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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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notjackbauer said:
one of the new previews said that they ended their play session in star junction at night, with pedestrians everywhere, in the pouring rain, blowing up cars with a rocket launcher, and there was no slow-down. Believe!

This could be as true as it's true that there are people out there which can't tell if something is 15FPS or 30FPS. No slow-down doesn't mean that the framerate is great. Whatever, I want it to run smooth because despite of the many technical and gameplay flaws I really like to play these games. But as I said I know this mag and it's one of few mags I really trust.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in here, but in the EGM podcast they mention that you can select classic controls for those of us that don't like the idea of using the triggers for gas/brakes.


SolidSnakex said:
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in here, but in the EGM podcast they mention that you can select classic controls for those of us that don't like the idea of using the triggers for gas/brakes.

On the 360 using the trigers = awesomeness.

I would prefer to use R1/L1 or even X/Square on the six axis though.
SolidSnakex said:
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in here, but in the EGM podcast they mention that you can select classic controls for those of us that don't like the idea of using the triggers for gas/brakes.

Thank God. Someone should ask R* about analog buttons, too. Really pissed me off when Liberty City Stories didn't support it.


SolidSnakex said:
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in here, but in the EGM podcast they mention that you can select classic controls for those of us that don't like the idea of using the triggers for gas/brakes.

Yeah, I heard that. I welcome the triggers as I played lots of Forza with triggers and find it more responsive. But it's great R* thought of those who may not like the transition and kept the old style.

Also, who is this?

Everytime I see her I want to marry her. That's the cutest thing ever.


I'm a casual fan of the GTA series, but with all the improvements Rockstar is making GTA4 may be the first one I really sink my teeth into.


newsguy said:
Yeah, I heard that. I welcome the triggers as I played lots of Forza with triggers and find it more responsive. But it's great R* thought of those who may not like the transition and kept the old style.

Also, who is this?

Everytime I see her I want to marry her. That's the cutest thing ever.
She's my wife, don't let me catch you talking that way about her again
WrikaWrek said:
On the 360 using the trigers = awesomeness.

I would prefer to use R1/L1 or even X/Square on the six axis though.

I don't really have a problem with the triggers on the Sixaxis when it comes to driving games. I just think with GTA i'd prefer it the way it's always been. I'll give the triggers a shot but i'm happy that Rockstar are going to give people the choice between them.

newsguy said:

Everytime I see her I want to marry her. That's the cutest thing ever.

Hayley Williams


WrikaWrek said:
On the 360 using the trigers = awesomeness.

I would prefer to use R1/L1 or even X/Square on the six axis though.

I still don't understand what compelled Sony to fudge up their trigger buttons


From 1up podcast:

"We can't talk about the online yet, but when we do I think people are going to be really surprised, and encouraged. "

The one guy who was there sounded giddy about the online stuff and said he's trying to get permission to talk about it "next week"


voltron said:
Holy shit. The GTA talk on egmlive this week has got me keen as for GTA now. They were all over it.
'Shooting and melee is functional'. Kinda worrisome imo. I mean, there's just too much great stuff to make this game anything less than brilliant but that's the two things I would want to really shine.


Wollan said:
'Shooting and melee is functional'. Kinda worrisome imo. I mean, there's just too much great stuff to make this game anything less than brilliant but that's the two things I would want to really shine.

Well you could add a 3rd to that: frame rate. And it sounds like thats under control. Im actually not too worried about the shooting/combat mechanic. Obviously the better it is the more fun and less frustrating those tricky missions will be, but surely having these extra 4 months to polish the game R* will surprise us all.


Too bad they went with a crackdown style shooting mechanic though..I would have liked to see it like Saints Row's or even GTA PC style.


I hope you can turn lock-on off completely. I don't like the sound of this "half-press" for free aim "full-press" for lock-on trigger thing.


So it will be possible to change the controls, for those people who don't like to drive with the trigger/shoulder buttons? That is very nice of Rockstar. I don't know what I would prefer though. I mean, I'm thinking about it, but I can't make a decision. I thought the Burnout Paradise handled it well, and I also drove my car by using the trigger/shoulder buttons. Hmm...
RumFore said:
Its seems to be early on but the IGN idiots gave away some great potential moments in the game by telling you someone gets "iced" and basically the whole mission. Left nothing to the imagination.

Stopped reading IGN. Whats the best preview out there with no big spoilers?

This is what they say:-
"We looked inside just in time to see Little Jacob get iced.

We were sad to see our partner in crime go, but we ran into the room, grabbed a shotgun and went out to unleash hell on Liberty City. We blew people away in the streets and marveled at the blood getting kicked back on the screen before shooting out some tires and putting a round into an incoming ambulance.

The rig caught fire, exploded and killed us -- which made the screen turn black and white and track our airborne body in slow motion.

What a way to go."

It's just saying that the mission failed. When you fail a mission it doesn't just restart, you have to restart it. Before that you are still in a shoot-out and you have to get away. Little Jacob won't die anyway because he gets the guns.


SupahBlah said:
I'm a little upset that's not backdated, I pre-ordered the special from them last year. :(

and I have left over points. :p

All pre-orders will recieve the points and pictures, no matter when they were ordered.
For driving a car and shooting how can you change the controls!? Unless you want to steer with the triggers? :D
The left stick for steering and the right for aiming, so how can you accelerate, brake and shoot with the face buttons? Unless you've got three thumbs, you can't do it :lol


We had a guy join our forum today going under the name of Neil Corbett he began talking about GTAIV and i asked him if he was close to the project he implied that he was and answered a few questions before abruptly coming back and editing his posts after one of the forumites posted a link to a developer bio showing that a Neil Corbett does indeed work for R*games as lead QA tester.

