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God of War Ascension |OT| Gods up, Foes down



This game definitely has the best combat in the series bar none.

No more shitty filler weapons, that are never as good as your chain blades.

Far more skill based. Harder to counter, and spamming square, square, triangle doesn't bail you out of every situation.

The R1 grab is awesome for keeping combo streaks going, and is an awesome defense mechanism.

Elemental switches are great once you get the hang of them.

Visuals are amazing.

Like the uses for circle, and the weapon pick ups are generally decent to good.


The damage sponging super armor enemies are way to fucking persistent in this game.
It is ridiculous, if you're gonna do that shit, at least show signs of decay. Like the enemy bruised up, bleeding, or breathing heavier to let us know when their almost dead or vulnerable. Cause when they're a bunch of the same enemy you get the weakest of the bunch mixed up with the one with the most health.

The camera pans waaaay too far out during some situation. Pretty sure everyone has had this one.

The roll is still shit. And only dodges attacks some of the time. It is extremely frustrating when you get hit mid roll by some bosses. Or at least it feels this way.

All in all, I'm having fun. I'm playing on Hard Mode, so I'm probably not as far as I should be since I've died quite a few times. I cannot imagine Titan Mode in this game, Jesus. Super armored enemies be damned.

I think the franchise needs to do something drastically fresh in its next outing. It is clear franchise fatigue is setting in, and things are feeling pretty samey. Even though this has the biggest changes to combat to date. I'm enjoying the game though, not down on it. But won't be there day one for GoW4 if it doesn't do anything differently.


Should be put to work in a coal mine.
To me it feels like they build a combat system that can work in multiplayer first then designed the whole Singelplayer around it. It is by far the weakest combat system in the franchise. I really think they sacrified the combat system to fit it into an multiplayer mode.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
To me it feels like they build a combat system that can work in multiplayer first then designed the whole Singelplayer around it. It is by far the weakest combat system in the franchise. I really think they sacrified the combat system to fit it into an multiplayer mode.

The combat system has nothing to do with MP, aside from potentially the parry and the pickup weapons. I do think the parry was a negative change made to accommodate the same parry system within MP for the co-op mode.


The roll is still shit. And only dodges attacks some of the time. It is extremely frustrating when you get hit mid roll by some bosses. Or at least it feels this way.
Roll is more useful for getting out of the way than dodging attacks. Big enemies have a hard time hitting me since I roll around a lot.

Roll attacks are awesome too.


Roll is more useful for getting out of the way than dodging attacks. Big enemies have a hard time hitting me since I roll around a lot.

Roll attacks are awesome too.

It is useful for me against normal baddies, but certain enemies and bosses hit me right out of it, and sometimes they don't. It is literally 50/50, that, or it has some weird ass frames.

To me it feels like they build a combat system that can work in multiplayer first then designed the whole Singelplayer around it. It is by far the weakest combat system in the franchise. I really think they sacrified the combat system to fit it into an multiplayer mode.


I feel like this is the less noob friendly combat in a GoW game. It is legitimately challenging, and requires a bit more skill than previous titles.

It does all that, without compromising the accessible nature of the GoW combat people have gotten used to.

rdrr gnr

To me it feels like they build a combat system that can work in multiplayer first then designed the whole Singelplayer around it. It is by far the weakest combat system in the franchise. I really think they sacrified the combat system to fit it into an multiplayer mode.
That is fundamentally wrong.
Ha, the Trials are kicking my ass, and from what I'm reading I'm not alone. I've taken a 20 minute break to read up on what I've missed and I'll give the Hades' blades a try.

Embrace Ares.

I used full powered Hades and Zeus for a long time, then came back to Ares a few chapters before. It makes it easier. Just remember to block.


It's really not that hard. Any insight he could have added has been discussed numerous times in this thread. What more did you want him to say?

Personally, I beat it first try on hard. Others have claimed to do so as well. Many people have struggled with the trials, but many have also found it to be just the right challenge...maybe even not hard at all.

