I don't even break AR 45, because a fair bit of my enjoyment comes from checking out new characters, and I don't want to be stuck with absurdly high XP costs needed to build my characters up. 79 for life. Well, at least for now.The texture which says "mihoyo".
Did you get the gold on today's challenge?
I rarely even bother to use my resin anymore, because it all just feels so repetitive, and because I have other games to play. I put in the bare minimum effort required to collect Primogems, and that's been about it for the most part over the last several months. After eventually hitting another content drought in a month or two, I might stop playing altogether. They just don't seem to be implementing the kind of solutions that I would want for the game to improve in a genuinely meaningful way. I guess we'll see if that changes anytime soon.
But to answer your question, I got silver on easy mode.