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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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Jel0man said:
Not sure if this has been said before, but multiplayer info is coming in about 3 to 4 weeks. A Rockstar spokesman told this to a journalist from the Dutch Gamekings.


Gamekings...man don't even listen to them :lol


Jel0man said:
Not sure if this has been said before, but multiplayer info is coming in about 3 to 4 weeks. A Rockstar spokesman told this to a journalist from the Dutch Gamekings.
GK: "Hey man, how about the MP man?!? Vet spel man, vet vet vet!"
R*: "Euuhh, we'll have some info sometime soon, next month, yeah, that's right. Now go away please"

Mr. Sam

Is it just me that's really not interested in the multi-player aspect of this game? It's not like a new Brawl, or Timesplitters, this is GTA. This is, like, the last hope for mainstream single player gaming. That is, before I pick up a Wii. One day. One day...


Mr. Sam said:
Is it just me that's really not interested in the multi-player aspect of this game? It's not like a new Brawl, or Timesplitters, this is GTA. This is, like, the last hope for mainstream single player gaming. That is, before I pick up a Wii. One day. One day...

Well when we know what it is we'll know whether it's going to be interesting or not.

I hope R* have something fresh to bring in regards to it as simple deathmatching just won't do.
Russtic said:
Better loadtimes and framerate, extra episodes and no bleaching but more jaggies...hmm...decisions decisions.

Why people still believe someone, when they have no idea who they are, is beyond me.


New Artwork, I took it from GTA4.net:


Even sexier than the other one with the chick and the lollipop! :D


The Amiga Brotherhood
Info you may of missed.


- When you lock-on it targets the body, you move the right stick, up, down left or right, to target the specific body parts (we know that) but if you let the stick go it re-centres back to (the middle of the) body It's sort of springy and needs real skill.

- You can once again shoot the petrol tanks. And I don't think just the petrol cap.

- "on higher star levels you actually feel like you're being hunted down by the law." Not new but it sounds cool :D

- Rocket launchers:-
"Explosions in GTA IV are stupidly destructive and absolutely massive - on the same scale as Crackdown's multi-car-flinging booms. Smoke trails realistically as car doors and debris are flung through the air. Even pedestrians who escape the initial blast are usually left on fire, running around like big, fiery Guy Fawkes.
There's also a slight heat-seeking function to the rocket launcher. When we fired it at a near-by cop for example, it swerved up and behind him, favouring the police car instead as a more worthy target. This made nailing the chopper even easier, which comes smoking and exploding down to the street in a twisted mass of metal and flame."

- "In GTA IV when you're out of sight from the law your stars will 'grey out', indicating that you're hidden. Unfortunately this doesn't work like the big game of peek-a-boo we expected, and even when you're hidden the cops are slowly drawn to your general location." Good, I think that's encouraging, that they don't simply get bored. "general location", I don't think that means "Right up to your face cheating", I just think if you're still "wanted" then they keep looking.

- "Eventually the law tracks us down to the dark alley we're parked in. Locking on to cover and whipping out the AK, we frantically take out as many as possible, but they've called in a second police helicopter and it's time to leg it or be shot to pieces by the new chopper's on-board mini-gun.
Eventually we make it to a small canal, where most of the on-foot bobbies seem to have lost our scent. It's just us and the helicopter now, but with no ammunition left for the RPG we pull out the next best thing; the sniper rifle.The rifle works in pretty much the same fashion as before, but what impressed us most was the amount of detail you can pick out down its scope.
Lining up with the chopper above us - which is now spraying bullets liberally in our direction - we can make out the gunner actually sitting inside. We take him out and smile as he plummets to the ground in a single shot.
Now that its defenceless we're free to aim up and take out the pilot as well. Shooting right through the glass we perform yet another one shot kill, and the helicopter bucks violently downwards, exploding in the canal."
How's that for a slice of fried gold :)


- "Explore any of the city's many hospitals (where you'll respawn if you're killed) and you'll come across water coolers. Fire at these and water will spill out of the holes you've made in the plastic."

- "I'm told that players should turn their sat nav off after a while so that they better learn the nooks and crannies of Liberty City for the multiplayer. Interesting." It's BIG, basically.


- "The NYPD has cab fleets driven by undercover officers who make busts; our Rockstar rep mentioned seeing one in action once. It's in the game, as Console Editor-in-Chief Will Tuttle discovered after taking out a cabbie from a block away. His partner jumped out of the passenger's seat and immediately began opening fire, plus the line-of-sight police meter suddenly showed up on the mini-map. That dynamic, "anything can happen" nature of this new Liberty City popped up quite a few times during our demo." Great, I thought that was a rumour. Respect cabbies, you never know who they might be :D I wonder if this extends to paramedics and fire fighters?

Game Tap

- "You can’t just jump into an ambulance and suddenly become a paramedic or drive a cab and pick up fares. Rockstar believes that this feature is just too unrealistic; it might still exist in some form, but one that would fall within the overall mission structure of the game."


- "In addition, the marker will be either green or red, indicating the person's level of hostility - red means they're fighting back, green means they want to run away."


