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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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had to bring it out, it's a classic.
Himuro said:
This is the best thread in gaming discussion bar none. It is a haven for people who love games and could care less about system wars.
?? wait wha... oh it is now thats for sure.
<.< >.> so how about that multiplayer... <.< >.> should be something else. ^.^


y'all should be ashamed
Hah, the one thing that I keep remembering is how THQ canceled the Saints Row PS3 version, in fear that it would collide with GTA in the holiday season...when in fact, it would probably have done quite well, provide a nice stopgap for that type of game during the last few months, and be good for the sequel later this year.

Once GTA IV comes out, nothing else comes close, IMO.


There's room for Saints Row 2 and GTA IV, in my heart at least. Euphoria will be the biggest difference to me - I can't wait to check it out in the GTA universe. Saying that Euphoria may kill Saints Row 2 for me.

I think Natural Motion will get a lot of money from the gaming industry if Euphoria's implimentation in GTA IV lives up to expectation because the bar will have been raised and, like Havok and similar physics engines, there will be no going back to the 'old' tech once people have experienced it.


dejay said:
I think Natural Motion will get a lot of money from the gaming industry if Euphoria's implimentation in GTA IV lives up to expectation because the bar will have been raised and, like Havok and similar physics engines, there will be no going back to the 'old' tech once people have experienced it.

I agree. After reading every preview since the first round of them , if I had to sum up what will be different in this GTA compared to the rest with one word, I would say "weight" If there's one thing the previews don't differ on it's the fact that Niko walks with a sense of gravity, his movements seem natural because of this. Cars handle totally different now, why?
Because in previous GTA's cars drove like they weighed 50 pounds. Now you have to take into account how much your car weighs before you go ripping through a corner.

And while this may have a learning curve because you can't go in and play it right away like it's an old GTA, it's going to feel so rewarding when you ditch the cops or even a buddy online because you calculated every move you made properly.
preview of the game at http://www.gameplayer.com.au

Apparently there's a lot of pop-up in the game:

Still it’s not without a few faults that will need to be polished in the remaining months before release. Pop-up is a bitch and plagued the code enough to be distractingly noticeable
I wonder if it's car fade in or pop-up...or both!

-Explosions are extremely robust and pretty. When we shot down the helicopter, the ball of flame lit up our screen and made a thundering bang before being swallowed in a cloud of black smoke.
-Car damage is quite awesome, from bullet holes in the windscreen, to popped tyres sending sparks flying into the air and damaged bonnets flipping overhead at speed to go spiraling into the crowd.
-In the mission to Live and Die in Alderney, Frankie could have died. We were under no obligation to protect him and had the A.I got lucky he may have expired. This would have affected future dialogue streams, but not the mission. So characters can die if chance doesn’t favor them and the game is prepared to deal with such an event.
-There are so many dialogue streams in this game it is unbelievable. You can learn so much about the characters just from the way they talk shit to each other when nothing else is doing.
-Jacob the Jamaican pot dealer’s accent is so thick and munted you can barely understand a word the dude is saying.
-Niko was offered drugs twice in our play through, but denied them on both occasions.
-We caught a brief glimpse of one of the safe houses in the game. You can change your outfit there should you please, although the options are based on what Niko would realistically wear (i.e. no chicken suits).
-During the mission Harboring a Grudge we engaged in a massive shoot-out down at the docks. It occurred during a thunderstorm. The rain looked quite awesome as it bucketed down, but it was the lightning that was most memorable. As it cracks a flash rattles through the whole world, throwing its own weight behind at atmosphere already encouraged by the bursts of fire coming from everywhere and the environment falling to bits under the combat.
-There is a definite shift in skill level of the A.I as you go up the chain of the law. Get caught in the open while fighting the Feds and expect a head-shot.
-When you die, the screen fades to black and white and the camera shifts to a first-person view of your final resting place – it is quite affecting, and again, not a small bit cinematic.
-A big head-on crash will cause you to go flying out of the windscreen to serious injury and possibly death: Niko ain’t got time for seatbelts.
-Jumping out of a moving car can create a truly awesome ragdoll/Euphoria effect that makes Saints Row’s insurance scam missions look like a piss-weak joke. We wasted a good ten minutes just laughing our arse off driving into busy areas at full pace and then bailing out the door.
-Niko likes the ladies.


Man I hope that Niko isn't going to be a pussy like CJ, rejecting every chance of a blunt hit... that annoyed me.


chubigans said:
Gah! That was a close one. *wipes off brow*

Does anyone else really loathe the way Rockstar promotes their GTA games? How I'd love some actual gameplay footage and some detailed multiplayer impressions, but they string us along until release.

Definitely builds hype and works well for their marketing, but I'm still sad. :(
Didn't fans complain that they saw too much of the game with GTA SA? I don't mind this secretive stuff, I've seen and heard enough.
MMaRsu said:
Man I hope that Niko isn't going to be a pussy like CJ, rejecting every chance of a blunt hit... that annoyed me.

it didnt annoy me, infact I thought it made CJ even more badass for rejecting it.
say no to drugs kids!


robertsan21 said:
it didnt annoy me, infact I thought it made CJ even more badass for rejecting it.
say no to drugs kids!

