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Genshin Impact |OT| 5.0 (Natlan) - Everything Changed When the Fire Nation Arrived


Will have to stop on Watatsumi for now and continue laters. Really happy my hopes of a Underwater Palace/Ryugyuujou style island happened.

Side note: thank god for new in-game emotes.


First pull, The Bell.
Second, Sara and Xianling (good).

What's a good constellation to stop for Sara? Also, I assume her artifacts of choice are the new ones, same as Baal?
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I feel like the story simply jumped from another level. Feels as if is not the same writter...I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Cuddles to whoever wrote this.

Also, are we gonna have an extraordinary simp meeting to discuss about Signora? Also whoever comes please bring your own copium cilinder.

Btw does anybody knows how to delete mails with attachment? My attempts to delete Alloy mail aren't working.

Pejo Pejo , nice of you asking.
I got a Sara, Bennet and a sword I got no interest.
In result, I got nothing but crap. Why do I have this feeling Myoho is doing some bad luck for the profits...anyway, its not like I wanted Baal, I just want my sweet Sucrose.
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She's not that great. So C6. Say goodbye to your primogems. Wish you some Baal constellations haha.

Also, are we gonna have an extraordinary simp meeting to discuss about Signora? Also whoever comes please bring your own copium cilinder.
LMAO. Spoilers bro. Some people still haven't got there.

Fishing is annoying as fuck.
So you're saying my Grasscutter in 10 has even more value because I can/should ignore the fishing minigame? Oh, thank God...

Btw does anybody knows how to delete mails with attachment? My attempts to delete Alloy mail aren't working.
I accidentally opened all emails at once. Bah. Well. 2 blue wishes from leveling her is better than 0 I guess. Still. What a trash collab. This failure came and went with 0 hype. Pitiful.

not like I wanted Baal, I just want my sweet Sucrose.
If I could, I would send you some of mine lmao


LMAO. Spoilers bro. Some people still haven't got there.

Didn't spoil anything, did I? Just saying we got a meeting to do and we need copium. We can change the name to Baal simp meeting, makes no difference lmao

Fuz Fuz , I did what you told me but it doesn't seems to works. Perhaps I'm doing wrong or they won't allow attached mails to be deleted as protection.
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I used every last primo and starglitter to get my Baal....It was rough. But I finally got a Jean! Now I have two characters I love to build over the next couple weeks! I think I did like 160-170 rolls for just two 5 stars, but at least they were the ones I wanted. I only got Sara to C4 too. You guys think going for c1 or c2 Baal is worth it? I don't mind swiping for my queen, but maybe the weapon is better? c2 seems so busted, though.


guys think going for c1 or c2 Baal is worth it? I don't mind swiping for my queen, but maybe the weapon is better? c2 seems so busted, though.
Being balls deep... with 170 for 2 5☆ is uhhh...

Tough luck and tough choice man.

I would roll 10 pull on weapon just because and would go till C2 if you have funds.

Usually 5☆ weapon is more preferable than a constellation because you can share it with others, but her Grasscutter is so specialized... It's ain't no Staff of Homa unfortunately.

In the same time her C2 looks like a universally great constellation that JUST WORKS.

Plus if you have enough wishes, you can pull semi safely for constellations.


Weapon banner is a bitch.

Same goes for new limited 4☆.

I hope you have a pretty stacked Noelle. Preferably C6. She will shred with this claymore. You probably will never need any other hero lol

C6 Noelle with this claymore is absolutely bonkers.

Go for it. 60% DEF shred is an enormous value. I will give her Geo Lord's shield too lol

Maybe add my C6 Noelle into the mix xD

My girl Noelle walks among Gods.

I'm so proud ;_;
Keep in mind, Shogun's C2 is not a def shred (like Razor or Klee constellations), it's just a straight 60% def ignore during her burst only. So for the 7 seconds you get to use her sword, she ignores 60% of the enemy's def. It has zero value to team synergy and is all about doing as much damage as you can with Shogun in 7 seconds. If you are not building Shogun for damage, the constellation is nearly worthless.

