The thing is gaming industry created a stereotype ( ra ra ra im a woman I can do everything better, look at me, this gameplay is garbage but look this is a WAman at the helm BUY or your a racist woman hater). Anytime someone from the alphabet mafia is involved, its been most of the time a disaster. Games are expansive. People dont want to keep spending all this money and keep getting burned.
Now, as far as Ghost the trailer was cool. I'm a big fan of Ghost. I've played plenty of great games with female protags. But I don't think that gamers reaction of being on the fence is un warranted.
I really hope the game turn out great. I loved the Jin, and I hope I can get to love her character as well.
Now, as far as Ghost the trailer was cool. I'm a big fan of Ghost. I've played plenty of great games with female protags. But I don't think that gamers reaction of being on the fence is un warranted.
I really hope the game turn out great. I loved the Jin, and I hope I can get to love her character as well.