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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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Interesting mostly negative review that nonetheless says the use of 3D is fascinating:
I wasn't thinking that going in. This is a Paul Feig movie, after all. And I don't believe he's made a 3D movie to date. I could be wrong, but nothing about Bridesmaids, The Heat or even Spy strike me as anything that needs to be seen, or transferred into the third dimension. Leading up to Ghostbusters' release, I haven't heard anything at all about the movie's use of 3D. Even when the screening invite came in, it seemed to be an afterthought. A last minute 3D screening was added. And the reps in charge of handing out the tickets didn't try to sell it. They didn't say, 'Man, you better see it in 3D!' '3D is the way to go!' There was no hype on anyone's end, and there hasn't been. Heck, they didn't even show the 3D version on a big screen. It was shoved into one of the small dump theaters at the ass end of the Groves' many stadiums. And I wonder why? Because the way Paul Feig uses it here is beyond great. It quite literally made the movie for me.

It's the kind of 3D you always wanted to see as a kid since the 1950s. It makes this new Ghostbusters feel like a true old fashioned fun house. And it quite literally brings you into the action, cliche, I know. Feig gets a lot of milage out of the ghosts and gadgets and the slime and the puke. But he also does a very simple trick that makes it even cooler. The 3D version of the movie is presented in letterbox. Odd for a movie in a theater? Sure. But what this allowed is for certain objects to break the frame and go into the black area of the letter boxing, which helps extend the 3D into view of the audience. So, yeah, stuff is 'Coming at You'. And it literally looks like some of the ghost fights have extended into the theater. Like I said, very simple, but it works like a magic trick, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone else attempt 3D in quite this manner. Perhaps I'm wrong. But no director has had this much fun using 3D in a long time, that's for sure.

There is one scene in particular, you've seen it in the trailer. The Ghostbuster played by Leslie Jones is using the 'Power of Patty' to slap the main bad guy out of Melissa McCarthy. And her Patty necklace slips out of her blouse. It's not something you'd really notice in a scene that has a lot going on. But the necklace appears to literally break the screen and hang out into the black area of the frame, and the illusion works so well, it literally looks like the necklace is hanging out of the screen, into the theater, about to drag on the floor. Its a very small detail and has jack all to do with anything. In fact, it's very easy to miss. Especially if you are not sitting close, in the front row, or in an empty theater. But it's this attention to detail that real sells the whole experience home.

And it's obvious that Feig owned and loved his View-Master as a kid. Because there are a lot of set up shots that look like they were tailer made for that old toy. This idea works on a nostalgic level that has nothing to do with Ghostbusters as a franchise, but just plain old fashion 'kiddy' fun on a level I haven't seen utilized yet this summer. And the proton packs? Good god, does he get a lot of milage showing them off, but the gimmick doesn't get tired or feel over used. In a word. Perfect. Okay. Great! But what about the actual movie itself?

Bolded section is the part I found interesting. I can see how an object coming towards you that seems to break the frame of the movie would trick your brain. Neat.

I normally hate 3D except in animated films but I think styling it like a 1950s 3D film might make good use of the limitations.


So using the same trick as:



all 4 bimbo's are useless. Can't personally stand 3 of the 4 woman. And Bill murray backed this crap of a movie? Hahahaha

Bull Murray is most likely the reason we never got a Ghostbusters 3 so comments like this are extra amusing


Oh my god, I've read the phrase "passing the torch" way too many times today in regards to what fanboys would prefer from a new Ghostbusters movie.

Harold Ramis is dead.
Rick Moranis is retired.
Billy Murray wants nothing to do with Ghostbusters anymore, and apparently was what held Ghostbusters 3 up for two decades in the first place.

But hey let's get together Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson for that "Passing the Torch" film.


Especially funny when many movies people loce are remakes.

