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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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It's gonna be so cute when things go wrong:


via: http://guildwars2.tumblr.com/post/92687561280/rytlock-sohothin-toon-style-submitted-by

EDIT: Top of page again. That's two in a row. Combo!


The only speculation I've heard that ties the Foefire at all into the dragons is based on a book found in the leyline hub from a Priory scholar that names the ghosts as a significant source of pure magic, which of course attracts a lot of unwanted attention from hungry elder dragons. Seems like some kind of motivation for Rytlock to give it a stab, even if basically everything about the legend of removing the curse is wrong in that video.


IMO whatever Rytlock is doing isn't actually going to work. From a sheer development standpoint, the undertaking it would require in order to rework that much content in that many zones is just insane.

That's a point, I never really thought about all the hearts and stuff. There's is a fair bit of ghost orientated stuff in Plains of Ashford and around there so that would indeed be quite the undertaking.

It probably will end up failing and causing more devastation which we'll need to clean up. I reckon at the end of part 2 before the break we'll get a new event along the lines of a Boss Blitz but not.

EDIT: Top of page again. That's two in a row. Combo!

You need to set up double length pages :p


I am not a developer or have an extensive knowledge of how it works , but is it really that hard to believe that 2 zones can change entirely in terms of DE'S and enemies ?


I am not a developer or have an extensive knowledge of how it works , but is it really that hard to believe that 2 zones can change entirely in terms of DE'S and enemies ?

Well they'd be scrapping a bunch of stuff like hearts, enemies and on top of that would probably do some slight changes to the environment to show that change has happened. Then they'd have to replace everything that would be lost in connection to the ghosts with new stuff.. I suppose they could replace most stuff with things already made like Charr NPC #2 etc.

But then there would be new dialogue from the new characters/NPC'/events to show the change. Lines like "I can't believe he did it.. the ghost's are finally gone" etc.

Who knows!


I am not a developer or have an extensive knowledge of how it works , but is it really that hard to believe that 2 zones can change entirely in terms of DE'S and enemies ?

Yes, a single DE takes 10 times as long as it does to create a traditional MMO quest. Granted their tools are better than they were during development, but I'm willing to bet it still takes anywhere from 5-7x longer even still. I mean it's possible as long as outside of the story instances, the entire content for this update was just them redoing DEs and Hearts to reflect the change.


The only way it could work realistically is if the foefire curse is removed gradually, giving Anet enough time to start changing events and quests like that. Although I'm still leaning towards the theory that WP talked about in his video.


Yes, a single DE takes 10 times as long as it does to create a traditional MMO quest. Granted their tools are better than they were during development, but I'm willing to bet it still takes anywhere from 5-7x longer even still. I mean it's possible as long as outside of the story instances, the entire content for this update was just them redoing DEs and Hearts to reflect the change.

even if most of the "content" of this update would be redone events, that would be truly amazing.


Yes, a single DE takes 10 times as long as it does to create a traditional MMO quest. Granted their tools are better than they were during development, but I'm willing to bet it still takes anywhere from 5-7x longer even still. I mean it's possible as long as outside of the story instances, the entire content for this update was just them redoing DEs and Hearts to reflect the change.

We do not know when they started on LS2 , right ?
even if it takes as long as you say who knows how long this might have been planned by Anet?


The Foefire is essential to all of Ascalon. It's not just a bunch of DEs. It's also;

  • Ascalon Catacomb (all paths)
  • Plains of Ashford (almost the entire zone)
  • Diessa Plataeu (almost all of the zone except the north)
  • Blazeridge Steppes (one heart in the SW, maybe a few DEs)
  • Iron Marches (one heart, a few DEs)
  • All of the dialogue would need to be checked for references to ghosts or the Foefire, new dialogue added.
  • Charr opening scene (this is assumed to play out in the present, I believe?)
On top of that, what's the replacement? Separatists? The Flame Legion? Mordremoth minions? They'd need new enemies in that area or the impact of undoing the Foefire would be completely shallow, "Oh, the curse is broken but all of the ghosts haven't moved on yet" would be kind of a lame excuse. I hope that's not their plan, or I'll be a tad disappointed.

I think they would have to spend a lot more time setting up this change, narrative-wise, because something as big as redoing all of those zones and such needs more of a build up than "Now the vines are over here!" Something like the Flame Legion making a major push into the zone or Kralkatorrik sweeping over and turning everything to glass (and would that even get rid of the ghosts?). It would basically require an entire do-over of the Charr zones in such a way that whatever replaces the ghosts is believable (in that it's something that would want to live in the same areas as the ghosts).


The Foefire is essential to all of Ascalon. It's not just a bunch of DEs. It's also;

  • Ascalon Catacomb (all paths)
  • Plains of Ashford (almost the entire zone)
  • Diessa Plataeu (almost all of the zone except the north)
  • Blazeridge Steppes (one heart in the SW, maybe a few DEs)
  • Iron Marches (one heart, a few DEs)
  • All of the dialogue would need to be checked for references to ghosts or the Foefire, new dialogue added.
  • Charr opening scene (this is assumed to play out in the present, I believe?)

