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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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Kibbles said:
IGN said the PS3 version is slightly less vibrant


IGN also said it's got "less aliasing issues".

Considering all the released screenshots have been X360, I'd imagine that's where that pic came from as well.


squatingyeti said:
Did it ever occur to people, the reason you may have enjoyed it on a certain controller, is because it was designed for that controller. Things freaking change and no one cares if you preferred one hand on a snes controller and the other grasping an intellivision remote, get that shit out of here.

I think people are stuck in the mindset that's it's still going to control like the old GTA's
here's the Xbox 360 pad layout for GTA:IV looks pretty good and natural.



Death Dealer said:

IGN also said it's got "less aliasing issues".

Considering all the released screenshots have been X360, I'd imagine that's where that pic came from as well.

And another website said the complete opposite.

Let's just wait and see.

Mr. Sam

Kibbles said:
Isn't he just some white guy? Or is a different character in VCS?

It's Lance Vance's brother. Vic Vance or something. I don't know, I only played the thing for five minutes. Point being he's black.


non-sanctioned troll
Sylar said:
Last time I checked I didn't post looking for sympathy. I posted looking for a fucking converter Mr. "Jump to Format Wars".

I don't understand what's so wrong about asking if there's such an device. I have trouble playing GTA on the 360 controller. Is that what you wanted? Wanted me to admit a defecit in my brain that just doesn't allow it or make it comfortable? Well fuck you buddy. I'm sorry I asked a question that would allow me to play GTA and enjoy it because of a medical reason.

Re-read what I wrote. PS2 to 360.

Sorry, but it wasn't all directed at you. However, you did mention you couldn't play on a 360 pad. How does anyone know what a game that used to be designed around one controller, and now could be designed around 2, will play on either?

dabanton said:
I think people are stuck in the mindset that's it's still going to control like the old GTA's
here's the Xbox 360 pad layout for GTA:IV looks pretty good and natural.
My point exactly. You can't assume anything. Of course the old GTA played great with one controller, it was designed for it.


Dabanton said:
I think people are stuck in the mindset that's it's still going to control like the old GTA's
here's the Xbox 360 pad layout for GTA:IV looks pretty good and natural.


Natural ?

When walking, you use the right trigger to shoot. However, when driving, it's the left bumper ?
When you want to cycle your weapons, you use the d-pad, but in a car it's suddenly X.
Running is A, but acceleration is the right trigger.


I prefer this:



squatingyeti said:
Sorry, but it wasn't all directed at you. However, you did mention you couldn't play on a 360 pad. How does anyone know what a game that used to be designed around one controller, and now could be designed around 2, will play on either?

My point exactly. You can't assume anything. Of course the old GTA played great with one controller, it was designed for it.

The guy was only looking for options - people jumped down his throat like he'd done something wrong.


Goldrusher said:
Natural ?

When walking, you use the right trigger to shoot. However, when driving, it's the left bumper ?
When you want to cycle your weapons, you use the d-pad, but in a car it's suddenly X.
Running is A, but acceleration is the right trigger.


I prefer this:
It's not consistent with the foot controls, but triggers for foot actions and bumpers for left/right hand actions makes sense (since you'll be shooting with your left hand, I'd imagine). Plus, with triggers being the only analog option on the 360, it's worth a little inconsistency for better driving control.


Dabanton said:
I think people are stuck in the mindset that's it's still going to control like the old GTA's
here's the Xbox 360 pad layout for GTA:IV looks pretty good and natural.


I know it's silly to judge without experiencing it for myself, but all of the hands-on previews I've read have pegged the "pull left trigger halfway for free-aim" (not listed here) as being awkward. I'd have gladly sacrificed quick access to cab-calling and put free-aim on the left bumper.


Death Dealer said:
Another website that played them back to back ?
Which one ?

there aren't a whole lot of differences between the 360 and PS3 versions of Grand Theft Auto IV. Most of them are the usual things we've heard before with other games--the 360 version looks a little bit softer and more natural while the PS3 version seems a little sharper around the edges. But, both versions look excellent at this point.



Suckin' dicks since '66
Woo I am late for watching one of their videos it was the LCPD recruiting one and Oh man I missed what these guy can do and I am supper excited for the game can't wait till it comes out.

Mr. Sam

Finally, SDF and the Xbots can unite in their love for a game. Or, more likely, bitch about minor differences in the version they haven't even played and how they make each version vastly superior to the other. Why can't we all just get along!?


Mr. Sam said:
Finally, SDF and the Xbots can unite in their love for a game. Or, more likely, bitch about minor differences in the version they haven't even played and how they make each version vastly superior to the other. Why can't we all just get along!?

This is one of the most peaceful threads on the forum.

Bish made sure of that.:lol

Mr. Sam

Really? You only say that because you have a PS3. And everyone knows Sony fans are horrible, horrible soulless demons from a separate dimension entirely.

