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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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DUNGEON MASTERS - Saturday 2pm EST - May 24
We started some time between 2:30 and 2:45 last Saturday - I will be on to start getting the group together just before 2 though.

Twilight Arbor
Story Recommended level: 50
Location: Caledon Forest

Sorrow's Embrace
Story Recommended level: 60
Location: Dredgehaunt Cliffs

Advance warning that I'm going to be out on May 31 for CoF and HotW (and Missions). If anyone else wants to go ahead and take the reins that day, feel free. Otherwise those two will be delayed until June 7. I'm potentially moving in my house mid June/early July as well so Saturdays may be busy for me shortly after that. Hopefully we'll get internet in quickly though.

We need to do a guild run of the boss gauntlet.

That would be nice. Maybe we can try to do an organized run after Saturday missions?


Hopefully I can be there. My Dad might be asking me to come over Saturday to help him install some windows. Dunno if I'll be back before then or not.
Why not just try and enjoy the event instead of focusing on maxing rewards?

Oh, I think most people are enjoying the events immensely. But there's also great joy in getting people working together, and getting gold on something. I don't think you were here for the Marionette fight, but man - when during that, 100+ people managed to succeed at working together, the joy was amazing. Especially because it had such contrast, because the Marionette fight would fail more often than not, and entirely due to perhaps five or so people.

What's the best way to accumulate tokens

Aspect Arena, I think. And doing the Charged Crystal and Dolyak Race.


I have a lvl 51 thief and I've tried the gauntlet. The boss kills me with one move, is it normal? xD

I'm like that! I hope that it's just because we're uplevelled. Thieves feel super squishy in general though. My next profession pick is definitely going to be someone tanky.
I'm like that! I hope that it's just because we're uplevelled. Thieves feel super squishy in general though. My next profession pick is definitely going to be someone tanky.

Try killing thieves in pvp. That notion will be quickly dispelled.

See: "why can't that bastard just. sit. still. and. die?"


Things that will crush a zerg, from most dangerous to least:
Non telegraphed fire
Heal % on being hit
Short cast, high damage PBAoE

Put any of those in the fight and you'll have people dying in droves. Part of the reason why you usually see stuff like those Veteran Trolls in eotm taking ages to kill, or the corpse fields during Golem Mk II.

Reflect and Regen kinda annoy me, though. Game should do a better job of communicating that those are up. Even making the icon 1.5x larger would be fine.

You would think people would notice that if their health goes down and they are not hit with poison nor from any other condition effect and they are far away from the boss or any AOE circles that something may be amiss.

Although i do agree that they could make the icon a bit more noticible when it is on .

On another note finished my fifth match today so halfway there for the achievement .

I still cannot beat the first oponnent in the queens gauntlet ( the hammer dude ) though.

Avoiding his aoe is easy enough ( just stand behind him ) but time always runs out before i can kill him :(

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe





This is the worst jumping skill required to a game ever.







This is the worst jumping skill required to a game ever.

During my Crystal hunt that skill drove me mad. It feels so buggy, it often over shoots or you land and skid off an edge. There's a Master Crystal up in the middle of nowhere which requires a lot of jumping with the various skills, the final jump looked really simple, I hit the rock it was on and kept going -.-


This is the worst jumping skill required to a game ever.
Are you sure you're using it right? I find it effective and responsive. There are two modes:
1) Auto-targeted: that's when you leap from obelisk to obelisk.
2) Manually targeted: as long as you don't overestimate your vertical component, this is a great leap skill.
Are you sure you're using it right? I find it effective and responsive. There are two modes:
1) Auto-targeted: that's when you leap from obelisk to obelisk.
2) Manually targeted: as long as you don't overestimate your vertical component, this is a great leap skill.

Auto target is the main culprit in my plummets from Sanctum Sprint, and the Cliffs in general. It works great most of the time, but GW2's physics engine loves to rubber-band at the worst moments, and even during auto-target, that throws your vector off by a huge margin. I've once even shot up into the sky, straight up, from an auto-target gone awry. It's a similar issue I have with Rocket Boots and various leap skills.

I imagine people with great net connections or better links to the servers don't see these issues as much.