- "Tapping up on the D-pad a second time brings up the phone's keypad. Dialing 911 calls a cop car, ambulance, or fire truck, which respond in real time from their stations throughout Liberty City's five boroughs. It's a handy trick for any missions that require you to steal emergency vehicles. Police cars are especially useful; you can use their computers to research people you meet. An even handier trick: Since cops will now try to stop any crimes they see - whether committed by you or others - you can give them a call if you're on the losing end of a gunfight or brawl. The fuzz will pull up and arrest the aggressors, helping you for a change." The "real time" part has been said before (I think or I read it somewhere else). It has always annoyed me when cop cars are just spawned from nowhere. It would be great to get a good vantage point, ring the cops and watch them scatter out of the station :lol

- "Take Liberty City's lack of seatbelt laws. One Rockstar rep recounted how he used this feature to escape the law by slamming into a waterfront curb head-on and launching Niko into the harbor, where he swam to a boat for a quick getaway." That's just funny :D

This is the one that gets me excited the most:-


"The humour extends beyond the story and the radio stations (hilarious DJ Lazlow returns) to new multimedia features that, unfortunately, we're not allowed to talk about yet." "New multimedia features"? So we know about radio, the internet, mobile phones, billboards, videogames...there's only one left...Television :) :) :)
Could we have over looked the fact that, the adverts for Sprunk, Whiz Mobile, Dilettante, Banging Trash Can Lids For An Hour and the Steinway Beer Garden, weren't meant for us but for the game??? It could be the case that we can't see the woods for the trees :D But then again you can't see any trees in GTA...not until you hit them :lol To back my case up further take a look on IMDB.com, the cast list says "Vice City TV reporter"
Maybe we can watch The Swingers!?

I can but only dream :)
Arkham said:
Just saw this:

R* denies:


Now we have to figure out if the denial is fake too.

Given that the guy has worked for Rockstar through all the 3D GTA's it wouldn't really make sense for him to do something like that as it'd obviously put his job at risk. Rockstar is a very quiet company when it comes to GTA so I doubt they'd be too happy if one of their employees were going off spouting stuff about their game.

Ranger X

Ballistics said:
Info you may of missed.


Game Tap

- "You can’t just jump into an ambulance and suddenly become a paramedic or drive a cab and pick up fares. Rockstar believes that this feature is just too unrealistic; it might still exist in some form, but one that would fall within the overall mission structure of the game."

WAIT. This is a HUGE detail. There's no R3 missions anymore? How does this work now? We need to dress up as pros before? We need to get hired at some office? Its removed all together?

Shit, R3 mission were an integral part of what made GTA GTA. I hope it is still there in a enjoyable form.
Ranger X said:
WAIT. This is a HUGE detail. There's no R3 missions anymore? How does this work now? We need to dress up as pros before? We need to get hired at some office? Its removed all together?

Shit, R3 mission were an integral part of what made GTA GTA. I hope it is still there in a enjoyable form.

If you're still thinking of jacking a cab, though, be forewarned: just driving one won't enable you to trigger the cabbie missions of earlier games. Instead, you'll need to go through Roman and his taxi service if you want to do honest work for a little while; if you need an incentive other than cash, consider that it'll also open you up to missions and contacts you wouldn't get otherwise.



- "Explore any of the city's many hospitals (where you'll respawn if you're killed) and you'll come across water coolers. Fire at these and water will spill out of the holes you've made in the plastic."


Mr. Sam

I'd actually like it be harder for the police to track you down, it'd make it more realistic. I haven't really followed hype, just read articles from the atrocious UK OXM Magazine (I foolishly subscribed), but I believe that's what they're doing?
dejay said:
Love the Fox parody on the site Himuro linked to. The increased terrorist alerts around election time really is something that depresses me about politics - that political parties use fear to get re-elected. I thought BAWSAQ was funny in a childish way too.

Also, is this the first view of the airport we've seen?
It's definitely modeled after the old TWA terminal
"In GTA IV when you're out of sight from the law your stars will 'grey out', indicating that you're hidden. Unfortunately this doesn't work like the big game of peek-a-boo we expected, and even when you're hidden the cops are slowly drawn to your general location."

I don't think they'll find you becasue the game is cheating. I think that if you've stayed in the same place and your still "wanted", they will check every place, until they find you. I'd love to test that part of the game out fully.


Banstick Emeritus
Those of you who actually thought a Rockstar employee - from QA, no less - would sign up with his real name on a message board and bypass the company's watertight PR all need a good slap upside your heads.
bishoptl said:
Those of you who actually thought a Rockstar employee - from QA, no less - would sign up with his real name on a message board and bypass the company's watertight PR all need a good slap upside your heads.
I never thought A major Microsoft Exec would send a PM troll to someone on this board with using basically His real name either. I personally don't believe that post but stranger things have happened.


bishoptl said:
Those of you who actually thought a Rockstar employee - from QA, no less - would sign up with his real name on a message board and bypass the company's watertight PR all need a good slap upside your heads.

Just the other day a dude fucked a dead Deer.

