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Georgia special election heads to runoff as Ossoff earns 48% of vote

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This is what I find fascinating. People supporting Trump and the current GOP want to be reasonably engaged for holding unreasonable views.

I wouldn't be shocked if this person was in support of that sham of a healthcare bill (despite it helping literally no one but the insurance companies) simply because it was drafted by Republicans.


If I live in the Congressional District next to this one, can I still vote?
No, I don't think the electronic voting system will even pull that ballot up anyway even if you are registered to vote in at least one of the special county/city elections that's also happening tomorrow alongside this one.


Depends on what you like about Trump I suppose. There's a lot in his agenda that is quite unreasonable.

Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.


Ultimately I want a small government, across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

And are you willing to let gays, black, muslims, women, and undocumented immigrants suffer to get your goal of small government? That is a serious question, by the way.
Just damn...my bad. Ill make sure not to do such a terrible thing in the future.

Check your privilege, "peach" is a very charged word that has ties to very traumatic experiences for some people. I'd prefer if you referred to it as the p-word going forward so as not to offend anyone else.
Don't forget the middle class and poor people in general.

Or the environment. Basically everyone​.

But hey, small government is exactly what we'll have when global society collapses due to climate change and we are broken up into separate tribes fighting over water and other resources!


Unconfirmed Member
Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

Do you recognize that you either speak from a very privileged position to say that you can comfortably want everything to "start over" or are putting you and your family in harm's way by advocating this, should you be a minority of some sort?

To "start over" in the United States of America is impossible at this point. You either keep trucking along and improving incrementally or you take two steps back. Mind telling us how you were personally adversely affected by the democrats' policies over the last 20 years that suddenly caused you to make the switch to the GOP in what may be considered the worst congress in a century? I'd love to hear it.

What it really sounds like is that you got bored of stable change, and when the opportunity - Trump and GOP - to cause a more radical shift presented itself, you went with it, be it good or bad.


Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.
Republicans don't give a shit about small government.

They're the poster boys for abuse of power and taking control and rights away from the people.

Basically, Outside chance but possible Ossoff wins 50% of the vote tomorrow and near 50/50 shot he wins the 2nd round.

As someone who has lived in this district, and its previous one, for 20 of the past 25 years, this is going to be an interesting referendum on Trump. On one hand, there were a ton of Clinton (or anti-Trump) votes, which frankly shocked me. This isn't Oklahoma levels of hard right voters, but it's reliably Republican. The combination of more younger and educated voters is either changing the landscape, or it was a once in a generation rebuke of an awful person. This election won't exactly put more clarity on that answer. Tons of Ossoff signs, more than I ever would have expected. But if there is one thing conservatives are good at, it's coalescing behind anyone with an R behind their name.

I think Ossoff gets about 43-45%, with Handel around 20%. Handel then has a decent shot at winning, because liberals are evil and must be stopped. Best shot is for him to take 50.1%, but I just can't see that happening. Hopefully I'm wrong, and I'll be doing my part tomorrow.

The ads and mailers have been unlike anything I've ever seen, though. It must be how Iowans feel before primary season.
Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.
So basically, "I got mine so I no longer care what happens to people who have it the worst".


And are you willing to let gays, black, muslims, women, and undocumented immigrants suffer to get your goal of small government? That is a serious question, by the way.

The government should stay out of people's private lives provided they aren't harming others. Period.

The feds/states should ignore the concept of 'marriage' and recognize everything as a two party contract. I've said this for two decades now. Framing the issue as 'marriage' the religious institution has turned it into a shitstorm.

At the risk of sounding cold, people here illegally (whether by intentionally overstaying/lying on visas or crossing the border illegally) should not be here. I'm sympathetic to them wanting to improve their lives, but if I were living abroad and working illegally, I'd fully expect to be deported.

TheOfficeMut said:
Mind telling us how you were personally adversely affected by the democrats' policies over the last 20 years that suddenly caused you to make the switch to the GOP in what may be considered the worst congress in a century? I'd love to hear it.

What it really sounds like is that you got bored of not enough change, be it good or bad, and you simply wanted to see anything stick to the wall.

You're actually sort of right. I'm sick of gridlock by both parties. I'm all for giving whichever party democratically wins an election the leeway (for at least a little while) to implement the policies they ran on. I'm in favor of IRV and similar systems that might enable smaller parties that aren't 'part of the system' to get a small foothold. I personally don't feel well represented by either of the two major parties.
Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

Your voting history does not at all correlate to your goal of getting a "small government".

Also, why do you want that anyways? How would it benefit you more? Do you want the removal of social programs and services?

The government should stay out of people's private lives provided they aren't harming others. Period.

The GOP isn't doing this. Look at how they are treating abortions, for example. Democrats have a far better record at letting people live the way they want to live.


The government should stay out of people's private lives provided they aren't harming others. Period.

