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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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I know this is maybe a valueless post since it echoes Miktar, but I pretty much salvage all whites, blues, and greens (with the copper-o-matic thing) as well. Some people will throw greens in the forge to hope for rares but I can't be bothered. Rare greatswords, daggers, and staves (and a few others) will tend to sell for a fair bit on the tp, otherwise salvage with a mystic kit for ectos hopefully. Exotics really depend on the rune/sigil (always check the price of the rune/sigil)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, generally speaking, it's sort of up to you. Selling is more money and more consistent money, salvaging gets you Luck (magic find for your whole account), mats, and globs of ectoplasm for rares. Exotics are almost always worth selling instead unless they contain a very valuable run.

For whites, blues, and greens, use any old salvage kit (basic is fine). I have a Copper-Fed Salvage-o-matic and love it like it's my son.
For rare use a Master or Mystic salvage kit.
For exotics containing a rune you want, use a Black Lion kit.

edit: Ah yeah, on Levyne's list of rares that tend to sell for high values, Hammers too.
Since I don't really care about crafting I sold everything I had in my vault for crafting and ended up getting quite a bit of gold from it. Its amazing how having money in this game can change how you feel about it.


This guy pretty much describes everything about the official forums that needs to be said :p


I only go there when i need a good laugh or need some brain cells that need killing.


Wrong. Personal Story was about joining an Order, and then the three Orders combined to form the Pact. In no way at all were the original races behind the Pact, it was completely made up of races who joined of their own volition. That we managed to slay Zhaitan without any real full force army from any of the races is a huge feat.

The Pact was about uniting the races. Themes of getting over differences to overcome the dragons were prevalent all throughout the personal story. That was exemplified by Destiny's Edge regrouping.

So it's kind of annoying to me that we still have these squabbles and lack of commitment, especially with the marked absence of the Pact up until now. It makes the world feel stagnant to me, though it's a minor qualm at the moment.


The Pact was about uniting the races. Themes of getting over differences to overcome the dragons were prevalent all throughout the personal story. That was exemplified by Destiny's Edge regrouping.

So it's kind of annoying to me that we still have these squabbles and lack of commitment, especially with the marked absence of the Pact up until now. It makes the world feel stagnant to me, though it's a minor qualm at the moment.
We searched out smaller races to help, but in no way did we get Queen Jennah, Knut Whitebear, any asuran council member, Smodur, etc to back our fight. It was just the three orders uniting despite ideological differences.

Oh and Miktar you're wrong. He's gone.


The Cryptarch's Bane
This guy pretty much describes everything about the official forums that needs to be said :p


I only go there when i need a good laugh or need some brain cells that need killing.
That single image there needs to be saved as that completely sums up all of the bitching that people do.
This is a rather cogent and humorous summary of what I spent a whole megapost philosophizing about after the Lost Shores event (I, at the time, also spent quite a bit of time on the official forums), specifically the concept of the "malcontent pool." I even have a sort of ridiculously similar bulleted list with contrasting examples.

It's a function of a sufficiently large playerbase of any game, not just an idea limited to the official forums of an MMO. though it is most readily witnessed in that venue.

Essentially, my thesis is that no matter what action the developers take, they're going to be upsetting some subset of the vocal community- and while the identities and complaints of those speaking up will change, the number of them will not appreciably so unless the game is legitimately failing. Or to use that image as an example, appeasing players A, C, and E will upset B, D and F.

While player Z is easy to write of as having nothing worthwhile to add to the discussion (the "troll factor," which I didn't really even address in my analysis), the real problem is that players A, B, C, D, all the way to O might actually have legitimate complaints! And even if you somehow, with some sort of mega-accomodating change, managed to simultaneously appease A-O... there's still players P through Y to consider.