The fact they are patching this is one of the biggest problems with gaming today...hell, with society today for that matter. People don't want to work for shit. If you can't beat it on hard, play normal...If you can't beat it on normal, play easy...and if that still doesn't work, play a different game. Don't fucking cry because YOU can't do something without it being dumbed down to your level.

They should not have to make every game, on every difficulty level, so every single player can complete it.

They shouldn't need to patch it at all, but I do think they should give players the option to switch to a lower difficulty setting if they want to. I couldn't complete Archimedes in the first four tries on normal either. The next day after starting to use the Amulet and Stone powers I got passed this section pretty quickly.


finished on normal.
trial becomes manageable, if you can finish the first wave with half health bar or so..

maybe because its been some years since i played a gow or something
but i enjoyed the game pretty much. did not felt any franchise fatigue.


I can't get past the trial. I'm giving up on this game.

There's no way to escape the onslaught of attacks getting spammed at you between the medusas and the sirens.

It's not even a matter of the rage meter being a pain in the ass, because playing on offense is goddamn near impossible.

I've only made it ONCE to the centaur with a sliver of health, and I died instantly thanks to the spikes. That's when I put the controller down.. and for good, I'm afraid. What a shame.

Wow, I am going to jump on early today so I can finally see just how infamous this section really is (I stopped last night just short of it at the Eyes of Apollo). Sounds like they named it Trial of Archimedes for good reason.
Started a GoW2 play on Hard...it was pretty late in the evening, so I intended to just do a couple hours then hit the hay

7 hours later, I'm battling Zeus with the Blade of Olympus, and the time just flies by. I just couldn't stop playing it.

That game is soooooo goooood
Wow, I am going to jump on early today so I can finally see just how infamous this section really is (I stopped last night just short of it at the Eyes of Apollo). Sounds like they named it Trial of Archimedes for good reason.

Now that I've beaten it, looking back, I think I'd be able to do it again on my first try. It all comes down to knowing how to handle each section.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Started a GoW2 play on Hard...it was pretty late in the evening, so I intended to just do a couple hours then hit the hay

7 hours later, I'm battling Zeus with the Blade of Olympus, and the time just flies by. I just couldn't stop playing it.

That game is soooooo goooood

We need Cory Barlog back.


Started a GoW2 play on Hard...it was pretty late in the evening, so I intended to just do a couple hours then hit the hay

7 hours later, I'm battling Zeus with the Blade of Olympus, and the time just flies by. I just couldn't stop playing it.

That game is soooooo goooood

Yeah, 2 is my favorite of the series by far.



This game definitely has the best combat in the series bar none.

No more shitty filler weapons, that are never as good as your chain blades.

Far more skill based. Harder to counter, and spamming square, square, triangle doesn't bail you out of every situation.

The R1 grab is awesome for keeping combo streaks going, and is an awesome defense mechanism.

Elemental switches are great once you get the hang of them.

Visuals are amazing.

Like the uses for circle, and the weapon pick ups are generally decent to good.

I couldnt agree more. combat in God of war was always fun as hell, it felt good and it rocked. but it was always kind of cheap and leagues away from skill-based combat like in ninja gaiden for instance. now I might take a leap heare but I think ascension has taken at least a small step towards ninja gaiden, which I really welcome.

as you say its much more skill based now, and with that the satisfaction of mastering an encounter is much bigger. I really agree that ascension has the best combat mechanics in a god of war game, yet. although its understandable that veterans of the series may struggle now when they try to play it the same way as before.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Finished the trial. It's subversive because you are used to the hard waves coming at the end and not at the beginning. I beat it in four tries. I fully expect gaming journos to be horrible at games but this was sort of unnecessary.
It's just amazing the amount of variety on display in GoW2. It's one of the best paced action-adventure games I've ever played. They way it paces out enemy encounters with all the different environments, the traversal, puzzle solving, mini-bosses, secrets, a new enemy here, a new item or magic there. There are SO much more variety in enemies compared to GoW: Goatmen and Bugs Edition, and it has a fantastic soundtrack. And getting back to that old combat system after Rage Meter and elements is like putting on a warm pair of slippers after a hard day of work.

