This was my reaction when I saw the twist

what would an anime character have to look like for you to assume they're Japanese and not white
ಠ_ಠUsually it's in the eyes. The bigger the eyes are drawn, the more western the characters look to me.
It's interesting how people find a movie to be fine when only the visuals are good(which I actually disagree with, I think they completely missed the mark).
Lol.Usually it's in the eyes. The bigger the eyes are drawn, the more western the characters look to me.
Usually it's in the eyes. The bigger the eyes are drawn, the more western the characters look to me.
It seems to have gotten away with lot of the Fresh reviews on RT because of the visuals, which I really liked as well. Which is fine by me, you can judge a movie on the sum of its parts. I just think on the sum of its parts, this film was still not very's interesting how people find a movie to be fine when only the visuals are good(which I actually disagree with, I think they completely missed the mark).
Yankee Doodle Uncle SamI see everything with my big American eyes. I'll use my credit card. Do you have any non dairy creamer?
Just to throw in my opinion, I see Major, despite her having a Japanese name, as looking like a white woman, because she just does. If I were to go purely on looks, I wouldn't say there was anything Japanese about her.
That's stupid.
This must be the most American girl you've ever laid your eyes on in Anime, right?
Is L supposed to be Asian? I thought he was from England but I can't recall whether his ethnicity was mentioned.Yea also, with L being black, is that considered black washing and white washing as they're both supposed to be Asian? With GiTS was there any mention of the city being in Japan? I don't remember.
Here's the thing though, you're correct, but in the minds of some these film executives, star power is still very much a thing. Several of them are in a bubble, so of course this casting decision made sense to them, meanwhile the filmmakers are the ones who are gonna take most of the heat for this fuckery. And the decision clearly blew up in their faces, because the film ain't doing so hot at the box office.
I'd bet if the director made the film how he really wanted, it would have been so much better.
But who would they have chosen? I can't think of a really solid Japanese American actress out there for the role right now. It would be a "career maker" for someone. And good luck getting that project funding with a cast of people with little Star Power. If you've ever seen me in these threads before you know I'm nearly always on your guys side of the argument. I constantly ask for new talent to be given a chance because everyone starts somewhere and Hollywood is brimming with unexplored talent and frankly I'm bored of seeing the same actors all the time. But I understand at least generally how these things shake out in terms of securing funding. Internationally and beyond. It's a problem of misconceptions I agree. But it's the one that people who have money share and that's what matters when it comes down to getting funding.
it's interesting how people find a movie to be fine when only the visuals are good(which I actually disagree with, I think they completely missed the mark).
No they don't care. Oshii himself said he likes Scarlet in the role.Also, this may be a stupid question but I'm assuming there is a huge outrage in Japan over this right?
Usually it's in the eyes. The bigger the eyes are drawn, the more western the characters look to me.
I approve. I like Scarlett, but I thought she did a terrible job in this film.I probably would've goner with Tao Okamoto myself. She is imposing and has a real presence that I think would've worked well for the Major.
It's disgusting to me that they never went with with Asian actors to begin with.
"I would never try to play a person of a different race, obviously."
It's hard to know what people are thinking when they just reply like this, but I honesty don't think my opinion is even controversial. I feel like I'm just stating the obvious.
It's hard to know what people are thinking when they just reply like this, but I honesty don't think my opinion is even controversial. I feel like I'm just stating the obvious.
I'd love to see an analysis talking about how Get Out uses sci-fi to address race & appropriation so expertly while Ghost in the Shell completely fails doing the same.
Why is that interesting? It seems odd to not expect anyone to go, "hey that's kinda rude." In hopes the person might edit their post politely for the next guy. Mentioning it exists doesn't inspire someone to go back a few pages to find it.
Shouldnt spoil other films in this thread!
Sooooo, not only have my worst fears/totally realistic expectations for this movie been confirmed but, thanks to a couple of people being completely useless at spoiler tags I've been spoiled on a different movie that I actually wanted to watch.
Well,is now spoiled for me.Get Out
Same. Maybe resist the urge to make comparisons if it's also one of the big reveals in that movie?
I think it's wrong to say star power doesn't exist at all or no longer has an impact even if it's diminished. Lucy did as well as it did because of Scarlet, I'm sure that partially factored into this casting.Correct. It exists in the minds of studio executives. We don't have to kow-tow to it like it's real though and the more audiences literally point out it's not, the better things will be.
This comes up a lot when people discuss anime and default ethnicity. Basically, the default characters aren't designed to look Western, that's just the default look Japanese self-identify with in anime.It's hard to know what people are thinking when they just reply like this, but I honesty don't think my opinion is even controversial. I feel like I'm just stating the obvious.
You are also incredibly wrong. The problem is that you are looking at a face with pale skin that lacks any stereotypical ethnic features. You see that and call that "white", because you subconciously see white people as the default.It's hard to know what people are thinking when they just reply like this, but I honesty don't think my opinion is even controversial. I feel like I'm just stating the obvious.
It's hard to know what people are thinking when they just reply like this, but I honesty don't think my opinion is even controversial. I feel like I'm just stating the obvious.
