I hope this for a lot of the higher quality mobile titles, but I wish that when it hits end of service, they package everything up and sell it as an offline package. I'd enjoy making a new save file and playing through the story minus all of the time sinks, time gates, and grinding limitations. I don't think we've seen a really huge mobile game hit end of service yet though. I'm curious how it'll be handled at large when a lot of current games end.
The only mobile game I played that ended so far is Star Ocean: Anamnesis. They had the anniversary celebration, gave a ton of free guaranteed max rarity pulls, and then 2 weeks later announced the closure of the game. After that, they removed the real money purchases, opened everything up, and let players dick around for a few months before shutting it down and that's it. It wasn't a massive success, but it had really great 3D character models comparatively to everything else out at the time.
Yeah, for the size of content, even if reach the end life would be better launch an offline version, even if you need to pay for.