Agree and disagree. On a fundamental level, I do think the newer series combat is significantly improved. However, there are a few things that hold it back, especially 2018.
1. The camera: I'm sorry, but this over-the-shoulder camera is made for shooters a la RE4 or Gears. It's not made for fast-paced melee combat with multiple enemies surrounding you. It works beautifully to aim with the axe and solve puzzles (which is what the entire gameplay is designed around), but it completely strips your situational awareness during combat. There's a reason that they have Atreus or Mimir yelling when an attack is incoming and you also have that stupid arrow that points to where the attack is coming from and flashes red when it's about to it. This, to me at least, highlights a glaring flaw with the way the camera interacts with the combat. Not to mention that these warnings don't tell you what attack is coming so you might get hit by an AoE if you don't dodge in the right direction. And don't lie to me, I know you died a myriad of times from off-screen attacks. During 1v1 boss battles, this is much less of an issue because you only need to keep track of a single boss. I still get fucked over a few times with how fast the Valkyrie flies and they sometimes completely leap out of view and you gotta awkwardly roll away. The original series is the exact opposite with a pulled-back camera that always lets you know exactly what is going on around you.
It's a thoughtful and agreeable post, but I can personally only disagree about point 1.
Main goal of God of War combat should be to make the player feel like a God (of War). Despite being given tools to get rid of hordes of enemies with ease in the blink of an eye and facing (coming out victorious) enemies 100 or even 1000 times bigger than Kratos, I don't remember ever feeling like a God of War in 13 God of War games before playing the 2018 one.
This shouldn't really make sense given how much more vulnerable you are in the new ones, so why is that?
Because for the first time, God of War 2018 puts you
in the game, with systems, especially when played at GMGOW, requiring you to be constantly focused and engaged.
Preferring to press buttons and get rid of hordes of enemies in an instant in spectacular fashion is understandable (many praised action games do that), but other kinds of players might prefer to personally feel in the action, be given flawless controls and infinite amount of agency in every facet of the fight and actually
earn that feeling of being a God of War, meaning once skilled enough to become a literal God (=master) of War (=combat).
What's the first rule in a brawl? Mind your surroundings at all times.
You don't, you deserve to get hit and make that no-hit power fantasy stop, because you're not being worthy of being called a God (=master) of War (=combat). Kratos would never get hit because he forgot he was fighting someone who's now behind him. And not only you weren't aware of your enemies at any given moment, you also missed the on-screen danger
and Mimir indications? You need to go back to training, rookie.
And I know it could sound I'm being condescending but I'm really not. There's not a single combat system that's as satisfying to master at this to me, and its mainly because of its camera.
Personally, "styling" by button mashing to increase a combo number means absolutely nothing to me. My concept of "styling" is more starting the Muspelheim 100-enemy trial, slowly walking toward an enemy, dodging his attacks at the last second, destroying the living shit out of him, turn at the last second to shield parry the fire bullet coming from behind sending it back to its source, and then unleashing all hell as the rest of the gang closes in on me.
However, that being said, I want to point out that this doesn't fully apply to Ragnarok. Encounters in that game were not as maniacally polished as GoW 2018, and in part due to the introduction of so many new and different enemies the game legit felt confused (not confusing, but confus
ed itself) at times, and actually made me wish for a further away camera in more than one occasion. Something I would have never asked for and actually resisted passionately in GoW 2018.