I'm like that! I hope that it's just because we're uplevelled. Thieves feel super squishy in general though. My next profession pick is definitely going to be someone tanky.

I think upleveled is at a disadvantage but it is possible for a few of them. I did the first boss with my lvl 51 warrior who's got a hodgepodge of armor/weapons. Switched to ranger for the next two but think I'm going to get gear for my necro or switch my ele from staff to dps to continue as my ranger is geared for a condition build with settlers still. I don't play her enough to regear.

I never actually did these the first time around.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
DUNGEON MASTERS - Saturday 2pm EST - May 24
We started some time between 2:30 and 2:45 last Saturday - I will be on to start getting the group together just before 2 though.

Twilight Arbor
Story Recommended level: 50
Location: Caledon Forest

Sorrow's Embrace
Story Recommended level: 60
Location: Dredgehaunt Cliffs

Advance warning that I'm going to be out on May 31 for CoF and HotW (and Missions). If anyone else wants to go ahead and take the reins that day, feel free. Otherwise those two will be delayed until June 7. I'm potentially moving in my house mid June/early July as well so Saturdays may be busy for me shortly after that. Hopefully we'll get internet in quickly though.

That would be nice. Maybe we can try to do an organized run after Saturday missions?

I'm thinking before- like 8pm to 9pm we run out as many times as we can.

5-8 gaffers per boss would work really well. Should organize around 7:30 on Saturday.
We talking about Boss Blitz?

This works for me. I'll be there Saturday!

Oh, I think most people are enjoying the events immensely. But there's also great joy in getting people working together, and getting gold on something. I don't think you were here for the Marionette fight, but man - when during that, 100+ people managed to succeed at working together, the joy was amazing. Especially because it had such contrast, because the Marionette fight would fail more often than not, and entirely due to perhaps five or so people.

I agree. Having things work well is a great feeling. I also agree with Anet's stance on increasing or changing the difficulty to continue improving that group work. Instead of just letting everything be zerged to death.

GW2 has some of the best teamwork I've personally seen in an MMO.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah sometimes you jump further than usual and sometimes you don't due to lag.

And for some odd reason the game thinks you're midair even after you landed, so you ended up rolling far away despite reaching your target.

I also agree with Anet's stance on increasing or changing the difficulty to continue improving that group work. Instead of just letting everything be zerged to death.

GW2 has some of the best teamwork I've personally seen in an MMO.

Agreed on both counts. I think it'll take a year or so for the community zeitgeist to 'clue up' with regards to non-zerging content, and I can't wait to see it when it gets there.


Haha yeah it's really finicky.

At least the others work ok. It took a few tries to get used to the air ability but it's pretty straight forward once you realise you need to press 1 and then move. The amount of times I tried moving at the same time and fell off an edge because it decided not to activate.


The Cryptarch's Bane
5-8 gaffers per boss would work really well. Should organize around 7:30 on Saturday.
We talking about Boss Blitz?
Yes. If we have those numbers, anyway, along with a handful of tags and a couple lines in all caps in map chat we should actually be able to crush it.

In the meantime, we're back to the same old crappy MMO situation where only a fraction of the players can enjoy the content the way it's meant to be played, except it's not based on skill/gear/builds, but sheer luck, a.k.a : are you in an instance with an organized guild to do the hard part for you.
My problem with this is that in comparison to the sort of "same old crappy MMO situation":

a) players aren't excluded based on skill/gear/builds which is an absolutely crucial distinction from my perpsective
b) "sheer luck" implies players aren't rational agents with their own free will who can take action to improve and stand a better chance of success

Even outside of banding your guild together in an organized way like we will do, players who stick with the event and understand what needs to be done will gradually get better at doing it. If this process itself isn't worthwhile to you as a player, and you don't belong to a guild who is willing to do it together, and you simply must do this for maximum reward as rapidly as possible, you could always simply join TTS, which is not an exclusionary guild and will accept all comers regardless of skill baseline and has virtually no player cap in practice.

The sheer volume of ways in which this scenario differs from your typical "raid slot" assembly are so mindboggling to me that even making the comparison at face value is confusing.

