Been struggling to get a specific shot all night, giving up on it for now, way too tired. Here's one of the failed attempts:
Never judge a patch by the first day. Everyone's running around like headless chickens, zones are full of derps just derping. Give it a few days for the excitement to wear off, and for people to find a groove. Also, don't try to do everything on the first day.
What launcher/setup are you using?
Also, Aspect Arena is sooooo good.
Stock settings on Galaxy S5 Touchwhiz
Same here. I Also think that depends. I was in the boss blitz arena and it was empty, I went out and re-entered and I found myself in the arena with 2 commanders + other people killing the last boss.There was hardly a soul doing the boss blitz tonight. Going to be a pain to get those boss achievements, much less get 10 boss blitzes done.
Same here. I Also think that depends. I was in the boss blitz arena and it was empty, I went out and re-entered and I found myself in the arena with 2 commanders + other people killing the last boss.
Just to be sure, the activities are: arena, race, boss fight and the other arena?
Which is most rewarding to obtain the panda?
There was hardly a soul doing the boss blitz tonight. Going to be a pain to get those boss achievements, much less get 10 boss blitzes done.
I think people wanted to do the bazaar first and the arena later.
That being said , i did have a lot of people in the areana last night.
Also I think all the 11111 mindless spammers/farmers left because you can't stick to one zerg semi-afk and get top reward.
I did a few attempts at the blitz. First time, I followed the zerg, we did all the 6 bosses that way. It took forever and of course we got the bronze reward. Second time, tried to tell people to split, but they wouldn't. It was faster to kill a champ with 2-4 people than the entire zerg... Got bronze again. Hopefully in the next few days people will start doing this properly.
I actually like what Anet did for this event, and what they're trying lately to split zergs.
so quick question. are the bosses pretty much the same as last time? Is there any point to beating them again? Do i want to break something trying liadri for a new reward?
It could just have been an unlucky draw If the reward chest randomizes what it is going to give each time though .While I'm perfectly willing to applaud Anet in their efforts to break the zerg aspects of the game, this Blitz event seems to be a pretty clunky attempt.
Right now the blame is on the players for being stupid, but from what I read, guilds like TTS were able to achieve gold rewards, and only got 8 champ bags from the reward chest.
That's a pretty poor reward considering what is needed to succeed, and very poor compared to a daily dungeon reward you can easily face roll with any PUG during the same, or less time, the worst part ? you have to pay gold to activate it ....
Sure, you might get tokens ... but the 1v1 challenges and Aspect arena seem to be a way better way to gather that with way less headache.
And well ... considering how profitable it seemed to have been last time I can't really blame people for being pissed.
There is also a big missed opportunity for a guild to be able to create their own instance so that they don't have to deal with randoms unnecessarily scaling everything.
It could just have been an unlucky draw If the reward chest randomizes what it is going to give each time though .
How do you get those Phoenix skins ?
I want one XD
How do you get those Phoenix skins ?
I want one XD
Nothing is random regarding bags :
Gold = 8 bags
Silver = 4 bags
Bronze = 2 bags
Yep. Considering achieving Gold reward requires completing the event in less than 8 minutes I think ? It's not that bad and it's repeatable.
From what I've read TTS people were chaining this.
Hi, I'm trying to get back into the game after a year or so and wanted to try out playing with the gamepad. For some reason, my 360 controller is not showing up in Xpadder. I'm running 8.1 and tried Xpadder compatibility with Vista and XP with no luck. Any ideas?
This sucks, but for starters I want to let you know that if you're trying the solution Weltall and I made, for the moment it is still likely incompatible with Windows 8. As far as I thought, the legacy version of Xpadder running in compatibility mode was still able to function, so the issue you're having might be solvable, but the AHK script which really fuels the solution might not work properly.No. The Xpadder window is completely empty. I think there is supposed to be a picture of the controller or something but it's a blank white box. It's detecting the controller because when I dig into the settings I can pull up that it sees a madcatz 360 controller. Thanks for trying to help me out. This is frustrating for me.
Nice work finding all the masters! What do you mean by both achievements?So I just found my last Crystal in the Bazaar! I found all the Master ones before the normal ones haha. Such a good feeling to get both the achievements, even if I have got them a bit too quick! I haven't left the area since the update went up :L
Depending on what you mean, there's the Aspect Arena minigame in the sanctum, the Boss Blitz which is on the floor of the Crown Pavilion, and the Queen's Gauntlet, which is the 1v1 fights up on the catwalks above the pavilions.Right right right. I explored the Bazaar through and through yesterday. it's time for the arena! I want the Crown Pavillion right?
so quick question. are the bosses pretty much the same as last time? Is there any point to beating them again? Do i want to break something trying liadri for a new reward?
You should record your jump from the top of the ship.What should I do after getting to the top of the Labrynthine zone? Queen's Pavillion in Divinity's Reach?
You should record your jump from the top of the ship.
How do you do those shots? They look so good!
They're usually a composite of about 100 shots, stitched together into a wide angle panorama using tools like Microsoft ICE.
Protip: Lemongrass, although a tasty spice, will not improve your IRL mobility.I just hit 400 cooking thanks to a cheeky guide online.. now to transfer these master chef skills to real life.
Damn I thought it might be. I tip my hat to you, how long does one take you?
I just hit 400 cooking thanks to a cheeky guide online.. now to transfer these master chef skills to real life.
Nice work finding all the masters! What do you mean by both achievements?
Well you don't have to do everything there before going to DR, but you find the diving goggles up there? Got all the sky crystals/masters? There's also the dolyak rush and charged crystal event which are cycling all the time, and the Sanctum Sprint and Aspect Arena minigames.What should I do after getting to the top of the Labrynthine zone? Queen's Pavillion in Divinity's Reach?
