


Relix said:
Just wow.... well, Cliffy must be around on his kick ass car. He deserves it.

Fuck, first time I am so bitter about a game. I like Gears, I want to play it, but it's just fucked up beyond repair. You guys seriously think Epic will fix all those bugs?

Did they ever get around to fixing the bugs in the first one?


Relix said:
Just wow.... well, Cliffy must be around on his kick ass car. He deserves it.

Fuck, first time I am so bitter about a game. I like Gears, I want to play it, but it's just fucked up beyond repair. You guys seriously think Epic will fix all those bugs?

Some yes, all no. Looking back at Gears 1, they had a few patches and then gave up. They'll do the same with Gears 2, and a bug fix will lead to new bugs. The lag however will never be fixed, because they can't completely change netcode in a >4mb patch.

Xevren said:
Did they ever get around to fixing the bugs in the first one?

Nope, they tried to fix some of them but they failed. Crabwalk, weapon slide, kung fu flip, etc are still all in Gears 1.
Facism said:
wait wait, you could play onlines splitscreen public matches with a silver account as long as the other guy is signed in with a gold account?

Is this true?

[edit]ah fuck just tried it and it doesn't work. Taking this to GAME tomorrow, tired of not being able to play online with my bro and waiting for a patch that may or may not sort this issue out for me. Buying a secondary Gold account isn't a solution i'm willing to go for with my limited budget. :( :(

No no no, I could play matches regularly by myself with a silver account as long I used my 48-hr trials. No problemo. But now I can't. 48-hr trials don't seem to be good enough anymore and I can only play public/private matches if my bros gold is signed in too.


It really is disappointing to see GoW2 Matchmaking in such shambles. The second game isn't much different from the first one in many ways. The Multiplayer is essentially the same; laggy host advantage bundled with crippling glitches.

How they[Epic] could forget to check for button combination bugs with that 1.5 year development window is amazing... Did they focus on bot AI and end their multiplayer development there?

If they[Epic] implemented dedicated servers in UTIII why they could not do the same for GoW2 BLOWS MY MIND.

Epic you dropped the ball on the Multiplayer. Releasing a map pack one month after release for MONEY isn't going to bring back your user base. The Multiplayer is still fun when it works, but right now it looks like I'll sit out playing your game to wait for H3:ODST. Then your playerbase will be completely fucked after one year of release and hopefully you'll see what you can IMPROVE upon in your next game. Cheers.


second day of playing horde on advanced and I made it to the 24th wave. Probably could have made it farther but I got kicked off the tv... I hope the guys I was playing with did alright.


whitehawk said:
Wait, who?
ThirdEngine and the very own maker of this thread, Aladuf. With them out, I'm as good as done as well.

In fact, we played Call of Duty 4 tonight and had a freaking blast.


"retired" :lol

Well anyway

Gears 2 didn´t deserve the high review scores. The multiplayer really is broken, probably beyond repair

The singleplayer campaing is better than Gears 1 though and horde is cool


343i Lead Esports Producer
So I just got Gears of War 2 today and I'm really liking it. I like it more than the first already. I'm strictly talking about multiplayer here. I feel like the lancer is finally worth something and that the shotty isn't the weapon to end all weapons. Matchmaking is iffy though. Sometimes I get a match in like 20 seconds, other times, up to 10 minutes. Which is just unacceptably long. I'm liking the new maps so far and some of the new games types. I've played Annex (which I believe was part of Gears of War 1 but I had never played it) and I also liked King of the Hill. What I don't like so far is lack of weapon pick ups. Every game I play is always the same, Lancer/Shotty combo. It could use a little more variety.

The thing I was most hyped on Gears of War 2 for pre-purchase was Horde mode for sure. I got a little taste of it with some random people I got matched with and it was a ton of fun. It totally lived up to what I expected it to be and also wanted it to be. I can't wait to play it more with people I know, it should be even better. The first time I got killed in Horde mode was actually pretty funny. I was charging up a Torque Bow shot and then was naded which downed me. The Torque Bow arrow hit the floor in front of my bent over body and I was given a suicide. Shitty luck. I got up to level 19, and it was intense. I can't imagine what 50 on the hardest difficult is like.


finally beat the singleplayer tonight w/ my dad.... left alot to be desired. Still an improvement over the first game for sure.


Wow, the difficulty in this game is really gimped compared to first game. I've played through Act 2 on Hardcore so far, and the game is so easy staying behind cover doesn't really seem necessary at all. I really wish that Insane was unlocked from the start, because honestly this is pretty boring. I was playing co-op, but I might not even bother for the rest of the game, just to make it slightly harder.

At this point I prefer Gears 1 in almost every way. The raw, gritty, visceral feel from the first game is almost completely gone. I don't like how the weapons (especially the new Lancer and Hammerburst) sound and feel. Even the chainsaw doesn't seem as gruesome or awesome as in the first game. And everything's so easy, it's drastically affecting my enjoyment of the game.