Stupid ass plot aside, I have no major complaints about that game. It's absolutely phenomenal. I hope SSM can top it one day.

Robot Pants

It's just amazing the amount of variety on display in GoW2. It's one of the best paced action-adventure games I've ever played. They way it paces out enemy encounters with all the different environments, the traversal, puzzle solving, mini-bosses, secrets, a new enemy here, a new item or magic there. There are SO much more variety in enemies compared to GoW: Goatmen and Bugs Edition, and it has a fantastic soundtrack. And getting back to that old combat system after Rage Meter and elements is like putting on a warm pair of slippers after a hard day of work.

Stupid ass plot aside, I have no major complaints about that game. It's absolutely phenomenal. I hope SSM can top it one day.
Easily the best GoW. Easily.
Plus it has the best finisher in any of the games. And was never repeated (which is cool)


Finished it last night. Worthy game. Will go back and play some sections time to time. The last half was better than the first half. I feel like there was some bloat in the first half before the oracle. Surprised that the game had issue or bugs. Hopefully it gets patched. The trials while difficult, it's manageable. It was tough, but not impossible. MP is still crap though. It's fine when its one vs one, and there is a sense of timing, blocking, and using specials. But when more than two players are fighting, it becomes total shit and just a spam specials fiasco. I'd rather Santa Monica either make this a one vs one arena style MP. If they could get the epic ness of SP boss fights into a MP arena game it would be good.

Cannot wait to see what crazy ass SP game they can come with on PS4. Will gladly hand them my money. (Just have it bug free)

Dr Dogg

I don't know if it's because I'm coming in off the back of a previous GoW but boy does the combat feel off in lots of weird ways. I can understand why the prompts over grabable enemies has changed when you can finish them but with the camera sometimes almost in orbit it's damn near impossible to see on my tv. Higher tier moves linked to the Rage meter is somewhat silly. I'm now just going for hit and run encounters and playing very differently to any other entry into the series. Still enjoying it so far but got a few reservations.
So I just finished up this morning, actually quite liked the ending and the final boss was great.

The trial is nowhere near as difficult as is being made out though.
It's simply an exercise in crowd control. I died on my first attempt and was my only combat death in the entire game, because I was approaching it like a normal fight, when really it's multiple fights against very different enemy types.

All you really need to do is learn to manage the two different groups at once, use the Uroboros to slow down one group and attack the other and throw in the Orkos magic to give yourself an extra pair of hands in combat. Really simple - the first wave is definitely the most difficult but you can also use magic most of the way through it, as long as you QTE kill the enemies you get a magic bar back per kill. QTE kill the last few to save some magic for round two, where you get health for QTE kills on the amazonians in the next round.

When the Amazonians and harpies show up, throw all the harpies out of the ring towards the screen then spam magic on the girls, then when you're out to just use Uroboros and Orkos and wail on them - with the amount of abilities at hand it's really easy to just overwhelm enemies. When the big guy shows up just avoid the fire and give him a couple hits and roll away, avoid him when he's invincible and then attack when he's normal - very simple - maybe use Uroboros to slow him down if it's too difficult.

Last stage with the centaur just Uroboros him and wail on him and soon enough you'll get the QTE kill. There's some wraiths in amongst it all somewhere, after the centaur maybe? but they're really no problem at all. Doesn't need to be patched at all - just keep your cool first round and you'll be fine. Honestly I got to the end and thought there was going to be another wave because it was much easier than expected.


Finished it. And ive only played the first gow for reference.

1)The new Rage Meter felt terrrible. It almost dictates how you would have to fight most of your battles. if you get hit,you lose it.so you will have to roll alot more often.which only slows down the game.and even if i had the rage on,it was HARDLY WORTH IT.

2)Four elementals for your chains was very cheap. I barely noticed any green orbs while using hades blades. Nor did they really did anything good besides their magic tech. The only good was the doopleganger tech.