The fact that not just anyone can show up their first time and be guaranteed max rewards is an asset so far as I'm concerned, not a design flaw. It's true that you might get lucky and happen into success if people who are organized are running it and you're along for the ride, but that's just a bonus if you get lucky. Luck isn't a prerequisite to get it done.
Now, rewards :
If you want to be accurate achieving Gold would be something like :
- 8 champ bags
- 1-3 master to exotic items
- 10 Gauntlet tickets or more
- around 20 tokens or more
- a chance at a Festival ticket (needed for sovereign weapons btw which makes them harder to get than last year too)
even knowing what the highest reward is I really don't get any urge to go and try to fight for it
But the 'reward' problem is also a problem of the game as a whole, that only gets highlighted more when content is designed to be harder.
We plainly look at content of this sort and the reward structure of the game very differently, and there's nothing wrong with that. That the game is able to offer something enough to make the experience of playing enjoyable for both of the player types we represent is an accomplishment in itself.

I have to default here to the approach I take to every single thing you can do in Guild Wars 2: only participate in stuff that would be enjoyable for you to do with even less tangible reward than offered, and preferably only stuff you'd still want to do even with no tangible in-game reward for it.

The "reward problem" you refer to isn't a problem at all for someone of my playstyle; or more specifically, the "problem" in question is a byproduct of attempting to appeal to lots of different types of gamers simultaneously and being unable to please each one in every instance.

This time, for this event, zerging doesn't work. It makes people who try it have a poor experience. Their options are to abandon it because it requires too much effort, or do any of the things described above to improve their odds of success. I can't stress enough how much this idea is independent from the rewards the event provides.

This is because the rewards don't change the content itself no matter how good they are.
On one end of the spectrum, if this gave by far the best rewards of anything in the game right now, we'd see more complaining centered on "unfair difficulty" because of the organization required.
In the middle, if it gave identical rewards but was much easier, we'd see more complaining about "ANet just releasing more mindless zerg content."
On the far end, it it gave worse rewards but were much easier, we'd see more complaining that it was "pointless even if you get gold every time."

Do you see what I'm getting at here? Striking the right balance is an absolute nightmare for designing anything like this, but it has to be about the content first and the reward second. Especially in a case like this where the rewards are non-unique- if you don't like the content, ignore the rewards.
I'm also not the one that makes it about rewards, the way the event itself is designed does it on it's own.
I couldn't disagree more. What you are referring to is the fact that you're given a Gold, Silver, or Bronze rating based on your performance, and that those ratings carry differing quantities of reward with them, Gold being the highest and requiring the most organization.

But let's think about different types of players. Imagine you're just viewing the event objectively, you know nothing about what the rewards are yet, just that getting Gold is tougher and requires more organization than Bronze. Now you ask yourself, "Do you care about getting Gold?"

If your answer is "it depends on what the rewards are" then I can 100% understand your frustration with this event. It's not designed primarily for that mindset.

My answer would be "yes, goddamnit." I want to do whatever it takes to beat this content. I want to rally my guild around the idea of doing this and getting it down. I want to bring any randoms that happen to be around along for the ride, and teach them in the process. That's exciting to me. That interests me way more than any rewards. They could be twice what they are now or half what they are now, it would affect my desire to do this by exactly 0%.

Not that I'll mind the bags and tokens. I'm just sayin'.


I think a good way to express my viewpoint on how the boss blitz has been handled is by comparing it to my feelings about the Marionette. I feel like the blitz has basically taken the things that the marionette did well and decided to do the opposite. Although I think how the reward is handled is also a factor... I'll leave it out, because in both cases it's performance based - though I feel the Marionette did a better job of rewarding player effort.

-Marionette: You knew you wanted at least 25 people in each lane. More was better. Even after a chain was defeated, you still needed to hold the lane. Lane-hopping was discouraged in a very obvious way thanks to the defense factor.

-Boss Blitz: You want a small group of around 10 players at each boss. More can severely screw up the event for everyone involved. Even if you successfully make groups, common sense or logic go against this. "After my boss is dead, I should go help with another" is how I would naturally think, at least. There's no reason provided to stay somewhere or stay out of the fights. Yet, doing nothing is better than helping with others.

Personal skill:
-Marionette: Beyond the defense phases, you were separated into groups of 5 to defeat a warden. Thus, every player that entered had to be able to hold their own. This gave people a reason to improve and learn proper game mechanics.

