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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...

I won't

I wonder if I should try and draw some persona five style duders

If you got the talent, then why not? I would if I did. Can't draw for shit though.

I hate GOTY discussions.

Blasphemy! With the cameras being on right now we're going to witness the carnage live.


Yesss. Perfect thumbnail.


"I was staring at a candle recently..." might be my favourite Dan question lead in so far. The image it conjures up is perfect.
Oh boy, Vinny held the item they need to progress the story in his hands not 24 hours ago.

17 mins in.

That's going to go down well in the other thread.


That's going to go down well in the other thread.

Watching this episode blew my mind a little because of Vinny not just pressing A. I know the lack of a prompt may be an oversight, but he's been pressing A on stuff without the prompt plenty of times through the endurance run. I can't even figure out why he didn't just try A anyway.

Totally worth it for the Chinese scroll bit.


Looking forward to watching Jeff's C64 stream - I was holding my C64 not 24 hours ago (genuinely, found it in my parents attic, along with loads of games including a boxed copy of the Minter classic REVENGE OF THE MUTANT CAMELS).

Did he play Creatures 2?
I'm hoping it's because they read those surveys and had people say "holy crap these are long"

Turing Test was about half an hour longer than it needed to be
Less time spent on Quick Looks = more weird Quick Looks hopefully.

They don't need to go longer than half an hour for games that aren't big releases in the year.


It feels like sometimes the driver for a QL goes in with a game plan, but especially when they're exploring new content and they want to both be surprised it can really swing either way (riotously funny or kinda just... boring)
Whenever Dan finally does leave Giant Bomb the last big revelation will be that he actually is a time traveler and was the "executive" that fired Jeff from Gamespot all those years ago.


I... I just realized I do Ryo's 'uwaagh' sound when I take a sip of a drink. I've been doing this since childhood, since I first played Shenmue... I'm a Shenmue reference...
It feels like sometimes the driver for a QL goes in with a game plan, but especially when they're exploring new content and they want to both be surprised it can really swing either way (riotously funny or kinda just... boring)

Yeah, I think a good general QL way to do it would be 20 minutes but if they feel like the game is clicking either on an interesting or funny level, or they have pretty good chat going, then go as long as it needs.

It'll make the funny/longer ones more memorable and keep the rest short and sweet. I'm sure this is the way it used to be.

I imagine it's a difficult call on the fly though, maybe that's a Drew/Jason thing.


QLs should be as long as they're into it. if they're not feeling it, i don't mind a short one. ReCore was like 49 min and it was a really good QL. they quit when they could no longer deal with the game. Just don't drag it out if it gets boring.


So I finally got a premium sub on the site and am watching the game tapes stuff. Outside of the Mario Party vids, anything else I should try and watch or any recommendations on where to start with premium vids?
I started Arkham Knight yesterday on PC, and it seems kinda good? It runs great so far, and I'd gone long enough between Batman games that it seems fresh again. I can definitely tell the batmobile stuff is going to get tedious though. Not sure if I'll end up finishing it, but it totally seems worth the $10 I paid for it.


So I finally got a premium sub on the site and am watching the game tapes stuff. Outside of the Mario Party vids, anything else I should try and watch or any recommendations on where to start with premium vids?

Demo Derby is A+ material.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
So I finally got a premium sub on the site and am watching the game tapes stuff. Outside of the Mario Party vids, anything else I should try and watch or any recommendations on where to start with premium vids?

Random PC Game
Load our Last Souls if you like Dark Souls
Load our Last Save Freedom Fighters


QLs should be as long as they're into it. if they're not feeling it, i don't mind a short one. ReCore was like 49 min and it was a really good QL. they quit when they could no longer deal with the game. Just don't drag it out if it gets boring.


Long quicklooks are great WHEN they are really into it/something goofy happens/they get absorbed in something

But for games that don't warrant it, i don't need to see an hour and a half of footage



Long quicklooks are great WHEN they are really into it/something goofy happens/they get absorbed in something

But for games that don't warrant it, i don't need to see an hour and a half of footage

yea, Sleeping Dogs and its DLCs were an amazing QLs cuz Vinny just kept playing and doing crazy shit.
I wonder what the longest quick look they've done is? The longest that comes to my mind is the Elder Scrolls Online one (but it's technically 2 separate videos) that comes in at like 3.5 hours...

part 1
part 2


I really like the changes the site seems to be heading towards.

First they put out a survey to get user feedback.

Now both Jeff and Vinny have mentioned doing Monday streams from home.

I am really excited to start getting more live content.
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