So knowing this, what do the devs do? To quote that post...
Approach 1) In order to keep the pool of unhappy players as stable as possible, settle into a pattern of "safe" content. That is, don't really ever do anything unexpected- make sure your playerbase knows what's coming, and make sure not to do anything that would dramatically upset anyone other than the people who are already upset. If you charge a subscription fee, I have to say that this strikes me as the simpler, more-logical approach.
Approach 2) Embrace the fact that the number cannot be appreciably lessened, and keep your playerbase on its toes, despite the fact that a different subset of your fans will be upset at essentially every step along the way. Change things at will and deal with the resulting issues as they come, even if it means a larger variety of complaints.
As I predicted at the time ArenaNet has gone all-in with approach 2. Since that first November we have seen everything from highly story-driven content to an escapist retro-console gamey virtual world; exclusive temporary world content, permanent world content, challenging content for huge requiring intensive coordination, simple "zergy" farm content, skill-based solo boss challenges, challenging dungeon content for group parties, jumping puzzles (and entire locales devoted to vertical traversal), minigames, content spanning all of the above types specific to guilds, a time-sink statistical gear tier, tons of incidental lore and dialogue, substantial class/trait alterations and additions, and more, really, everything from lighthearted festivals without a lick of combat to story beats dark enough to see named characters killed off. Complaints about the depth of any given area are more than understandable, but the breadth of content, the variety of what has been introduced (without requiring any money from its players past the purchase price) is largely unprecedented.

They haven't let up, nor have people voicing their complaints. But all in all it's working out pretty well so far and only getting better.
Can't believe that guy is still sane after spending an hour reading the official forums.
He said a few hours, I don't envy the man...


Nope Hawk, you're wrong. NOTHING has been added to this game since launch.

In all seriousness though you're right. Every other MMO dev always takes Approach 1 which means at any point in time you can go look at an update page for any MMO you'd like and never be surprised by what you see. Thankfully I never know what's going to be in an update with GW2 and that makes me very happy.

On the subject of variety, I feel that GW2 has offered more varying types of gameplay experiences than any other game I've ever played and I'm betting that's the case for many of you as well. Sadly, you get people who weren't here for everything therefore none of it counts cause it didn't happen for them. It's not ANet's fault they quit weeks after launch cause they couldn't fathom the concept of a non-linear MMO without a skinnerbox and forced progression paths/content.


Since I don't really care about crafting I sold everything I had in my vault for crafting and ended up getting quite a bit of gold from it. Its amazing how having money in this game can change how you feel about it.

Having money is actually what brought me back. I stopped playing somewhere around November/December 2012 until a couple months ago my girlfriend crowbarred me back into the game where I found on my necro the Scythe Skin from the halloween event 2012 was worth 1,000g.

Now all of a sudden I have a decent reason to play again and I went around getting used to all the changes and decided to actually go for a legendary. I'm actually pretty close to having Sunrise crafted now. I only need ~450 more t6 materials and I'll have it done.

Along the way I've discovered they've made it far easier to get gold in game than at launch and it's made the game a lot more enjoyable. There's plenty of other things I want to see, do, and make in game now. All because I logged in to find I had accidentally made 1k gold.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The Pact was about uniting the races.
Deleted the rest of the post from peripheral vision to avoid spoilers, haha

I gotta say, this strikes me as kind of a radical interpretation of what I saw in (at least my own) playthrough of the personal story and the contextual information I had. The Pact was about uniting the Orders, and the Orders never much represented conflict between the races, having devoted themselves to causes that were outside such concerns. The Durmand Priory in the pursuit of knowledge above all else was one of the first organizations in Tyrian history to promote equality between the race, and both the Priory and the Order of Whispers predate the existence of the Sylvari (and, for that matter, the introduction of the Asura to the surface world). Even the Vigil predates the relatively recent peace between the humans and Charr, and acted as a go-between while negotiating the truce.

The personal story and the tale of Destiny's Edge pushed the thread that friendship is stronger than any individual differences (exemplified most clumsily in the dungeon stories between Logan and Rytlock) and that uniting despite whatever those differences were was the only way to defeat the dragons. Maybe there was an idea about racial unification in the novels or so, but by the events of Guild Wars 2, none of the members of Destiny's Edge had legitimate problems with the race of any other member, they were all pissed at each other for more or less unrelated high school drama. The members of Destiny's Edge each represented a different race as stand-ins for the player's racial choices, but the idea that there was some sort of subtext of racial unity in the actual story isn't something I really picked up on. The individuals in the story, much like the Orders, were above that sort of thing.

