Some people think they deserve every kill, lol
I can't find a single game on PC for core or competitive =/
I don't really wanna play for XBL
when you choose social matches, can you choose team deathmatch or they will randomly pick a style for you?
Core TDM, KOTH, Dodgeball are fine here. EU.
Comp not really.
I have xbox live ports open btw on the router. Maybe that helps.
I don't think it's a net issue because social quickplay only takes a couple of seconds, it's probably just being in Australia =/
Looks like a connection issue![]()
Talk about a bullet sponge...
Maybe you can try to change datacenters?
It's just the same for me and my friend in EU, searching for Core (I have yet to find a comp game, searching goes for 15+ minutes) takes forever and most of the time we can't find anything. And when you do, it sits there for like 3 minutes before it starts or longer if it fails out.
And changing datacenter wouldn't be the smartest thing unless you want a much higher ping. I think that my current 40ms is already high enough from Sweden to the EU server.
Random and then you vote between matches.
It's gears. The weapons seem to be more balanced than the previous games. People seem to be using a variety of weapons from the start now. Every battle doesn't turn into a gnasher two piece battle. The hammerburst and enforcer (smg) seem to be getting popular based on some games. The matches still revolve around that opening run for power weapons and flanking, using cover. They have just about all the game modes except for like wingman. Ranked matches have had many issues (improper balancing onyx vs bronze, 4 v 5 at the start, you have to back out and research after each match). Social seems fine and the matches continue to roll onto the next ones.
As per the normal - randoms suck, people don't know what the objective of each game type is, etc, etc.
HB over the Lancer, but it depends on your playstyle. They both work well in different situations and who doesn't love sneaking up and chainsawing an enemy in half
Maybe you can try to change datacenters?
Swarm vs COG in horde would be cool tooCan we not ever play as the Swarm in co-op multiplayer?
But atleast he maybe can find someone.
And 40 is fine tho.
Anyone had issues with not getting the Brothers to the End dlc? I have it installed but its not showing up in the customization menu.
Game is awesome but lord it freezes and hitches semi frequency on XB1. It didn't get me killed in this example but it has before.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Game is awesome but lord it freezes and hitches with semi frequency on XB1. It didn't get me killed in this example but it has before.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Game is awesome but lord it freezes and hitches semi frequency on XB1. It didn't get me killed in this example but it has before.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Nice to have the update screw me.
Now I'm getting 20mb downloaded before it cuts out and nothing unless I pause, restart and another 20mb.
Absolutely ridiculous, stupid Windows App store, they've blatantly ignored their last crappy outing with Windows for Games.
I play both PC and Xbox and this only ever happens on the Xbox version.
Seems like Xbox 1 wasn't doing it until tuesday, so maybe it's a serverside thing...
Just saw on Reddit that Coalition is aware of the hitching and they are looking into it. It was definitely introduced with the last update.
what is hitching?
Game freezing for a second or two.
Game is awesome but lord it freezes and hitches with semi frequency on XB1. It didn't get me killed in this example but it has before.
Anyone else experiencing this?
I just played about 10 matches and at the start of every respawn, it would do that. Annoying.
I just played about 10 matches and at the start of every respawn, it would do that. Annoying.
Talk about a bullet sponge...
Haven't really payed attention to this game at all during the marketing phase but a friend gave it to me so I'm playing it. Just played my first MP match and holy shit this is reminding me of gears 1 MP a lot. Very fast paced and the Gnasher is a beast. Just how I like it.
Only problem is I'm playing on PC and I really can't play this game on anything but a controller. Too used to it that way at this point. Wish there was a way for PC players to play with console players if you're using a controller.
Talk about a bullet sponge...
I'm crying over this this anger......god its hilarious!!!
I'm crying over this this anger......god its hilarious!!!
Don't have the game yet, but is there no Join-in-Progress?People that bail when you're playing Horde are the worst, the absolute fucking worst.
Don't have the game yet, but is there no Join-in-Progress?
That'd be kinda fucked considering someone can just leave whenever they want.
Don't have the game yet, but is there no Join-in-Progress?
That'd be kinda fucked considering someone can just leave whenever they want.
I watch him sometimes. He always seems pretty calm. The irony is he's so good, he probably causes this reaction in a lot of other players.'m crying over this this anger......god its hilarious!!!