-Boss Blitz: Assuming you manage a small group, this is of value. Otherwise, your ability is virtually useless because there's a large group making it difficult to see, plus your personal contribution is often negligible due to the scaling.

Now, though I said I was going to leave reward out... After saying that I also realized that, thanks to the Marionette providing a decent reward so long as you made progress, even if things went badly(as long as it wasn't zero chains severed) there was incentive to try again. Blitz discourages people that have been in numerous bad rounds, though, since you get the worst reward possible for the largest amount of time spent. Virtually everything in the game is a better use of time than participating in a bronze round of blitz.


I think having the bosses sectioned off, allowing only the intended group size in to fight them at a time would have been better. Throw in something for the others that can't participate in a boss to do, like weakening the boss's troops to provide some form of support. Make it both organized AND more cooperative, rather than "We need X people and everyone else should screw off". I can easily see people being upset after being told they should wait in the middle or go anywhere else but where the boss is because their existence is making it harder.


The Cryptarch's Bane
"After my boss is dead, I should go help with another" is how I would naturally think, at least. There's no reason provided to stay somewhere or stay out of the fights. Yet, doing nothing is better than helping with others.
The factor here is that you want to kill the bosses as close to one another as possible, like the Branded ogre and company guild mission, in this case because they get stronger as each one dies.
I think having the bosses sectioned off, allowing only the intended group size in to fight them at a time would have been better.
that sounds like it would make it require no organization at all, but I guess I could be misunderstanding.
Throw in something for the others that can't participate in a boss to do, like weakening the boss's troops to provide some form of support. Make it both organized AND more cooperative, rather than "We need X people and everyone else should screw off". I can easily see people being upset after being told they should wait in the middle or go anywhere else but where the boss is because their existence is making it harder.
I think the most important thing is just evenly distributing people across the 6. If you have 20 people per boss that's 120 people. If we're talking more than that all trying to participate and that makes it impossible even with the organization, then that's a problem, and I can understand a call for some limitations. But total number concerns should also improve with time after the initial "content rush" is exhausted.
Last night I was in a map instance of the Pavilion which had a huge swath of whiners complaining about how loooooooooooooooong the Boss Blitz took. So I explained that we needed to split up, when it started, and try to get them all down at the same time, and not have more than 10 or so at each boss.

I paid to start the next blitz by myself. It took 40 minutes, because people just kept zerging from one to the next.

So I explained it again, after. Got a lot of talkback from the whiners saying wah wah too expensive too crap no fun yadda just zerg content need guild need zerk etc etc.

I paid for about half of the next run, myself. By now I'd spent almost 15 gold.

The run went better. Took about 30 minutes, there was a much better split amoung the bosses, but still too many at one or more, some didn't understand the Hawk mechanic at Shrek, etc.

After it was done, I explained it again, explained a bit about each boss (Boom Boom Bains can practically be solo'ed if you melee), etc. Each boss has a nice trick to them that makes them easier, the pirate guy can almost kill himself with some good reflects.

I paid another 5g to start the next Blitz, because others had already started donating.

We got Silver.

THAT is how it works. The people that *care* will stick around. The others who just want reward for hitting 1 autoattack, or just want to bitch on reddit about how hard things are, will eventually leave. So you end up with people who understand what needs to be done, and want to see the content through NOT for the reward, but because the content is REWARDING to do. People playing the game primarily just to grind, farm, and get rewards, are the ones that quit first and then sit on forums for years saying how glad they are they quit. Meanwhile, the rest of us are there to play a game.

Getting that silver was totally worth the 20g I spent on it. Would spend again.

I'm sure if I stuck around another hour or so, that map would have gotten Gold. No guild, no commander tags - just people who care. And if you show others that you care, and if you're patient: they'll usually repay you in kind.

EDIT: I *do* think they should have had ALL SIX Boss HP bars appear for everyone (on the lower floor anyway), so that people could get a VISUAL idea of how each boss was doing, and where people are lacking.


