Sorry, i don't particularly agree with overly praising tsushima and especially the story and writing, the whole honor thing was cringe af and a far away from how samurai really fought in the past, also the villain was godly for the first 2 hours just to become pathetic the more you play until the end where he basically run away from you like a bitch, the overall story was ok but the honor thing just made me roll my eyes because it was just plain fucking stupid.Sucker Punch is the most underrated. Ghosts having an 83 meta and SM2 a 90? What a joke. (Days Gone a 71 on meta? Laughable as well)
Sucker Punch has been the most consistent. Never changing the creative director like all other studios. Nate Fox has been creative director since sly cooper and clearly loves his job. They delivered a great sly cooper trilogy with at the time decent graphics and fun gameplay during the PS2 days. Then came out and put their stamp on the superhero game genre in the PS3 days. Not opting for an easy third person shooter but a kinetic super powered combat system with verticality.
Then they came right after the mighty guerilla games KZSF and showed themselves as graphical peers with second son. A GIANT generational leap over their PS3 outings and any PS3 game ever released. As second son looked a Gen ahead of last of us. That particle system at the time? PHEW. Those character models in early 2014? PHEW. Then they innovated yet again under the direction of Nate Fox and released a dope ass samurai game that was baaaasically completely free of any wokeism. Just a respectful story seeped in eastern culture. It had amazing graphics. Amazing combat. And an amazing story that showed a true maturity and step up in writing.
They’ve come so far since sly cooper but they never get mentioned in the same sentence as ND or SSM. All their games since second son are graphical power houses for their time and their gameplay is insomniac level pure video gamey fun without dogshit like MJ sections or “hey walk around slowly as Peter and play carnival mini games for 30 minutes” because they have actual competent imaginative game designers.
But then again, i'm not a fan of black and white samurai movies in the slightest.
It was an ubisoft open world, with ok combat and great art design, i vastly prefer infamous, especially the first 2, they kinda fucked up with the third one because sony had to rush the game for the ps4 launch period.
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