Anyways, I pissed around in the trial and with my new characters and unlocked fishing. Shogun is a lot of fun and very easy to fit into any team that needs electro. Her Elemental skill buff lasts forever, and is really satisfying to grow and unleash her burst. Really happy with her so far, as much as I can be, having her at level 40. I still wish her braid unfurled when she used her burst and went wild and wavy with static electricity jumping between strands. In addition to looking awesome, it would also let you know when your burst expired, when it goes back into braid form. As it is now, the screen color just shifts to less purple a bit.

Sara even with constellations is SO fucking difficult to work into a team. I'm really disappointed in her kit in practice. It really feels like Xinyan 2.0. Her ATK buff is very difficult to work into a fight when it's something that actually is tough enough to benefit from the ATK boost. You have to use your skill, and if you have C2, swap to your DPS instantly, and you only have the ATK buff for 6 seconds. Otherwise, you have to use ele skill, shoot a charged arrow at the enemy or the ground, then quickly swap to your DPS and stand in the tiny AoE when it explodes get the shitty short buff. I don't even know if it's possible to get the buff from her elemental burst on your main damage character without playing Co-Op. Why would they make her like this, when for Benny all you do is plop down your (y) and go to town for what, 12 seconds? Awful and needlessly limited for the effects it gives. Her backdash doesn't even taunt and gets stuck on EVERYTHING on the map. Pebbles, leaves, slight elevations, steps, etc. Amber is literally a better bow character without hyperbole for once.

Her electro application is the worst one in the game too, even Razor in his Burst form does better, and he's a physical DPS. She's such a great visual design left with an absolutely terrible, hard to use, and not worth to slot kit. Even her lone reason for existing, to benefit Baal in Electro resonance teams, is better done by Fischl, Razor, or Keqing for different reasons. I guess absolutely nobody played her in the beta and gave any feedback.


First pull, The Bell.
Second, Sara and Xianling (good).

What's a good constellation to stop for Sara? Also, I assume her artifacts of choice are the new ones, same as Baal?
Sara C2 is good enough for the attack buff portion, C4 if you plan on using her for damage like a lunatic. C6 is a total waste unless you're using her to support your Baals. Congrats on the pulls, Mona really loves you.

Man... the lore was... intense.

Pejo Pejo

Not put wish on the Baal banner because she kill my waifu.

Used blue wish instead, get Qiqi, Kaeya and another Jean.
That's actually pretty good luck for the blue wishes. I feel your pain btw, in Honkai MHY killed off my favorite waifu, but at least she was playable first.

I feel like the story simply jumped from another level. Feels as if is not the same writter...I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Cuddles to whoever wrote this.

Also, are we gonna have an extraordinary simp meeting to discuss about Signora? Also whoever comes please bring your own copium cilinder.

Btw does anybody knows how to delete mails with attachment? My attempts to delete Alloy mail aren't working.

Pejo Pejo , nice of you asking.
I got a Sara, Bennet and a sword I got no interest.
In result, I got nothing but crap. Why do I have this feeling Myoho is doing some bad luck for the profits...anyway, its not like I wanted Baal, I just want my sweet Sucrose.
I think they prevented us from deleting Aloy, I couldn't do it either. Whatever, I took her and her bow. I'll build her up someday. It was a really lazy crossover, not even a cutscene of how she got into the world, or introducing her, or even one of MHY's ultra low effort quests that is basically "talk to NPCs in 2 places, kill some hilichurls". I'm over being mad about it though. It's clearly just a Sony marketing tool, so it is what it is. I haven't seen the story yet so I only know what I know from leaks. Plan on playing through everything tonight. I'll be ready to discuss tomorrow.

Fishing is annoying as fuck.
I like it. It's more interactive than a lot of games' fishing minigames. Haven't really dug into it yet though.

I used every last primo and starglitter to get my Baal....It was rough. But I finally got a Jean! Now I have two characters I love to build over the next couple weeks! I think I did like 160-170 rolls for just two 5 stars, but at least they were the ones I wanted. I only got Sara to C4 too. You guys think going for c1 or c2 Baal is worth it? I don't mind swiping for my queen, but maybe the weapon is better? c2 seems so busted, though.
C2 is where you want to be if you plan on using her for damage to get the most out of her. She can do just fine at C0 with applying Electro and ER to the team, if you're using her as a support (that still does great damage during burst). Don't break your bank over 7 seconds of def ignore though, if you are saving for anything else.