Meanwhile Seperatists that oppose the truce altogether still litter Kryta and the remaining outposts of Ascalon. Plenty of Charr oppose it as well, even if Smodur's decrees have eased the tension. The Norn hierarchy, sparse as it is, is just as deeply isolationist as ever. The Arcane Council essentially share zero information whatsoever with representatives of any other race, and admittance of non-Asura to the Three Colleges is exceedingly rare (let's imagine that one particularly notable student in the recent past did not exactly reverse this policy).

If anything, tensions between the different races of Tyria are higher now that at launch due to the events of Season 1. Consider the racist guard patrolling the ruined Lion's Arch.
On the subject of variety, I feel that GW2 has offered more varying types of gameplay experiences than any other game I've ever played and I'm betting that's the case for many of you as well. Sadly, you get people who weren't here for everything therefore none of it counts cause it didn't happen for them. It's not ANet's fault they quit weeks after launch cause they couldn't fathom the concept of a non-linear MMO without a skinnerbox and forced progression paths/content.
Well, of course, the real sad part is that people who were simply late to the party missed out on a lot of good stuff as well. Luckily a fair chunk of that was cyclical, and some is simply permanently a part of the game. I do hope they manage to finagle a way to add some version of Season 1 to the Story Journal eventually.


Having some money is good in the sense it gives you comfort to try different things. I'm eager to buy my final black lion contract since it will give me room to finally save up for a legendary (I wanted to get the QoL items out first).


Wow, ArenaNet putting stupid stuff in the gem store and expecting people to buy it as usual. That portal stone thing is a feature WoW has had forever and at least they let you pick where you go to. No wonder this game is dead, they're not even trying anymore. WoW continues to be king since these no-brainer features are already given to you as part of the game.

#20minutelongtabletposts; time for work
Wow, ArenaNet putting stupid stuff in the gem store and expecting people to buy it as usual. That portal stone thing is a feature WoW has had forever and at least they let you pick where you go to. No wonder this game is dead, they're not even trying anymore. WoW continues to be king since these no-brainer features are already given to you as part of the game.

#20minutelongtabletposts; time for work


My money is on the latter, though. But you never know around GAF...


This guy pretty much describes everything about the official forums that needs to be said :p


I only go there when i need a good laugh or need some brain cells that need killing.

Different people having different opinions ? SHOCKING !
I don't get what's supposed to be particularly funny here, in a fanbase with thousands of people you rarely have them all agree on something.

They are pictured in a very caricatural way but there are some in that list I can perfectly agree with.

I just finished this chapter, overall I enjoyed it, but still some things bother me a bit
having LS steps tied to already existing world events is interesting but also very frustrating when they are on a timer, new world events seemed like they had clever mechanics, but I missed them all but one because there was too many people and the event could not be read properly.
Story goes places, and that's good but once again balance gets sometimes in the way (that mordrem Wolf in the ley-line hub and his flanking attacks :mad: )

Is it me or do we have some subtle hints at Taimi being related with Zojja in some way cause it's oddly one of her favorites, and Rytlock maybe being closer to Rox than we would have thought with his comment about how she was also spitting for luck in the Fahrar ?


The Cryptarch's Bane
my final black lion contract

Jeez. Which ones do you already have?

I will say, GW2 is definitely a world in which making money is easier once you have money :p In my first 1000 hours I would frequently liquidate my mats and rare drops when I wanted to buy something specific. Now I can stockpile things and sell when the market for something spikes, or use existing stuff to craft for savings over buying outright. You also get breathing room to list things on the TP without as much worry about taking the hit if you need to relist. Finally, this is sort of funny, but relatively trivial access to Ascended amulets, accessories and rings with non-gold currency has freed up considerably money that would have gone into gearing every character after my second 80.
Is it me or do we have some subtle hints at Taimi being related with Zojja in some way cause it's oddly one of her favorites, and Rytlock maybe being closer to Rox than we would have thought with his comment about how she was also spitting for luck in the Fahrar ?

There was data mine leak before the beginning of the year where lines were written where Rox says she is Rytlocks sister but those lines were changed and never were in the game so we have no idea if that is still true.



Jeez. Which ones do you already have?


