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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Oh, I didn't think anyone was advocating for all runs to be ultra-efficient silent runs. I'm just saying that I personally would rather run a dungeon with chatty folks for a half hour than have some cold, professional run in 15 minutes.

Same. The dungeon runs I have with my friends on Sundays are the best, since we're just shooting the breeze on Mumble and catching up.


Meanwhile there's a new guy who's never done the content before who's so afraid to ask what he needs to do for fear of being called a newb or getting vote-kicked. And then because he has no idea what to do, inevitably something does go wrong, they call him a newb and vote-kick him anyways. That's the kind of thing that can make someone swear off dungeons or quit the game entirely, and that's incredibly unfortunate.

Welp, that pretty much sounds exactly like what happened to me. I've been harassed and kicked out of parties so many times because I don't know whatever stupid strategy is the new "meta". So. Many. Times.

God I hate dungeons in this game. Haven't stepped foot inside of one in probably a year now.
God I hate dungeons in this game. Haven't stepped foot inside of one in probably a year now.

Then you've likely not seen how much they've all been tweaked and changed, especially Ascalonian Catacombs. Why not ask people in the GAF guild to run with you? We don't stack and will explain to people who are new to it.

The issue isn't the dungeons, it's the people you pugged with. The dungeons themselves are a lot of fun, especially once you get the hang of them.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Welp, that pretty much sounds exactly like what happened to me. I've been harassed and kicked out of parties so many times because I don't know whatever stupid strategy is the new "meta". So. Many. Times.

God I hate dungeons in this game. Haven't stepped foot inside of one in probably a year now.
*shudder* I can't stand this kind of run, i can count on my two hands how many i've ever done. and I have over 5000 tokens in almost every dungeon <3

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
tbqh you should really join lfgs with "newbies" or stuff on the lfg name. Those stuff aren't uncommon at all.


Welp, that pretty much sounds exactly like what happened to me. I've been harassed and kicked out of parties so many times because I don't know whatever stupid strategy is the new "meta". So. Many. Times.

God I hate dungeons in this game. Haven't stepped foot inside of one in probably a year now.

It sounds more like you hate the people who run dungeons than the dungeons themselves. I can't say I blame you, I don't PUG unless I have to, and usually that's only to fill the last spot in an otherwise all-GAF run. And even then, that one person will always always always always ignore whatever we're doing and try whatever horrible strategy they have. It doesn't matter if we're all over here ready to go; they'll stand in their special corner and yell "STACK" until we do it their way. Then they get insta-gibbed, because they're wearing full zerker and we're not doing their specific lame build or tactic. So we either rez them and they die again, or we just do it as normal and finish the damn job.

Then they leave the group as soon as they get their last chest, not a word spoken though you can tell they're just seething that someone had the audacity to not psychicly know their magical cheese strategy.

Bleh. If you ever want to do a dungeon again, do it with GAF. We love doing dungeons the way they're supposed to be done and 99.9% of the guild loves dragging fresh victims through (I can't speak for everyone, but I love vicariously experiencing content through another players' first experience.)


i kind of wanted to schedule a 100% dungeon run. like, killing everything in our way.

i know it takes time, and might prove very frustrating, but its just for the lulz.

wonder who would want to come along.


The Cryptarch's Bane
i kind of wanted to schedule a 100% dungeon run. like, killing everything in our way.

i know it takes time, and might prove very frustrating, but its just for the lulz.

wonder who would want to come along.
me :p

truth be told I've run lots of dungeons without gaf and for the most part they're actually pretty good. i usually just list "all welcome, not speedrunning" "newbies welcome" "fun run, no stacking" and typically it goes pretty well.
I've done surprisingly few runs since launch, maybe 10-15 in total. Never done a fractal ether.

I should really get around to doing more, the few i've done were pretty fun.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So, I'm currently looking into buying some gems for a server transfer. 2800 gems seems the most interesting. Question is, what is the most valuable thing I can trade the 1000 gems I get over from the transfer on? Maybe just I should just trade it for gold?
Did we make it clear about our transfer fund? Would you be interested?


That lack of talking but ability to assess a situation and react accordingly is exactly what I miss from the first 6 months of the game when I used to play with ThinFinn, Sophreila, and Adriaaa exclusively while grabbing whoever was available as the fifth. It wasn't even a matter of a widely known strategy at the time either since the game was still new. Of course we'd talk and what not between attempts but when we attempted actual fights, it was indeed magic. Everyone had their own strengths and it showed when it came down to it. Sadly Finn no longer plays and Sophreila is on an indefinite hiatus so I just poke around here and there doing what I feel like now.