The feds/states should ignore the concept of 'marriage' and recognize everything as a two party contract. I've said this for two decades now. Framing the issue as 'marriage' the religious institution has turned it into a shitstorm.

At the risk of sounding cold, people here illegally (whether by intentionally overstaying/lying on visas or crossing the border illegally) should not be here. I'm sympathetic to them wanting to improve their lives, but if I were living abroad and working illegally, I'd fully expect to be deported.

It's amazing you say this when the republicans infringe on this more than anything. It's truly something people still believe they stay out of private lives.

They truly have people listening to what they say instead of what they do.


Unconfirmed Member
It's amazing you say this when the republicans infringe on this more than anything. It's truly something people still believe they stay out of private lives.

Yea, it's really dumb. How are the democrats more invasive than the republicans when it's the republicans that are trying to control how you use your food stamps, whether women get abortions, whether women get to have custody of their children over their rapist fathers, whether you can actually get on line to vote (IDs), whether you can get married if you're gay, whether you can use the internet freely, and so forth.

The republican party is the party of exclusivity.


The government should stay out of people's private lives provided they aren't harming others. Period.

The feds/states should ignore the concept of 'marriage' and recognize everything as a two party contract. I've said this for two decades now. Framing the issue as 'marriage' the religious institution has turned it into a shitstorm.

At the risk of sounding cold, people here illegally (whether by intentionally overstaying/lying on visas or crossing the border illegally) should not be here. I'm sympathetic to them wanting to improve their lives, but if I were living abroad and working illegally, I'd fully expect to be deported.
...You voted for a gerrymandering party that wants to destroy internet privacy and do as much damage to planned parenthood (womens right to choose) as possible.

They want more surveillance, not less. They wipe their ass with our private lives.
The government should stay out of people's private lives provided they aren't harming others. Period.

The feds/states should ignore the concept of 'marriage' and recognize everything as a two party contract. I've said this for two decades now. Framing the issue as 'marriage' the religious institution has turned it into a shitstorm.

At the risk of sounding cold, people here illegally (whether by intentionally overstaying/lying on visas or crossing the border illegally) should not be here. I'm sympathetic to them wanting to improve their lives, but if I were living abroad and working illegally, I'd fully expect to be deported.

I once thought as you did, and for a long time. Particularly with the bolded. It wasn't until I took a closer look at what Republicans were doing with laws, gerrymandering, and policy approaches that I realized it was all a lie in respect to the right having the right approach. It's all bullshit, a ruse designed to allow racism, sexism, among other issues to be cutely hidden under the guise of something called libertarianism.


Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

What a moronic political ethos. Vapid, shallow, self-defeating and nonsensical.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

Why do you vote Republican if you want small government? This seems like saying you want to take a swim and then lighting your self on fire.
I'm a Georgian who is voting in this election. I'm telling you to stop referring to people as peaches as its offensive to a large portion of the population.

As a fellow Georgian, I somehoe feel ashamed of this post. LOL @ being offended over somebody refferring to Georgians as peaches. It's so silly, how could you take it so serious to get offended?
I want an efficient, effective, and responsive government. In some cases that means it should get the heck out of the way and only step in to ensure that businesses are engaging in fair and legal competition. But in other cases, such as healthcare and the environment, a more firm hand is needed. The correct role for the government to play depends on the industry in question and the circumstances in which they are operating in.


Unconfirmed Member
You're actually sort of right. I'm sick of gridlock by both parties. I'm all for giving whichever party democratically wins an election the leeway (for at least a little while) to implement the policies they ran on. I'm in favor of IRV and similar systems that might enable smaller parties that aren't 'part of the system' to get a small foothold. I personally don't feel well represented by either of the two major parties.

I'm sorry. I really don't know how you foolishly convinced yourself that a Trump presidency would lead to a non-bicameral system in the United States, especially as things seem to be quickly worsening.


It's kind of hysterical how many people just eat up the marketing gimmick the GOP puts out about "small government, freedom, justice" instead of actually taking a look at what the GOP is really about. It's all just vague meaningless crap that they market, how does anyone buy that wholesale the way they do?
I want an efficient, effective, and responsive government. In some cases that means it should get the heck out of the way and only step in to ensure that businesses are engaging in fair and legal competition. But in other cases, such as healthcare and the environment, a more firm hand is needed. The correct role for the government to play depends on the industry in question and the circumstances in which they are operating in.

This is why I can't take the "I want big/small government" argument seriously. Applying a broad brush across everything the government should or should not do would be disastrous.

Like everything in life, politics is complex. Boiling your political opinion down to something so general makes no sense.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
"I had kids" is the best excuse for throwing everyone else under the bus, including your own children.

