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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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I still contend that Screened was the best site of the Whiskey Media-era. It got a little rough toward the end in terms of frequency, but all of the videos were super well thought-out and unique. Rorie and Joey absolutely killed in that last year with keeping that site running, I just wish it was given more attention and staff to reach the full potential. It was really something special, and I can't find any site today that even comes close to what they were doing with those video features.

Also, some of my favorite Ryan memories are from Box Office Winner's League. I still don't know who won....


mediocrity at its best
Man, Sara Lima is a pretty pretty lady.

Also man, what a god damn party. Ain't no Party like a Whiskey party. I really hope they have a PAXEast party this year.

Yeah, Sara is a pretty, pretty lady. Is she still working in media since she left Comic Vine?


I still contend that Screened was the best site of the Whiskey Media-era. It got a little rough toward the end in terms of frequency, but all of the videos were super well thought-out and unique. Rorie and Joey absolutely killed in that last year with keeping that site running, I just wish it was given more attention and staff to reach the full potential. It was really something special, and I can't find any site today that even comes close to what they were doing with those video features.

Also, some of my favorite Ryan memories are from Box Office Winner's League. I still don't know who won....
They definitely had the best video features
Breaking Brad part 3 was painful. Where did the Brad from part 2 who seemed like he was figuring the game out disappear to?

He's so afraid of levelling up. My god what if the game disc explodes if I get an additional strength point. Then after doing the math and figuring out that higher stats = good, he puts points into magic, while explaining that he likes hitting things with a sword. Then he goes on to yell "Oh this is cheap this is so cheap I'm not doing this" whenever he pulls out the magic wand.

And the only two things he thinks of doing at the start of 4-1 are to either run up to the archer and get stabbed in the back by the other skeleton, or pull the other skeleton away and fight it in direct range of the archer. For 2.5 hours. Mygod.

Hey, he Godhanded those skellies like a boss!


Watched latest UPF. Haha, Brad can't help falling asleep during games he's not interested in. That big close up during Vinny's segment was so evil. XD


Fair enough.

I was obviously surprised, thought Jeff and Vinny would've been on that!


Honestly, GB has not shown a great amount of affinity towards SMT games beyond Persona 4, and Jeff has stated that a lot of his love of P4 was due to the specific characters and setting of that game. For instance, he stated he had little interest in P3, and also said that he found himself less interested in P5 when he learned it wasn't a direct sequel to P4.

If you look back, I actually predicted they'd never do a QL of SMTIV, and people called me crazy.
What is the Castle Doctrine, why is it controversial? Who is Jenn Frank? I have never heard a writer say "aaa" "um" or "but" so much.

The Castle Doctrine is the latest game from Jason Rohrer who made a game and then buried it in the desert so no one could ever play it. Which means there is probably nothing controversial about the Castle Doctrine but rather Jason enjoys making big statements to draw attention to himself and his games. In this case he said The Castle Doctrine won't ever go on sale. One of the better marketing plans to come out of the indie space recently

Jenn used to work for 1up. Probably freelancing now like most of the ex-1up people still floating around in the press
The Castle Doctrine is the latest game from Jason Rohrer who made a game and then buried it in the desert so no one could ever play it. Which means there is nothing controversial about the Castle Doctrine but rather Jason enjoys making big statements to draw attention to himself and his games. In this case he said The Castle Doctrine won't ever go on sale. One of the better marketing plans to come out of the indie space recently

Jenn used to work for 1up. Probably freelancing now like most of the ex-1up people still floating around in the press

So like my Unreal Mods I have on a ZipDisk and left in my parent's house?

edit; that said, there is something inversely brilliant about it. It hard enough to make a game but, at least for me, you seek validation or feedback on something you made for entertainment for others. I wouldn't have the mental fortitude to not share what I create.


The Castle Doctrine is the latest game from Jason Rohrer who made a game and then buried it in the desert so no one could ever play it. Which means there is probably nothing controversial about the Castle Doctrine but rather Jason enjoys making big statements to draw attention to himself and his games. In this case he said The Castle Doctrine won't ever go on sale. One of the better marketing plans to come out of the indie space recently

Jenn used to work for 1up. Probably freelancing now like most of the ex-1up people still floating around in the press

A game so beret you're not even allowed to play it because you're not hip enough.

That's genius.

Honestly, GB has not shown a great amount of affinity towards SMT games beyond Persona 4, and Jeff has stated that a lot of his love of P4 was due to the specific characters and setting of that game. For instance, he stated he had little interest in P3, and also said that he found himself less interested in P5 when he learned it wasn't a direct sequel to P4.

If you look back, I actually predicted they'd never do a QL of SMTIV, and people called me crazy.

They had a passing curiosity for a while because they thought other SMT games might be like Persona 4 (which is one reason I think the U.S. branding is a mistake, but whatever). When they realized they weren't just Persona 4 over again, they dropped them.

