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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


weirdly memeable dude though

I regularly listen to the This Year Best Of's and, honestly, I think the podcast goes downhill once Patrick joined and picked back up in a big way with Dan and Jason. Patrick was present for some good bits, but I never find him that funny or entertaining.

Aside from this, of course.

And that Cesaro suicide dive was scary as fuck. I thought he was paralyzed for a sec.
Different strokes and all but Patrick discussed games that never get a look in now and I liked that he was the news guy who made the news section a bit more focused.

Dan is entertaining but he can become tiring and Jason is just dull.

And of course outside of the podcast Spelunkin and Spookin were two of the best premium features.

What I wouldn't give to get Scoops back!
am I in bizarro world

like yeah spookin' is cool if you're into that sort of thing but spelunkin' is A: not premium, and B: the same game being played with the same person on a daily basis
Was it really not premium? Crazy.

Spelunkin is Patrick taking a great game, learning its incredibly intricate mechanics, mastering them and then doing an extremely hard completionist run.

That series is the reason why I have 100 hours logged in the game and can proudly say I beat Yama.

Those few weeks he played that game and rightly fell in love with it is a level of quality that GB hasn't really produced in ages. It was fantastic.


i understand if you pay for content you want more premium content than not generally speaking but i don't really make the distinction in my head for whatever reason


He's in the Hall of Fame and is regarded as one of the best defensive players of all time.

Yes he is one of the best defensive players of all time.

He's considered one of the best defense players ever and is one of the kings of rebounds. I think he won the rebound award almost ten years in a row?

Thanks! You read all these crazy stories about Dennis and his meeting with Kim Jong.

And that Van Damme flick. :D

I'm not that into Basketball nowadays like I was when I was a kid thanks to Michael Jordan and the Jordan shoes. Everyone at my school wanted them.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Spookin' was the moment I realised how stupid scare-cams are. Fun series though.
Daily Spelunky was on par with "Dotin' the A" and other GB daily video series that don't feature enduring


I didn't like Spelunking and Spookin because were like the Daily Dota in that I don't care about any of those games.

And also Patrick's youtube practice faces were dumb.
If Giant Bomb bought Vice Gaming everything would be perfect. The Austin- and Patrick-shaped holes in content would be instantly mended. And since Vice Gaming's website doesn't really exist yet, it's like nothing else would change.
All this content sounds so cool and I missed it. Oh well.

It's, uh, still on Giant Bomb, you know. QLCREW is the best way to find anything.

Don't give them any ideas about limited time content. They could do bad things if the money was there.


Thanks! You read all these crazy stories about Dennis and his meeting with Kim Jong.

And that Van Damme flick. :D

I'm not that into Basketball nowadays like I was when I was a kid thanks to Michael Jordan and the Jordan shoes. Everyone at my school wanted them.

Yeah his off court antics have been a disaster for the past 20 years and probably held him back from being even better on the court, but even so he's one of the best to have played the game.
Was it really not premium? Crazy.

Spelunkin is Patrick taking a great game, learning its incredibly intricate mechanics, mastering them and then doing an extremely hard completionist run.

That series is the reason why I have 100 hours logged in the game and can proudly say I beat Yama.

Those few weeks he played that game and rightly fell in love with it is a level of quality that GB hasn't really produced in ages. It was fantastic.

I got all the achievements in that game well before any ports got out there, so I was Spelunkied out by the time Patrick got to it. I didn't need to see him go through all that stuff because I already went through those motions myself.

But regardless, daily content of the same exact game quickly runs thin, and Patrick did that with more than just Spelunky.
Don't give them any ideas about limited time content. They could do bad things if the money was there.

They'd have to actually make the premium content first with the existing money ;)

I got all the achievements in that game well before any ports got out there, so I was Spelunkied out by the time Patrick got to it. I didn't need to see him go through all that stuff because I already went through those motions myself.

But regardless, daily content of the same exact game quickly runs thin, and Patrick did that with more than just Spelunky.

Well there you go, completely different. I watched 50 hours of Patrick play before I played for 100 myself.

Still think I'd have loved watching him do it if the order was reversed though. His commentary about the game was great.


I re-watched part of MPP 5 the other day. They should do more stuff like that in front of a live audience. They were so much more energized.

Just don't let the audience ask any questions.
Worst combination of staff, least good selection of premium content (when made) and no real random/behind the scene videos.

It's still good and I love the site, but it's definitely at its weakest in its history right now for me.

I am told the post-Ryan, pre-Dan era was bad.

Though I wouldn't know, I came in after Dan had been around some time.


Worst combination of staff, least good selection of premium content (when made) and no real random/behind the scene videos.

It's still good and I love the site, but it's definitely at its weakest in its history right now for me.

The time between Ryan passing away and Dan + Jason being hired was way way worse than now.


That bit when it was just Jeff, Brad and Drew westside, and Vinny and Alex hadn't set up a pipeline good enough for regular content on the east, was pretty depressing.
So the first Bombcast I listened to was the one about Methed Up Billy Idol. Wait, there's a video version too?

Um. Before this Bombcast and ER the only thing I saw from GB was...DON'T SHAKE THE BABY and Dragon Age Origin's Quick Look when it first dropped, which got me to buy the game actually. I do remember there was a show they had where they play old games - particularly Japanese games I think? - and just fuck around. I think it was just Ryan and Jeff?

So I guess I should just watch Best of Giant Bomb? I dunno?

Persona 4 Endurance Run. Say goodbye to 100+ hours.
Sure, but saying "at least we had Patrick" as if that's supposed to be some sort of solace is maybe kind of a fucked up thing to say.

Er I'm just saying that during that period we had a guy who was constantly putting out great content buddy. Dunno why you're trying to read between the lines of anything.

I wasn't even the one who brought up that period.

Mr. F

I still kind of have yet to come around on Patrick but I'll deal to get another Austin podcast once their VICE stuff spins up.
The controversy around Patrick and Austin has always been really, really weird to me.

Even outside of the raging crazies, they always seem to spark pages of navel gazing in here.
The controversy around Patrick and Austin has always been really, really weird to me.

Even outside of the raging crazies, they always seem to spark pages of navel gazing in here.

I feel like a bit of a weirdo because I love Patrick and am fairly indifferent to Austin. He annoyed me a fair bit, sometimes.

Guess you can only love one SJW?


Brad is the Randy Orton of Giant Bomb.

I can't stand for this hate speech!

Man the Ryan/Jeff/Brad/Vinny/Patrick bombcast era was dope

Best era. Will never be topped.

I still think Patrick leaving was a decline for GB they've still yet to recover from.

I disagree. Best era was started with Austin and if the new hire is on same level as the people before him/her it will become that again.

When Patrick was living in Chi and working for GB and Alex in NY they were borderline inactive members for a while not counting the worst video feature on the site and a awkward two man video podcast. The West was in shambles, understandably, for a long time.

Dan and Jason came on board and gave the West energy it deeply needed. Dan was the reason for Demo Derby, Metal Gear Scanlon and Mario Party and they are all the best content the site has ever done (minus MGS 4-5), free or not. Maybe I'm giving Dan too much credit but BD (before Dan) I felt I hardly knew anything about Drew, he was kinda just there.
Then Austin came on board and the East finally came together with a podcast (Jeff B. whatup!). Even though there are maybe only 3-4 quick looks with the Vinny, Alex and Austin combo I like they clearly filled a need in the GB fanbase that wasn't being served before.

The only things that I feel that has been done better in past then this is year is the amount of content and their studio looking cold and uninviting.
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