Oceana 11
The Thing
The Fly

Just to name a few

To be fair, for how many good remakes there are, there are many, many, many more that are bad. Especially in recent years [/someone who paid for a full price Robocop 2014 ticket*]

this thread has actually gone from disaster to pretty entertaining now

funny that things got better as the critical reception improved over the last 24 hours, the "so it sucks huh? expected" crowd has thinned


I've now seen it.

They wisely repurposed the
dance montage with the police and army
for the credits roll.

I took a 10-year-old girl, her review was "I thought it would have been better".

That's actually a nice sum-up. Not bad, not great. Missed potential. There were lots of references to the original films, some were ham-fisted, some worked really well such as the message on the company's answer machine: "
Ghostbusters, whaddaya want?

The cameos were not needed. Annie Pott's was my favourite. The villain seemed pretty weak.
My feelings summed up nicely. It's okay but i have no desire to see it again
To be fair, for how many good remakes there are, there are many, many, many more that are bad. Especially in recent years [/someone who paid for a full price Robocop 2014 ticket*]


To be fair for how many good movies there are, there are many many more that are bad.
this thread has actually gone from disaster to pretty entertaining now

funny that things got better as the critical reception improved over the last 24 hours, the "so it sucks huh? expected" crowd has thinned

They're all congregating in their safe spaces like Reddit where they can still pretend this movie is a trainwreck
Harold Ramis is dead.
Rick Moranis is retired.
Billy Murray wants nothing to do with Ghostbusters anymore, and apparently was what held Ghostbusters 3 up for two decades in the first place.

But hey let's get together Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson for that "Passing the Torch" film.

Yeah. People aren't thinking clearly. About anything, really.


To be fair for how many good movies there are, there are many many more that are bad.

Eheh err sure, I just don't think people are wrong to be cautious of remakes after how many have floundered.

Of course many films are bad...but the moment you specify types of films, if you want to consider 'remakes' as a genre, then its track record is pretty damn spotty. Same reason why I think it's fair some friends I have are skeptical of modern horror films, though they always champion the good ones. Just as folks should do with remakes that work.
Eheh err sure, I just don't think people are wrong to be cautious of remakes after how many have floundered.

Of course many films are bad...but the moment you specify types of films, if you want to consider 'remakes' as a genre, then its track record is pretty damn spotty. Same reason why I think it's fair some friends I have are skeptical of modern horror films, though they always champion the good ones. Just as folks should do with remakes that work.

Remakes make up all sorts of genres. I don't consider it a genre.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Interesting mostly negative review that nonetheless says the use of 3D is fascinating:
Ho boy, that's going to look freaking awesome on an oled TV in a really dark room :) :) :)

But I wonder what's the aspect ratio of the movie then? even more wide than 21:9? Heh, thinking more about it, that's exactly the opposite of what for example, Pacific Rim did, where the home release of the 3D version of the movie was 16:9 to fill the whole TV screen. In this case. In this case the home release will be like a narrow strip across the screen...
Damn I have no investment in this movie other than I disliked it for the lol and wanted to see it crash and burn because it's funny. :(

Now I can only pray for it to be a box office failure.

Damn it, well time to move on to Infinty Warfare. Gonna be the first time CoD crashes and burns, gonna be great. 😈😈😈

are you a real account? I can't tell who is making a joke on this site anymore

Is irony killing comedy?
One of my favorite movies is a reboot/remake.


I'm not sure how much that one really counts though as the original is based on the novella Who Goes There, and is hardly like it at all. The Carpenter version is much closer to the original short story than it is to The Thing from Another World.


Aftershock LA
The side that doesn't act like fucking kids even if they are in their late 30's and still think girls have cooties.

Wait. You're saying girls don't have cooties? I wanna see the receipts.gif.

oh good lord.

I wish my wife wanted to see it. She thinks it looks dumb, but she dragged me to fucking The Shallows, so she owes me.