The Cryptarch's Bane
EDIT: I *do* think they should have had ALL SIX Boss HP bars appear for everyone (on the lower floor anyway), so that people could get a VISUAL idea of how each boss was doing, and where people are lacking.
Totally. That I agree with 100%, and that's how all the comparable guild missions work. Would help with not needing constant reports of HP percentages. I have to hope this aspect was just an oversight, and will definitely pass this suggestion along if I get to talk to anybody.

edit: if not obvious from my diatribe I totally approve of that sequence of events you described and would've enjoyed being a part of it


The factor here is that you want to kill the bosses as close to one another as possible, like the Branded ogre and company guild mission, in this case because they get stronger as each one dies.
that sounds like it would make it require no organization at all, but I guess I could be misunderstanding.

I think the most important thing is just evenly distributing people across the 6. If you have 20 people per boss that's 120 people. If we're talking more than that all trying to participate and that makes it impossible even with the organization, then that's a problem, and I can understand a call for some limitations. But total number concerns should also improve with time after the initial "content rush" is exhausted.

The thing is, it isn't communicated at all beyond "other bosses get new powers when one dies" that they should all die at the same time. And, frankly, powering them up with new skills doesn't immediately make that apparent. "They get progressively harder" is not the same as "It becomes impossible to get a good rank."

Also, I dunno if 20 per boss would even be optimal. 10-15 has sounded better, both in terms of clutter and scaling x.x

And in the events of doing bronze numerous times and finally achieving a silver.... That doesn't sound rewarding at all, but rather like a hugely frustrating waste of time. I would rather do anything else that's more fun, than spend that much time trying to get people to understand what's up, kill badly scaled bosses and get nothing out of it. Every bronze is over 16 minutes and silver is 8-16... To me, that's a lot of time and effort being spent for nothing. Yeah, I care about the reward in a limited time event, but even beyond that, I would rather log out and do something else I find enjoyable than do something that feels like 100% wasted time x.x
I would rather log out and do something else I find enjoyable than do something that feels like 100% wasted time x.x

And you're 100% free to do so. Boss Blitz is optional content. Content I enjoy. You do not. It doesn't *have* to appeal to everyone. Just like the Gauntlet. Nobody is implying you HAVE to play content you don't enjoy.

But don't deny ME content YOU don't enjoy. :p

EDIT: I agree the Boss Blitz has a communication issue. That's GW2 in a nutshell, though. Visually, in terms of the combat and gameplay systems, there is a HUGE comms issue. One I hope they continue working on.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The thing is, it isn't communicated at all beyond "other bosses get new powers when one dies" that they should all die at the same time. And, frankly, powering them up with new skills doesn't immediately make that apparent.
Granted. Had to be learned through experience.
Also, I dunno if 20 per boss would even be optimal. 10-15 has sounded better, both in terms of clutter and scaling x.x
It wouldn't be optimal. I was saying it would be possible, in terms of not having to tell anyone to "just wait in the middle." If we're fielding groups of more than 120 and the scaling can't accomodate, it's a problem, but one that should diminish with time.
That doesn't sound rewarding at all, but rather like a hugely frustrating waste of time
I would rather do anything else that's more fun
I would rather log out and do something else I find enjoyable
Exactly the right approach. Doesn't need to be any more to it than that.


Playing a little of GW... I guess I wasn't as close to beating Factions as I thought, since apparently I haven't explored most of the Jade Sea... Which is where I need to go to.

I really want dem Hall of Monument rewards!


Granted. Had to be learned through experience.

It wouldn't be optimal. I was saying it would be possible, in terms of not having to tell anyone to "just wait in the middle." If we're fielding groups of more than 120 and the scaling can't accomodate, it's a problem, but one that should diminish with time.

Exactly the right approach. Doesn't need to be any more to it than that.

I... Don't think "don't play the content that should be fun" should EVER be the right choice. Because it's fun in theory, something I would very much like to do, and something that there are achievements attached to. It's also something that's not always around and one of two options for getting one of the two favors that is necessary to acquire certain rewards, the other being gauntlet.

But you get what you're asking then? Content that is completable by everyone, regardless of any situation, or what people like and don't like?

That's not... feasible, without making the content entirely trivial, in which case, why bother? Might as well put a big button on the UI that says 'gimme rewards plox' that you get to press once a day.

Some things are worth fighting for.