God, I'm really looking forward to experimenting with the new combat system. If it it's like Uncharted, like suggested, I should be pretty decent at it. The old GTAs were always screwing me over. I hope they keep the Jack Thompson character in the game, but law is a tricky thing.


Mr. Sam said:
Really? You only say that because you have a PS3. And everyone knows Sony fans are horrible, horrible soulless demons from a separate dimension entirely.

God, I'm really looking forward to experimenting with the new combat system. If it it's like Uncharted, like suggested, I should be pretty decent at it. The old GTAs were always screwing me over. I hope they keep the Jack Thompson character in the game, but law is a tricky thing.

What what? Link? :D


Yeah, I hope you can customize controls, because the trigger sensitive free aim has me worried. I hated that kind of control in Perfect Dark Zero where how much you zoomed into your sniper rifle depended on how much you pulled the trigger. I'd gladly give up the "call cab" button for a dedicated free aim.

Someone start a "Dedicated Free Aim" petition. OR at least, Custom Controls petition.
zaidr said:
Yeah, I hope you can customize controls, because the trigger sensitive free aim has me worried. I hated that kind of control in Perfect Dark Zero where how much you zoomed into your sniper rifle depended on how much you pulled the trigger. I'd gladly give up the "call cab" button for a dedicated free aim.

Someone start a "Dedicated Free Aim" petition. OR at least, Custom Controls petition.

All we know about the controls so far is that you can change them to the classic control set if you don't like the initial controls (the one Dabanton posted). No ward on full customization.


zaidr said:
Yeah, I hope you can customize controls, because the trigger sensitive free aim has me worried. I hated that kind of control in Perfect Dark Zero where how much you zoomed into your sniper rifle depended on how much you pulled the trigger. I'd gladly give up the "call cab" button for a dedicated free aim.

Someone start a "Dedicated Free Aim" petition. OR at least, Custom Controls petition.

I kinda liked that zoom method in PDZ. Plus there's only two settings for the trigger in GTA IV - half and full. Personally I'm loving the look of the control config - reminds me a little of a mixture between the original GTA III on Xbox and Saints Row. Saying that choice is always welcome, although I doubt they'd want to implement new control methods this close to release.


So is this game confirmed to be 720p? Or will we be getting an uprezzed situation like CoD4? Has anyone been able to count the steps or whatever it is they do on the screenshots?
squicken said:
So is this game confirmed to be 720p? Or will we be getting an uprezzed situation like CoD4? Has anyone been able to count the steps or whatever it is they do on the screenshots?

God damn. If you can't tell just by looking at a game that it is or isn't true 720p, then why the fuck should it matter? For fuck sakes, you aren't playing a comparison chart, you're playing videogames.


General_Herpes said:
God damn. If you can't tell just by looking at a game that it is or isn't true 720p, then why the fuck should it matter? For fuck sakes, you aren't playing a comparison chart, you're playing videogames.
Yeah! Stick it to em'


General_Herpes said:
God damn. If you can't tell just by looking at a game that it is or isn't true 720p, then why the fuck should it matter? For fuck sakes, you aren't playing a comparison chart, you're playing videogames.

CoD4 looked soft. These screens so far look soft. I can't tell if it's rez or an artistic choice. I prefer a sharpness to my games, the type of sharpness provided by increased resolution, so I'd like to know.

Also, you seem kind of angry. If we were closer together I'd give you a big hug and a shoulder to cry on.
squicken said:
CoD4 looked soft. These screens so far look soft. I can't tell if it's rez or an artistic choice. I prefer a sharpness to my games, the type of sharpness provided by increased resolution, so I'd like to know.

Also, you seem kind of angry. If we were closer together I'd give you a big hug and a shoulder to cry on.

Okay, true. Maybe that was a bit vitriolic given the topic at hand. You're alright by me.

I could be wrong here, but I think you're mostly looking at art direction as the main offender, not resolution. I think if there was a situation where you could pit a 720p version of say, PGR3, up against it's not-so-720p retail version, most of us would be hard-pressed to tell the difference.


Can't wait to have some fun with the cinematic camera. Its always fun, frustrating and hard trying to escape with 3 or more wanted stars and doing it in that camera view

Alex P

Official multiplayer screens and details this week.

Deathmatch and 'Cops & Robbers' gameplay modes are definite. Probably more.
kylej said:
While it does look like 720p, I'm a bit worried about the low resolution mirrors on some of the cars.

I'm more worried about the reflection off the spokes on the wheel in the one pic. what if it doesn't perfectly reflect the outside world, how will you know what is coming from directly behind you when you are laying beside your wheel? HOW WILL YOU KNOW!?!?!?!?!


Alex P said:
Official multiplayer screens and details this week.