On top of that, what's the replacement? Separatists? The Flame Legion? Mordremoth minions? They'd need new enemies in that area or the impact of undoing the Foefire would be completely shallow, "Oh, the curse is broken but all of the ghosts haven't moved on yet" would be kind of a lame excuse. I hope that's not their plan, or I'll be a tad disappointed.

I think they would have to spend a lot more time setting up this change, narrative-wise, because something as big as redoing all of those zones and such needs more of a build up than "Now the vines are over here!"

I didn't even think about the dungeon. That's an entire dungeon that would have to be remade or overhauled. All in all it sounds like a lot of work for not a lot of actual extra content, so I think the best bet would be it fails or triggers something worse?

It would be super lame if they were just like, oh yay the curse is lifted but they want to stay and be friends. Then the ghosts all turn into friendly NPC's xD

What Asuras think of when they say "I feel six feet tall"


Mentally scarring image.


The only way it could work realistically is if the foefire curse is removed gradually, giving Anet enough time to start changing events and quests like that. Although I'm still leaning towards the theory that WP talked about in his video.

Gradually like Orr is gradually getting greener? :p


As neat as that new Scarlet video is, I *hate* Lorde's cover. Actually, I dislike Lorde in general, I find it hilarious when Weird Al spoofs one of her songs and has a wider vocal range than Little Miss Monotonemumble.

I didn't even think about the dungeon. That's an entire dungeon that would have to be remade or overhauled. All in all it sounds like a lot of work for not a lot of actual extra content, so I think the best bet would be it fails or triggers something worse?

It would be super lame if they were just like, oh yay the curse is lifted but they want to stay and be friends. Then the ghosts all turn into friendly NPC's xD.

I think anything major going on in Ascalon right now is a mistake from a narrative standpoint; here's this big, immediate threat that we personally have seen and understand via Omadd's Machine. We know Mordremoth is there. We know his influence is spreading. So everything pausing to go dick around on the other side of the map, even if it's tangentially connected ("Oh well, he's going after the ghosts so we need to go stop that") feels like.... Season One, where Scarlet was over here doing a thing and then over here doing a thing and then over there doing a thing, where the story felt more like an excuse to just have things happen. It felt disconnected, and I think if they decided to go all out in Ascalon it'd feel the same way.

If they want to redo Ascalon, do it as its own thing at some point in the future. Then, when the narrative doesn't need to pause, go all out. Have it really fuck things up, like the attempt to break the curse backfires and while the humans are freed, all of the Charr in the immediate area are cursed instead and turned into ghosts. Then you have a splinter group of the Charr who are ghosts, driven insane but aware of what's going on and hellbent on revenge or something.

I like to think of the dungeons of being time locked, like fractals, no?

Good point, but it would feel weird not to update it even if that was the accepted reason. Especially since dungeon revamps are something they want (and really need) to do.


The only thing I dislike about SweetFX is that it changes the UI colors. I hate it ú_ú.

To be fair, that only happens if you tweak the things that change colour. That's usually because of added Vibrance, you can leave that setting alone and keep the same colouring.

My current one adds a very slight colour boost and a bit of sharpening amongst other things.


I don't know about you guys, but bustin' makes me feel good.

Damn, Season 1 was cool.

Highlights: Molten & Aetherblade dungeons, Braham and Rox, Queen's Jubilee, Crab Toss, Bazaar of the Four Winds, the overlying idea of the nightmare tower, the part where lion's arch blew up, I guess kinda that final battle. Teq revamp too if that counts.

Lowlights: Everything else.

Season 1 was a mess. A mess with a lot of solid content that worked when it worked, but a mess nonetheless. It's like, each individual idea was good, it's just that none of it fit together all that well and by the time they started to get some consistency between updates, it was too late for anyone to really care. They got a lot of valuable feedback that went into season 2, though. It shows.

Dat Crab Toss, tho. Sport of Kings right there.


Damn. That's quite the change in vibrancy and colour. I'll give it a go later and see what I think..

I just noticed your Charr looks quite similar to mine, fanboy!
Kidding :)
While neat, those shots make it seem like it just over saturates the blue tones to me. I guess I am one of those people happy with the vanilla look.
I switched out the GS on my warrior for a hammer because I like hammer skills and aesthetic.

I did a little bit of looking at the GW2 forums and I think they would have a conniption if I told them I did that.
I switched out the GS on my warrior for a hammer because I like hammer skills and aesthetic.

I did a little bit of looking at the GW2 forums and I think they would have a conniption if I told them I did that.

Here's a tip that'll help you immeasurably: never go to the official GW2 forums, and never listen to anything they say there regarding builds or professions.

You're welcome.

Ah yes, I was the only person who complained about the writing.

Sorry about that.

Saying "too late for anyone to care" was a bit too hyperbolic, c'mon. A lot of people liked Season 1 just fine, warts and all. Sure there were a bunch of loud people whining on reddit non stop about Scarlet, and sure there were people who just didn't like how things played out, or the quality, or whatnot.

