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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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Goreomedy said:

An absolute classic, superb.

I've been staying out of here to avoid info but had to take a look with the call of "NEW INFO". I'm a bit worried about some of the new aspects to be honest. Unsure about introducing a cover mechanism and avoiding the police sounds a lot like evasion and camouflage in MGS3. Knowing R* these aspects won;t just be ripoffs of trendy ideas and it'll all be a cohesive slick experience, but given how much I enjoyed the last three I'm just a teeny bit spooked by this being different.

The other 95% of me is pumped. Still 2 months to wait though :/

Doc Evils

Ranger X said:
One reason: Seperate build = end up good.

It's a good thing. I know a lot of people here were hoping the PS3 version to turn bad like other multiplat games, but instead it seems to be the opposite .

Ranger X

Doc Evils said:
It's a good thing. I know a lot of people here were hoping the PS3 version to turn bad like other multiplat games, but instead it seems to be the opposite .

People are quick with conclusion and sometimes they miss some details. I can't really blame them 'cause many people also don't know how it is to make games and even less what porting is. Fact is it's harder to port a 360 game on PS3 than it was porting a PS2 game on Xbox. Since 360-PS3 ports needs more effort/time/money and the PS3 wasn't getting the sales, the ports ended cheaper than last gen in general.
Now there more and more devs that are either starting by making a PS3 version and port it to 360 or again going the Betherda of Criterion route and have 2 seperate build. Those 2 solutions are getting nice results so far and it's only the beginning. More and more publishers/devs will use this strategy since the PS3 is now starting to sell well.


Doc Evils said:
It's a good thing. I know a lot of people here were hoping the PS3 version to turn bad like other multiplat games, but instead it seems to be the opposite .

Why the fuck would anyone hope a port turns bad? I mean, if you own both, you want to be able to choose. If you own a 360 and not a PS3, WTF would it matter what it does on the PS3? The die hard shit in this place borders on the ridiculous sometimes.

Doc Evils

newsguy said:
Why the fuck would anyone hope a port turns bad? I mean, if you own both, you want to be able to choose. If you own a 360 and not a PS3, WTF would it matter what it does on the PS3? The die hard shit in this place borders on the ridiculous sometimes.

newsguy said:
Why the fuck would anyone hope a port turns bad? I mean, if you own both, you want to be able to choose. If you own a 360 and not a PS3, WTF would it matter what it does on the PS3? The die hard shit in this place borders on the ridiculous sometimes.

not the ridiculous, the retarded!



That's the new look of "items". A subtle glow and the item/weapon itself is more realistically placed within the environment.

Health for example can be found as first aid kids in buildings, or mounted to a wall of the hospital.


For the first time, Rockstar gave us hands-on access to both the PS3 and 360 versions of GTA IV. The good news is that no matter which system you prefer, you're going to have a great-looking game to play. There are only some minor visual differences noticeable between the two preview versions. The 360 build is brighter and has slightly more vibrant color while the PS3 build has less aliasing issues. Both display a solid, consistent framerate even during scenes with heavy pedestrian traffic and wild explosions. While graphics whores will find subtle differences to nitpick, the average Joe is going to be happy with either version.

:D good!


newsguy said:
Why the fuck would anyone hope a port turns bad? I mean, if you own both, you want to be able to choose. If you own a 360 and not a PS3, WTF would it matter what it does on the PS3? The die hard shit in this place borders on the ridiculous sometimes.

im getting the ps3 version cos its the only console i own and would find it funny if the ps3 turned out better i suppose V
If they ever find out if you can change controls, I would pick up the PS3 version. Im glad to hear that they both are really similar and the only people that would think otherwise is that dumbass in the DMC4 thread and the guy in the CoD4 thread who compared ground textures.


Just checked out GTA3 San Andreas again.

God.. I can't believe how bad that game looks. And damn archaic as well in controls. Ahhh...