I thought it was really wack...a dude like that who grew up in the hood and everything, all his homies smoking and he never even drinks a beer or hits the bong. I think that was really unrealistic..

I man I'm not even a gangster but I smoke weed :lol . It's not even drugs, it's a plant ;)

Think Bishop has banned me more than any other mod here, at first I thought he had something against me and just banned me for the hell of it, so I am happy that you guys also get a taste of his insanity! :lol

deep inside I know you love me Bish but in a non gay way!

now back to GTA4, you think we will be able to rob banks anytime we want without having to be on a mission for it?

Safe Bet

MMaRsu said:
I thought it was really wack...a dude like that who grew up in the hood and everything, all his homies smoking and he never even drinks a beer or hits the bong. I think that was really unrealistic..
I'm not an expert on the subject but I believe the higher you rise in street gang culture, the more drugs are frowned upon.


I really loved GTA on the PC (Top down....woo!) but I am ashamed to admit I have only ever played GTAIII on PS2 :(

Super hyped for GTAIV thought. I really want to get wrapped up in this one. One of the reasons I skipped the later GTA games was the lack of multiplayer. Stacking up cars in huge rows and nuking them all was so much fun...ahhh...memories. Not long now!


Wew, thanks for the cleanup Bish.

So anyway, we haven't discussed multiplayer yet all that much. People here seem to want a similar multiplayer setup like Burnout Paradise. I would applaud that. I've only played the demo, but it was implemtented in a great way. Just cruising around, press a button on the d-pad and there you go, you're online. Isn't this what R* was planning also for GTAIV? I think I read such a thing in this thread. It would be great. About the game modes? Interesting to think about it. I've said this before, but if R* handles this right, the opportunities could be amazing. Multiplayer racing for the fans, a thieves vs coppers mode, hell maybe even a game where everyone meets up in the local bar, has a few drinks and then all step into the car, drunk ofcourse, to see who can drive home the fastest without hitting the most pedestrians :D

Oh R*, please don't screw up the multiplayer!


flipswitch said:
preview of the game at http://www.gameplayer.com.au
-During the mission Harboring a Grudge we engaged in a massive shoot-out down at the docks. It occurred during a thunderstorm. The rain looked quite awesome as it bucketed down, but it was the lightning that was most memorable. As it cracks a flash rattles through the whole world, throwing its own weight behind at atmosphere already encouraged by the bursts of fire coming from everywhere and the environment falling to bits under the combat.
*Drool* Sounds sooooo good.


I am somewhat more pessimistic to how multiplayer will turn out

My guess is it will work like Saints Row :(

You chose a map (a cut off part of the city) and play deathmatch or team whatever


I've been playing a lot of San Andreas lately on my PC. I'll probably buy a console version and a PC version. Console because I can't wait to play and PC for mods, and I aim so much better. A loaded AK/M4 = rapid 1 shot one kill for me. Easy headshots.

Flying sucks with m/kb though so I have a logitech gamepad for that >:]

Quickly closing in on the end of San Andreas, fun game and I'll be ready for IV. Looking forward to the new police net type chase system.


Has no PEINS
Quick question for anyone that's played it: Is there an option to invert both X and Y axes?

Previous games didn't have the option but I'm hoping this one does


Himuro said:
Goddamit I'm tired of reading about this. This is probably my biggest worry. What if you're in the middle of a mission and some random punk decides to rear end you at 60 mph? It sounds neat, but there are so many random factors in GTA, and this could just happen AT ANY TIME.

That's certainly an understandable concern. As long as it doesn't happen more often than it does in Saints Row, I'm fine with it. It always happened far more to other drivers than it did to me, which made it wonderfully hilarious (especially when their body crashed through my windshield as well, making their ragdoll corpse an unintended passenger). I hope getting ejected through the windshield is not limited to just Niko in GTA IV.

-Explosions are extremely robust and pretty. When we shot down the helicopter, the ball of flame lit up our screen and made a thundering bang before being swallowed in a cloud of black smoke.

I am thrilled that so many previews are praising the explosions in GTA IV. I am so damn tired of the weaksauce explosions we're still getting these days.
swander said:
What are you, a pilot?

The 360 guide lets you invert axes even if the game won't.

Many devs make the inverted controls default, as well as the other way around. One or the other, it can't be taken for granted. It's nice that the Xbox 360 lets you choose the preferred control option for yourself. Didn't know that.