My wife is as big of a Ghostbusters fan as I am, so she's looking forward to it. She's also a big fan of Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, and Kristen Wiig. She's liked the trailers so far as well. I also didn't have a problem with them besides thinking they weren't terribly strong. My faith in the actresses convinced me more than anything.
Really happy about this. Since Civil War, I feel like every big blockbuster has dissapointed this year... So having one that is doing far better than expected is good for me since I'd like to see some decnt films. Hopefully Star Trek Beyond is also the kind of film that has had bad trailers but ends up being good. Please.
The Karate Kid with Jackie and Jaden was superior to the original. Come at me

It's definitely better technically, and has much better acting.

I think I like them about the same but yeah there's a good argument for it being better. It's certainly good in its own right.


Just got back from seeing this, I enjoyed it a lot. Its not going to sway the people that want to hate it, I'm sure, but I found it super funny.

Tonally its very different from the originals; more of a straight up comedy film to Ghostbusters 1984 being more of a black comedy. Absolutely has some dumb/low brow humour at times but I really enjoyed it all the way through.

Huge fan of Ghostbusters as a franchise, original movies, ongoing comics, etc if that matters to anyone.

(I would rate it Kate McKinnon winking out of 10)
Why? Does it bother you that Mary Elizabeth Winstead is the star, instead of your precious Kurt Russell?

It was fun but doesn't hold a candle to the original in terms of set up, soundtrack, casting, and general pacing. Also, those creature effects are legendary. Hard to top that dog kennel sequence, amongst other scenes.

OT I think I may have to see this in 3d based on that writeup quoted above. Rarely pay for 3d anymore but that sounds cool, and I'm a sucker for the old school approach.


Aftershock LA
Oh that was nice, don't get me wrong, but it didn't make up for the rest of it.

Fuck your avatar. I read that in Janosz's voice, and now I'm reading all of your comments in Janosz's voice, and I've reached entertainment overload...

EDIT: I actually liked both Jaden Smith Karate Kid and Robocop 2014. I'm a huge fan of the original Karate Kid, but I thought the Jaden one was surprisingly heartfelt and earnest, and felt like it's own thing. Outside of the name, I think it could have been titled something else and still be an entertaining movie for young people. As for Robocop 2014, the original can't be topped. The nightmare fuel I had seeing Alex Murphy get turned into swiss cheese when I was 8 years old will haunt me for the rest of my days, but the 2014 reboot was fun, and had a tongue in cheek quality to it that the original also had. It wasn't as smart as the first 2 Robocops in that ultraviolent parody regard, but it was better than I expected. Then again, I watched both through Netflix, so my monetary investment wasn't as high. I wonder if I'd have felt differently if I paid to see them in the theater? It was a lazy weekend when I watched them, and I had no intention of checking them out in the first place, mainly because they were reboots to movies I loved as a kid. Perhaps that's why I wasn't so hard on Ghostbusters when that reboot was announced. I figured if it was shit, I'd just ignore it, but if it was entertaining, well, that's great, and I'd check it out.


Yeah. People aren't thinking clearly. About anything, really.

Well, they had to regress to the age of 7 to facilitate the movie ruining their childhoods. Back when girls had cooties and were dumb and stinky.

Anyway, fanboys tend to forget what happens when a movie is tailored with them and their exact desires in mind.

Especially funny when many movies people loce are remakes.

Oceana 11
The Thing
The Fly

Just to name a few

When you look at the directors of these does Paul Feig really belong there to you?

The really solid remakes have been made by extremely talented people. Like the reviews are saying this is being considered aiight at best by many of the reviewers. Certainly not making a case for possibly being better than the original like those you listed were.

I have no problems with going all female but I wish they aimed higher creatively on this.
That winking gif does something ridiculous to my nethers.

Going to see this with the soon to be mrs. pokeystaples this weekend. I'm a moderate GB fan. Have the moves, quote the movies from time to time, had a couple toys, watched the cartoon a little, but not near the level of some fans so I should enjoy.
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