Mike Works
I'm going to be honest with you man, I was laughing so hard throughout the second half of your post.Houston3000 said:I'm going to rant for a bit in a long post because I'm confused and if anyone wants to read it and sort through my thoughts and give me advice it would be wonderful. Sorry if it's jumbled and possibly a little over informative or graphic.
So I met this girl about one week ago at a sports pub out in Manhattan while watching the first Steelers playoff game Saturday, we hit it off pretty good, she's really into sports and we have some good jokes going back and forth so I ask her to come with me to a different bar (since the one we were in was stupidly crowded) to watch the Falcon's game with me, she obliges and we go to watch the game and eat at a bar down the street. Odd thing is she doesn't want any drinks though, says she doesn't want to get sleepy. To make a long story short it goes well and I end up walking her home and getting a nice little make-out session from it. She calls me the next day on Sunday, says she knows it's short notice but wants me to come watch the Jet's game with her - I blow off my plans to hang with my friends and go to meet her at her place. We get about half way through the game before we're making out again and I end up spending the night in her bed. No true sex though, just almost everything but. Monday morning I take the "shameful" subway ride home.
The reason I say shameful is because I realize I don't really know the girl at all. outside of football at least, and was worried it was moving too quickly since I know after having sex with a girl they're all of a sudden in "let's be in a relationship" mode... At least in my past experience. I kind of say to myself I won't see her again for a week at least but she continues to text me throughout the next few days. Come Thursday night she calls me and tells me she had a really bad day at work and wants to see me. I tried to get her to meet me at a coffee shop or movie theater but she insisted she wanted to relax at home and "cuddle" and offers to order pizza. I go to her place, eat pizza, and try to get to know her a little better but aside from learning she hasn't seen a single one of my favorite movies and her favorite genre of music is country and bubble-gum pop (both of which I hate) I learn mostly about her job before it gets sexual again. In the midst of it all I end up promising her I'll watch the Jet's/Steelers game with her if she goes to see The Fighter with me and watches the copy of Goodfella's I let her borrow.
Saturday I meet her and we go and watch The Fighter and then she wants to take me ice skating. I don't ice skate but she really wanted me to with her and insists we do it at Bryant Park (it's free there as opposed to Rockefeller) I go, she rents the skates for us, and it's pretty fun for about 30 minutes until she starts complaining her ankles are hurting. We stop and I go to buy us coffee when I learn she hates coffee (I'm a heavy coffee drinker) but ok, we go back to her place after I have a cup and she wants me to get her off as a "reward" to her because she took me skating. I do it and then she proceeds to give the worst hand job in history in return... she can't get me off and I tell her to let me show her how - she gets sad and I cheer her up by complimenting the shit out of her. Next day we wake up and I want to get out and walk around a bit since we'd been in bed for about 12 hours... just out to Times Square or something or to the coffee shop. She says she hates walking around but says I can go grab coffee if I want (I walk every day, I love it and exercise that way). A little disappointed I'm going alone I go down and buy coffee, she gives me her keys so I can come straight back, it kind of weirded me out she was handing over all her keys to me but I took them and left for about an hour. We go to a bar to watch the Jets game, hoping they'd go to the Superbowl so there'd be a big party, but when we get there I learn she doesn't drink, at all... ever. I also learn, after having a few drinks myself, she's a virgin and the longest relationship she's been in was 3 months long with a guy she only saw every other week. So the Jets are losing and I'm learning all this shit about this girl so I end up drinking two or three more beers and maybe a vodka tonic than I should. I end up passing out on her bed back at her place but not before she tries to get me off again, it works this time but only because I'm finger-banging her the entire time piss drunk.
The next morning we wake up and I try to ascertain her interests once more. She plays me some music from her iTunes library, shows me pictures, tells me how much she loves romantic comedies and tries to explain to me how Glee is the absolute best show on television. I basically can't agree with her on anything, and besides the fact that she's a total sport nut can't think of any interest we share. In fact I think our interests go against one another. She tells me she wants me to to "ask her to be in a relationship" and that she wants me to take away her virginity... I really don't want to sound like I'm bragging but she's really really into me, more than any girl I've dated before. I don't know why though, she says she likes the way I treat her, but I just treat her like I would any other random girl I'm dating - nicely and with respect. Maybe I'm acting too affectionate or overly romantic in general? The last girl that broke my heart said I was clingy but I actually had similar interests with that girl and tried to share them with her... now I don't even know what to do with this girl after the Superbowl is over.
Advice? Please?
P.S. I'm 25 years old and she's 24 (if that matters somehow)
At first I felt that you were being overly-dramatic and analytical (oh no, she's giving you head before you've really made an intimate connection, what a terrible life), but the bad handjob followed up with the complementing, the Jets losing while you're getting drunk alone, only being able to get off because you're finger banging her when you're drunk... Jesus Christ that was terrific.
Okay, here's my advice: she's a virgin and she sounds like she could be really clingy. If you want to fuck her, then let her know ahead of time that you either just want to take (relationship) things slow, or that you're not looking for one right now. And if she still wants sex after that, then good. If not, no big deal, right? It doesn't sound like you're head over heels for her. Plus I don't think you described her at all in your post, so I'm guessing she's not a knockout.
As for you maybe wanting to get into a relationship... I dunno, you don't sound to upbeat about the prospect with her. I wonder how much of that has to do with her specifically and how much has to do with you generally. I worry when I see you say something like this:
Because it's not true. Not absolute, at least. In hindsight, it may be true of her, but don't take that stance with every girl.I know after having sex with a girl they're all of a sudden in "let's be in a relationship" mode...
I don't know what your personal situation is- whether you're able to get women or aren't, and I suppose that could affect your decision making process with her. You pretty much just need to ask yourself this:
Do you want to be in a relationship with her (Y/N)? If No, do you want to sleep with her (Y/N)? If Yes, just be upfront with her about what you're looking for.