I'm wondering if someone can help me. I've never really been into the GTA franchise. I dabbled in a little GTAIII when it came out and finished GTAIV but never played San Andreas or Vice City.
I'm really loving this game, but am feeling a little overwhelmed. Should I be investing in properties? I've been going from mission to mission but have only bought the one hangar that was tool tip for Trevor. Can someone explain how the assassination missions work? Should I save them for later or do them as they come up? I'm assuming that whoever the target is, I should buy stock in the rival company before the mission and then after the target is killed I should see a bump in stock price or something.
Are there missable missions? I realize that you can switch between characters, but am I going to miss out on missions if I advance the story with one character over another?
I kind of just want to know if I can just play all the story missions and not worry about the side stuff and then if I can fuck around in the post game to do all the sandbox stuff.
It's just really weird, because the properties seem like a waste of money. If I save all the side stuff for the end am I going to be fucked? Should I be actively doing side stuff like triathalons or tennis or shooting range stuff to increase my stats or is that the stat boost going to increase naturally through the missions? I know I'll probably get the hang of it, but, honestly, this kind of feels like an Elder Scrolls game where I don't what I should or shouldn't be doing. Any advice would be awesome.