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Georgia special election heads to runoff as Ossoff earns 48% of vote

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My kids go to a charter now (and a high performing one at that) because their public school was hot garbage. GAF told me not to waste my vote on a third party, so I voted for Trump.

All that is doing is hurting public schools even more. Many people can't afford charter school, only choice is public. So as long as your kids are okay, who cares about the vast majority?
At some point, conservatives hopefully will understand that the Republican Party isn't a part of getting out of your way, but one of telling you what you can't do.


All that is doing is hurting public schools even more. Many people can't afford charter school, only choice is public. So as long as your kids are okay, who cares about the vast majority?

Sorry that I don't feel like gambling on my children's education. Charter schools don't charge BTW, so 'affording' a charter school is not a consideration if one is a available. There are certainly many poor charters that need to be eliminated, but there are also many good ones.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Sorry that I don't feel like gambling on my children's education. Charter schools don't charge BTW, so 'affording' a charter school is not a consideration if one is a available. There are certainly many poor charters that need to be eliminated, but there are also many good ones.

Dude you are very much gambling on your children's future with your choices. Stop lying to yourself with this small government nonsense and eating up the rhetoric of the right as their actions paint a far different picture. If you love your kids then think about things beyond making a profit and those that directly affect you.
Sorry that I don't feel like gambling on my children's education. Charter schools don't charge BTW, so 'affording' a charter school is not a consideration if one is a available. There are certainly many poor charters that need to be eliminated, but there are also many good ones.

That is... literally what DeVos wants to do.
We already did our part and voted early but the polling that I've seen shows that a run-off between Ossoff and Handel is likely, and the district will be harder to flip in a head to head run-off.
Sorry that I don't feel like gambling on my children's education. Charter schools don't charge BTW, so 'affording' a charter school is not a consideration if one is a available. There are certainly many poor charters that need to be eliminated, but there are also many good ones.

Just say, "Fuck you, got mine," so we can move back to the topic at hand.


Just say, "Fuck you, got mine," so we can move back to the topic at hand.

Dude you are very much gambling on your children's future with your choices. Stop lying to yourself with this small government nonsense and eating up the rhetoric of the right as their actions paint a far different picture. If you love your kids then think about things beyond making a profit and those that directly affect you.

Which school would you choose for your children to go to, at no cost to you aside from the property taxes that you pay? Consider that both are ethnically diverse, which was something we wanted.




Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

It's amazing that your response to having kids was to vote to likely further fuck up the school system including unqualified leadership, hurt free public education projects and outlets, encourage the less tolerant and bigoted hate groups in the country, push even more lobbyists and corporate interests into government at the expense of environment and regulations that might impact future generations and send the message that an ignorant, sexual assault loving racist that entertains the thought that he can't wait for the underage kids to get old enough to date deserves to be rewarded.
Which school would you choose for your children to go to, at no cost to you aside from the property taxes that you pay? Consider that both are ethnically diverse, which was something we wanted.



Again, and I bolded my point this time that you appear to be missing:

Why not push for education reform then, since not everyone has the benefit of having a high-performing charter option available to them?


Don't forget DeVos has no idea what she is doing. She bought this position. She paid 100's of thousands of dollars to Republican senators.


I'm confused.

Did both schools just pop up overnight after the election?

What did this election have to do with your children's immediate options?

They were probably going to go to that school anyway, well before the results came in.


Thanks for fucking up my nephew's educational future?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Which school would you choose for your children to go to, at no cost to you aside from the property taxes that you pay? Consider that both are ethnically diverse, which was something we wanted.



So as long as your kids school is ethnically diverse you don't care about the oppression those ethnic minorities could face because of your voting choices? Jeff Sessions is no friend to the minority community. Mike Pence is no friend to the LGTBQ community. Betsy Devos is no friend to the poor minorities. Steve Bannon is no friend to anyone that isn't a straight white uber conservative male. Your decisions make no sense and talking about the charter school your kids go to shows how much you seem to be missing the point and an incredible amount of tunnel vision.


pai pai master said:
Why not push for education reform then, since not everyone has the benefit of having a high-performing charter option available to them?