I did my first Fractal run last night. A very helpful guy explained the strats of the ones we got and a good time was had by all with much loot.

For my bloodening we got a run through a city as flame legion char, a pain in the arse climb up a very pretty zone to rescue a giant statue man (/bow) and a trip through Dredge land where I discovered getting a laser gun past a series of explosions is almost beyond my skills :) For a boss we had a couple of Molten alliance guys and I learned I really need to crack on and unlock tornado :)
My characters all 80's.
Human Ele wearing Assassin outfit, Asuran Necro, Norn Ranger, Human Mesmer

Charr Warrior, My main Sylvari Guardian, Human Thief, Asuran Engineer



My only complaint with "Everyone knows what to do and does it without saying a word" runs is that one of the reasons I play MMOs is the social element; interacting with other players is kind of the draw for the genre. So when people just silently do content methodically, I feel like I'm just playing with NPCs. That was one of my big complaints with WoW post-LFG: you just click a button and the game does the rest and no one says a word unless you're not going fast enough.

So while there's a certain degree of badassery to five strangers working together like a group of old friends, actual friends would chat. That's why I like GAF runs; people talk, quip, joke around a bit. The tone is relaxed and everyone has fun. Five guys being all professional is a little too cold for my tastes, but that's just me.
A version of this is why I quit gw2 during launch week. I don't think I managed to play in a group at all during that initial period when I needed gaming friends the most. Same thing during the betas or whatever it was I played prior to release :lol My main and only character is now around 50 hours old over the past 680+ days and I've been in gameplay parties three times that I can remember and besides the occasional hello, nobody seems to be talking to each other in this so called mmo. Tyria is a desolate place in my experience, with people rushing to complete maps and hearts for no other reason than they need exp to get out of there.


^ Well, if you ever want a more social experience there's always a seat in [gaf] for you. You will have to be able to stomach terrible puns and drunk mumble adventures

Edit: Sorry about the failed Triple Wurm attempt, Rowland (does he even post here?) and Dog Problems. I think we had a new commander on Cobalt and that was just not going to go well. At least I was able to learn Amber, which is pretty neat.


That lack of talking but ability to assess a situation and react accordingly is exactly what I miss from the first 6 months of the game when I used to play with ThinFinn, Sophreila, and Adriaaa exclusively while grabbing whoever was available as the fifth. It wasn't even a matter of a widely known strategy at the time either since the game was still new. Of course we'd talk and what not between attempts but when we attempted actual fights, it was indeed magic. Everyone had their own strengths and it showed when it came down to it. Sadly Finn no longer plays and Sophreila is on an indefinite hiatus so I just poke around here and there doing what I feel like now.

It doesn't sound like this is quite the same thing, because you guys sort of developed that feel for each others' playstyle due to being in the same guild, where we're sort of talking about PUG groups that 'magically' come together quickly. I definitely know that feeling though, since Keoni, one of his friends, Shin, and I would grab a fifth and run Ghost Eater, CoF1 and HotW1 damn near every day.

My only concern with that is that it can sometimes come off as cliquish (talking to the other officers, they had gotten a few comments that they felt unwelcome in our dungeon runs or jumping into mumble with us). Obviously we don't have any rules about that, but it made me look at it differently and I realized it could come off as kind of aloof so I gradually stopped doing it. Now I just run whatever people are asking for.

My characters all 80's.

Loving the hell out of the armor / dye choices on your main.

the shoulders and chest is order armor(forgot)

Priory. Shoulders are pretty good, but that chestpiece has a really cool texture on the back.

A version of this is why I quit gw2 during launch week. I don't think I managed to play in a group at all during that initial period when I needed gaming friends the most. Same thing during the betas or whatever it was I played prior to release :lol My main and only character is now around 50 hours old over the past 680+ days and I've been in gameplay parties three times that I can remember and besides the occasional hello, nobody seems to be talking to each other in this so called mmo. Tyria is a desolate place in my experience, with people rushing to complete maps and hearts for no other reason than they need exp to get out of there.

That's incredibly unfortunate, and all the more reason a good guild is worth joining (and yes, GAFGuild has lots of room still). An MMO without people to play with is pretty terrible, no matter how good the gameplay, story, etc.

That said, I can't say I agree with it being 'desolate', even before Megaservers (zones are positively jumping now). I'd still run into the occasional player or see people chatting in the Map channel, and rarely do I finish an event alone because someone inevitably shows up. Things are actually better now because people have gotten used to the informal 'clumping' that happens around events and they tend to stick together rather than all just wander off when an event clears. I also can't remember the last time I was downed / defeated near someone and they ignored me (it used to be a problem at launch, people would stroll right over your corpse).