From the TXB preview

Tom ended up in a hand-to-hand fight with a loan shark named Dardan (more on the melee system in a sec). After giving Dardan a good pop on the schnozz, the bad guy stumbled backwards and his momentum took him through a big window (which was accompanied by our Rockstar host exclaiming, “Wow, he went out the window!” a welcome indication that it’s a rare, unscripted occurrence). After careening through the window, he landed on a lower, sloped roof, rolled down toward the edge and started falling off...
Dardan suddenly stuck his arm out and grabbed the edge, hanging there for a few seconds in an effort to save himself—before losing the battle with gravity and plummeting into the waves below.

Can I get a hell yeah. Euphoria FTW.


Prologue Type S Alpha
Anyone else call in to the talk radio station yet and record anything?


I've been working on a couple rants of various lengths, and just wondered if anyone else has called, what name they used (if not their own real name) and what they talked about "on air".

It'd be cool to hear a couple gaffers make it into the final game
depending on who they were.


anachronous_one said:
Anyone else call in to the talk radio station yet and record anything?


I've been working on a couple rants of various lengths, and just wondered if anyone else has called, what name they used (if not their own real name) and what they talked about "on air".

It'd be cool to hear a couple gaffers make it into the final game
depending on who they were.

I said I would...but I think im actually going to do it now. Maybe some kinda rant about how vegetarians are the bain of our society and are worst than communists?

Not that I believe that, just thinking of something random to rant about for the show.

Btw whats the host's name this time around? They say tell em you love his show.
Opus Angelorum said:
And where are they now :)


I'm pumped for this. I hope most multiplatform games start getting seperate builds. It makes the consumers happy when there games run well. I'm going to do nothing but kill hookers for the first five days of this game.


Tiduz said:
im not buying xbl gold anymore.
PS3 version confirmed.

Oh please you were set on buying it for the PS3 since the beginning, no need to come up with a justification, nobody cares and it adds nothing to the discussion.

Tom ended up in a hand-to-hand fight with a loan shark named Dardan (more on the melee system in a sec). After giving Dardan a good pop on the schnozz, the bad guy stumbled backwards and his momentum took him through a big window (which was accompanied by our Rockstar host exclaiming, “Wow, he went out the window!” a welcome indication that it’s a rare, unscripted occurrence). After careening through the window, he landed on a lower, sloped roof, rolled down toward the edge and started falling off...
Dardan suddenly stuck his arm out and grabbed the edge, hanging there for a few seconds in an effort to save himself—before losing the battle with gravity and plummeting into the waves below.

So full of win it's scary.


anachronous_one said:
Anyone else call in to the talk radio station yet and record anything?


I've been working on a couple rants of various lengths, and just wondered if anyone else has called, what name they used (if not their own real name) and what they talked about "on air".

It'd be cool to hear a couple gaffers make it into the final game
depending on who they were.

I called in last spring/summer or whenever it was that they originally announced this. Wrote up a nice little script and used my best redneck impersonation. I also used my gamertag as my name. Chances are it's not going to make it in, but it would be pretty sweet if it did.


Damn it, I had a great rant planned in my head about vegetarians...and the phone number doesnt seem to be able to be dialed on a normal phone. Has anyone else been able to call in?



This shot really is amazing. You can really picture the smoothness of the animation when he is climbing up in the rain. It reminds me of the first teaser trailer for Assassins creed where altair climbs up of over the tower wall and you just like *OMG* and the smoothness in the animation


Nevermind, got the phone number to work. Had to dial in on my cell phone. Got into a good angry sounding rant voice, but ended up stumbling abit near the end. But hopefully that'll just lend more "authenticity" to the rant if they use it :lol

If you hear one in game about vegetarians and their fancy corn powered cars, and that Americans need a good ol bloody beef burger, you know who it is :D
ZmillA said:
I have no concerns in the back of my mind

Game of the Generation.

But you know San Andreas Nights (or whatever) is going to make it look like cat food. As excited as I am about this (and holy shit am I excited) in the back of my mind I'm just as excited for where they'll go next.


BenjaminBirdie said:
But you know San Andreas Nights (or whatever) is going to make it look like cat food. As excited as I am about this (and holy shit am I excited) in the back of my mind I'm just as excited for where they'll go next.

