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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!

Hellraizer said:
Another thing they need to fix. Just get rid of the damn party system.

Not outright get rid of it entirely, but they should disable it to some extent. The dashboard party system is the main reason why a ton of multiplayer games are "broken" right now and I don't like it one bit.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Hellraizer said:
Another thing they need to fix. Just get rid of the damn Ghost cam.

But I need it for Horde!!

RSTEIN said:
I'm mainly a PvP player, but I'm down for some Horde now and then. Again, gamertag is RJ81.

How about today?


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
RSTEIN said:
Yeah, but when one team is a bunch of randoms and you're up against 5 guys in a private party it becomes a real problem.

When I play a public match I kind of know what I'm letting myself in for. You know teamwork will be minimal, connection dodgy and tactics suspect. Thats always been the case with any form of ranked/random play imo whatever game you go into.

I really dont know why they changed it from the first game. If you're playing ranked matches, it should be solo and random. Allowing a team to play ranked is where a lot of complaints come from.

First game had it down well. Create a group of friends, allow randoms to join, be able to search for unranked matches if you're playing solo and play with the same people for hours on end even if they're not on your friends list.

I suppose the restriction was you couldnt create a team then search for a match of any kind. If you had a team you had to host, or have one guy join a game and quickly invite his mates.


Skilotonn said:
It's almost, no, it IS embarrassing the way some people are acting worse than the children you can find at GameFAQs - especially the downright ignorant posts saying that "Cliff is rolling in too much money to care, Epic doesn't care" etc.

They said they're working on it, they've already made improvements, and the rest is on the way - you're a fool if you think that it's just as simple as pressing a few buttons and getting a patch up the same day...

In the end, if anything, I guess Epic should hurry with the patch to stop the man-children tears in here... :lol
No, what is embarrassing, it's to see a company like Epic release such important title in this state. Specially when some of the problems are not even technical problems, just needed to use a little more their brain.

And what is REALLY embarrassing, it's they made some very same bad decisions leading to the same mistakes of the first opus.

To finish it, they sell a DLC before releasing a patch... WTF... don't they know the words decency and ethic ?

Stop trying to spin the positions, it's not the first time you say such similar things. Continue like this and I will not be surprised to read that Epic are victims.
It's not like it's the end of the world, but people are on a videogames board, they talk about videogames, and what pisses them off currently about videogames it's that what could should be their favorite multiplayer game is just stupidly broken.


Comics, serious business!
Just played a game of Gaurdian on Pavilion. The four other people on my team were friends with each other. They spent every round trying to do the shield/wall glitch. Like... that's all they wanted to do. No killing. No trying to survive as leader. No nothing. Just "ok, here, set the shield against the wall. See fun!" Over and over again for 3 rounds.



Diablohead said:
I changed my mind a bit, wingman is fun with a friend.

Also beat all 50 horde waves today, woo!
I'm planning to rock Horde and some Wingman on New Years Eve with some friends, hopefully. :D Of course that means I have to hope that none of them have plans and are willing to play that night. Me, well, I'm married and boring. The wife has to work in the morning (on the 1st) so she'll be in bed long before the ball drops. Means all the more gaming for me!


I still like Gears 2 and want to play more horde mode online with GAF. Been so absorbed with other games, cant pull away to play either Gears 2 or R2 online with GAF. But yeah, throw me an invite if you ever want to have a match/co-op horde battle.


I'm enjoying the multiplayer in Gears 2 as well. But now delegated to private matches with 9 friends :). Played on public and the lag most of the time really suck. Wished Epic and MS would at least put some dedicated servers or tweak the netcode. I didn't have this issue on COD4 and Halo3.

And I hate people in public who quit because they just give up, come on! I waited for 5-10 minutes for a PUG and it just falls apart in 20 seconds? Pieces of balless shits, just play the game. Epic should really implement some sort of auto balance, it's terrible (I can understand 3 vs 2, but 5 vs 1 ...really ? Is it really that hard?).


Probably been asked already, but are the maps from the DLC worth it? And can they be played in public horde or is it like the classic maps?

Also, bring the goddamn patch already :D

I'm also interested in hoarding the horde. Furthest I went was wave 30 in public.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Shoogoo said:
Probably been asked already, but are the maps from the DLC worth it? And can they be played in public horde or is it like the classic maps?

Also, bring the goddamn patch already :D

I'm also interested in hoarding the horde. Furthest I went was wave 30 in public.

Both the flashback maps and the dlc maps can be played in a public Horde match, but all 5 people must have the maps to play them, which isn't very likely.