Speaking of Shogun - CN is livid about her apparently. They're mad because Beidou's Elemental burst doesn't work with her burst, I think? Not sure why anyone would ever run those two together or worry about that, but apparenty since all of the normal attack damage changes to Burst damage, it doesn't trigger Beidou's skill at all, so you just get the shield and nothing else. Either way, I'm buckling up on this ride because I've wanted Electro buffs for like a year now. Seems like Zhongli-gate v2.0 is coming out.

Also, 2.2 gives us nothing but rerun banners, so it's a good time to save (unless you want Xiao or Ganyu). Thoma coming along with the 2nd banner, whoever it is, but people are upset that his kit sucks.


Gonna save for Xiao rerun.

Tried another 10 blue wishes for get Xingu at shop.

I get one Beidu, one Keeking and a Xingu lmao.


Yeah. That's all I need from it haha. I want her ON field. And under Geo Lord's shield. Mmmmm. Spicy.
Well she's (probably/hopefully) going to get even better. I apparently underestimated how mad they are right now. They're throwing a FIT on CN forums about Shogun. Threatening lawsuits, reporting to CCP for underage gambling stuff, etc etc etc.

MHY released this to explain why Shogun doesn't work with Beidou, but this only pissed off the CN fanbase even more since everybody just got a free Beidou from the last events.

It's going to be a bumpy ride for this one.


TL;DR of this is that they actually went out of their way and added a mechanic to prevent Baal's sword mode from activating for skills that rely on normal attack damage. This makes it the only skill in the game that does normal attacks BUT doesn't do any normal attack damage, and instead does only Burst damage. So you get screwed on two ends. Also they're mad that her elemental skill won't affect elemental shields at all for enemies that don't take direct damage while shielded (so Abyss mages, Lectors, Heralds etc). Still works on Fatui and Mitachurls etc.

At first I thought this was a typical overreaction, but yea that's pretty bad if they went out of their way to make it worse.
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Well she's (probably/hopefully) going to get even better. I apparently underestimated how mad they are right now. They're throwing a FIT on CN forums about Shogun. Threatening lawsuits, reporting to CCP for underage gambling stuff, etc etc etc.

MHY released this to explain why Shogun doesn't work with Beidou, but this only pissed off the CN fanbase even more since everybody just got a free Beidou from the last events.

It's going to be a bumpy ride for this one.


TL;DR of this is that they actually went out of their way and added a mechanic to prevent Baal's sword mode from activating for skills that rely on normal attack damage. This makes it the only skill in the game that does normal attacks BUT doesn't do any normal attack damage, and instead does only Burst damage. So you get screwed on two ends. Also they're mad that her elemental skill won't affect elemental shields at all for enemies that don't take direct damage while shielded (so Abyss mages, Lectors, Heralds etc). Still works on Fatui and Mitachurls etc.

At first I thought this was a typical overreaction, but yea that's pretty bad if they went out of their way to make it worse.
Those fucking morons are always fighting the wrond fights. Imbeciles.


Maybe only PS4 now and PC later? Anyone knows how this works?
Yes, PS4/PS5 now. 2.2 for the rest of the platforms. Also, her bow only works on Playstation consoles. On PC/Mobile it has like no effects and stats are reduced.


New 2.2 bow. Seems good for...Aloy? Probably Yoimiya and Physchl too.
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Pulled some more, ended up with QiQi C0, would love Mona to work with my Baal and Ganyu, but oh well.

Eventually got C2 for Baal, C5 for Sara. Been having a little better luck on equipment though, got a flower with 22% recharge/14% crit dmg, and a feather with 18% recharge/10% atk/6% crit rate. She's already slicing through enemies and and I need to sort out the other shit yet. Can't level her talents past 6 either cause of lacking the boss items.

Might go for C3 before the run ends, see if I'm lucky with the free primos first
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Might go for C3 before the run ends, see if I'm lucky with the free primos first
I see, so the general consensus is that we all skip Yae or just straight up buying her ;^)

Or it's all because 2.1 is set to be the last major release of the year, THE most important one yet?

Genshin 2.1
"Baal's constellations: the last frontier"



I see, so the general consensus is that we all skip Yae or just straight up buying her ;^)

Or it's all because 2.1 is set to be the last major release of the year, THE most important one yet?

Genshin 2.1
"Baal's constellations: the last frontier"

You know, it is kinda weird how many people are going for 5* constellations this time. I hadn't really noticed it. Wonder if it's some subliminal marketing or something?