I still have more than half of the game to go, hopefully things get pick up. And hopefully Insane is actually insane.


aka acr0nym
Just got a 360 and gears 2 for xmas and finally hooked it up today. Wow, I never played the first but I had a lot fun, I'm playing on normal cause I suck. But man is it fun, for the people that liked the first more, after I beat this should i go back and play the first?

sorry for bad grammer, its late i've been drinking. but great effin game!


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
wow at the hate over the past few pages :lol

Its annoying because I still prefer the game to most shooters out there, Gears made a shooter fan out of me, before that I felt no shooter REALLY met my needs and gave me what I wanted. I don't get on too well with FPS/run and gun/spawn camping type games. The closest alternative is GRAW (which I was kind of into before Gears, but I sucked at it) and MGS Online which is ok but kind of boring/samey.

Left 4 Dead would've been awesome had it not been FPS and so run and gun.

so yeah I'm quite happy sticking with gears 2, disappointed at how broken it is, but its still preferable to any other shooter to me. and there's always horde mode.
Flunkie said:
RIP Gears 2

Two of the biggest Gears to players retired earlier this week. It's been good knowing you.
In the world or what? I mean I'm aware that those two are playing since I read this thread frequently but come on ;)

To each his own I guess. When the game doesn't lag and without people who glitch like crazy, it's pretty fun. I play it pretty irregularly though, this should change when the patch get's there. Epic just needs to hurry the fuck up. I really really want to play this game more.

because they can't completely change netcode in a >4mb patch.
I don't know. They were able to put a whole new game type into the old one, including other tweaks, changes and fixes.

Maybe MS should just allow them to put a big expansion pack on Live for free (which should be bigger than 4mb), and just make it mandatory for future Public playing.


That's it; people have left, people have stayed, and people have protested the new map pack (me included). It still seems as if the only way to play is Horde mode, or PvP with friends. So, I'll be updating this post with a new group of saps... I mean people who still would like to play online with fellow gaffers. So, if you post your gamertag up, I'll update this post with a list of people willing to play.

Please reply with your gamertag and whether you play horde only, pvp only, or both.

Horde players

PvP players

EDIT: I know that this thread is full of gamertags but many people don't search through 169 pages, and half of the people don't even play anymore because of all the matchmaking/glitching bullshit


Diablohead said:
It's so annoying to have the host quit also because you are 1 round away from a win, or he dies and gets pissed off and turn off his xbox or something, also ranks are the worse thing they could have added to multiplayer because now it's full of quitters who want to rank up and not lose their high rank and the matchmaking system is totaly one sided, me being a low rank get teamed up with mostly other low ranks fair enough but the rival team is usually a set of close ranks that are leagues above us, unfair round untill the host quits or half my team quit.

I look foward to this upcoming update to fix some of the problems like shield glitching and the sorts but the multi overall is just a mess, some gaffers will have to invite me into a party so we can play a full 5 on 5 to avoid single player quitters. Like some have said in this thread when the game works well it's great fun and entertaining but there are too many flaws which ruin more games then worthwhile.

Amen, brother. I'm stuck in the same loop where only playing horde has left me at one chevron, and any time I step into multiplayer, I get matched up into an underpowered team, having to carry everyone else. So, feel free to post up your gamertag to add to the list.
draven said:
That's it; people have left, people have stayed, and people have protested the new map pack (me included). It still seems as if the only way to play is Horde mode, or PvP with friends. So, I'll be updating this post with a new group of saps... I mean people who still would like to play online with fellow gaffers. So, if you post your gamertag up, I'll update this post with a list of people willing to play.

Please reply with your gamertag and whether you play horde only, pvp only, or both.

Horde players

PvP players

EDIT: I know that this thread is full of gamertags but many people don't search through 169 pages, and half of the people don't even play anymore because of all the matchmaking/glitching bullshit

there's a forum for this kind of stuff


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
It's almost, no, it IS embarrassing the way some people are acting worse than the children you can find at GameFAQs - especially the downright ignorant posts saying that "Cliff is rolling in too much money to care, Epic doesn't care" etc.

They said they're working on it, they've already made improvements, and the rest is on the way - you're a fool if you think that it's just as simple as pressing a few buttons and getting a patch up the same day...

In the end, if anything, I guess Epic should hurry with the patch to stop the man-children tears in here... :lol

Flunkie said:
ThirdEngine and the very own maker of this thread, Aladuf. With them out, I'm as good as done as well.

In fact, we played Call of Duty 4 tonight and had a freaking blast.

Oh dear, now we should shed a tear - don't know how I'm going to go through the rest of my vacation now.