Gig said:
Both the flashback maps and the dlc maps can be played in a public Horde match, but all 5 people must have the maps to play them, which isn't very likely.

what? that can't be! I've been playing regularly since it was out and I never had the chance to play Horde on the Flashbacks over the LIVE. I thought everyone received those goddamn maps when they bought the game? :|

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
bigswords said:
And I hate people in public who quit because they just give up, come on! I waited for 5-10 minutes for a PUG and it just falls apart in 20 seconds?

xbox live should record your number of quits and allow matching with people above a certain quit ratio only if non dickhead players choose.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Shoogoo said:
what? that can't be! I've been playing regularly since it was out and I never had the chance to play Horde on the Flashbacks over the LIVE. I thought everyone received those goddamn maps when they bought the game? :|

I've probably played Horde more than anyone on Gaf and I have only played the flashback maps about a dozen times (haven't even played on Tyro Station yet).


catfish said:
xbox live should record your number of quits and allow matching with people above a certain quit ratio only if non dickhead players choose.

Sure wish it was working this way. But it's not likely to happen. Just have a look at the number of douchetards who have 5 stars reputation. Microsoft didn't want to offense their customers, may they be assholes or not.

gig said:
I've probably played Horde more than anyone on Gaf and I have only played the flashback maps about a dozen times (haven't even played on Tyro Station yet).

Sorry didn't mean to sound like a smartass. I'm really surprised at what you said, I don't get it, shouldn't people have those maps? Unless they bought the game second hand but there can't be that much.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Shoogoo said:
Sure wish it was working this way. But it's not likely to happen. Just have a look at the number of douchetards who have 5 stars reputation. Microsoft didn't want to offense their customers, may they be assholes or not.

MS doesn't give a shit, I've been banned 2 times from xbox live and I've never been rude to anyone. Was banned for 'cheating' once as well. I've never lag switched in my life and I don't even care to find out how. I did used to play regularly with a pretty foul mouthed person though.


catfish said:
MS doesn't give a shit, I've been banned 2 times from xbox live and I've never been rude to anyone. Was banned for 'cheating' once as well. I've never lag switched in my life and I don't even care to find out how. I did used to play regularly with a pretty foul mouthed person though.

They just banned you because someone filled a complaint? :lol what the hell. And were these bans temporary or was it a perma ban of your gamertag?


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Shoogoo said:
Sorry didn't mean to sound like a smartass. I'm really surprised at what you said, I don't get it, shouldn't people have those maps?Unless they bought the game second hand but there can't be that much.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

I haven't been in local Gamestop recently but I'm going to guess there are a shitload of used copies of Gears of War 2.
The whole XBL rep system is pointless, you recieve bad feedback for beating someone usually, my ratio is like 22% like 78% dislike with feedback on trash talking and quitting early, two things I avoid at my best chance :lol The early days of PGR3 were the worse, just rub another car and you would be called everything under the sun.

Played more wingman this morning with a friend and already ran into lag switchers who would do that stupid trick to break all your guns and be unable to attack, at least the host quit so it was over quickly...

Some people sold their map pack codes for something like $7-$10, gold lancer probably sells for the same too.


Diablohead said:
Some people sold their map pack codes for something like $7-$10, gold lancer probably sells for the same too.

yes but that means someone else got them! WHERE ARE THOU FLASHBACK PEEPS?!
Shoogoo said:
yes but that means someone else got them! WHERE ARE THOU FLASHBACK PEEPS?!
I'd not be surprised if people did not know they had the code, the sticker saying that I had the flashback map pack was on the plastic wrap instead of the case so once the plastic was off the sticker was gone too. Add that to the card with the 48 hour trial on too.

Humans are idiots :p


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
kaizoku said:
you just don't understand. adventures were had and bonds were made. you had to be there.

I wasn't there either

actually... just cos your usual Gears junkies left, doesn't mean the game is dead. There's quite a few gaffers looking for more gaffers to play with and I can't see why you'd have less fun. I actually had more fun playing other gaffers than super-domination-duo aladuf and third - cos my connection to them seemed to suck.

I suppose if they sold their boxes I can delete em from my friends list, its full and I sense I need to make room for active gears players.

Exactly - there's no need for the dramatics - if you've had enough of the glitches, that's perfectly understandable no doubt, but there's really no need for the drama... play other stuff till the patch hits...

The "retired" thing was hilariously over-the-top though, as if it was a deep blow to everyone else in the Gears community or something - the guy needs to wake up... :lol

The funny thing is that I bet the amount of people that actually did stop playing Gears 2 will be back once it's fixed anyways...