In fact his been QA on all the 3D GTA titles.

He said a few things that may rile certain gaffers but overall was extremely positive about the game.

As he would be.


Ballistics said:
For driving a car and shooting how can you change the controls!? Unless you want to steer with the triggers? :D
The left stick for steering and the right for aiming, so how can you accelerate, brake and shoot with the face buttons? Unless you've got three thumbs, you can't do it :lol

you just take your finger off of gas whenever you're ready to shoot.

True Crimes did it and it worked.
Dabanton said:
We had a guy join our forum today going under the name of Neil Corbett he began talking about GTAIV and i asked him if he was close to the project he implied that he was and answered a few questions before abruptly coming back and editing his posts after one of the forumites posted a link to a developer bio showing that a Neil Corbett does indeed work for R*games as lead QA tester.

In fact his been QA on all the 3D GTA titles.

He said a few things that may rile certain gaffers but overall was extremely positive about the game.

As he would be.

What do you mean, "Rile certain gaffers"? He explicitly confirmed there would be no Soul Coughing on the soundtrack?


Ballistics said:
For driving a car and shooting how can you change the controls!? Unless you want to steer with the triggers? :D
The left stick for steering and the right for aiming, so how can you accelerate, brake and shoot with the face buttons? Unless you've got three thumbs, you can't do it :lol

Exactly which button is used to shoot ?


Dabanton said:
We had a guy join our forum today going under the name of Neil Corbett he began talking about GTAIV and i asked him if he was close to the project he implied that he was and answered a few questions before abruptly coming back and editing his posts after one of the forumites posted a link to a developer bio showing that a Neil Corbett does indeed work for R*games as lead QA tester.

In fact his been QA on all the 3D GTA titles.

He said a few things that may rile certain gaffers but overall was extremely positive about the game.

As he would be.
Well spill it then, what did he say?

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Dabanton said:
We had a guy join our forum today going under the name of Neil Corbett he began talking about GTAIV and i asked him if he was close to the project he implied that he was and answered a few questions before abruptly coming back and editing his posts after one of the forumites posted a link to a developer bio showing that a Neil Corbett does indeed work for R*games as lead QA tester.

In fact his been QA on all the 3D GTA titles.

He said a few things that may rile certain gaffers but overall was extremely positive about the game.

As he would be.

no info on what he said?, lame! , come on spill it.


BenjaminBirdie said:
What do you mean, "Rile certain gaffers"? He explicitly confirmed there would be no Soul Coughing on the soundtrack?

Here's the link to the forum.


he edited his posts but i quoted him so the original posts are still their.

People can read themselves and make up their minds. I think he was genuine as we do have a lot of UK game developers frequent our forum.

And if he was a bullshitter why change the posts?


SPILL IT! Good and bad man, or even link us to the forum if you want traffic. Any info is welcome with anything having to do with a GTA title, you know that.

EDIT thanks.
What I'm still hoping to be in-game was the video where you see Niko or some other character drunk, walking down a street with the euphoria kicking in. The animation looked amazing, and if you could consantly get drunk and move around like in the video, then talk about next gen. :O


With both platforms offering a very good next gen GTA experience, this is one thread where we should unite as GTA players and not get into that system wars bullshit. For me the decision comes mainly down to controller preference but I can see myself getting at least one console and the PC version, but I may end up with the other console version too at some point.

Anyway, I read somewhere that the in-game car radio will get some interferance from your mobile just before you recieve a call or text. I'm not sure if that's true but if it is that's some amazing attention to detail.


So...the controls are really fucked up aren't they ?

when walking
shoot = R2
cycle weapons = d-pad left/right
run = X

when driving
shoot = L1
cycle weapons = square
accelerate = R2



dejay said:
Anyway, I read somewhere that the in-game car radio will get some interferance from your mobile just before you recieve a call or text. I'm not sure if that's true but if it is that's some amazing attention to detail.

Damn that's really attention to detail if true. When I read about little things like this, it makes me look at the bigger picture. If R* is doing these tiny things that are borderline irrelevant, how much time have the put into the things that matter? This game is going to ooze atmosphere.
Goldrusher said:
So...the controls are really fucked up aren't they ?

when walking
shoot = R2
cycle weapons = d-pad left/right
run = X

when driving
shoot = L1
cycle weapons = square
accelerate = R2


No, as they pointed out on the EGM podcast you can select classic controls if you want.

I thought they said both versions were pretty much identical.

Like most people said that!

so where does this quote come from?

edit: who the f*** is this neil?


The Bookerman said:

I thought they said both versions were pretty much identical.

Like most people said that!

so where does this quote come from?

From that forum, DON'T YOU SEE?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!
Ranger X said:
Well, "smoother FPS + way shorter loading times" on the version i'm not buying certainly doesn't bring me a smile...

The game isn't suppose to have any loading once you're in the world. So they must be talking about the initial bootup unless something went wrong and there's now loading throughout the game.

But we still don't know who that message came from. With the way it's worded it sounds like something from Rockstar, but I can't imagine they'd talk about the downloadable content in a random email.


Ranger X said:
Well, "smoother FPS + way shorter loading times" on the version i'm not buying certainly doesn't bring me a smile...

A forum post from someone who hasn't really confirmed anything is all that takes to ruin your day? Wow. :p

I mean seriously, people can start to bitch and moan when more concrete info is available, don't hop into the fire just yet (since a lot of big gaming sites have reported near-parity between the versions now). As said, wait.
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