It's funny because they started that endurance run intending to make fun of the game and ended up loving it, which you might think would have taught them a lesson about keeping an open mind, but instead it taught them the opposite lesson.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
She was the dude at 1up who always had a dog in her purse, right?
They had a passing curiosity for a while because they thought other SMT games might be like Persona 4 (which is one reason I think the U.S. branding is a mistake, but whatever). When they realized they weren't just Persona 4 over again, they dropped them.

It's funny because they started that endurance run intending to make fun of the game and ended up loving it, which you might think would have taught them a lesson about keeping an open mind, but instead it taught them the opposite lesson.

They started the Endurence Run because, otherwise, they would have not played the game. The game starts so slow that is inevitable being a little cynical at points.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Nope. Pretty sure that was Kathleen Sanders.
Ha, every time I see jenn franks name I always always picture that dog in a purse. I was never a huge 1up show fan so I only saw like 4 episodes of it. I can't believe I've been wrong all this time.


I wish they would do that Yakuza endurance run. I think Jeff and Vinny would really enjoy some of the crazy stuff in those games.

The Endurance Runs are dead so that we get stuff like Breaking Brad: Demon's Souls, Loud Our Last Souls, and Daily Spelunky.

I highly suspect that Jeff is far too busy to be able to do a daily longform video feature at this point.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Jason enjoys making big statements to draw attention to himself and his games. In this case he said The Castle Doctrine won't ever go on sale. One of the better marketing plans to come out of the indie space recently.
That's a pretty cynical take on what I see to be a really valid way of doing business. It's half-off all the way until release. The final price of the game will be $16, and will be $12 during the launch week. The unpredictability of yo-yo prices on Steam do a lot of weird things to how people buy and consume their games and he's got a point.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I bought Starbound when it was on sale and I haven't even loaded it up yet. That was like a month ago.


Yeah, it's like the right amount of Japanese crazy... if they could make it through all the text. Remember that Yakuza 4 QL? It was 45 minutes of text, no fighting.

Vinny would love the story while Jeff would go for the brawling. Perfect combo.


That's a pretty cynical take on what I see to be a really valid way of doing business. It's half-off all the way until release. The final price of the game will be $16, and will be $12 during the launch week. The unpredictability of yo-yo prices on Steam do a lot of weird things to how people buy and consume their games and he's got a point.
It just smacks of every awful anti-used game or anti-piracy argument, he assumes that people who waited to buy the game at $4 would have bought the game at $16 had they known it wasn't going to be on sale at some point in the future. I'd imagine the reality is that most of those $4 people will just never buy his game, period.
I bought Starbound when it was on sale and I haven't even loaded it up yet. That was like a month ago.

If only you paid 3x as much for it, then you'd have played it for sure.


Are you sure? I thought Vinny had played some of P3 and liked it. I might be remembering wrong, though.
You're exactly right. Vinny said he played P3 but never finished it because of how long it was.

I'll be pretty disappointed if neither of them play P5 to be honest. Out of both of them I can see Vinny being the one to play it because he's not as stubborn as Jeff about the "only liking P4 characters" thing. Come on Jeff, it's a new Persona game on an HD console! It's gonna be awesome!

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
If only you paid 3x as much for it, then you'd have played it for sure.

Thats exactly what I'm saying. I would have waited until probably this summer and spent 29.99, got really into it and told all my friends about it. Instead I put it in my cart with something else I wanted and forgot about it.


You're exactly right. Vinny said he played P3 but never finished it because of how long it was.

I'll be pretty disappointed if neither of them play P5 to be honest. Out of both of them I can see Vinny being the one to play it because he's not as stubborn as Jeff about the "only liking P4 characters" thing. Come on Jeff, it's a new Persona game on an HD console! It's gonna be awesome!

I'm fairly certain they'll both play at least some of P5, but I'll be curious what sort of coverage it'll get given that a large chunk of the audience will likely just assume they'll do an ER of it (which is never going to happen).

OMG Aero

I'll be pretty disappointed if neither of them play P5 to be honest. Out of both of them I can see Vinny being the one to play it because he's not as stubborn as Jeff about the "only liking P4 characters" thing. Come on Jeff, it's a new Persona game on an HD console! It's gonna be awesome!
They'll almost certainly play it just to see what it is, but I doubt anyone will finish it since the whole point of the first endurance run was that Persona 4 was a game they wanted to play but didn't have the time for it in their free time.
In fact I can't remember the last time anyone at Giant Bomb finished a big jrpg that wasn't the Chrono Trigger endurance run. I don't think anyone finished Ni No Kuni, and aside from that the only one I can remember was when Brad reviewed Final Fantasy 13 and I don't think he finished that either since I remember the big discussion on that being that if you have to play for so many hours for it to get good then it isn't worth it. But I'm probably wrong and there's a game I'm forgetting.