Did they just flat out destroy the Queensdale train?
Damn! Some people gonna be PISSED.
I am waiting to see what Dredge fractal feels like now but if it is really improved I will be buying some myself.I'm almost tempted to buy gems just to thank ArenaNet.
We clearly evaluate the distinctions between Warrior and Guardian differently, but before I delve into them let me clarify that I don't think warriors are "better;" of course Staff/Hammer Guardians are great in WvW and ideally I'd have a frontline of 50% that and 50% hammer warrior. Now to quibble with your specific points:
Far less utility on my shouts? This will be our key point of disagreement, as I've mained warrior shout healer since release. Warrior can run trooper runes just as guardians, and given the shorter cooldowns, warrior is seemingly better for condi removal. As to the shouts themselves? The stability shout is clearly uber-amazing, but protection/regeneration is just ok and aegis/swiftness meh with those cooldowns. I'd rather give might/fury (For Great Justice!). But of course the major reason warrior shouts have more utility is Healing Shouts- my cleric warrior has 4 shouts providing >3k AoE healing each, which is much more valuable to me than group boons.
Far less utility on my weapon skills? Guardian's weapon skills have more obvious utility I guess, with stuff like Empower and Symbol of Swiftness. But warrior has the single greatest weapon skill between them, Earthshaker (so much so that I can't fathom why you would think guard hammer #2 is better- because of the low cooldown?). My hammer skills have more AoE to their CC in a zerg. And for my playstyle, mace/shield provides the defensive set I need to continue to achieve my true utility, pumping out healing shouts.
But ultimately I prefer warrior to guardian because I've never met a guardian in WvW whose teeth my cleric warrior couldn't kick in 1v1.
EDIT: Oh yeah, warrior has warbanner. So I'm more survivable than a guardian, I put out more healing than a guardian, and I'm better at reviving my teammates than a guardian.
All culling priority patch notes are just saying that the effects shouldn't spam on your screen as often in high player count situations if you're getting no direct benefit from them. From Water Blasts to Fire Sigil procs.Can anyone decipher these notes?
Saw it happen myself in Kessex Hills once. I've never had any real objection to the idea of the trains (or any kind of mindless activity people feel like doing) but it sucks to think that people could immediately get the impression upon walking out into the world with their first character that that was "what the game is like"Jira told me last night that they killed trains because new players were getting to later zones and asking where the trains were in the zones. haha
Indeed, there's a lot I forgot about Guardian because I don't play Guardian. Their greater condition removal is directly correlated with your point about PvP meta placement in my eyes. Even granting the edge to Guardians with boon conversion, it's still effectively a wash in WvW given the shorter CDs for warriors. And yeah protection is great, but the shout grants it for 4 seconds.You're forgetting a few things, like Pure of Voice, which combined with Trooper Runes is what made Guardian the best group condi-clear class in PvP second only to Cleansing Water Elementalists. They can also trait one of their Virtues for 3 more conditions removed every 30-something seconds. Protection is up there with Stability as one of the best boons in the game. If a Guardian is building for condition removal, they'll usually run Save Yourselves and time it with their other condition removal cooldowns, or just not use a third shout because they already have 4 condi-removals from only 2 shouts. In that case they'll often take Purging Flames for 3 more conditions removed and the anti-condition field.
I'm not putting down the Guardian Hammer 2, a blast finisher every 5 seconds is great. But I think you're underselling Earthshaker, which has a 9 sec CD in my build and less in most others. The only condition for which I save it is having a clump of enemies to pound into paste.Guardian Hammer 2 is seen as useful because it's just behind Thief Shortbow 3 as the most spammable blast finisher in the game, where the power of the Warrior Hammer Burst and the conditions to use it mean that it most often needs to be saved for the clashes throughout the fight.
Of course, here is the part I most strenously disagree. My warrior doesn't put out 3k, it puts out over 12k every ~25 seconds. There's simply no comparison to the healing of Empower. As for the might stacking, it's great, but even better when complemented by some fury (via For Great Justice!).Finally, Warrior can put out 3k healing while moving, which is great, but Guardian can still put out 1.5k healing before gearing for healing power on a similar cooldown with the caveat being that he has to stand still. As compensation, Empower gives better Might Stacking than a Warrior can unless he builds more around it.
Glad to see newbies love the shit out of the Bazaar. You make Retro proud.
And well ... considering how profitable it seemed to have been last time I can't really blame people for being pissed.
There is also a big missed opportunity for a guild to be able to create their own instance so that they don't have to deal with randoms unnecessarily scaling everything.
Off topic.. I'm going to watch Godzilla later, anyone seen it? 3D worth it?
I don't see any areas close enough that I can jump from (unless there's some kind of launch pad contraption somewhere that can get you there).
Meanwhile, on reddit, it's just a non-stop bitchfest about "wha this content is no fun if there isn't a super duper reward at the end".
Kids today. No joy from just playing for the sake of effing playing, huh. I think I may have to go on an online blackout for a few weeks, the signal-to-noise ratio has gotten a bit out of whack. The idea that there are people playing *only* so they can get a reward at the end, is just...
Yeah. No joy in those lives.
You know what we call kids like that? Brats.
You always know how to make me feel better. <3
Miktar, this should be the GAF National Anthem:
Nice work finding all the masters! What do you mean by both achievements?
Saw it Monday on IMAX, going to see it again Friday. 3D doesn't add much, but it doesn't detract from it either. Worth it for the Imax screen and sound though. I thought it was great, but I knew going in it was never going to be 2 hours of CGI monsters beating each other up with minimal human subplot to move things along (aka Pacific Rim). People seem to be upset that they don't show Godzilla immediately and often, but it's all about the build up and the aftermath and the people pinched between the two.