Ive have so much hype for this game, if I tried to imagine the one after I'd probrably have to be sent to a sanatorium


Has their "optimisation process" been to remove graphical elements instead of actually optimising? I don't wanna open a can of worms here, but the textures look a lot worse than 2 months ago


The Everyman
Crusade said:
Has their "optimisation process" been to remove graphical elements instead of actually optimising? I don't wanna open a can of worms here, but the textures look a lot worse than 2 months ago
even if it was, thats what everyone preferred


Crusade said:
Has their "optimisation process" been to remove graphical elements instead of actually optimising? I don't wanna open a can of worms here, but the textures look a lot worse than 2 months ago

It's true. It seems like their optimization process was in reality just downgrading stuff.
Crusade said:
Has their "optimisation process" been to remove graphical elements instead of actually optimising? I don't wanna open a can of worms here, but the textures look a lot worse than 2 months ago

For a game like this I'd take framerate over texture quality anyday. Stuttering when you're trying to outrun cops in heavy traffic would ruin the experience.
Crusade said:
Has their "optimisation process" been to remove graphical elements instead of actually optimising? I don't wanna open a can of worms here, but the textures look a lot worse than 2 months ago

You've been doing that in every GTA thread. Don't try to stealth troll here.
I appears as if there's a slightly more "bio-shock"ish rendering on the models now. Or maybe it's more like Marvel Nemesis. I can't decide. It's good though. It's stylish but realistic at the same time.

The Model design still screams ROCKSTAR for some reason. It's strange how they still have a 3d style that is unique from everyone else out there.

Edit: let me find a photo that better represents what i'm talking about.


Crusade said:
Has their "optimisation process" been to remove graphical elements instead of actually optimising? I don't wanna open a can of worms here, but the textures look a lot worse than 2 months ago

You mentioned this already and I asked for picture evidence. With the batch of new screens I do see what you are saying. There are a couple of shots where Niko's shirt or sweater looks muddy. But as others pointed out, shiny, sharp textures will always take a backseat to framrate and smothness. See Saint's Row for more on this. I just gamefly'd it and forgot how shitty the framerate/screen tear really is.
Sounds good but I'll be a believer after I've gotten my hands on it. The San Andreas hype and lol-worthy promises by Rockstar (ragdolls!) soured that game for me.


BenjaminBirdie said:
But you know San Andreas Nights (or whatever) is going to make it look like cat food. As excited as I am about this (and holy shit am I excited) in the back of my mind I'm just as excited for where they'll go next.

Hardly matters now though. San Andreas was/is the biggest singleplayer game ever that's not auto generated. It had (at the time) cool bell & whistles compared to the older GTA's. But still... there's nothing that can top the moments I had in GTA3.
Himuro said:
Holy shit @ the new Car controls. This is going to take getting used to. ^_^

But...FUCK YES @ Accelerate and Brake being designated to the triggers! WHOO!

there was news about the new car controls? can you please link or post it please?
Klaxon said:
It's the level of detail that first hits home when cruising around Liberty City, the freewheeling outside of mission constraints allowing GTA IV to fully stretch its legs and prove that this will be a sandbox without compare. We see a man raking a motorway embankment, while driving through more suburban areas someone tends to their lawn - little flourishes that engender the world with life beyond that seen in other similar titles. Police eye Niko suspiciously when he runs across the road, despite the Wanted status being at zero, their heads following his path down the street as they peer from inside their stationary car.

At one point, while taking a midnight stroll through Liberty City's quite breathtaking spin on Times Square, we spot a man hunched over the open bonnet of his car, quizzically looking at the broken motor. Being the helpful citizens that we are, we push him to one side and try to hotfoot it with his automobile, but naturally his concerns weren't just a superfluous animation as the car fails to start and we climb out with rose-blushed cheeks.


Which preview did this come from?
Wollan said:
Hardly matters now though. San Andreas was/is the biggest singleplayer game ever that's not auto generated. It had (at the time) cool bell & whistles compared to the older GTA's. But still... there's nothing that can top the moments I had in GTA3.

I just mean seeing them take this approach to other locales with steadily improving technology.
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