It's a crazy world, a guy doing a retarded mistake like the one you mention sounds like everyday stuff.
WrikaWrek said:
Just the other day a dude fucked a dead Deer.

It's a crazy world, a guy doing a retarded mistake like the one you mention sounds like everyday stuff.

The guy who fucked that deer doesn't have T2 execs to answer to.
Himuro said:
Pretty much. Like I said in that other thread, multiplay can suck my dick.
I could not disagree more. I;ve been waiting for GTA multiplayer forever. The Vice City PC multiplayer mod was some of the most fun I've ever had online. The chases were 100x more fun with other people.


Himuro said:
I'm interested in multiplay, but it's not a big facet for me. I've been playing GTA single player for years so multiplayer doesn't have much sway over me kinda like how I shrug when someone brings up Metal Gear Online.

Also, the no R3 missions post made my heart skip a beat. DON'T. DO. THAT. TO ME.

I think the Taxi are the only non R3 mission.


BobTheFork said:
I never thought A major Microsoft Exec would send a PM troll to someone on this board with using basically His real name either. I personally don't believe that post but stranger things have happened.
Yikes. Bish just got rocked. :lol

Awesome Contribution.gif


BobTheFork said:
I never thought A major Microsoft Exec would send a PM troll to someone on this board with using basically His real name either. I personally don't believe that post but stranger things have happened.

Yes, but at least Bell wasn't stupid enough to use his real name as his alias. This obvious 360 fanboy wanted the publicity and he got it.

Mr. Sam

I actually hate this game. It's the one thing separating me from a Wii and Smash Bros. I'll be over at my friends all day playing that, and back at night to play GTAIV. I'm sure this has been discussed, but am I the only one that loves the choice of central character?


bjork said:
Totally off-topic, but why does Himuro have a Serafitia avatar?

On-topic, I am pondering picking up a 360 just for this game. :)

Go for it. That's what I did, and ended up getting a lot of other great games. plus the xbox live community is awesome


"it is in giving that we receive"
Mr. Sam said:
Is it just me that's really not interested in the multi-player aspect of this game? It's not like a new Brawl, or Timesplitters, this is GTA. This is, like, the last hope for mainstream single player gaming. That is, before I pick up a Wii. One day. One day...

The multiplayer in Liberty City Stories was really fun and the game still had a robust single player campaign. R* would never sacrifice the GTA story for a bigger multiplayer component, it's just a nice bonus feature.

And I don't quite know how GTA is "the last hope for mainstream single player gaming." What does that even mean?

Mr. Sam

Except for the extensive amount of supposed 14-year-old Neo-Nazis, yeah. My Live is broken anyway. Hence my "I don't give a crap about multi-player in this game" attitude.

Mr. Sam

Dupy said:
And I don't quite know how GTA is "the last hope for mainstream single player gaming." What does that even mean?

Some idiot said it. Seriously though, I'm sick of all the big games being hyped for their admittedly brilliant online modes. It seems decent, or at least longish, single player games are a dying breed. GTA, for me, is the last great hope for a primarily single player game to sell incredibly.


Mr. Sam said:
Some idiot said it. Seriously though, I'm sick of all the big games being hyped for their admittedly brilliant online modes. It seems decent, or at least longish, single player games are a dying breed. GTA, for me, is the last great hope for a primarily single player game to sell incredibly.

Metal Gear Solid 4 says hi?

Mr. Sam

Meh. Never was that big of a Metal Gear Fan. Don't like stealth games, nor third person shooters save GOW, and I'm sick of futuristic war environments. Admittedly, it will sell well and is a primarily single player game. You cheeky monkey, you.

Mr. Sam

If single player games are so good why do my friends all laugh at me? *Waits for inevitable joke*

Anyway, any confirmation on whether there'll be the cheat codes of old in IV?


Himuro said:
A user from Jeuxvideo forums sent Rockstar a letter asking for new videos and 10 days later he got a letter saying he should expect new videos and information at the end of March.

WTF? This guy got some cool shit! I'm emailing R* with some random questions in hopes for SWAG!

*crosses fingers for chainsaw dildo*


Mr. Sam said:
Some idiot said it. Seriously though, I'm sick of all the big games being hyped for their admittedly brilliant online modes. It seems decent, or at least longish, single player games are a dying breed. GTA, for me, is the last great hope for a primarily single player game to sell incredibly.

Well, you can get a hell of a lot more replayability out of multiplayer than single player. Take Halo 3 for example, after I beat the campaign on Heroic, I never really sat down to try to beat it again. However, I have over 100 hours on multiplayer though. Point is, multiplayer is a lot more replayability than single. in this game, how many people will take the time to play thru the missions more than once (or at all)?


I see what Himuro is saying about multi, since multi has never been a focus of the series. Of course, a solid multiplayer would put GTA4 way over the top. As I've said before, if the only mode they had in there was cops and robbers I would be thrilled. Me and a buddy versus another 2 guys, everyone gets the guns that the host predetermines. On each side one driver, one shooter, add Euphoria-based craziness and you have GOLD.
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