The having kids excuse doesn't even hold water with me as if you cared about your kids you shouldn't be voting for a party that lets Betsy Devos act as the Secretary of Education. If you care about your kids then you should care about the environment and the world they will have to live in after you're gone. If you care about your kids you don't vote for a man who says the most horrible shit possible just to get elected. What kind of example are you setting?

If you really care about your kids then stop voting against their best interest!


Also, why do you want that anyways? How would it benefit you more? Do you want the removal of social programs and services?

Why do I personally need to benefit? It's ok to want something philosophically that doesn't actually benefit you.

Social programs that don't tend to have a net positive economic return should be corrected until they do or be eliminated.


Are they fucking serious with that ad😂

Please tell me they're not saying he lied about being Han Solo as part of his "resume".

Yup, they are. They also went after him for being paid money by Al Jazeera, which is a dubious claim at best.

Yes, being a producer for documentaries doesn't lend itself to being indicative of electing the right person, but considering who else runs for Congress in Georgia like a guy saying "evolution is a lie from the pit of hell" then a documentary filmmaker is fine.


Why do I personally need to benefit? It's ok to want something philosophically that doesn't actually benefit you.

Social programs that don't tend to have a net positive economic return should be corrected until they do or be eliminated.

Can you honestly answer why you think Republicans stay out of private lives when their policies show that's factually false?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Why do I personally need to benefit? It's ok to want something philosophically that doesn't actually benefit you.

Social programs that don't tend to have a net positive economic return should be corrected until they do or be eliminated.

So once again why did you vote Republican? This is baffling to me.
Why do I personally need to benefit? It's ok to want something philosophically that doesn't actually benefit you.

Social programs that don't tend to have a net positive economic return should be corrected until they do or be eliminated.

So you want something that is worse for you? Why?

Social programs are not there to make a profit; they exist to provide services to people who normally cannot afford them or wouldn't otherwise have access to them.

Would you be OK with eliminating the USPS even though it would leave many Americans without any access to mail, for example? They certainly don't make much of a profit, you know.
This is why I can't take the "I want big/small government" argument seriously. Applying a broad brush across everything the government should or should not do would be disastrous.

Like everything in life, politics is complex. Boiling your political opinion down to something so general makes no sense.



So you want something that is worse for you? Why?

Social programs are not there to make a profit; they exist to provide services to people who normally cannot afford them or wouldn't otherwise have access to them.

Would you be OK with eliminating the USPS even though it would leave many Americans without any access to mail, for example? They certainly don't make a profit, you know.

I'm fine with USPS, though it should certainly be running at break-even or thereabouts. I consider it an essential service.

Social services should still be providing a net positive societal/economic benefit. We should be making it possible for those people to be able to afford those programs in the future where possible.

The having kids excuse doesn't even hold water with me as if you cared about your kids you shouldn't be voting for a party that lets Betsy Devos act as the Secretary of Education. If you care about your kids then you should care about the environment and the world they will have to live in after you're gone. If you care about your kids you don't vote for a man who says the most horrible shit possible just to get elected. What kind of example are you setting?

If you really care about your kids then stop voting against their best interest!

My kids go to a charter now (and a high performing one at that) because their public school was hot garbage. GAF told me not to waste my vote on a third party, so I voted for Trump.
Why do I personally need to benefit? It's ok to want something philosophically that doesn't actually benefit you.

Social programs that don't tend to have a net positive economic return should be corrected until they do or be eliminated.

Not everything in life has to be done for a profit.

Yup, they are. They also went after him for being paid money by Al Jazeera, which is a dubious claim at best.

Yes, being a producer for documentaries doesn't lend itself to being indicative of electing the right person, but considering who else runs for Congress in Georgia like a guy saying "evolution is a lie from the pit of hell" then a documentary filmmaker is fine.

Paul Broun was bad, Jody Hice is exponentially worse.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
My kids go to a charter now (and a high performing one at that) because their public school was hot garbage. GAF told me not to waste my vote on a third party, so I voted for Trump.

You didn't answer my questions. Stop deflecting. If you really listened to GAF you wouldn't have voted for the man who is going to sell your kids short to make a profit.
My kids go to a charter now (and a high performing one at that) because their public school was hot garbage. GAF told me not to waste my vote on a third party, so I voted for Trump.

Why not push for education reform then, since not everyone has the benefit of having a high-performing charter option available to them?


Unconfirmed Member
My kids go to a charter now (and a high performing one at that) because their public school was hot garbage. GAF told me not to waste my vote on a third party, so I voted for Trump.

It sounds like you and your kids have everything you need and want then. You were looking for a new video game and you chose politics. You're irresponsible.


"I had kids" is the best excuse for throwing everyone else under the bus, including your own children.

And it usually boils down to, I hate paying taxes, which is said by people that don't understand how Republicans aren't going to help you with your taxes unless your are filthy rich. But The poster already said they are a "burn it all down" Trump supporter. We learned during the election there is nothing to gain from engaging them.
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