Can you legitimately sail a sailboat? I know it might sound absurd for those of you who don't get out on the water too much, or always happen to reach for the fastest powerboatwithout so much as glancing at a sailboat.
Point is, I enjoyed the sailing portions of Ass. Creed III: paying attention to the wind's direction, pointing the ship in the right direction to get maximum sail, etc. Hell, I even enjoy sailing in LoZ: WW.
GTA has never taken advantage of sailing. Sailboats go painfully slow and are reliant on their 'putter' motor. It sucks. I can't tell you how awesome it'd be to buy a nautical outfit, or even a Tom Hanks-like Cast Away motif and just sail the open water. I don't need to be a speed demon, but it'd be nice to do more than simply putt around with a shitty motor.
p.s. I'm about 20 hours into the game, FYI.
Also, didn't realize it's Lamar on the front page of this thread.