Zezboob said:
No, what is embarrassing, it's to see a company like Epic release such important title in this state. Specially when some of the problems are not even technical problems, just needed to use a little more their brain.

And what is REALLY embarrassing, it's they made some very same bad decisions leading to the same mistakes of the first opus.

To finish it, they sell a DLC before releasing a patch... WTF... don't they know the words decency and ethic ?

Stop trying to spin the positions, it's not the first time you say such similar things. Continue like this and I will not be surprised to read that Epic are victims.
It's not like it's the end of the world, but people are on a videogames board, they talk about videogames, and what pisses them off currently about videogames it's that what could should be their favorite multiplayer game is just stupidly broken.

Unless you're a programmer at Epic, I seriously doubt you're in a position to make calls like you're doing, saying that some of their problems wouldn't even have existed "if they used a little more of their brain" - that's the type of thing I'm talking about before...

And spin what? Of course it's bad that these glitches exist - maybe I find the whole melodrama on here ridiculous because before I left for vacation, I was on Gears 2 every single night since launch with a full party, and aside from ONE instance with someone using the Boomshield glitch (who was finished off quickly I might add), I wouldn't even know that any of the other glitches existed were it not for the YouTube videos posted here...

Gears is my favorite new IP this gen and of course it's a shame that these problems exist, but you've got to be reasonable as well - fixes don't happen overnight, just keep letting them know about the glitches that are out there and hope the patch comes out soon... you'd have to imagine that this whole thing affects their pride as a developer as well...

People here including myself and others continue to have a blast with this game because a large majority of the matches go just fine - the way a few go on in here you'd think that nothing works period...

The DLC thing? Well, if you didn't agree with it, you didn't have to buy it - I remember a few times the guys at Epic couldn't give a solid number for the maps that would hit at launch, these maps probably were almost finished and didn't make the deadline so they made them DLC...

Bad timing? I can agree to that I guess - but they DID release a matchmaking patch before the DLC came out - you need to check your facts...
ToyMachine228 said:
I really thought we would have seen a Gears 2 patch by now. Has the New Year's Play & Win thing started for Gears 2 yet?

To be fair the whole XbL patching process through Microsoft is unusually tedious and slow.


Skilotonn said:
Exactly - there's no need for the dramatics - if you've had enough of the glitches, that's perfectly understandable no doubt, but there's really no need for the drama... play other stuff till the patch hits...

The "retired" thing was hilariously over-the-top though, as if it was a deep blow to everyone else in the Gears community or something - the guy needs to wake up... :lol

The funny thing is that I bet the amount of people that actually did stop playing Gears 2 will be back once it's fixed anyways...

Glitches such as crabwalk, weapon slide, end chainsaw animation abruptly, kung fu flip, getting outside of maps, etc. were never fixed in Gears 1, they tried to fix them but they failed.

What makes you think Epic can fix them in Gears 2?

The fact of the matter is, nearly ALL of the glitches stem from LAG. Latency and the fact that you can manipulate your character in so many ways opens the floodgates to glitches.

If they fix the lag, the glitches would cease to exist. Here enlys the problem.

They can't fix the lag, they REFUSE to use CSHD. Epic has essentially dug their own grave when it comes to netcode and UE3.


For me the problem are not the glitches (every game has them, gears even more). The problem is that the gameplay, weapons and maps are not balanced.


Tomcat said:
For me the problem are not the glitches (every game has them, gears even more). The problem is that the gameplay, weapons and maps are not balanced.

Only two maps are not balanced out of 15 (one of the unbalanced maps is subway) so stop shedding the tears.


Tomcat said:
For me the problem are not the glitches (every game has them, gears even more). The problem is that the gameplay, weapons and maps are not balanced.
Same here. At this point every time I get two-pieced or plain and simply shotgunned to shit -- despite emptying a clip at the approaching attacker -- I roll my eyes and sigh. Sometimes it'll make me laugh, though I'm usually screaming an obscenity in my head. :lol I think it's funny that in G4's list of fixes they want to see, they think the shotgun needs to be more powerful. I'm guessing they're a bunch of two-piecing a-holes who want it to be that much more effective.
RSTEIN said:
I'm mainly a PvP player, but I'm down for some Horde now and then. Again, gamertag is RJ81.

JIMTOTHEHUM and I had a good time last night. We played 3 matches (I think) and they all went pretty smooth (although he said he had some lag during the first two, I was lag free). We didn't encounter any glitchers. The most satisfying victory came against a bunch of 5 year olds on Pavilion. They had us down early but we clawed back.

