My MFLB is starting to wear. It'll need to be replaced soon. Hopefully it's under warranty.
If not I'm interested in one of those Pax Vaporizers. Could change everything...again.
I can't believe the positive impact vaporizing has had on my intake. I mean, first of all vaping is more pleasant than smoking, at least to me. However, that's only the beginning. It's more efficient in general since you're not burning the product. But, the real kicker is, the ABV (already-been-vaped) product gets a second use via edibles.
I have made some powerful firecrackers using only ABV. It's astounding. Must have something to do with decarboxylation.
i bought a pax a year or so ago. it was kind of faulty bc the mouthpiece needs to make contact for the system to heat up, so sometimes it would just randomly not be making contact when it should have. still usable but unacceptable for how expensive the product is, i ended up returning mine (luckily i cleaned it out super good and claimed it was like this before i even smoked anything out of it :X)
it was awful for someone of my tolerance as well as i had to fire up about 2 ovens worth to get high, and it takes soooo loong to properly vape an oven in it that it just wasn't worth it; sure it was more 'efficient' at getting me high, but when it took so much more time, i got better use out of my weed by just burning a bowl or two in a metal pipe or a chillum or something and smoking fairly quickly, than i did sipping on the pax for ages to finish off an oven.
i will say the stealthness of it is next to none. but for the price it just flat out isn't worth it, unless it's nosebombed since last year which lol i don't think it did. i liked the idea of it because i love to walk around the neighborhood and get high in public, and the pax is perfect for this, since you can palm it all the time and shit. but with how long it took, i was more comfortable just stashing a metal pipe or chillum in my palm and hitting it while i walk around the neighborhood or smoking a joint, it's smellier but it's just the way to go imo
if you are smoking in the comfort of your own home just get a legit home vaporizer for 1/3rd the price of the pax