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Giant Bomb |OTXXX| Fondle it

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Son of a bitch, I made a gamble trying to go all in and kill the final boss before it could get off its ultimate move and just died in a 30+ minute boss fight..............

That's enough Persona 5 for the night.


Son of a bitch, I made a gamble trying to go all in and kill the final boss before it could get off its ultimate move and just died in a 30+ minute boss fight..............

That's enough Persona 5 for the night.

If I ever have to redo a long boss fight i turn on a podcast
I played Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and some of that PSP game. I don't know who this Xehanhort is.

He's the guy in Birth By Sleep who looks like a cool evil wizard and then a bunch of stupid bullshit happens.
He steals someone's body (Terra-Xehanort), assumes the identity of another guy (Ansem) while in that stolen body, separates the stolen body with a fake identity into a heartless (Ansem, Seeker of Darkness [yes, that's the character's name, fuck everything] ) and a nobody (Xemnas), reforms the stolen body but the component parts and his old body still exist because of time travel (Young Xehanhort, original Xehanort, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and Xemnas), and can turn other people into himself because ?????? (His ultimate goal is to make like 13 versions of himself because who cares whatever fuck this

also xehanort is an anagram for... no heart x

get it? he's the bad guy


Finally got around to watching the Sunshine stream. I liked the idea of it when they were introducing it, but I'm not sure I like it in execution. Alex is a bit too sour on the game, and not really in a fun way. Vinny and Abby are not terrible at the game, but the part where Abby was doing the red coins was just frustrating to watch. Not anything about her performance specifically, but these kind of games where you know what someone should be doing, and they're not doing it can be painful to watch sometimes.
He's the guy in Birth By Sleep who looks like a cool evil wizard and then a bunch of stupid bullshit happens.
He steals someone's body (Terra-Xehanort), assumes the identity of another guy (Ansem) while in that stolen body, separates the stolen body with a fake identity into a heartless (Ansem, Seeker of Darkness [yes, that's the character's name, fuck everything] ) and a nobody (Xemnas), reforms the stolen body but the component parts and his old body still exist because of time travel (Young Xehanhort, original Xehanort, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, and Xemnas), and can turn other people into himself because ?????? (His ultimate goal is to make like 13 versions of himself because who cares whatever fuck this

also xehanort is an anagram for... no heart x

get it? he's the bad guy

I'm more confused than when I started reading that. Are the bad guys just anagrams with the letter X thrown in? Is there a Xemyick, Xaros, Xyofog?


Finally watched Fate of the Furious. I think they finally lost me. The only non-meandering, non-aimless action bits were exclusively in the trailer. World War Z with cars was fun as well as that thing The Rock did later on, but other than that it's hard to care. Also the whole thing just doesn't click, especially with character motivations (which is one thing this series was really good at).

Is that spoiler cast GB did any good? It's longer than the movie!


Finally watched Fate of the Furious. I think they finally lost me. The only non-meandering, non-aimless action bits were exclusively in the trailer. World War Z with cars was fun as well as that thing The Rock did later on, but other than that it's hard to care. Also the whole thing just doesn't click, especially with character motivations (which is one thing this series was really good at).

Is that spoiler cast GB did any good? It's longer than the movie!

they kinda just go through the movie scene by scene. You can just skip to the end to hear their overall rankings though

edit: ok that last shine was great. looking forward to the next episode


I don't know who's that as well. I'm only there for the Disney worlds/characters and that soundtrack. Always have, always will be.

I played the first KH when it came out, thought it was neat but didn't finish it.

I really do love Dearly Beloved, though, such a moving, melancholic, bittersweet (depending on the version) theme.

I started replaying KH1 from the 1.5 + 2.5 collection some time ago, might give another try.


The best moments of the video only happened because of the metagame, i.e. Abby falling on the disappearing sand right before the shine. That wouldn't have meant anything otherwise. It also keeps everybody engaged/invested.

Why ya'll hate fun and more importantly why do you just want to watch someone playthrough Mario fucking Sunshine


the holder of the trombone
I've never actually seen mario sunshine before so I actually wanted a vanilla playthrough at first because I was curious about this game giantbomb keeps going on about.

Now that the shock wore off I guess I can dig the meta aspects but a vanilla let's play would be fine now that beast in the east is winding down.


The best moments of the video only happened because of the metagame, i.e. Abby falling on the disappearing sand right before the shine. That wouldn't have meant anything otherwise. It also keeps everybody engaged/invested.

Why ya'll hate fun and more importantly why do you just want to watch someone playthrough Mario fucking Sunshine

yeah i like the turns and gumball machine, and the side bets are entertaining. It's a decent concept but there's some room for improvement. There should be some way for either the people with lots of shines or the ones with no shines to lose/get multiple shines. If Vinny just plays normally it'd be hard for his stack to get diminished. They said they'd be increasing the blue/red gumballs next stream so maybe that'll help alleviate it


I've never actually seen mario sunshine before so I actually wanted a vanilla playthrough at first because I was curious about this game giantbomb keeps going on about.

Now that the shock wore off I guess I can dig the meta aspects but a vanilla let's play would be fine now that beast in the east is winding down.

I'm sure there are thousands of vanilla Sunshine playthroughs on YouTube. I want to see GB goof around with stupid meta games that don't make any sense.


the holder of the trombone
I'm sure there are thousands of vanilla Sunshine playthroughs on YouTube. I want to see GB goof around with stupid meta games that don't make any sense.

Yeah I guess, but they aren't being played by giantbomb y'see.

Also it's not like giantbomb are known to make meta games for the videos. Even MPP are just straight vanilla plays.


Yeah I guess, but they aren't being played by giantbomb y'see.

Also it's not like giantbomb are known to make meta games for the videos. Even MPP are just straight vanilla plays.

MPP is the ultimate meta game.
It's about spreading misery in the world.
The more misery, the more Mario Party wins.
The more Mario Party wins, the more the world loses.


I've never actually seen mario sunshine before so I actually wanted a vanilla playthrough at first because I was curious about this game giantbomb keeps going on about.

Now that the shock wore off I guess I can dig the meta aspects but a vanilla let's play would be fine now that beast in the east is winding down.

You pretty much are getting a vanilla playthrough since they aren't changing anything in game, just that it's played by 4 people instead of 1.


You pretty much are getting a vanilla playthrough since they aren't changing anything in game, just that it's played by 4 people instead of 1.

Just playing the game and passing the controller around would do that just fine.

Now we have Dan trying to add even dumber stuff like shots of Ranch Soda.

Juat play the game, man.


Just playing the game and passing the controller around would do that just fine.

Now we have Dan trying to add even dumber stuff like shots of Ranch Soda.

Juat play the game, man.

If it wasn't for the stupid meta game they would shit on the game even more. At least they have an element to stay engaged.


They do enough simple playthroughts, the metagame is fun and brings an extra factor for fun stuff to happen.

Just playing a game is fine but something different and more engaging is awesome and changes things a bit. Not every piece of content they have needs to be playthroughts.


Hot take

Super Mario Land is the best controling Mario game to this day.

Dunno about that, but I could never understand the "it feels weird" comments. The jump arcs in Land feel much better to me than the weird downwards acceleration and glitchy collision in SMB1.

That said, Land was my first Mario game, so that might have something to do with it.
Guys does Seinfeld get better? I just started it and I just finished 5 episodes of season 3. The writing is strong but I can't seem to love it like I do with cheers and frasier.


sunshine looks like it could be interesting with something like the switch's gyro for aiming

maybe not that precisely but nintendo's come pretty far on the controls front
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