2 new hangouts in 2.2.

Thoma and Sayu

Where the hell is my Amber hangout MHY, you fucks.
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I see, so the general consensus is that we all skip Yae or just straight up buying her ;^)

Or it's all because 2.1 is set to be the last major release of the year, THE most important one yet?

Genshin 2.1
"Baal's constellations: the last frontier"

Eh, not really interested in Yae. Was more interested in Ayaka and Yoimiya but skipped both due to either elements or playstyle. Yae will have to really impress me, either with her character or playstyle to make me pull for her.

Finally got Baal holding her own now. Can't hit the overall power of my C6 Ganyu, but she set my record of 64k crit damage with her burst, with plenty of room to improve.


Eh, not really interested in Yae. Was more interested in Ayaka and Yoimiya but skipped both due to either elements or playstyle. Yae will have to really impress me, either with her character or playstyle to make me pull for her.

Finally got Baal holding her own now. Can't hit the overall power of my C6 Ganyu, but she set my record of 64k crit damage with her burst, with plenty of room to improve.
Yae is electro catalyst so i wouldn't hold your breath on her being awesome. Plus with the balance issues in 2.0 - 2.1, and with electro in general, I don't have a lot of faith in future characters right now. Yoimiya being left where she is (not a bad kit, but just broken due to targeting/core system issues) and Sara releasing at all in her current state, it's just not a good look for the future. I don't personally have that big of an issue with Shogun, but I do understand where people are coming from who are mad about it, and I support buffs for her and hopefully electro as an element.


Ya not going to build Sara, seems a little much for me to work into my smash and yeet teams. Ill prolly level her to 70 for the wishes but otherwise na.
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2 new hangouts in 2.2.
I haven't started a single old one yet.

Still haven't finished all 5☆ quests.

Still yet to resonate my Traveler with the electro statue.

Maybe it's time now. I mean I have only 100 primos, so hopefully I'll get some more primogems from it haha

Ya not going to build Sara, seems a little much for me to work into my smash and yeet teams. Ill prolly level her to 70 for the wishes but otherwise na.
This. Absolutely this. Shit is ridiculous. I feel like I'm playing some MMORPG with her damn rotation. Nah. Fuck dat. Worst case scenario I'll use some food instead. Or better yet, my C1 Mona.

Yoimiya being left where she is (not a bad kit, but just broken due to targeting/core system issues) and Sara releasing at all in her current state, it's just not a good look for the future
You forgot an amazing idea of minus 100% of Crit rate on Kokomi lmao.

she set my record of 64k crit damage with her burst, with plenty of room to improve.
Nice. I would say go for C3 then if you can afford it.
Wonder if it's some subliminal marketing or something?
Maybe it's the lack of interesting heroes in the leaks + her constellations being immediately useful and easy to use + her best constellations being not so deep as usual + booba sword.

shes been on my bench until that new pyro boss. she is handy for that bossses shield.
What a lucky bench it was...

Mona and her Ultimate and her ass > Bennett and his shorts.


Raiden Shogun drained my primos stack. freaking Qiqi droped on 50/50 pity, pulled Raiden at 150th pull. Good thing i only wanted her and Sara so can start hording primos again since i dont want any of the future leaked chars.

Alloy is kinda weird, still havent figured out how we will evolve her constelation. Her free Bow is nice for her, but dont think i will bother evolve her.

Raiden Shogun is great with Yoimiya, Raiden casts her elemental skill and almost all fire shots from Yoi deal overcharged damage even in distant enemies.

Raiden Shogun is now my main character, sorry Cocogoat. I love that she dosent say anything when shes idle.


Finished the Final Act. Oh boy that made up for the short Act 2, proper build up and endearing story. Now that's how you depict an Archon!

The segment at the Tenshuukaku delivered, music was godlike and my dislike for her was vindicated with her pathetic death. Especially liked the segment after where you can't control Lumine/Aether. Anime af. Wonder why the headache though?

I didn't do all the World Quests yet since I save them for after, so I didn't know if it touched on Baal/Beelzebub, but now Ei's profile finally makes sense, what a sad story. Happy we were able to restore her friendship with Yae at least and Traveler is around. More demon names from the Solomon myths so something is up.