But yeah, since Megaservers, I don't think I can wander anywhere without bumping into somebody and map chat is always active (though sometimes it still gets a little derpy and I need to shut it off).


My only similar experience on that front was early Fractal runs with Kirito III or whatever his name was. Too bad he never really came back after being hacked. Most of my early dungeons were all pugs...many TA runs (back when it was 5 tokens a boss or whatever) for two of those gifts...all of my early Arah runs were pugs..


I think Minamu might be playing from a European/Asian time zone. I just proposed to them that they transition their sleep schedules into work -> sleep -> play GW2 with us, but they didn't seem too keen.

My only similar experience on that front was early Fractal runs with Kirito III or whatever his name was.
Yeah, Kirito, you've got the first part right at least. We learned a lot about Fractals with him, good times.

And I also miss those times, Katoki.


I'm constantly amazed at how friendly the GW2 community is while you're actually in game. I see very little fighting (Except now and again when a Tequatl run goes south). I think the way the game is structured works in its favour. So that generally seeing other players as a welcome addition in an area unlike regular MMOs where they're a problem is probably helping a lot there. It's much easier to be polite I guess when all those players running around tend to help your game play.

The official forums are a cesspit though. Maybe all the wankers are getting it out of their systems on there :)


Oh. Hopefully [gaf] will continue to get a stronger off-na-prime presence. :(

I'm constantly amazed at how friendly the GW2 community is while you're actually in game. I see very little fighting (Except now and again when a Tequatl run goes south). I think the way the game is structured works in its favour. So that generally seeing other players as a welcome addition in an area unlike regular MMOs where they're a problem is probably helping a lot there. It's much easier to be polite I guess when all those players running around tend to help your game play.

The official forums are a cesspit though. Maybe all the wankers are getting it out of their systems on there :)

reddit and fucking youtube seem to be nicer places than the official forums on average. At least there it doesn't seem like everyone thinks ANet has it out for their class or loot.

Though some of the official forums are okay, like that Moose cinematic image gallery


The Cryptarch's Bane
I've got money to spend so the fund is better placed elsewhere :)
Will check with a good friend of mine to see if he wants to join in on the transfer!
Nice! Gotta say, I love your attitude :> Your friend is welcome to join up with GAF as well.
A version of this is why I quit gw2 during launch week. I don't think I managed to play in a group at all during that initial period when I needed gaming friends the most. Same thing during the betas or whatever it was I played prior to release :lol My main and only character is now around 50 hours old over the past 680+ days and I've been in gameplay parties three times that I can remember and besides the occasional hello, nobody seems to be talking to each other in this so called mmo. Tyria is a desolate place in my experience, with people rushing to complete maps and hearts for no other reason than they need exp to get out of there.
^ Well, if you ever want a more social experience there's always a seat in [gaf] for you. You will have to be able to stomach terrible puns and drunk mumble adventures
Well, he or she is in GAF now.

Minamu, if you don't mind my asking, why weren't you playing with us during launch week? :p I feel like I was in a party three times on the first night.

People can have really different experiences playing these kind of games for sure. Even before the megaserver fusion I don't ever remember a sense of desolation, really. But I'm usually pretty willing to initiate a party or conversation myself I suppose.

Just last night in between AC runs on Plains of Ashford, someone called out on map chat for help retaking Barradin's vault. It doesn't show up as a meta event anymore so people had to be guided to it. Wound up with 8-10 people in there though and I grouped up with two of them on the way. :)

Then Mornkor and I pugged AC2 with 3 people who had never done the path before, and two of which were under level 55 (don't remember exactly what). I had just put "all welcome, casual run" in the description. They were all really communicative and we just explained each room as we went. We didn't wipe once, even with the trap-hall breeder getting stuck and failing to follow us. Actually I don't think anyone was even defeated. I'll still always prefer GAF runs when available, but it was a lot of fun :)
Guild is always dead this time of day. It's ok, I'm used to it.
welp in my ideal world I wouldn't be awake right now, instead I'm at work. so that makes some sort of sense.


I'm usually on representin' during off-peak hours being all whalish and stuff. But then again, I also represent during NA peak hours, and off-peak hours the other side so.. xD

As for dungeons for new folk or people who aren't too familiar with them. I usually do runs just after Teq at reset and anyone is welcome. I try my best to explain the dungeon as we go because teach something something to fish.. something something eat forever.

If you see me in guild chat mentioning dungeon runs, pop up or whisper me and don't be afraid to mention if you aren't familiar with a dungeon. I only kick people every now and then.
I never kick anyone :p


Edit: Sorry about the failed Triple Wurm attempt, Rowland (does he even post here?) and Dog Problems. I think we had a new commander on Cobalt and that was just not going to go well. At least I was able to learn Amber, which is pretty neat.