How is it obvious? Western people aren't the only ones with big eyes, Asians can have them too. What makes you think Asians, in their own companies, in their own media, make western characters as their protagonists. Do you want them to give all their characters narrow eyes so you don't assume the anime is about you? If you're really having trouble, just look at the name of the character, sheesh.
No they don't care. Oshii himself said he likes Scarlet in the role.
This is an American thing entirely, and it's legitimate. Asian actors just aren't seen as being able to carry a film for some reason.
The ironic thing is this movie probably has more Asian representation than any other major Hollywood blockbuster in recent memory.
I'm extremely surprised Beat Takeshi was so prominent and spoke entirely Japanese.
It's hard to know what people are thinking when they just reply like this, but I honesty don't think my opinion is even controversial. I feel like I'm just stating the obvious.
I think it's wrong to say star power doesn't exist at all or no longer has an impact even if it's diminished. Lucy did as well as it did because of Scarlet, I'm sure that partially factored into this casting.
The Rock is huge now and his involvement in Fast Five basically elevated that franchise to the level it's at today. I garuntee a random movie like Baywatch is going to do decently based purely on him.
The Marvel movies with Robert Downey Jr do make more money than the ones without him. That's why it's a big deal he's in the new spiderman too.
A bad movie is still usually going to perform poorly but a big star is going to increase interest whether it's good or bad.
had no idea of the anime, no idea of the whitewashing, i went to see this today to see scarJo with no clothes on
am i a bad person guiz
Best one is still Speed Racer and I'm fully aware that it's not a best movie in the world by a long shot but people want to give Ghost a pass cause its insanely visually pretty which I credit more to the original (and the VFX studios) than the live action movie.
You don't get a pass in my opinion for just copy and paste the original imagery
Correct. It exists in the minds of studio executives. We don't have to kow-tow to it like it's real though and the more audiences literally point out it's not, the better things will be.
I probably would've goner with Tao Okamoto myself. She is imposing and has a real presence that I think would've worked well for the Major.
If you're willing to stretch to half-Japanese, there's Reiko Aylesworth.
And there's a whole big ass list if you're willing to stretch to Chinese or Korean-American.
That's where I'm at. It's clear when they looked at the anime they saw a white female in the major.
Which frankly isn't exactly surprising.
Most people in the U.S who also watched the anime probably watched the dubbed variation leading to that being even more ingrained.
I do agree it was a route that was already likely laid out during the early stages. But I still think they tested at least the concept with test groups. We will never know though. I wish film, TV and games were more transparent. Huge improvements could be made. Or at least people would have a better understanding of why choices were made and then we'd be able to properly address issues.
Asians can have them yes, but Japanese typically have slimmer eyes than westerners, that's just stating the obvious. These are race traits.
And I didn't say Asians wanted to make western characters as their protagonists, I simply said that the characters they draw look more western to me than Japanese. It has nothing to do with what they are named, but purely on how they look.
Assume the anime is about me? Just in case if you think I'm white - I'm not.
I just realized that I unintentionally spoiled. I'm sorry to anyone affectedGet Out
Being white or not doesn't really mean anything. I've had black friends argue with me up and down that anime characters that obviously aren't white, are. Why? Because white is the default for a lot of us. This was a huge deal when Hunger Games hit movie screens. Rue was a black character (and was described as such in a single line in the book), but people who'd read the book and missed that line were shocked to find out she was actually black. Why? Because, having missed that line, their minds immediately painted Rue as a white character. You see this among all races of people.
SkyOdin said it better than I was going to. White characters have a specific look in anime.Asians can have them yes, but Japanese typically have slimmer eyes than westerners, that's just stating the obvious. These are race traits.
And I didn't say Asians wanted to make western characters as their protagonists, I simply said that the characters they draw look more western to me than Japanese. It has nothing to do with what they are named, but purely on how they look.
Assume the anime is about me? Just in case if you think I'm white - I'm not.
Yeah my bad, will do so in the future.Doing the first two does not call attention to it directly and perpetuate it. Note, I had to spoiler tag both of the second posts.
This is even beyond the fact that those who have issue with spoilers... generally don't know if they're actually spoilers. We literally have had this happen in multiple threads where either someone speculates or makes something up completely and we have a long derail about spoilers that aren't spoilers.
You best bet, if you have a problem with a spoiler, is to do what someone did here, which was PM a mod. That's literally how I joined the thread.
Usually it's in the eyes. The bigger the eyes are drawn, the more western the characters look to me.
Every Asian is Brock.Goddamn I feel like Asian characters have to look like this to actually be Asian.
saw it today and my wife, my friend and I all enjoyed it.
I think it's wrong to say star power doesn't exist at all or no longer has an impact even if it's diminished. Lucy did as well as it did because of Scarlet, I'm sure that partially factored into this casting.
The Rock is huge now and his involvement in Fast Five basically elevated that franchise to the level it's at today. I garuntee a random movie like Baywatch is going to do decently based purely on him.
The Marvel movies with Robert Downey Jr do make more money than the ones without him. That's why it's a big deal he's in the new spiderman too.
A bad movie is still usually going to perform poorly but a big star is going to increase interest whether it's good or bad.
If you think about it, putting a brain in a body ofmakes a bit of narrative sense.a different race of the being whose memories they are trying to suppress