Disappointed another Gnosis was lost in the end, but an eye for an eye I guess. That information regarding Scaradouche was a bomb drop was that covered in the event he appeared in? but I'm glad we're picking up plot points now from regions so they aren't just forgotten.

I don't want to leave Inazuma! Screw Sumeru!

Going to do Raiden's character story next, but I'm already attached to her after that lol


Finished the Final Act. Oh boy that made up for the short Act 2, proper build up and endearing story. Now that's how you depict an Archon!

The segment at the Tenshuukaku delivered, music was godlike and my dislike for her was vindicated with her pathetic death. Especially liked the segment after where you can't control Lumine/Aether. Anime af. Wonder why the headache though?

I didn't do all the World Quests yet since I save them for after, so I didn't know if it touched on Baal/Beelzebub, but now Ei's profile finally makes sense, what a sad story. Happy we were able to restore her friendship with Yae at least and Traveler is around. More demon names from the Solomon myths so something is up.

Disappointed another Gnosis was lost in the end, but an eye for an eye I guess. That information regarding Scaradouche was a bomb drop was that covered in the event he appeared in? but I'm glad we're picking up plot points now from regions so they aren't just forgotten.

I don't want to leave Inazuma! Screw Sumeru!

Going to do Raiden's character story next, but I'm already attached to her after that lol
Just finished the story stuff myself and Shogun's character quest. Great stuff. Too tired to expand on it tonight, but I'll post again tomorrow about it. I agree with all of your points and I have lots of crazy theories on why we got the glitchy uncontrollable Traveler after the Signora fight.

Also, just finished the new Thunder boss, that was a pretty cool quest and unveiling. Way better than any in the past for just a resource boss, and I actually really enjoyed the boss fight. I really enjoy when quests and lore lead to gameplay, A+ from me on that. They could have built up all these ascension resource bosses in the same way, give them a little flavor with a quest and some world lore around it. As far as I can tell (only fought it twice so far), it only has one invulnerability phase around 80% health too, so that's an improvement. Didn't fight new water cube yet.

Unlocked all of the teleports, domains, waveriders again, but I've purposely avoided farming any chests or Electroculi. Saving that stuff for Friday night with a glass of whisky. This is 2 great patches in a row as far as content goes. Hope they can keep it up. I can look past a lot of their bullshittery as long as I'm having fun and playing the (IMO) best parts of the game - story and exploration.
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Just finished the story stuff myself and Shogun's character quest. Great stuff. Too tired to expand on it tonight, but I'll post again tomorrow about it. I agree with all of your points and I have lots of crazy theories on why we got the glitchy uncontrollable Traveler after the Signora fight.

Also, just finished the new Thunder boss, that was a pretty cool quest and unveiling. Way better than any in the past for just a resource boss, and I actually really enjoyed the boss fight. I really enjoy when quests and lore lead to gameplay, A+ from me on that They could have built up all these ascension resource bosses in the same way, give them a little flavor with a quest and some world lore around it. As far as I can tell (only fought it twice so far), it only has one invulnerability phase around 80% health too, so that's an improvement. Didn't fight new water cube yet.

Unlocked all of the teleports, domains, waveriders again, but I've purposely avoided farming any chests or Electroculi. Saving that stuff for Friday night with a glass of whisky. This is 2 great patches in a row as far as content goes. Hope they can keep it up. I can look past a lot of their bullshittery as long as I'm having fun and playing the (IMO) best parts of the game - story and exploration.
Looking forward to you sharing all that + the theories.

I saved Seirai and exploring Watatsumi for tomorrow. Looking forward to learning the backstories of both and hopefully speedrunning Raiden's ascensions. Cool to know there's a story behind the Thunder Oceanid since the Endora quest added it after the fact.

Yeah, I agree. Hopefully the constant new locations in each patch keeps up the fun part of the core gameplay.


Pulled together some primos from the new areas and some glitter for a free 10 pull, got Keqing. Mona is officially the last regular 5 star I've yet to pull. I'll probably even fail to get her even when she gets her own banner.

Nice. I would say go for C3 then if you can afford it.
I can afford it, but I need to start controlling my urges. I lost the 50/50 so at least the next 5 star is guaranteed C3 Baal when I decide to pull, or when I lose self control.



I have C3 Baal now.
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