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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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I've asked this once before and no one responded, but I thought I'd give it another shot.

Does anyone remember the Bombcast, it was around the launch of the Wii U, where the gang was talking about Nintendo's online policies and how slow they were to evolve? Jeff made an analogy that in 20 years someone would finally work at Nintendo who would look at these policies and go "what the hell is this??", and that person is the chosen one, who is only right now being born.

It was a really funny conversation, and I don't really want to scrub through a bunch of casts to try to find it. does anyone know which it may have been?


nah its exactly a doom game. just not the one people wanted.

well the problem is that it's just not a very good game and it's aged the worst out of any iD game except maybe Quake 2. but iD was such a weird company, pretty much every game after Doom had some kind of problem or issue or conflict during development


Drunky McMurder
I'm gonna throw this in here where it matters.


Oxirane is the Lockdown MVP so for this year.


In my opinion GAF is most likely to go down during Sony, if TLG comes. Although there will be megatons, that is the one megaton that can bring GAF down today. New IP won't bring it down.
The amount and choice of stuff they showed for Fallout 4 was INCREDIBLY poor to me. Especially considering they had their own conference to do this at.

Please elaborate on this because I share the same sentiment with Alex in thinking Fallout 4 is trying to be "all the games"

And since they seem to focus on story a lot more so than ever, I kinda understand pulling back what is essentially the heart and soul of the game without spoiling too much which is a problem in entertainment today in general, showing too much.

now where the fuck is Metal Gear Scanlon 4 you lazy bums

Beastcast's discussion on VR/AR was a wonderful mix of cynicism and skepticism.

Hearing them legit hyped for both VR and AR was really refreshing, unlike their tepid receptions to Kinect and Move back in the day. I just wish VR was here already, I've been following the tech since Brad sat down with John Carmack like 3-4 years ago and saw Doom 3 VR.


gonna repost my thoughts on Drake and Green talking VR.:

I love that Drake tried to shoot down Jeff Green's point about how VR really is just like motion controls and Kinect with that he used to make a living off of kinect.

Yeah John you USED to. Then like all these other things you got your ass fired and your company had to go to kickstarter to beg for cash then they laid off half of the company.

Why did they think they could have a real conversation about VR for somebody who is a snake oil salesman in the game industry?

I can't wait to see what Drake has to talk about the next big thing in 3 years when he gets fired again when the VR gaming bubble burst. Maybe he's gonna try to sell us on how smell-o-vision cards are gonna be the next big thing.


The market has already proved with 3d tvs that even if the tech works people do not want to wear something on their face.


I think VR is cool. For me personally it will all come down to what Morpheus will cost and what the game support will look like. Occulus isn#t really an option because I don't have a gaming PC.
Yeah John you USED to. Then like all these other things you got your ass fired and your company had to go to kickstarter to beg for cash then they laid off half of the company.

Drake didn't get fired, he moved on. Drake killed it as the community guy over at Harmonix, what are you talking about


E3: done. Next stop: Metal Gear Scanlon 4. GO.

And Mario Party Party. They have the next one lined up already.

Drake didn't get fired, he moved on. Drake killed it as the community guy over at Harmonix, what are you talking about

Hs whole rant is stupid. Comparing VR to 3D TV. lol

I don't even go see movies in 3D if I can avoid it and think VR is rad as hell. It's genuinely different experience and opens up ne gameplay opportunities.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought it was weird how they thought Mirror's Edge would just be on Morpheus in the sealed envelope podcast. How is the PS4 going to deliver a 60+fps image on two high-res screens? That'll look like complete garbage, if possible at all.

Anyone checked out the audio version to the E3 live shows? Holy shit, the audio quality is excellent.
I wonder if this was one reason for the smaller setup. It makes for much better podcasts and that's the most popular thing about GB.


gonna repost my thoughts on Drake and Green talking VR.:

I love that Drake tried to shoot down Jeff Green's point about how VR really is just like motion controls and Kinect with that he used to make a living off of kinect.

Yeah John you USED to. Then like all these other things you got your ass fired and your company had to go to kickstarter to beg for cash then they laid off half of the company.

Why did they think they could have a real conversation about VR for somebody who is a snake oil salesman in the game industry?

I can't wait to see what Drake has to talk about the next big thing in 3 years when he gets fired again when the VR gaming bubble burst. Maybe he's gonna try to sell us on how smell-o-vision cards are gonna be the next big thing.


The market has already proved with 3d tvs that even if the tech works people do not want to wear something on their face.

That Kickstarter was an effort to try and keep people at harmonix employed so they werent laid off
Hs whole rant is stupid. Comparing VR to 3D TV. lol

I don't even go see movies in 3D if I can avoid it and think VR is rad as hell. It's genuinely different experience and opens up ne gameplay opportunities.

As someone who actually likes 3D, owns a 3dtv and buys 3d blu rays, and watches movies in 3d at the theaters, VR is so much more exciting that 3D is or has ever been.

I dont watch the livestreams (i wait for the podcasts to drop because I aint got time for that) I guess i'll hear these dumb arguments sometime later today


I think VR is cool. For me personally it will all come down to what Morpheus will cost and what the game support will look like. Occulus isn#t really an option because I don't have a gaming PC.

When people are demoing games that involve you standing still, in a wheelchair in game while people demoing you touch your legs.

The radio was successful because it was a non-obtrusive natural advancement of orators or people speaking. The TV was a radio that provided a picture to the sound that people were already used to. You would think 3d tv was an advancement of that but the market rejected it because it nobody wanted to wear anything or commit to wearing something to view the experience.

Right now VR is a ton of people who in 4 years will be out of work or in a new industry and people drinking kool aid of tech that is not going to sell.

Drake didn't get fired, he moved on. Drake killed it as the community guy over at Harmonix, what are you talking about

He left because Harmonix was shrinking in size after Microsoft cut Kinnect from the Xbox One.

Again Kinnect was the same thing. The technology did not organically integrate itself into a household or a persons life. You had to make adjustments such as having a room big enough to play or not having a coffee table.

VR is going to fail as a gaming media just like 3DTVs have failed as an advancement of gaming.

At most its going to be a niche gaming product.

VR will have its uses but not for gaming.
Fox318, when the first color television came to your neighborhood did you whack at it with a withered broomstick in fear that the devil has come unbeknownst to the rest of the sheeple surrounding you?
The requirements for Kinect and VR are so radically different I can't believe people are still trying to draw the comparison.

Small reminder that the Kinect works very well, it was just a shitty first run implementation, room requirements, and poor game support that killed it.


Fox318, when the first color television came to your neighborhood did you whack at it with a withered broomstick in fear that the devil has come unbeknownst to the rest of the sheeple surrounding you?

That was a natural advancement of the technology. The experience of consuming the content didn't change for the person using it.

VR is a huge step forward with a huge list of things that need to work for the tech to be viable.

Maybe in 20 year's I'll be wrong but I know the market right now does not want to play motion controlled games or Kinnect games.

Maybe it just bugged me that Drake shot down somebody like Jeff Green who has seen and covered it all so callously.
That was a natural advancement of the technology. The experience of consuming the content didn't change for the person using it.

VR is a huge step forward with a huge list of things that need to work for the tech to be viable.

Maybe in 20 year's I'll be wrong but I know the market right now does not want to play motion controlled games or Kinnect games.

Maybe it just bugged me that Drake shot down somebody like Jeff Green who has seen and covered it all so callously.

Drake is literally invested in VR being a real thing given that his company is heavily involved with the VR push into the mainstream. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's towing the company line in that regard.

Jeff Green is a black dragon. Nothing he says is true except when he admits to wanting your gold.
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