EDIT: Then again, if all you're asking is for *you* to be able to get all the achievements and rewards, well shit son. When GAF guild does a Boss Blitz, sign up!


But you get what you're asking then? Content that is completable by everyone, regardless of any situation, or what people like and don't like?

That's not... feasible, without making the content entirely trivial, in which case, why bother? Might as well put a big button on the UI that says 'gimme rewards plox' that you get to press once a day.

Some things are worth fighting for.

Not completable for everyone. But damn well better handled than this mess. Marionette was something many people complained about, but it was handled SIGNIFICANTLY better in my opinion.

The event's handled poorly in communication and rewards. And the communication problems on their end leave a few players having to lead all the other players rather than having those players know what's up and work on it.

Rewards also could've been handled better, while still maintaining a need to organize and do it right(preferably with better communication to help organization). Rather than making it a "how quickly can you do it", put a timer on the high end that results in failure. Rewards based on how many bosses were taken out.

8 minutes. Each boss taken out improves the rewards. Defeating all 8 adds a bonus that makes it worth striving for.

Rather than 30 minutes with 10 minutes spent on a single boss because people don't know what's going on. Failures would happen sooner, people would learn from their mistakes better.

Edit: And, to top it all off, personal effort should always count for something in events like this in my opinion. The people actually trying to pull it off shouldn't be punished because of the people screwing around x.x
I agree the event needs better communication, in terms of UI notifications, and more visual cues.

And in a perfect world, everyone pulls their own weight, everyone gets rewarded for their personal effort. The day you find an MMO that actually pulls that off? Let me know. :p


The Cryptarch's Bane
I... Don't think "don't play the content that should be fun" should EVER be the right choice. Because it's fun in theory, something I would very much like to do, and something that there are achievements attached to. It's also something that's not always around and one of two options for getting one of the two favors that is necessary to acquire certain rewards, the other being gauntlet.
I don't know what you mean by content that should be fun. It's not fun for you... don't play stuff that isn't fun for you is always the right choice for me.

I can't relate much to the "but there are achievement" aspect. Achievements don't motivate me :-/

I think you can get a Favor of the Festival outright from the meta achievement, for which you can do any 14 out of 24 options, right? To get further Favors of the Pavilion you would yes, have to at least do one of either the gauntlet or pavilion. That doesn't seem deeply unfair in terms of reward to me, but... I'm also perfectly okay with the fact that there will be certain rewards in this game I am likely unable to ever get simply because I don't enjoy what would be required of me to get them.


I have to default here to the approach I take to every single thing you can do in Guild Wars 2: only participate in stuff that would be enjoyable for you to do with even less tangible reward than offered, and preferably only stuff you'd still want to do even with no tangible in-game reward for it.

I was falling into this fallacy last night- pushing for achievements after I stopped having fun. Visions of Radiant armor swam in my head. Then I looked at the Achievement wiki to cool off.

Soon I'll become one of the ignominious few to complete the Gauntlet meta without beating Liadri.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I was falling into this fallacy last night- pushing for achievements after I stopped having fun. Visions of Radiant armor swam in my head. Then I looked at the Achievement wiki to cool off.

Soon I'll become one of the ignominious few to complete the Gauntlet meta without beating Liadri.
Ah man, Liadri is SUCH a good example of this whole thing. I had to beat her. Had to. Tried over and over and over and over again and had fun every time. I wanted her blood, didn't even know what the achievement implications were, just loved the challenge.

Killed her. tapped my mini, exhaled, and then looked at the achievement panel. "Light Up the Darkness," eh? Well okay...

Tried that shit twice annnnd nope. Abandoned it forever. Noooot fun. I will never have that achievement, and i'm okay with that. I envy and respect people who can do it for sure, but I made my "fun or not?" determination and moved on with my night :p
And on the other front, we just went back to throwing the WvW match. +525 for IoJ as of right now.
yowch. what a seesaw. Oh well, fights've been pretty fun..
It seems to me that they are running into the same issue here as with the watch knights in La: People want to zerg an event that was designed for multiple groups.

Why not implement the same solution? Let only, say, 10-20 people do any damage tot he boss, which would force the others to peel off and attack another.

That or allow us to see how many people are attacking one boss, and the healthbars of all the individual bosses.
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