I'm fairly certain they'll both play at least some of P5, but I'll be curious what sort of coverage it'll get given that a large chunk of the audience will likely just assume they'll do an ER of it (which is never going to happen).
Hopefully they do something a bit more special than just a QL. But yeah, expecting a full on ER would be pretty ridiculous.

Mr. F

Is GB Unplugged a dead feature at this point? I guess with Ian leaving and it being so long since the last episode it would be hard to pick up again. Shame, I wanted to see what fate had in store for the Last Canadians.



Honestly, GB has not shown a great amount of affinity towards SMT games beyond Persona 4, and Jeff has stated that a lot of his love of P4 was due to the specific characters and setting of that game. For instance, he stated he had little interest in P3, and also said that he found himself less interested in P5 when he learned it wasn't a direct sequel to P4.

If you look back, I actually predicted they'd never do a QL of SMTIV, and people called me crazy.
Man this kind of depresses me. Now I'm scared that P5 won't grab me the way 4 did. I'm going to try 3 again soon to see how that feels, I didn't finish it but I remember liking it. The countryside setting really does it for P4, I'm going to go ahead and assume it's going back to the city for 5.

Got me feeling for a direct sequel myself now lol.

They had a passing curiosity for a while because they thought other SMT games might be like Persona 4 (which is one reason I think the U.S. branding is a mistake, but whatever). When they realized they weren't just Persona 4 over again, they dropped them.

It's funny because they started that endurance run intending to make fun of the game and ended up loving it, which you might think would have taught them a lesson about keeping an open mind, but instead it taught them the opposite lesson.

I'm feeling like trying other SMT games after having Persona as a gateway. I've looked at the opening gameplay of SMTIV and it intrigued me and a review of Nocturne which also looked cool. Not as nice and cheery as Persona 4, no, (far darker) but still very interesting games and concepts.

You're exactly right. Vinny said he played P3 but never finished it because of how long it was.

I'll be pretty disappointed if neither of them play P5 to be honest. Out of both of them I can see Vinny being the one to play it because he's not as stubborn as Jeff about the "only liking P4 characters" thing. Come on Jeff, it's a new Persona game on an HD console! It's gonna be awesome!
Absolutely. Being worried about liking the characters is a problem one could have with any game. Gotta at least try! And it's all the same people making it and they're obviously taking a lot of care with this one with the longer release gap.

I depressed myself and got myself back up in one post lol.


I'm feeling like trying other SMT games after having Persona as a gateway. I've looked at the opening gameplay of SMTIV and it intrigued me and a review of Nocturne which also looked cool. Not as nice and cheery as Persona 4, no, (far darker) but still very interesting games and concepts.

None of the other SMT games are remotely like Persona 4 in the way that you describe (Devil Survivor 2 comes the closest, but even then it's a stretch). Hopefully Persona 5 won't be either.


None of the other SMT games are remotely like Persona 4 in the way that you describe (Devil Survivor 2 comes the closest, but even then it's a stretch). Hopefully Persona 5 won't be either.

:OO!!! What would you prefer? Something more like the proper SMT formula? Which if we take the teaser for face value it looks like they're going with. What about Persona 3?

I adored P4. It reminded me of an anime I quite liked watching called Love Hina (complete with hot spring, rural town and social links lol.).


:OO!!! What would you prefer? Something more like the proper SMT formula? Which if we take the teaser for face value it looks like they're going with. What about Persona 3?

I adored P4. It reminded me of an anime I quite liked watching called Love Hina (complete with hot spring, rural town and social links lol.).

I think Persona 4 was a bit of a misstep overall despite enjoying it a lot, so i would hope 5 goes for something a bit more standard SMT in mood, or even just similar to Persona 3.


They'll almost certainly play it just to see what it is, but I doubt anyone will finish it since the whole point of the first endurance run was that Persona 4 was a game they wanted to play but didn't have the time for it in their free time.
In fact I can't remember the last time anyone at Giant Bomb finished a big jrpg that wasn't the Chrono Trigger endurance run. I don't think anyone finished Ni No Kuni, and aside from that the only one I can remember was when Brad reviewed Final Fantasy 13 and I don't think he finished that either since I remember the big discussion on that being that if you have to play for so many hours for it to get good then it isn't worth it. But I'm probably wrong and there's a game I'm forgetting.

I believe Brad finished Final Fantasy XIII, but the issue was that he finished it weeks after it came out, at which point the review held little value. I think the debate was about the future and how much they had to play for long RPGs such as that so that the review would go up in a timely fashion.


I believe Brad finished Final Fantasy XIII, but the issue was that he finished it weeks after it came out, at which point the review held little value. I think the debate was about the future and how much they had to play for long RPGs such as that so that the review would go up in a timely fashion.

Why does a review lose its value a couple weeks after release?
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