only the unfinished some months ago, the game came out like 3 days ago
Missed it
only the unfinished some months ago, the game came out like 3 days ago
no VRodeo this week either god dang
And based on how much Austin was into it during the unfinished I imagine we'll probably get a QL now it's out.
Sure, let's see if they don't forget about it with E3 and all.
Haven't seen anyone make it yet, so here's an abridged webm cut of Brad and Dan's porcelain adventure.
Greg Miller's face in this picture has to be the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. I can't even tell what's wrong with it, but something is wrong here.
LmaoI think it's safe to say you're having an alright life if the face of a happy Greg Miller is the scariest thing you've ever seen.
The GB E3 thread should be that picture of them all looking bummed out watching the Sony thing but someone should photoshop "world peace announced" above it or something
Brad: "Did that guy soil himself?"
Dan: "Yeah probably, if I had a hammer thrown at me that's the first thing I'd do."
Brad: "I mean, why wait for the hammer?"
Man, what an amazing combo Dan and Brad is, who could have predicted that?
Greg Miller's face in this picture has to be the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. I can't even tell what's wrong with it, but something is wrong here.
Dan brings out the best in all of us.
Should've been Five Nights at Greggy's!
On it. But I have another phrase in mind.
actually it turns out I had a way stupider idea than this
Go with world peace
If it gets the salt to be started early about them being jaded, itll be worth it.
The unprecedented eight man quick look.They are all busy filming the Total Warhammer QL
I finally bit the bullet and downloaded Windows 10. Seems nice enough so far. Nothing is noticeably ruined.
Obviously my first move was to start downloading Forza Apex. it's gonna feel good to play forza again.
The new episode of the TellTale Minecraft game features Youtubers voicing their own Youtube characters... or something. Yeah.
The new episode of the TellTale Minecraft game features Youtubers voicing their own Youtube characters... or something. Yeah.
With all respect to everyone and clearly just my opinion... This world is lost. The arts are dying in front of us and many are cheering.
If you have a Xbone controller, rumble triggers feel good. Especially going over a puddle of water.
The new episode of the TellTale Minecraft game features Youtubers voicing their own Youtube characters... or something. Yeah.
If you mean all the crew but not Dan "Slap Man" Ryckert I agree.Forget E3. Since they are all together Austin should have the crew play a table top game all together.
I feel a very strong pain in my soul areacaaaan youuuuu belieeeeeve it's for pachinkoooooo
If you mean all the crew but not Dan "Slap Man" Ryckert I agree.
At the end of UPF, Jeff said they were gonna record a couple podcasts this week. What's the other one? Can't be Danswers because Dan said he recorded an episode already.
At the end of UPF, Jeff said they were gonna record a couple podcasts this week. What's the other one? Can't be Danswers because Dan said he recorded an episode already.
Waiting for new Untitled Movie Podcast