GAF and its hyperboles - what a joke I swear... :lol


SpokkX said:
"retired" :lol

Well anyway

Gears 2 didn´t deserve the high review scores. The multiplayer really is broken, probably beyond repair

The singleplayer campaing is better than Gears 1 though and horde is cool

Concerning the Singleplayer Campaign on Insane, the tank mission [Ascension] in Coop where you need to shot down a Tower is totally... pain in... well, you know... and the huge fish boss fight eating bugs wasn't very interesting :S .

I'm also sure that by having a new D-Pad would make many games more interesting... and less frustrating.
Playe public ranked right now with 4 buddies for over an hour, had a blast, this game has some real ups and downs, but I love the core gameplay and mechanics, I think when the patch arrives (and hopefully doesn't break more than it repairs) I will definitely play it more.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Skilotonn said:
Oh dear, now we should shed a tear - don't know how I'm going to go through the rest of my vacation now.

GAF and its hyperboles - what a joke I swear... :lol

you just don't understand. adventures were had and bonds were made. you had to be there.

I wasn't there either

actually... just cos your usual Gears junkies left, doesn't mean the game is dead. There's quite a few gaffers looking for more gaffers to play with and I can't see why you'd have less fun. I actually had more fun playing other gaffers than super-domination-duo aladuf and third - cos my connection to them seemed to suck.

I suppose if they sold their boxes I can delete em from my friends list, its full and I sense I need to make room for active gears players.
Hellraizer said:
Playe public ranked right now with 4 buddies for over an hour, had a blast, this game has some real ups and downs, but I love the core gameplay and mechanics, I think when the patch arrives (and hopefully doesn't break more than it repairs) I will definitely play it more.

That's what I'm waiting for as well. Horde is a blast and I always liked Gears multi back in the day. The defection of three super high level players, or even all of them, doesn't bother me much. At my skill level, any experience I've had with the supremely skilled in shooters is about as fun as sliced mud. I get killed in about eight seconds.


Comics, serious business!
I'm mainly a PvP player, but I'm down for some Horde now and then. Again, gamertag is RJ81.

JIMTOTHEHUM and I had a good time last night. We played 3 matches (I think) and they all went pretty smooth (although he said he had some lag during the first two, I was lag free). We didn't encounter any glitchers. The most satisfying victory came against a bunch of 5 year olds on Pavilion. They had us down early but we clawed back.

The other broken thing about multiplayer that nobody really talks about is the party system. I'm guilty of using it as well. The first person killed basically acts as your field commander, scouting enemy locations, searching for frags, etc. It's such an insane advantage, especially during rounds when nades are likely to be planted all over the place.
RSTEIN said:
I'm mainly a PvP player, but I'm down for some Horde now and then. Again, gamertag is RJ81.

JIMTOTHEHUM and I had a good time last night. We played 3 matches (I think) and they all went pretty smooth (although he said he had some lag during the first two, I was lag free). We didn't encounter any glitchers. The most satisfying victory came against a bunch of 5 year olds on Pavilion. They had us down early but we clawed back.

The other broken thing about multiplayer that nobody really talks about is the party system. I'm guilty of using it as well. The first person killed basically acts as your field commander, scouting enemy locations, searching for frags, etc. It's such an insane advantage, especially during rounds when nades are likely to be planted all over the place.
Another thing they need to fix. Just get rid of the damn Ghost cam.
F#A#Oo said:
Serious? Read the quoted post ;D

Yes, I too prefer party chat when playing Gears, but not because of the cheat camera. It's just easier to gather 4 buddies, then go into a party, and not having to bother with kids, racists and douchebags on the other team.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Khris said:
Concerning the Singleplayer Campaign on Insane, the tank mission [Ascension] in Coop where you need to shot down a Tower is totally... pain in... well, you know... and the huge fish boss fight eating bugs wasn't very interesting :S .

I'm also sure that by having a new D-Pad would make many games more interesting... and less frustrating.

I find my dpad hopeless for selecting weapons in gears. I get the wrong shit or it bounces back around 40% of the time.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Hellraizer said:
Another thing they need to fix. Just get rid of the damn Ghost cam.

I actually really enjoy this aspect, it almost negates the insane campers/frag planters and it brings back some of the old team work feeling thats been missing
Oh for fucks sake I can't stand how the game pairs up my 1 rank team with a 3 rank team, half my team quits and I end up getting pissed off, fuck it.

Also I shotgun a guy in the head and the blood goes everywhere, yet he 2 pieces me without a problem, such a damn broken game.

If any gaffers are online please invite me to a game, can't take the matchmaking any longer.


Comics, serious business!
kaizoku said:
I actually really enjoy this aspect, it almost negates the insane campers/frag planters and it brings back some of the old team work feeling thats been missing

Yeah, but when one team is a bunch of randoms and you're up against 5 guys in a private party it becomes a real problem.
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