3)when did L1+ sq become "hold square" ?

4)The spike in difficulty in the final trial was wow. two medusas and two sirens.
lets see
a)two enemies with a tracing spell and instant stun
b) while two with a instant death ability.not to forget with instant grab.
c)camera panning out. its gray character in a gray background. had to use the fire element cuz i could barely notice where i was.

5)Increased damage.how can i tell? it still toke forever with the any above average enemy.

6)my personal gripe, boss battles with no health bar.

Oh, for the trials. you had to parry medusas attacks and use the stun grab to instant freeze another enemy. then quickly kill off any non medusas.

the second part,just do whatever cheap things

the third part. just parry the attacks again.


I'd be in the dick
The final boss in this game is super incredible. Really happy with how the game ends.
This can't be stated enough. That scene is an amazing one for one of the PS3's swansong games. It was the first time in years I was wondering how they did that on PS3. It seems to run at a higher framerate than most of the game too, which is even more ridiculous.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
The final boss in this game is super incredible. Really happy with how the game ends.
indeed, I was just looking at my PS3 thinking DAMN, 7 years on & still wowing me just imagine GOW4!


So I wake up today and on my 2nd try I beat the trials on Hard like it was nothing. Had ~75% health entering wave 2 and almost full health going into 3. Funny how that shit works sometimes.


I'd be in the dick
So I wake up today and on my 2nd try I beat the trials on Hard like it was nothing. Had ~75% health entering wave 2 and almost full health going into 3. Funny how that shit works sometimes.

Yeah, the time I beat it I had over 50% health left after having a ton of trouble for hours. It's the kind of thing that you need to have a plan for and can't play like the rest of the game or series, which is the problem with it. There's the way I play the game and the way I play the Trial. Walking away and coming back to it can really help instead of just sitting there angrily.
Just finished the game...


They really need to make a new IP or reboot the franchise.

BTW this is one of my all time favourite series and this one was really epic in the 2nd half of it with one of the best last fights in this generation... but the truth is the truth.

Still better than most of the action games out there, I mean come on it's a GOD OF WAR game after all :p
I apologize for this question but could anyone of you help if you know a solution. Its GOW III related. Freezing/Glitch HELP.

I just started playing GOW III again after a long lay off. I was unaware of the freezing glitch. I get to the Hermes Boss battle. I let the Movie play about Pandora and once it finishes it has a constant audio loop and I go after Hermes. I jump off the 1st ledge and go to jump on the wall. Kratos goes through the wall and plunge to his death. I go to continue and it freezes. It has done this over and over. Is there a solution to this? Unfortunately I only have that one save and I don't feel like going over the same ground again and then it freezes.

I googled it and found its a Save data corrupted, and it has affected many gamers. Is there a work around other than having multiple saves at differenct checkpoints? I don't have the patience to go over the same paths again and have the same problem.
Didn't see any answers yet: how do you get the large red orbs from using Poseidon magic?

I'd like to know this as well. In fact how do you get any of the respected orbs from using the different elements? With poseidon I think you have to shatter them while there frozen, just seems impossible to do 95% of the time.


And there's my platinum, number 20 too. Anyone know what this game's going for in trade in value? lol

I don't think I'll want to play this game again years later like I do with 3 right now.


I'd be in the dick
I'd like to know this as well. In fact how do you get any of the respected orbs from using the different elements? With poseidon I think you have to shatter them while there frozen, just seems impossible to do 95% of the time.

When you have your Rage meter filled the elementss effect kicks in. You can sacrifice your Rage meter for a special attack with L3+R3 or you can keep fighting with more powerful combos and the elemental effect. When you kill an enemy directly with the blades while with a full Rage meter you'll get the bonus. Grapple kills don't count.


I had fun with the game, but I definitely feel it is the weakest out of all the mainline console games, followed by III. I have to give them credit for the final boss though. They delivered on that.

I didn't like the new combat system at all. Lots of new stuff, but I felt it all didn't tie together very well. I really hated how I would have to beat the shit out of low level enemies for 10 minutes before they would die.