Deathmatch and 'Cops & Robbers' gameplay modes are definite. Probably more.

It'll be really interesting to see what they do with MP. Can't wait. I only slightly enjoyed GTA 3, quit VC after an hour, and never tried SA. But for some reason I'm so buying into the hype of GTA4. I'd be furiously fapping with the rest of you if it wasn't for some of the talk about the quality of the gunplay.


Alex P said:
Official multiplayer screens and details this week.

Deathmatch and 'Cops & Robbers' gameplay modes are definite. Probably more.

You speak with conviction. Please tell me where you're getting your info from. Cops and Crooks could be the mode to make this game of the forever, but I'm not getting my hopes up until it's 100% confirmed.

I know it's an odd comparison, but there's some relevance here. Did anyone play Midtown Madness 3 on the original xbox? There were a few variants of a cat and mouse game type and the cities were quite large. Looking for opponents by communicating and cutting them off was an awesome experience, and though it wasn't a great game MM3 was some of the best fun I had online last gen.
I for one have never understood EGM's business plan. I mean, it's not enough that they give away free subscriptions by the barrel full, they have to give them away free online too? I realize that half the mag is ads, but they can't be that lucrative can they? I still think the idea of banning scans when any schmuck with a Zinio account can read the thing is a bit silly.

Can we stop all this fanboy shit. It's getting old. And if you just can't help yourself, can you give everyone a reason why (and how) one game is going to be better on another system.

And this in-game screen shot isn't, it's just a cap from a video, that just happens to be behind Niko. And I've just checked and it's not even him.


Goldrusher said:
I'm more interested in what Hangman's Noose is about.

That's right, I remember that mode being named but no info. In the EGM podcast one of the guys who saw some multiplayer stuff was hella excited which in turn gets me moist. You could tell he really wanted to talk about it but R* had his balls in a vice grip. Regardless he mentioned info is coming soon.


GTA4.net has some new info. The new info is from a 16 page GTA Special/Preview from Edge Magazine and someone from the forums over there posted the following:


* In GTA IV there are strip joints and, more unexpectedly, comedy clubs, which have been incorporated in a manner that is "enough to make your head spin." Edge aren't allowed to say anything else about it at the moment.

* Jets and planes fly through the airport, and have visible pilots inside them. The tester drove alongside a jet, only to have a 4-star wanted level appear!

* One encounter face-to-face with a cop got the response: "I'm a cop... and you're a dickhead!"

* On the subject of multiplayer... Houser wasn't able to go into much detail, but he did mention being able to get together online in the game with no other goal other than to use it as a meeting place: "I'll meet you in a car and we'll hang and just drive and listen to music, chilling in the car, with your 3D model sat next to me," he says.

* The car paint jobs are noticable from newer cars being gleaming and spotless, to old cars being rusted and dull.

* Bulletholes and dirt are permanent on cars.

* Interior walls can be greatly damaged, "ripping chunks out of the plaster with gunfire."


Comedy clubs? Sounds like an awesome idea, wonder if you can cap the guy in the knee if he sucks

On that note I hope there's a movie theatre, could be used as a mission replayer (ala saints row), cutscene viewer, and have a few short movies (made with in-game assets of course, I'm not tlaking live-actino or anything) you can watch (complete with ads at the beginning like the ones you can see on the official site)

Imagine the spoof movies you've heard on the radio in past GTA's coming to life in GTA4 like exploder
Tr4nce said:
* On the subject of multiplayer... Houser wasn't able to go into much detail, but he did mention being able to get together online in the game with no other goal other than to use it as a meeting place: "I'll meet you in a car and we'll hang and just drive and listen to music, chilling in the car, with your 3D model sat next to me," he says.
I just jizzed so hard. I've wanted this since before GTA 3. SA kinda had that, but it was really weak having to share a screen.
One thing that's always kind of annoyed me about GTA trailers is that they never actually show the gameplay. You always see some pretty scenes from the game and maybe a couple of gameplay sequences with a detached floating camera and no hud but never what you'll see when you're actually playing.


my posts are "MEH"
Tr4nce said:
* On the subject of multiplayer... Houser wasn't able to go into much detail, but he did mention being able to get together online in the game with no other goal other than to use it as a meeting place: "I'll meet you in a car and we'll hang and just drive and listen to music, chilling in the car, with your 3D model sat next to me," he says.
Confirmed GGOAT!!!...All I ever wanted in any GTA game on the console....


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
Is the new Edge in shops yet? Or is it just with subscribers for now? (they usually get them a little bit early)

Ranger X

* Jets and planes fly through the airport, and have visible pilots inside them. The tester drove alongside a jet, only to have a 4-star wanted level appear!

"No planes" = lies maybe? What if it's a secret but we could ride a plane..?

Sure sounds interesting...
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