Preview PSM (US)/April 2008 said:
* Entering an unlocked borough will instantly put the player on a 5-star wanted level and the fiction behind this is, Niko doesn't have a naturalization papers and is considered as a terrorist threat.
* Pedestrians seemingly have thousands of lines of dialogue
* When asked about how the game begins, VP of development Jeronimo Barrera says, "It sets up your position as an immigrant."
* The cast of characters is guesstimated at being in the hundreds by Barrera.
* Barrera states "We want this game to last for years. I'm sure we'll do another GTA some time in the future, but this one is built to last." They also mention that the PS3 will most likely have their own form of DLC as well.
* Any problems with the PS3 version have been addressed and fixed. Sony tech. was there to help.
* The euphoria engine goes as far as Niko actually stepping up onto a curb and onto a dead body (think Captain Morgan's pose).
* Shots can penetrate some walls.
* Knife: "one slash across the face was enough to drop a bad guy"
* Firetrucks are confirmed. In the preview they state that they set a car on fire, called 911 for a firetruck, and when the firetruck arrived they stole it and drove down the street shooting the water cannon.

Maybe it will be the same content as 360 but will appear later,or Sony paid for their own DLC.

I also saw some scans from the magazine.


I was just thinking about a little problem I always have when playing GTA. I am playing GTA:SA today again and there is this mission I keep failing. It's in the beginning where Big Smoke and CJ are going after a train on motorbike and you have to ride a whole lot of miles back when you fail the mission. I would like to see something which solves this, so that you can straight away go the person who gave you the mission.

Is there any solution for this?
Himuro said:
Oh man. This kotaku article is so fucking stupid. Who the fuck wrote this?


Wait. What? There are bikers and punks (the dudes with the leather jackets but aren't hardcore like the bikers on the main island) in Vice City, the Mafia in III. In SA you deal with Russians, and in some cases, the mafia.

So...has this dude ever played a GTA or is he just not paying attention at all?

Fact of the matter is that Grand Theft Auto is self reflective. It has so many gangs featuring minorities because there ARE more gangs featuring minorities. It isn't racist at all, it's just the truth.

Yep everyone is treated equally in GTA. In the sense that everyone is a bunch of assholes, killers ect. That's what's great about it. :p There are no really good people in the series, yet we still end up liking the characters.


Tr4nce said:
I was just thinking about a little problem I always have when playing GTA. I am playing GTA:SA today again and there is this mission I keep failing. It's in the beginning where Big Smoke and CJ are going after a train on motorbike and you have to ride a whole lot of miles back when you fail the mission. I would like to see something which solves this, so that you can straight away go the person who gave you the mission.

Is there any solution for this?

Yep, if you fail a mission you can choose to restart it.


Himuro said:
I think the only pure person in the series is maybe Kyndel or whatever her name is.

I was just thinking about a little problem I always have when playing GTA. I am playing GTA:SA today again and there is this mission I keep failing. It's in the beginning where Big Smoke and CJ are going after a train on motorbike and you have to ride a whole lot of miles back when you fail the mission. I would like to see something which solves this, so that you can straight away go the person who gave you the mission.

Is there any solution for this?

Himuro confirmed this as well, you can use your GPS to restart the mission you failed right.
Himuro said:

When someone brought that up at SA I was in shock. I just couldn't believe it. :lol

But even Donald is a fucking snake. He starts gang wars to drive down the price of land so he buy it. :p

That just makes him a good business man. :)

Safe Bet

Himuro said:
If you fail any mission, you can just go to your phone and choose to restart it immediately. No backtracking, no bullshit.


It would help ease the frustration of multiple mission failures though...


I'm playing SA also and had to look at an FAQ for tips on how to pass that Follow the Train mission.


Prologue Type S Alpha
MMaRsu said:
I thought it was really wack...a dude like that who grew up in the hood and everything, all his homies smoking and he never even drinks a beer or hits the bong. I think that was really unrealistic..

I man I'm not even a gangster but I smoke weed :lol . It's not even drugs, it's a plant ;)

Yes, clearly it's an unrealistic representation of life, for a person in CJ's position to be able to think for himself.


By the way, in the area where you have to do the mission with the train I talked about, there is this cool sign, and I had totally forgotten about it over the years. How awesome.


:lol :lol
MMaRsu said:
I thought it was really wack...a dude like that who grew up in the hood and everything, all his homies smoking and he never even drinks a beer or hits the bong. I think that was really unrealistic..

I man I'm not even a gangster but I smoke weed :lol . It's not even drugs, it's a plant ;)


But if he still did all the chronic, he wouldn't have cared enough about his momma being shot dead in the first place, aka no GTA:SA. ;)


Has no PEINS
swander said:
What are you, a pilot?

The 360 guide lets you invert axes even if the game won't.
I don't have a 360 and the guide only lets you invert the X axis and yes I'm a professional pilot I'm flying right now


non-sanctioned troll
Is no one really concerned about the pop-up flipswitch pointed out in that article?

Still it’s not without a few faults that will need to be polished in the remaining months before release. Pop-up is a bitch and plagued the code enough to be distractingly noticeable

Distractingly noticeable doesn't sound good. I guess it's ok as long as a car or barrier doesn't just manifest itself right in my way when it looked all clear.
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