Fun game, but I don't think Barlog's will ever be topped.


ok fuck auto save. I was replaying on hard and stopped playing when I was pretty deep into the Temple of Delphi. I quit and I go back in and I'm on chapter 1. So fucking stupid.


It really does. That one scene where Kratos fights with that dragon lady and grabs that thing from her chest really looked like some CG.

The graphics are that good at times. Sometimes I find myself not moving because I still think it's part of the cutscene when it's really gameplay.

It scares me to think what SSM can do with the PS4 next gen.
just got this game today. not impressive at all so far. it feels exactly the same as gow3. button mash, qte, glowing thing, press r1, boss and qte.

theres zero depth to this game at all. I wish there was some creativity or thought put into it but its the same GOW with a nice graphical sheen on it.

I got this and gears of war judgement on the same day. both seem to be having franchise fatigue with neither one showing anything new or different.


Oh one question. I did the website challenges late, like after launch of the game...will I get the bonus dlc from it or am I SOL?

And regarding getting a platinum, do you guys get the rest of them using New Game+? I just need the hidden trophies and the "upgrade all weapons" trophy. I was 500 red orbs short to do this!!! :(

PS: I got another question regarding the plot and want to know if im right:
So Kratos attempted to escape once but got caught as shown in the scene where he is taken back. So then 2 weeks later, he re attempts and succeeds. This is where he finally kills all the witches. So when you start the game, that is when his second attempt starts. But if thats so, why is the spider witch have her left arm when Kratos clearly took it off in his first failed attempt? Oh god im confused.


Oh one question. I did the website challenges late, like after launch of the game...will I get the bonus dlc from it or am I SOL?

And regarding getting a platinum, do you guys get the rest of them using New Game+? I just need the hidden trophies and the "upgrade all weapons" trophy. I was 500 red orbs short to do this!!! :(

You can't get trophies in New Game+.
When you have your Rage meter filled the elementss effect kicks in. You can sacrifice your Rage meter for a special attack with L3+R3 or you can keep fighting with more powerful combos and the elemental effect. When you kill an enemy directly with the blades while with a full Rage meter you'll get the bonus. Grapple kills don't count.

Ok, so. What if I use my R2 Poseidon magic to freeze enemies and then shatter enemies while my rage meter is NOT filled? That won't get me extra juicy red orbs?

Man, why does this game make that so damn obtuse.


I'd be in the dick
Oh one question. I did the website challenges late, like after launch of the game...will I get the bonus dlc from it or am I SOL?

And regarding getting a platinum, do you guys get the rest of them using New Game+? I just need the hidden trophies and the "upgrade all weapons" trophy. I was 500 red orbs short to do this!!! :(

PS: I got another question regarding the plot and want to know if im right:
So Kratos attempted to escape once but got caught as shown in the scene where he is taken back. So then 2 weeks later, he re attempts and succeeds. This is where he finally kills all the witches. So when you start the game, that is when his second attempt starts. But if thats so, why is the spider witch have her left arm when Kratos clearly took it off in his first failed attempt? Oh god im confused.
He only escaped once. All the stuff at the prison is one time period, with flashbacks interspersed. He cut off Maegra's arm when he fought her two weeks before. He's never taken back, that was the him getting captured and imprisoned. The story is told out of order because of the flashbacks. The chronological order is Kirra, Delphi, one week gap, Apollo statue, two week gap, Prision

does Ascension not give you the option of changing the difficulty mid game?

just got this game today. not impressive at all so far. it feels exactly the same as gow3. button mash, qte, glowing thing, press r1, boss and qte.

theres zero depth to this game at all. I wish there was some creativity or thought put into it but its the same GOW with a nice graphical sheen on it.

I got this and gears of war judgement on the same day. both seem to be having franchise fatigue with neither one showing anything new or different.

Play the game longer than 30 minutes.

This title starts off weak but has some of the best moments in the series, and the gameplay and combat is the best it's ever been.
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