I'm Rowland(though like 99% of my posts are in the Pokémon X/Y thread).

Yeah, the commander was new to Wurm, at least.
Still it was kinda fine, but people didn't stick together when running kegs.
Gotta set 20 kegs down all around the same time instead of slowly trickling in or dying.

Though, I too, at least learned how Cobalt was supposed to go.


yall should just move to america and work/play within normal american hours


*crying eagle*

*bites into burger*

I'm Rowland(though like 99% of my posts are in the Pokémon X/Y thread).

Yeah, the commander was new to Wurm, at least.
Still it was kinda fine, but people didn't stick together when running kegs.
Gotta set 20 kegs down all around the same time instead of slowly trickling in or dying.

Though, I too, at least learned how Cobalt was supposed to go.

Oh, now I know who you are!

I've done cobalt ~3 times, it seems like every time what happens is that people will pick up kegs early and then wait, (instead of everyone interacting with the barrel pile at once right before running back) which basically aggros wurms to spit (I think) and causes people to down/die and split up and trickle like that.


yall should just move to america and work/play within normal american hours


*crying eagle*

*bites into burger*

Oh, now I know who you are!

I've done cobalt ~3 times, it seems like every time what happens is that people will pick up kegs early and then wait, (instead of everyone interacting with the barrel pile at once right before running back) which basically aggros wurms to spit (I think) and causes people to down/die and split up and trickle like that.

Ok, I'll migrate and steal all your jurbs.

Also, there are a lot of Pokegaffers here, surprisingly.


The official forums are a cesspit though. Maybe all the wankers are getting it out of their systems on there :)

One of the developers gave an interview a year or so ago where they said that most of the negativity and whining on the Official Forums tends to come from the same 100 or so accounts. There's basically a core group of people who just complain over and over again, effectively drowning out any other conversation. Couldn't find it, but here's a similar sentiment;

Robert Hrouda said:
Also you have to realize that forums can’t dictate what we do. The people who go to forums are a very small percentage, and usually they are going there to discuss a problem. Otherwise the 50 people who post in a popular thread would dictate the direction of the game, and we can’t have that. (source)

In other words, the Official Forums really only represent the vocal minority's viewpoint; people who are happy are busy playing and don't want to waste time arguing with a bunch of whiners on the internet, so they rarely venture there. The end result is an echo chamber that gives the impression that "everyone" playing GW2 hates the game when it's actually "a very small percentage."

If you want to see the Official Forums doing good, wait for the next CDI thread where they moderate the shit out of things and people feel like they can share their thoughts on a very particular subject without getting trolled.


So i thought i let you guys see the current gang I've got running .

First up My soon to be lvl80 warrior .

( ignore the boots . forgot to put the right dye on . )


My current lvl 80 Necromancer .


And my Elementalist who i gave a complete new look .



Guys, Kos has been hacked.

Haha. I double checked the name of the poster to be sure it was Kos.

Those are pretty cool thorgal! I don't have a clue what I'll do for my Asuran Elementalists look when I eventually get to 80. I was having a look through the wardrobe and nothing stood out. But then, it's hard to tell from looking at a piece of a time and not being able to easily change dyes on them.


Haha. I double checked the name of the poster to be sure it was Kos.

Those are pretty cool thorgal! I don't have a clue what I'll do for my Asuran Elementalists look when I eventually get to 80. I was having a look through the wardrobe and nothing stood out. But then, it's hard to tell from looking at a piece of a time and not being able to easily change dyes on them.

You don't have too look at one piece at a time .

You can select one piece like shoulders and then choose something else like pants and as long as you don't close the window the shoulders will stay allowing you to combine different pieces and see how it will look.


You don't have too look at one piece at a time .

You can select one piece like shoulders and then choose something else like pants and as long as you don't close the window the shoulders will stay allowing you to combine different pieces and see how it will look.

Oh yeah I know but.. idk..

Like, I might find a head piece I like, and then I move to the chest pieces and don't find anything that looks good that matches. I should maybe start with a full set of something and deviate from there.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh yeah I know but.. idk..

Like, I might find a head piece I like, and then I move to the chest pieces and don't find anything that looks good that matches. I should maybe start with a full set of something and deviate from there.
Conversely, always start with the chest piece, then match pants to that, then match the other pieces. Starting with headgear can definitely lead you astray


Conversely, always start with the chest piece, then match pants to that, then match the other pieces. Starting with headgear can definitely lead you astray

That's an interesting way to do it. Tbh I only had a quick look in the wardrobe but next time I have a look I'll try this, thanks :)
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