I'm all for that, but not at the risk of my kids' futures. In fact, the method of public school funding has been deemed unconstitutional here in Ohio since the mid 1990s.

Sorry if you feel that's selfish, but presented with the option, I'm going to take it and do what I can to help them. It's the reality we live in and I'm not going to keep them in a shitty public school just to prove a point. I suspect that most in the thread wouldn't either. Believe me, I felt strongly about not sending our kids to a charter for a long while, but three years in our public school was enough for us.


Which school would you choose for your children to go to, at no cost to you aside from the property taxes that you pay? Consider that both are ethnically diverse, which was something we wanted.


Given that your children would be attending this school no matter who won the election, why did you vote for the person who's going to fuck the system up further for everyone else's kids?
I'm all for that, but not at the risk of my kids' futures. In fact, the method of public school funding has been deemed unconstitutional here in Ohio since the mid 1990s.

Sorry if you feel that's selfish, but presented with the option, I'm going to take it and do what I can to help them. It's the reality we live in and I'm not going to keep them in a shitty public school just to prove a point. I suspect that most in the thread wouldn't either. Believe me, I felt strongly about not sending our kids to a charter for a long while, but three years in our public school was enough for us.

But your kids probably would have gone to that school regardless. There's no question that you should try to give them the best education thats available to you.

But charter schools aren't the answer for everyone and democrats aren't trying to shut down charter schools. So why support the party that has propped up people who are seemingly hell-bent on letting public schools wallow in disrepair for the foreseeable future?

Nothing wrong about putting your kids first but the people you're supporting are actively trying to fuck over other kids. Including your own when it comes to the environment they'll be living in after you're gone.


Given that your children would be attending this school no matter who won the election, why did you vote for the person who's going to fuck the system up further for everyone else's kids?

The one I know I don't trust vs the one I probably shouldn't trust? Decisions.
The one I know I don't trust vs the one I probably shouldn't trust? Decisions.

I'm really hoping Trump is the former on that considering what we knew and learned about him during the election.

Putting Clinton even remotely close to him is completely disingenuous.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The one I know I don't trust vs the one I probably shouldn't trust? Decisions.

It seems like you don't know either side very well from the comments you've made in this thread.

Edit: Not trying to be a dick but a lot of your beliefs seem incredibly misguided and based off blatantly false info and rhetoric. If you really care about your kids you'll stop thinking about them as an island that has no contact with the rest of the US and realize that we're all in this together and fucking over everyone else to get yours still fucks you and your kids over in the end. A rising tide raises all ships.


Stormy Grey
I'm all for that, but not at the risk of my kids' futures. In fact, the method of public school funding has been deemed unconstitutional here in Ohio since the mid 1990s.

Sorry if you feel that's selfish, but presented with the option, I'm going to take it and do what I can to help them. It's the reality we live in and I'm not going to keep them in a shitty public school just to prove a point. I suspect that most in the thread wouldn't either. Believe me, I felt strongly about not sending our kids to a charter for a long while, but three years in our public school was enough for us.

So, you're putting the futures of your grandchildren at risk, and the children of millions of others who don't have such an option? This is why people are frustrated with you. Not because you chose the charter school, but because you voted in someone who is going to make those lives in public schools even worse. You're being stubborn, selfish, and short-sighted. That is why people condemn the choice you have made.


Wish I could vote! I'm a Texan. I'll be doing my part next year trying to rid Ted Cruz. I really don't like that guy. Such a snake.


Kills Photobucket
Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

Explain you logic when spending goes up at a much faster rate under Republicans than Democrats? Or have you just bought into that "democrats just want to spend" bullshit the GOP has peddled for decades?


Are you implying Clinton has not been a part of advancing educational opportunities for underserved children?

Overall. I do not (and did not in the past) trust her, but I don't trust any politicians at the federal level anyway. I highly disliked how they established residency in NY just so she could run for Senate, while legal, it stunk of political opportunism. I voted for Bill twice (against my better judgement). I think she's been ok in terms of that though.