The other broken thing about multiplayer that nobody really talks about is the party system. I'm guilty of using it as well. The first person killed basically acts as your field commander, scouting enemy locations, searching for frags, etc. It's such an insane advantage, especially during rounds when nades are likely to be planted all over the place.

yeah it was a good time! Usually I get my ass handed to me by five year olds, so anytime I can beat one of those little shits im happy- haha

I also had a girl over who decided to get into a deep philosophical discussion with me while we were playing, so I wasnt at 100%- I will try and suck less next time...


Comics, serious business!
JimtotheHum said:
yeah it was a good time! Usually I get my ass handed to me by five year olds, so anytime I can beat one of those little shits im happy- haha

I also had a girl over who decided to get into a deep philosophical discussion with me while we were playing, so I wasnt at 100%- I will try and suck less next time...

Hey, a fan of Gaius Baltar can be on my team any day.


Full Recovery said:
They can't fix the lag, they REFUSE to use CSHD. Epic has essentially dug their own grave when it comes to netcode and UE3.

Client side hit detection alone is not the answer. It's only one of the many complicated pieces required to make a fast paced shooter work online. If you went with client side hit detection only, people with slower connections would have the advantage.

People may like or dislike Halo 2 and 3, but its networking code works very well, and the simulation it is running is an order of magnitude more complex than Gears of War's, with vehicles, more complex physics, etc.

Many games use a client/server networking model, where the server (host) is the authority on what happens. A good networking implementation will have the clients send messages which include a time stamp and say things like "I am in this position, moving in this direction, and shooting at this player who, in my simulation, is in this position moving in this direction, and I think I hit him". The server compares that client's message information, including the time stamp, with its own information and decides whether the player gets hit or not. The decision can be based on a maximum threshold of divergence allowed between what the player thought was happening versus what the server (authority) thought was happening.

Games like Halo take this a step further and ensure that each client is kept up to date with the state of the game so that if the host quits, a new host can be selected because each of the clients have a fairly complete state of what the game currently looks like and the one with the best connection can be used as the next host.

I think Gears takes a more naive approach of just sending a stream of commands from the client to the server of what inputs the player is currently performing, and the server resolves everything based on its current state, and then sends the results to the clients. Obviously this is guess work, but it certainly appears to be the case. Fixing this would require far too much work than can be put into a patch.

They can still add in host migration without overhauling their networking implementation by just keeping track of the last round's information and restarting the round in progress from scratch, minus one player. It wouldn't be very hard to do so (exponentially easier than full host migration which restores the complete state of the game after migration occurs).
Falagard said:
Lag stuff

I still think the heavy shotgun emphasis of Gears also makes it worse than it is. The sort of all or nothing nature of shotguns can make it REALLY hard to hit people rolling around in Gears. Compare this with say COD, where the emphasis is on longer range fights where you aim down the sights, thus slowing players down, thus making it easier to hit people despite lag.

Both games have both mechanics, long and short, but Gears stress in close combat where an enemies radial speed is really high, especially with rolls. Thus the same lag in a COD vs Gears match will result in a match that 'feels worse' for the Gears player.

N.B. Not making a statement on which game overall is better or any nonsense like that.


I know that i may sound crazy (and i am sure that it will never happen) but it would be awesome if we had a gears of war 1 playlist.:lol
No walltagging/new smoke grenades, no mulcher/mortar, the movement and the shotgun of gears 1 etc.
I am sure that a playlist like that would be the most popular :p


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Tomcat said:
I know that i may sound crazy (and i am sure that it will never happen) but it would be awesome if we had a gears of war 1 playlist.:lol
No walltagging/new smoke grenades, no mulcher/mortar, the movement and the shotgun of gears 1 etc.
I am sure that a playlist like that would be the most popular :p

bring back sniper active reload that actually does something.

shotguns broken unless you aim, frags/smokes = death, lancers at any distance are ineffective due to netcode .... side from torque, the long range aspect of gears has been nerfed and close range is a mess. long gone are the days when a good sniper can dominate a map like canals or gridlock.

I certainly have no fear running around despite a sniper being active, he's more likely to down me with a lancer, hammerburst or pistol.
I'm so happy I barely (almost never) encounter people who glitch and lag on purpose, the game is almost awesome without it. I played for 3 straight days Gears only. About 10 hours yesterday. I had almost as much fun as I did with Gears 1, which I played to death.

I absolutely understand the hate that the game gets. It deserves it, if you encounter the shit that a lot of people do. I am glad I mostly play (public and private) regular matches.

long gone are the days when a good sniper can dominate a map like canals or gridlock.
That's actually something I really appreciate.


