Chance Hale
Well, restarted the system several times and the kifflom mission just won't show. Think it's totally glitched and I won't be able to get 100% now ;-;
these epsilon missions are a real bitch as far as tediousness is concerned.
You're not the only one. There's also a Youtube commenter that noticed, so there's at least 3 of us lol.Ok, either I'm insane or I'm the only person that I know of to have noticed this. Is Franklin's ringtone this from GTA3?
with Trevor is the only mission I ever remember disgusting in GTA. Trevor is darkly amusing as hell, but it felt evil. Somehow it seems worse than all the slaying I have done? WTF?The torture mission
It tapped into their Manhunt legacy which I didn't think Rockstar North had in them anymore.
As if I didn't already want a sequel..................
with Trevor is the only mission I ever remember disgusting me in GTA. Trevor is darkly amusing as hell, but it felt evil. Somehow it seems worse than all the slaying I have done? WTF?The torture mission
Late game spoilerHow did you feel about Michael's torture mission? Nobody seems to mention it for some reason
Seeing a bunch of menfeels a lot different thanfalling into meat grinders and getting chopped in halfsmashing the testicles of a seemingly innocent man
Seeing a bunch of menfeels a lot different thanfalling into meat grinders and getting chopped in halfsmashing the testicles of a seemingly innocent man
In all fairness it was up to you whether you smashed dem testicles. You sicko...
I don't know why people have a problem with the, the mission wheretorture missionyou're pretending to be firemen and you're in the skyscraper stairwell as the building is collapsing made me feel uneasy because it's very 9/11'ish.
The first time I did it, he went for the knee. Second time.... oh lordy.
Haven't done the other mission. I'm guessing it's a question mark type?
The only way you can get vast amounts of money quickly is by maximizing your investments before and after Lester's assassination missions, so some spoilers regarding those missions in the following link:
I'm on the 7th investment opp atm, the only thing this guide doesn't take into account is:
1. When the stock hits bottom (and what is the lowest value)
2. When the stock hits its peak (what is the highest value)
3. How long it takes to reach 1 or 2
4. How long the stock stays at its bottom or peak
Basically you will be utilizing the bed save with Franklin a lot to pass the time so the market moves faster (some stocks will take 1 or 2 saves to bottom out/max out - others will take 12+ to hit peak as an FYI) Also you can invest will all of your characters, not just Franklin:
I wrote down a few of the expected highs/lows/returns just so you can better maximize your earnings (all of the other guides I've seen don't have any of these written in, some have maybe one or two expected results tops):
I think Debonair tops out at ~51% return at ~$1066 a share (or maybe I mixed it up with Redwood)
Redwood tops out at around 300% return (after it rebounds save one or two more times and it will explode to around 300%)
Facade maxes out at 33% return at $570 per share ($202 low point)
Vapid tops out at ~147% return at ~$500 per share.
Gold Coast tops out at ~82% return at ~$250 per share.
The thing to mention here is to have a save prior to accepting his mission WITH YOUR MONEY CASHED OUT!!!!!! and keep that save in case you mess up or sell too early/too late.
Because BAWSAQ, though affected by your offline decisions is still an online-tied/dependent market -- so if you miss the boat on a stock peak it will drop and keep dropping despite reloading a previous save post-mission, in this case you have to make a note of the peak price and reload the save before the mission and do it over and then sell at the peak you jotted down.
Also, if you played these missions already and didn't max out your investments with all characters you CANNOT replay them and play the stock market game, you would have to start a new game to take advantage of this banking strategy.
For me, right before doing themission I was sitting on a little over 400 million (1 billion after post-mission trading) and by the end of theVapid Busmission I had 1.8
So if you're at that or higher you're in good shape (I did not get to do thedouble dip thing after the first assassination so I missed out on that money).Aug insurance
>Spend 2 million on a attack helicopter
>Be really excited about your purchase
>Realise how screwed up piloting is
>Thing is pretty much useless
God damnit. I don't know if it can be fixed in a patch or what, but what a mess.
I never played much of GTA IV but i get what he's saying. Like I said earlier, I think the same way sometimes but i'm still really enjoying playing the game
Work at it a while. V's helicopters feel totally different to the ones from VC through to IV, but I think they're actually better. You have to be more gentle with them, as the controls are far more sensitive and responsive, but once you get used to them you'll find that the choppers in this game are faster and more manoeuvrable than ever. The only problem is the way they list around in the air, which I assume is something to do with turbulence (since the planes do it, too), but it's not that big a problem.
Where can you pick up the hammer?
On another note, I'm a bit of a moron on this. Is there are more concise, less purple prose version of what he's saying?
The people who bought millions in HAL stock ... hit the X/A button millions of times???
The people who bought millions in HAL stock ... hit the X/A button millions of times???
Yeah, the cops have some neat AI reactions.
I saw a shootout last night between two cops and some random dude. They chased him until he crashed, and that's when they started shooting. One the cops died and the other yelled "officer down!" and then the guy started to run down an alley and the officer said (I guess to his radio) "pursuing on foot!" and went chasing after him.
Made a compact for myself:
This is the epitome of mean spirited, ugly, loud, vulgar Americana satire in a GTA game
I agree that it's difficult for big open-world games to tell a tight narrative, and V's plot isn't immune to wandering, but it seems like the other stuff is just down to his personal taste. I mean I can't even imagine the number of times I've read the phrase "GTA IV was too serious" over the past few years. Different strokes for different folks.
Oh shit, just did a random event to rush this guy to the airport for a flight and the guy gave me a stock tip. Making some pretty great money off of it. Awesome.
As great as it sounds to earn 2 billion by manipulating the stocks during Lester's missions, there should have been a much easier or fun way to earn cash late in the game.
Granted. I still need to do 30+ story missions but from what I have noticed, getting money is a pain in the ass.