I actually met her in 1996, and my experience with her was not good. I found her rude and dismissive. That could have been a one-off for her, I don't know, but it was enough for me.


Overall. I do not (and did not in the past) trust her, but I don't trust any politicians at the federal level anyway. I voted for Bill twice (against my better judgement). I think she's been ok in terms of that though.

Yet trust Trump who is under investigation by 3 groups right now?


"dad, why are we in a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland?"

"because I needed to make sure those dam democrats didn't shut down your charter school!"

"...but they never said..."


Clinton's stance on charter schools/education reform:
To the thousands of teachers gathered at the labor union's annual conference, Clinton said ”when schools get it right, whether they are traditional public schools or public charter schools, let's figure out what's working ... and share it with schools across America."

Some teachers in the audience booed.

Clinton continued to preach cooperation.

”We can do that," she said. ”We've got no time for all of these education wars."
Sounds almost TOO reasonable... yeah, I bet she's pretending to be reasonable just to trick me!


Kills Photobucket
Maybe shoplifter was just wanting to make sure his kids grew up in a country where the poor are put in their place. And to make sure they don't have to deal with that filthy, socialist clean air he's had to put up with.

Seriously man, you played yourself and your kids because you couldn't be bothered to do some actual research on your own to learn Clinton wasn't on some bullshit crusade against charter schools.


And has a decades long public history of being a compulsive liar, crook and idiot.

And who, allegedly, has a history of creeping on young girls and committing sexual harassment.

Yeah, better trust him over Hillary Clinton, a standard center-left politician who is very consistent when it comes to aiding children and the betterment of our educational system.

I actually met her in 1996, and my experience with her was not good. I found her rude and dismissive. That could have been a one-off for her, I don't know, but it was enough for me.

And I met her twice, once in 1998 and again in 2016. I vaguely remember my encounter with her in 98 cause I was just 6 years old, but my mother talks nothing but great praise of her. I met her again in 2016 when I volunteered for her and talked to her about trans rights, and not only was she polite to me, she actually listened to my issues about how I'm treated because I'm trans. She actually listened and genuinely cared.


I actually met her in 1996, and my experience with her was not good. I found her rude and dismissive. That could have been a one-off for her, I don't know, but it was enough for me.

Oh. Clinton was rude one time 20 years ago to you, so you refused to vote for her? But none of Trump's comments during the election came off as rude?

Tommy DJ

Trump literally ran a scam education institution.

Apparently a bad meeting with Hillary Clinton, a not terribly charismatic person in public, is enough to feel that Donald Trump wouldn't fuck your children's future education whether that be in a trade or in higher education.

I literally don't get Trump voters. If you take a minute to think about what you're voting for, it's literally voting to fuck yourself.


As a fellow Georgian, I somehoe feel ashamed of this post. LOL @ being offended over somebody refferring to Georgians as peaches. It's so silly, how could you take it so serious to get offended?

As a fellow Georgian myself, I am offended that you are ashamed that someone feels storngly enough about this to be offended.


In all seriousness, I keep seeing all kinds of ads for this and Im not even in the district voting (Im close to it though).

I see this pop up in my facebook as a suggested group with people arguing over his merits and constant statements that he over-exaggerated his involvement in some of the things he claims to have done and that he lied about how long he had his security clearance.

I saw the party boy attack ad and the pelosi attack ad as well.


Trump literally ran a scam education institution.

Apparently a bad meeting with Hillary Clinton, a not terribly charismatic person in public, is enough to feel that Donald Trump wouldn't fuck your children's future education whether that be in a trade or in higher education.

I literally don't get Trump voters. If you take a minute to think about what you're voting for, it's literally voting to fuck yourself.

They voted because they just hate liberals. They would have voted for David Duke if it had the nomination.


^^^^ actually that's hilarious as fuck.

I'd have voted for Jill Stein out of protest but GAF told me to not waste my vote on a third party.
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