The bank, black lion, and trading post ones are not that pricy, but man if he gets the hair style contract that will be quite an acquisition

I'm finally able to start saving some money since I'm not really working on ascended crafting anymore but it's futile since I'm already mentally mapping for getting a legendary._.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I guess if I don't think about buying them all at once then they're not thaaat crazy, though the bank one still seems hella expensive to me!


The bank, black lion, and trading post ones are not that pricy, but man if he gets the hair style contract that will be quite an acquisition

I'm finally able to start saving some money since I'm not really working on ascended crafting anymore but it's futile since I'm already mentally mapping for getting a legendary._.

I guess if I don't think about buying them all at once then they're not thaaat crazy, though the bank one still seems hella expensive to me!

Nah, not going for the hairtyle contract. I mean, I never use the gem store one, I can't fathom investing that much money on such thing. That said, I already have the bank (400g, which was pretty lucky given the bid orders jumped to 500g some days after) and TP (250g, got it before it jumped to 300g) contracts, and although I could buy the merchant one, I'm waiting til I have more money to not worry about Grenth's Hood coming out right after I buy the contract and have no money left for it.


So I looked around, and people kept saying this build for Warriors is the Dungeon/Fractals "meta": http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fJA...u2A-TxRBABXt/o8rjDCAe6GA4CAk3TAgS1fMTJogAGF-e

Quick question - how is that warrior going to get rid of conditions? Or do these warriors just expect someone else to do it?

is that the DNT build ?

If yes , i think they are going on the assumption that if your running a dungeon/fractal one or two characters can clear conditions on you and the group while your main job is to apply vulnerability stacks and DPS.

I have used that build for a while now and it seems to work fine .


And the main reason I see so many dead people in Dry Top :p

And at Tequatl and at Karka Queen and at Megadestroyer and at Jungle Wurm and at Hydra Queen and at Fire Elemental and at Claw of Jormag and at Golem Mk.II and at Triple Wurm and at...


I imagine the community that pushes zerker meta is largely unconcerned with open world pve, guys.

I understand it for regular dungeons, I really do. Fractal bosses at higher levels seem to hit like trucks up close though and necessitate a ranged option if you're running zerker. But maybe I'm just a scrub I just need to git gud in my zerker gear there.
I imagine the community that pushes zerker meta is largely unconcerned with open world pve, guys.

I know. But it's still funny since most don't seem to bother getting out of that spec when doing open world PvE, and then are the first to scream 'REZ PLZ'.

I'm allowed my schadenfreude.
I plan to respec my warrior into a defensive support Hammer/Mace+Shield Warrior just to piss off Zerkers.

Also because I like playing defensive support characters.


I run full zerk on my warrior but I wouldn't be caught dead without "Shake It Off". Just about every pug I enter a dungeon with isn't running cleansing and it boggles my mind.

I had a party the other day with 3 other warriors and NONE of them were running shake it off or any other form of cleansing. I felt like the shittiest healer in the world having to figure out exactly when to pop my cleanse because it was on such a long cool down. We dropped to the first boss in SE1 just from the bleeds because right before I popped SIO on a full stack of bleeds 1 vuln got added to me and of course SIO ate the vuln instead of the full stack of bleeds and 4 seconds later everyone was on the floor.

LKJSDFLKJDGJSEGSRG:UIORG!! So frustrating! None of them answered me or changed what they were doing when I asked in party chat if they could please run some cleanse. I set the game aside after that and played something else for a bit to cool off.

Honestly with the way dungeon runs are done these days the only thing you end up ranging is spider queen and armored carrier mostly because you're pugging. Organized groups will stack melee everything and it melts mobs so quickly it's amazing. Cleansing is usually left to the guardian/elementalist in organized runs.


Luckily slotting healing spring is generally accepted so I always at least have that for a personal clear (and though not as useful as a cleansing shout, can still support the group).



I need this in my life.


Elementalist and Mesmer Humans

Ooh I like these two. That top set is gonna be on my future guardian methinks.

As for Warrior builds, I like Phalanx empower with PVT armour and Zerker everything else. I never feel weak when solo, I survive longer and in groups I keep might stacks going for better overall DPS. As for slotted skills, they constantly change based on the situation. My secondary weapon is usually longbow just to always have a ranged weapon on hand (plus it gives me an extra evade on swap)
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