But let's not pretend it was a total disaster that everyone on the planet totally hated. That's getting into that manichean thinking that plagues the official forums and a large part of the subreddit.


Saying "too late for anyone to care" was a bit too hyperbolic, c'mon. A lot of people liked Season 1 just fine, warts and all. Sure there were a bunch of loud people whining on reddit non stop about Scarlet, and sure there were people who just didn't like how things played out, or the quality, or whatnot.

But let's not pretend it was a total disaster that everyone on the planet totally hated.

The content? Solid.

The writing? A disaster. You might have some fans of individual parts of the story, but I would hazard a guess that no one, not even Anet themselves, liked the way the story was set up and executed in season 1.

I understand the limitations and nature of their issues that lead to such a fragmented mess of a story. I know they have the chops, they just didn't get a chance to show them off. Season 2 is proof of that.
The content? Solid.

The writing? A disaster.

I understand the limitations and nature of their issues that lead to such a fragmented mess of a story. I know they have the chops, they just didn't get a chance to show them off.

A disaster for you. I felt it was adequate. Not amazing, but by far not the worst I've ever experienced in a game, or an MMO. I'm not trying to imply you should retroactively like it just because I did. But rather, don't assume everyone feels the same way about it.

And yes, everyone is in agreement that Season 2 is better. Except for those who hate it and think the writing is utterly shite still, but we won't talk about those people.

All I'm saying is, it's hyperbolic to claim that Season 1 was universally disliked by everyone that plays, or that nobody was invested in it.


The general sense I got from nearly everyone I talked to, even fans of Anet's writing, was just general frustration and disappointment that they were trying to do things they couldn't pull off.

You could like individual parts (which often shined), but it just did not seem to connect in the ways it should have, as Anet stumbled through their constantly shifting ideas for how a living story would play out. You could feel anet's frustration that they couldn't do exactly what they wanted to do, and with each update it felt like they corrected it a little bit more.You even had their head writer sit down in an interview and explain his frustrations with the writing, what they could and couldn't do, and what they wanted to correct moving forward.

That disappointment, I feel, is a pretty shared sentiment, albeit to varying degrees. You're right in that you're never going to have 100% agreement on anything, but the general atmosphere was "hey, this writing ain't too hot, but who cares, let's fight this sick boss."

Note: I didn't call out anything specific, like Scarlet, who I know actually has plenty of fans. That kind of stuff is going to be subjective. But the way it all fit together was pretty universally unliked.


I think I like the preset you shared earlier better, Thorgal

But maybe that's just me being stubborn with trying other things.
Anecdotal gonna anecdotal.

Every single one of my friends that played Season 1 enjoyed it immensely, and found no deal-breaking issues with it. It's the reason they still play. But that's just my friends, what do they know.

I thought GW1's writing, all of it, all chapters, was pretty terrible. But if I said that on the GW1 subreddit, I'd get lynched.

Look, I'm not disagreeing that Season 1's writing was choppy, there were narrative issues, etc. But if you didn't overly fixate on the minutiae and the issues, it was overall not that bad I feel. "Shared sentiment" is dangerous play. If you looked in certain places, the "majority sentiment" and "shared sentiment" is that Guild Wars 2 is a failure, a terrible game, and has zero redeeming qualities and WildStar is a thousand times better.

I don't give a shit what the "popular" or zeitgeist or gestalt opinion is. What people on the official forums or reddit think about Season 1's writing, has absolutely zero bearing on what I think of it. I enjoyed it. So if I'm to be the outlier, the "exception to the rule" that "everyone thought Season 1 was horrid", so be it.

What I disagreed with, was a single point that you made. That "it was too late for anyone to care". That's a fallacious statement. What a tiny fraction of the playerbase says on the internet, isn't the whole universe.


While I'm usually the guy that argues for subjectivity over objectively stating opinions, I still stand by my statement.

Doesn't really matter any more because Anet's definitely doing a lot better in season 2. They know what they fucked up on first round through. They've got a better plan this time, which is a start.

About GW1, I'd have to agree with you there. Here's the thing: in my personal opinion, Anet kinda sucks at moment to moment writing while their lore is solid. My personal biggest gripe about the Season 1 story is that they abandoned lore for moment to moment writing and it just did not work at all. Even less so when each "chapter" was a separate event that felt as if it was written by an entirely different team. That, is my opinion, however.


There's a reddit post on builds used in a recent sPvP tournament. I'm not linking it because there are certain anomalies in the build links that seem like mistakes no matter how much I open my mind. Two interesting observations thus far however:

1) A lot of warriors were giving up Signet of Stamina (the condi wipe), which I've been considering myself. I guess condition spam isn't as prevalent at the highest levels.

2) Both of the ranger spirit builds featured main-hand axe (there's your vindication, Levyne).

Every single one of my friends that played Season 1 enjoyed it immensely, and found no deal-breaking issues with it. It's the reason they still play. But that's just my friends, what do they know.
Everyone caught Miktar saying we're not his friends, right? ;P
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