Death Note transplants the entire story to the US. Pacific Northwest to be clear. It has more in common with Edge of Tomorrow or the Departed, than the half-step this film ends up going with.
Chicken-egg problem. You struggle to think because Asian or Asian-American actresses are not given the chance to prove that they can anchor a film. Your argument is Scarlett Johansson is a far more amazing actress than a potential Japanese choice, I disagree. If your argument is ScarJo has star power, that's in part to the current Hollywood studio system. This is why folks in the US have issues with whitewashing in the first place.
With GITS in particular, native Japanese won't have an issue because their studio system already adapts their own stories with Japanese talent. The losers here at Asian-American actors, who don't get leading roles or rarely get supporting roles because they are Asian and automatically "other". And it's certainly not an issue with starring roles needing big stars, because studios will take chances on white actors all the time. It's so common that we have a list of actors studios will not stop cramming down our throats, despite it being proven that they either can act, or can't anchor a film. Jai Courtney, Sam Worthington, Taylor Kitsch, Armie Hammer, Jack Huston. You can do this all day because it's so true.
In no way was my argument that Scarjo Jo was/is "a more amazing actress than a potential Japanese one". Not even close. I don't even think ScarJo is more than a middling actress usually. Her lines fall flat on me in delivery. I normally don't find her believable. It was entirely based on star power and she has a ton of Star Power. I agree that it's a catch 22. Asian American actresses don't get a chance often to have career makers so you rarely if ever see them get the spotlight. I'm not denying that. I'm just saying I completely understand why in this particular film, given it's extremely niche status by Hollywood standards went the direction they did.