Skilotonn said:
Exactly - there's no need for the dramatics - if you've had enough of the glitches, that's perfectly understandable no doubt, but there's really no need for the drama... play other stuff till the patch hits...
You're feeding the drama with your ":lols"; if you just have to say your piece, well, you're really not much better than what you're bitching about at all.

No one cares that they stopped playing, and no one cares what you think about them saying they stopped playing.

AND no one cares about what I think. Oh its all so terribly perpetuating! :- (


Evonus said:
You're feeding the drama with your ":lols"; if you just have to say your piece, well, you're really not much better than what you're bitching about at all.

No one cares that they stopped playing, and no one cares what you think about them saying they stopped playing.

AND no one cares about what I think. Oh its all so terribly perpetuating! :- (

i care
I'm loving the boltok pistol now, even without active it has a nice punch and worth using now compared to gears 1, in a way i'm sad that the snub pistol is toned down but also glad since it use to kill twice as fast as the lancer, was rather strange, but now I have trouble downing someone with it even after using two clips (and holding a meat shield, maybe that effects damage output)


Skilotonn said:
Unless you're a programmer at Epic, I seriously doubt you're in a position to make calls like you're doing, saying that some of their problems wouldn't even have existed "if they used a little more of their brain" - that's the type of thing I'm talking about before...
What ? I was referring to things that have nothing to do with programming... Gears's problems are not only glitches or technicals problems... For example Hail and Subway are broken due to the frag grenades. It takes what... two matches on these maps to notice it. And there is a lot of example....

Skilotonn said:
And spin what? Of course it's bad that these glitches exist - maybe I find the whole melodrama on here ridiculous because before I left for vacation, I was on Gears 2 every single night since launch with a full party, and aside from ONE instance with someone using the Boomshield glitch (who was finished off quickly I might add), I wouldn't even know that any of the other glitches existed were it not for the YouTube videos posted here...
1/ Happy for you, but you shouldn't make your own case a generalization. I saw boomshield glitch in 75% of matches on maps with boomshield, and more...
2/ My main problem as european is lag. They decided to keep the HSHD, it's stupid. They didn't put any option to prioritize on "best connection" during matchmaking like Halo 3, it's stupidly stupid.

Skilotonn said:
Gears is my favorite new IP this gen and of course it's a shame that these problems exist, but you've got to be reasonable as well - fixes don't happen overnight, just keep letting them know about the glitches that are out there and hope the patch comes out soon... you'd have to imagine that this whole thing affects their pride as a developer as well...
Like I said, most gamebreaking problems are not glitches. They do glitches ? Fine I can do the same or I know how to easily avoid it.
But I can't nothing against the host, lag etc. And like I said, they could easily avoid this if they took care of the complains on their forums 2 years ago.
People not only complain about the absence of patch, but about the fact of releasing the game in beta form.

Skilotonn said:
People here including myself and others continue to have a blast with this game because a large majority of the matches go just fine - the way a few go on in here you'd think that nothing works period...
If only you could enjoy my lag. I have absolutely no problem with other games, or when playing Gears 2 with europeans.

Skilotonn said:
The DLC thing? Well, if you didn't agree with it, you didn't have to buy it - I remember a few times the guys at Epic couldn't give a solid number for the maps that would hit at launch, these maps probably were almost finished and didn't make the deadline so they made them DLC...

Bad timing? I can agree to that I guess - but they DID release a matchmaking patch before the DLC came out - you need to check your facts...
Be sure that I know my facts, it didn't work great by the way...
Picked up the game on Boxing Day and finished it 5 minutes ago. Initial impressions: HUGE improvement over the first one but this last boss was a complete and utter joke.


Zezboob said:
They decided to keep the HSHD, it's stupid. They didn't put any option to prioritize on "best connection" during matchmaking like Halo 3, it's stupidly stupid.

Could you explain what is this HSHD? I searched the web, no luck.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Will anyone play with me? It's 4:30 and random matches blow ass. I need at least SOMEONE with a headset who's not retarded.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Shoogoo said:
Could you explain what is this HSHD? I searched the web, no luck.

Host-Side Hit Detection; the host decides when your bullets' detection (i.e. when/where they go).

If it's CSHD, your bullets' detection is decided upon each individual's connection (you host your own hit detection).


Domino Theory said:
Host-Side Hit Detection; the host decides when your bullets' detection (i.e. when/where they go).

If it's CSHD, your bullets' detection is decided upon each individual's connection (you host your own hit detection).
OSHD (Omlet-Side Hit Detection); try as you may to 4-shot him in customs and die.
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