The track Mr. Trever Phillips on the OST almost sounds like a Tangerine Dream/Health co-production leftover from Max Payne 3. So good.
GTA V's score vs Max Payne 3's score...
Hmm, close, but I think Max Payne 3's is slightly better. Both are amazing though, and two of my favourite soundtracks of this generation.
They're both great. MP3 gets extra points for being mixed better into gameplay (audibly)
Red Dead might trump them both though in terms of use in game technically and dramatically.
Is it me or is the enemy AI really poor during shootouts?
I still think Bully has the best soundtrack.
Shawn Lee is a genius.
finally picked this up at gamestop for the 360!
cashier threw me off for a sec asking if I had 8gb of ram
I hate losing. Seriously, there aren't enough already, you have to remove some during story progression? Fuck that. Also, the properties are obviously an afterthought, they were only mentioned after the delay. Before that, R* said they weren't in. Was disappointed with how shit the missions were. Just do some menial task to keep the money flowing. No quest lines like in Vice City to get some awesome rewards.safehouses
He acts timid because Trevorcut his ear off.
Well do you have 8 GB of RAM? You can't play the game without it.
How many safehouses? So far i only know Franklins loses his first.
Game of the forever for me. Well, great game anyway. ;-)
The god damn "lose the cops" mechanic is a little abused as far as I'm concerned. Definitely not my favorite part.
Any tips?
So hum... I'm looking at the Social Club...At the top of the checklist it's telling my I have 5 out of Misc but if I go at the bottom I have 13 completed...
Regarding losing safehouses...
At the end of the game, each character only has one safe house. Franklin loses his Aunt's place for the Vinewood mansion. Trevor has a temporary safehouse at Floyd's for a while but that ends at some point.
The rectangles with the colored bars on the side are the ones that count towards the 100%.
So hum... I'm looking at the Social Club...At the top of the checklist it's telling my I have 5 out of Misc but if I go at the bottom I have 13 completed...
Ps3 is more optimized aka lead platform
Always realized Rockstar would use Ps3
Gameplay reveal to show off best version
Because of the ending and how it works they made it that you can get 100% regardless of what option you choose. In reality that means getting 100% is more like getting 80% in this game.
So there was a mission with Michael and Lester taking aboutI don't remember the details of how that got set up, does it get explained? I just got a phone call saying theWitness Protection and me.FIB wanted to talk
So there was a mission with Michael and Lester taking aboutI don't remember the details of how that got set up, does it get explained? I just got a phone call saying theWitness Protection and me.FIB wanted to talk
This game's going to force me to use a guide for the car delivery and collectibles and I'm not happy about it!![]()
The missions where they force to drive aare like the antithesis of fun. It moves so fucking slow and they make you travel around long stretches of nothing.submarine
these fucking cops, fun killer.
I love the aggressive cops, it makes chases feel so much more dynamic and fun to play out.
Spoiler for midgame Trevorheist: If you don't sink the boat do you still get nothing and the horrible doomsday weapon?
Haha I just noticed I can buy one of the cars I need on the internet for "only" $240,000. I'm really tempted to do it just to make my life easier even if it eats away all the money I'll make.
Other than for finding collectibles, isn't it only used in one mission?
I'd like to know this too - I've been told by a bunch of people that everything stays open, but the posts on this page seem to imply that some of them actually do get locked off. Anyone?Don't spoil anything, but can you end up not being able to do certain things after completing the story? Should I do everything I can before doing the last missions if I want to make sure I get to do everything the game has to offer?
P.S. Holy shit at the character transition with Trevor where
He rapes Floyd and Floyd is left in the room crying
Don't know if anyone else has brought it up yet but...
*Early Trevor Spoiler
I hate what they did to Johnny Klebitz. He was my favorite of the GTA IV trio and seeing him go out like that was rough. I felt bad killing Terry and Clay too.
My new ride in it's natural environment.
I really hope Rockstar finds a way to patch that bug soon because pimping car is too much fun.![]()
I just got to Trevor, and wow, I can already tell I'm going to hate his guts. He just reeks of them trying way too hard to create an over the top, completely nuts character, and he's incredibly one note. Maybe he'll get better as the game goes along, but I'm not a fan so far.