:lol @ jumpimg a bike onto a boat :lol
A couple of things that people may have missed (they certainly haven't been in this thread...weeks it took me to read ALL this
PSM3, unique moments:-
"Unique Moment #1
We're by the quayside in Algonquin, eager to test out the new fighting mechanics (hold X to block, O to kick, square for punch and triangle for power moves like head butts), when we spot an angry-looking biker sporting a bomber jacket and handlebar 'tache. Naturally, we push him (you can shove through crowds, like in Assassin's Creed, by pressing O), and he recoils, before fronting up. We connect a few punches, before he staggers back and pulls a knife. Rule one: knife beats fist. Rule two: look before you punch. The quayside is full of bikers, and we're surrounded by about ten angry foes. Brave as lions, we run (speed tap X to sprint - you don't seem to get tired like previous games).
After pushing through a tunnel, we spot a cop on the main road. "This might be good news", pipes our Rockstar rep - and he's right. The cop points his gun at the biker who's chasing (as far as he knows) an innocent civilian. Without warning - pop, pop - the bikers's dead. "Didn't expect that", offers our Rockstar rep, genuinely surprised. Pedestrians scatter and, as we scramble to steal the first available vehicle - just our luck, a crummy Faggio scooter - we accidentally run over another cop. 20 seconds later, we're being chased by three squad cars and a gang of bikers.
Fearing the worst, we spot a makeshift ramp that might just carry us over a fence and to safety. As we grip the accelerator, R Kelly's Bump And Grind - you can't make it up - whirrs into life on the R&B radio channel, and the last thing we hear as we hit the ramp is "My mind's telling me yes, but my body, my bo-daaay's, telling me no", as we splat into the fence at 20mph and marvel at the euphoria physics engine as Niko flops onto a skidding cop car. It's at this moment we understand - GTAIV's genius isn't its raw mechanics, or its missions, but at the point where a set of random events fuse to feel like fate."
"Unique Moment #4
We've stolen an ice cream van - with Cherry Popper branding - and press R3 to start the nursery rhyme-style 'horn'. Flicking through the radio, we hazard upon the techno channel and - by pure accident of fate - the nursery rhyme and techno rhythms almost merge in synch, like some twisted 2 Many DJs Mash Up. Suitably thrilled, we smash straight over a fire hydrant, causing a fizzing jet of realistic spray..."
Now that bit about the fire hydrant is out of this world but the next line is out of this universe!!!
"...We hop out of the cab, wondering what'll happen if we try to jump through it. Landing ten feet away, in a crumpled heap of limbs, we vow not to try again."
*gets nose bleed of joy*
Moment 2 is just about a ped pulling you out of the car you've just stolen from him, which isn't unique and 3 is about killing homeless.
This is from the 5 (and final):-
"A bum asks us for money, and we give him $5 - he's grateful, but we can't see any gameplay benefit. We flick on the jazz channel on our mobile phone, and headshot him to reclaim the cash. Yes, we're horrible. We spend the money in Little Jakob's Homebrew cafe on one of the CuB3D arcade machines - it's like a 3D version of Tetris, and reminiscent of the minigames in GTA:SA."
And one Dan Housers favourite moments:-
"One of my favourite songs was on the radio while two cop cars were chasing me through Chinatown. Suddenly, another car rammed me, and I was flying through the windshield. I ducked into cover and could still hear the song playing from my car. The cops opened fire, but hit a pedestrian who pulled out his gun. Suddenly, there's a full scale war between a random gang and the cops, letting me escape"
A couple of things that people may have missed (they certainly haven't been in this thread...weeks it took me to read ALL this
PSM3, unique moments:-
"Unique Moment #1
We're by the quayside in Algonquin, eager to test out the new fighting mechanics (hold X to block, O to kick, square for punch and triangle for power moves like head butts), when we spot an angry-looking biker sporting a bomber jacket and handlebar 'tache. Naturally, we push him (you can shove through crowds, like in Assassin's Creed, by pressing O), and he recoils, before fronting up. We connect a few punches, before he staggers back and pulls a knife. Rule one: knife beats fist. Rule two: look before you punch. The quayside is full of bikers, and we're surrounded by about ten angry foes. Brave as lions, we run (speed tap X to sprint - you don't seem to get tired like previous games).
After pushing through a tunnel, we spot a cop on the main road. "This might be good news", pipes our Rockstar rep - and he's right. The cop points his gun at the biker who's chasing (as far as he knows) an innocent civilian. Without warning - pop, pop - the bikers's dead. "Didn't expect that", offers our Rockstar rep, genuinely surprised. Pedestrians scatter and, as we scramble to steal the first available vehicle - just our luck, a crummy Faggio scooter - we accidentally run over another cop. 20 seconds later, we're being chased by three squad cars and a gang of bikers.
Fearing the worst, we spot a makeshift ramp that might just carry us over a fence and to safety. As we grip the accelerator, R Kelly's Bump And Grind - you can't make it up - whirrs into life on the R&B radio channel, and the last thing we hear as we hit the ramp is "My mind's telling me yes, but my body, my bo-daaay's, telling me no", as we splat into the fence at 20mph and marvel at the euphoria physics engine as Niko flops onto a skidding cop car. It's at this moment we understand - GTAIV's genius isn't its raw mechanics, or its missions, but at the point where a set of random events fuse to feel like fate."
"Unique Moment #4
We've stolen an ice cream van - with Cherry Popper branding - and press R3 to start the nursery rhyme-style 'horn'. Flicking through the radio, we hazard upon the techno channel and - by pure accident of fate - the nursery rhyme and techno rhythms almost merge in synch, like some twisted 2 Many DJs Mash Up. Suitably thrilled, we smash straight over a fire hydrant, causing a fizzing jet of realistic spray..."
Now that bit about the fire hydrant is out of this world but the next line is out of this universe!!!
"...We hop out of the cab, wondering what'll happen if we try to jump through it. Landing ten feet away, in a crumpled heap of limbs, we vow not to try again."
*gets nose bleed of joy*
Moment 2 is just about a ped pulling you out of the car you've just stolen from him, which isn't unique and 3 is about killing homeless.
This is from the 5 (and final):-
"A bum asks us for money, and we give him $5 - he's grateful, but we can't see any gameplay benefit. We flick on the jazz channel on our mobile phone, and headshot him to reclaim the cash. Yes, we're horrible. We spend the money in Little Jakob's Homebrew cafe on one of the CuB3D arcade machines - it's like a 3D version of Tetris, and reminiscent of the minigames in GTA:SA."
And one Dan Housers favourite moments:-
"One of my favourite songs was on the radio while two cop cars were chasing me through Chinatown. Suddenly, another car rammed me, and I was flying through the windshield. I ducked into cover and could still hear the song playing from my car. The cops opened fire, but hit a pedestrian who pulled out his gun. Suddenly, there's a full scale war between a random gang and the cops, letting me escape"