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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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Still in awe of this explosion.


snoopers said:

I count at least 25 cars in that shot and some of them are at reasonable draw distance.

I'm wondering if we can get those dumpsters rolling down hills and if I can drive through the front of that Burger Shot.


Forsete said:
Hmm, the framerate was really unstable in those vids.. Getting worried again.

The frame rate is going to dip in certain places/situations. If you're expecting silky smooth 100% of the time you're going to be disappointed. As long as it's tolerable I won't mind.

J2 Cool

Forsete said:
Hmm, the framerate was really unstable in those vids.. Getting worried again.

what? The 2 new videos released? They weren't bad at all. If you're complaining about that framerate in a GTA game you're setting yourself up. Anyway, I thought the vids and pictures were amazing. I'm ridiculously excited now.
What's that odd filter all the screens seem to have on them? Hard to describe but it looks like it's taking the sharpness off the images.

Ranger X

Psychotext said:
What's that odd filter all the screens seem to have on them? Hard to describe but it looks like it's taking the sharpness off the images.

I suppose it's some kind of filter like that last gen games had.
I truly hope i can put that shit off like i could put it off last gen. :(

J2 Cool

Psychotext said:
What's that odd filter all the screens seem to have on them? Hard to describe but it looks like it's taking the sharpness off the images.

I noticed that too, but the LCPD recruitment video looks very sharp in motion.


J2 Cool said:
what? The 2 new videos released? They weren't bad at all. If you're complaining about that framerate in a GTA game you're setting yourself up. Anyway, I thought the vids and pictures were amazing. I'm ridiculously excited now.

Actually it was pretty bad.. The LCPD video where the cop cars are chasing something, if it chugs like that during an action scene, geez.
And yes, I know Im probably overestimating Rockstar but these "oh its smooth now!" reports had me hoping. :/
J2 Cool said:
what? The 2 new videos released? They weren't bad at all. If you're complaining about that framerate in a GTA game you're setting yourself up. Anyway, I thought the vids and pictures were amazing. I'm ridiculously excited now.

looks good but the framerate did suck a tiny bit


The radio stations will be great. Those samples were nice. Too bad the first track on the Vladivostok station is the one song I hate most. :lol


Forsete said:
And yes, I know Im probably overestimating Rockstar but these "oh its smooth now!" reports had me hoping. :/

Yes, exactly. Based on the past games I had never expected much from GTA 4's framerate, but all of the hands-on impressions from the past couple of weeks have claimed that both versions were running smoothly. Let's hope that these videos are from an older build.

Framerate concerns aside, I have no doubt that this game will be completely amazing. Rockstar has yet to disappoint me, and I was a huge skeptic of San Andreas before I got my hands on it. These latest screens look fantastic, and we're really starting to see some of the nicer details that Rockstar has put into it (blood stains on the clothes, very nice shattering glass, etc.). I haven't been this excited about a game in a long, long time.


robertsan21 said:
looks good but the framerate did suck a tiny bit

Are we sure those videos are recent in-game footage ?

Watch the LCPD video, and watch the police car after the "one old lady at a time" segment.
The car drives away, but the wheels are not spinning, in fact, the wheels don't even touch the road. And nobody in the car is moving.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Thanks for the videos. The Frame rate looked fine to me. Didn't dip once. Are you sure it was the buffering that caught you off guard? :D

haha didn´t dip once? anyone told you that you can´t sport framerate problems?

because you can´t :)

anyway the framerate sucked in those videos... I am not expecting 30fps on any platform anymore :(
SpokkX said:
haha didn´t dip once? anyone told you that you can´t sport framerate problems?

because you can´t :)

anyway the framerate sucked in those videos... I am not expecting 30fps on any platform anymore :(

I can spot frame rate issues, but major slowdowns? Eh, if I couldn't spot them, then I guess more power to me.:D


Wow unbelievable new videos and screens. It's incredible that a group of talented people who make games can bring such joy to gamers worldwide. Unbelievable.


SolidSnakex said:
In the LCPD video, why is that one police car floating (after they arrest the old lady)?

Like someone else in this thread said: probably old(er) game footage. Which also could explain the not fully smooth framerate in the vids. Very plausible theory if you ask me.


Loudninja said:
Yet, we are unable to use them :(

Himuro said:

I kinda refuse to believe you can't use trunks. Look at this guy in this pic.
Says who? I recall it being mentioned in an old interview that you could pop the trunk at the press of a button and use them as storage.

..and a quick google search says I didn't dream it.

However, The Official Xbox Magazine caught sight of this feature in their demo of GTA IV. When coming up behind a car, the "LB" (L1 on the Sixaxis controller) prompt came on screen in order for Niko to open the trunk.

We don't know how big of a role this feature will play within GTA IV, but we can forsee several situations in which it could come in handy. Smuggling drugs? Check. Stashing weapons? Check. Hiding bodies (dead or alive)? Check.

It's even in the OP. What the hell are you guys talking about? :lol
Tr4nce said:
Like someone else in this thread said: probably old(er) game footage. Which also could explain the not fully smooth framerate in the vids. Very plausible theory if you ask me.

Yeah i'm sure it'll be fixed (if it isn't already). It just seemed odd since i've never seen something like that in any of the previous videos (or any other part of that video).


SolidSnakex said:
Yeah i'm sure it'll be fixed (if it isn't already). It just seemed odd since i've never seen something like that in any of the previous videos (or any other part of that video).

I picked up on that as well - at 0:08, the cop tires are spinning, at 0:33, they are not. Good video though.
Madman said:
I'll believe that GTA has a smooth framerate when I see it. I find it very hard to believe it will have one.

According to EGM it isn't completely smooth but it's smooth enough that it never feels distracting.


Picking up Army of two tonight before heading home., with that being said, I plan on getting Grand Theft Auto IV day one.


Looking at Mafia 2 and then looking at this...I said wow at the difference.

I'm still buying both though. :p


SolidSnakex said:
According to EGM it isn't completely smooth but it's smooth enough that it never feels distracting.
We'll see. I just can't imagine a 3D console GTA with a solid framerate.


jett said:
Looking at Mafia 2 and then looking at this...I said wow at the difference.

I'm still buying both though. :p

Different scope. Mafia 2 has no helicopters and you can't go on every building. No vertical gameplay. And of course much less freedom.
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