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I'm not crying for WvW to be changed, but these concerns aren't without merit.

And I agreed with that already. But I dislike this meme of "devs aren't 100% focused on what I want, they must be lazy/stupid/incompetent". I find that kind of attitude towards the people that work for years to make the games we play, disrespectful and outright disgusting. And I will speak out against it when I see it.


Fair enough. It does amaze me how partisans of all three modes feel neglected.

Some complaints seem more ridiculous to me than others, but I'm not without bias.
It's clear PvE gets the lion's share (since it's the majority of players and the main focus of the game), so I consider complaints from the PvE crowd pretty derp. They don't have that much to complain about in the grand scheme of things. Sure there are things that could do with improvement, like crafting, precursors, etc. But overall, PvE is in a good place right now.

PvP needs love. Lots of love. And those people seem to need the most love. (I keed). The Rewards Track was a Good Thing, but there needs to be more maps, better Tourney system, more game types, etc. Stuff that really should have been in by now, especially maps and gametypes.

World vs World does need work, but to be honest, I'm not sure what it needs. I'm not the target audience there, and when I do talk to 10 WvW players I get 10 different answers about what needs to be done, half of them contradict the other half.


I just want more armors. more more armors. Playing my guardian I can identify armor on sight and I feel a twinge of revulsion when I realize I'm using similar armor as someone else.


Random thought I just had.

The home instance portal stone whatsit should be combined with the Royal Terrace/Airship passes so that at any time you can port to the area and then port straight back to where you were.

Unless that already happens, in which case, carry on.
Unless that already happens, in which case, carry on.

Nope. Terrace/Airship will take you to the Terrace/Airship, and you can't go back. Home Stone takes you to home instance, and from there you can exit to go to your racial city, or use it again/exit button to go back to where you where when you used the Home Stone.

If you're in the Terrace/Airship and use the Home Stone, then use it again, you'll get kicked out of the Terrace/Airship.

And you cannot use the Terrace/Airship while in your Home Instance.

What needs to happen, is the Terrace/Airship and Home Stones need to be account-wide UI buttons that unlock when you buy them.


They took a big risk with the Captain's Airship allowing people to port there, as it keeps people out of the "real world". If they moved NPCs into your home instance, you would see a lot less players because they'd just stay there.


Since launch, they've added World Ranks, Traps, Seasons, reworked the maps, added in Ruins, created the entire Edge of the Mists system and map, and have made over a thousand bugfixes, changes and minor additions. While WvW is clearly not the main focus for ArenaNet (WvW and PvP are not the majority of the playerbase), to imply that they've done nothing or don't care about it, is disingenuous.

That's not to say there aren't issues. And one would hope those issues are being worked on. I do not know what the WvW team size is, we only know that about 20 people are working on Living World, so that leaves around 180 people doing what I imagine are a thousand various projects all related to maintenance, upkeep, localization planning, infrastructure, and future features.

Just because the single thing one cares about isn't immediately being given 100% of a company's time and focus at this instant, doesn't mean it is being ignored. I understand the frustration, but devolving into reddit-style "lol anet hates dungeoneers/pvpers/wvwers" doesn't do anything constructive.

Those are all nice things, yes, but now compare that to the amount of content generated in the same time for the Living Story....and now you see where the frustration sets in. It's like a 90/10 split in favor of PvE, and that's being generous because I'll allow the inclusion of EOTM (which I consider glorified PvE)

Not to mention that the WvW seasons exacerbate the biggest issues with WvW - namely population imbalance, and end up hurting the community more in the end. If there was one thing I wished Anet realized, it is this.

edit: sorry i typed this like hours ago and forgot to hit post so it's not really relevant anymore. The biggest problem is population imbalance, which leads to a lack of competitiveness. Why upgrade this keep if it's going be lost overnight? Why stay up late and finish sieging this waypoint if it will be lost anyways? why even log on at all if my being there won't change the outcome one bit? Why even try to win or care if I do since I don't get anything of worth anyways? And so on and so forth....

I honestly believe that Anet thought EOTM was the solution to these criticisms which is really, really disheartening, since it proves that they are utterly unaware of what makes the core WvW audience click. Now that IS frustrating because now I know that, not only do they not seem to put forth much effort into WvW, but what effort they do put in is terribly misguided.


Just give me GvG instances and a ranking system and I will shut up forever.
Those are all nice things, yes, but now compare that to the amount of content generated in the same time for the Living Story....and now you see where the frustration sets in. It's like a 90/10 split in favor of PvE, and that's being generous because I'll allow the inclusion of EOTM (which I consider glorified PvE)

Not to mention that the WvW seasons exacerbate the biggest issues with WvW - namely population imbalance, and end up hurting the community more in the end. If there was one thing I wished Anet realized, it is this.

I already said - the reason PvE gets the most content made for it, is because that is the focus of the game, and where the majority of the playerbase is. I know (some) WvW players like to think the universe revolves around them, but it just doesn't. Yes, it can make the WvW and PvP players feel neglected - and I agree there are things Anet should be doing - but let's be realistic here.

I'm in two minds over WvW Season. I think it helps, in the long run, since it brings people into the mode and you're more likely to have people stick around after once they find it fun. But I also see how it can cause the problems you describe.

Population imbalance is something that simply isn't going to go away while there is sever-based matchups. In any Server vs Server setup, you will always get guilds and people moving around chasing what they think are the servers to be, for best rewards. If you removed all rewards from the system, you'd lose half the population because without carrots to chase, they have no fun. So it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I think I had to download the whole game to my laptop again because I likely deleted everything when I got wound too tight last fall


Well, hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll be up an running as normal anyways, but I guess it can't hurt to have the game in two places.


I already said - the reason PvE gets the most content made for it, is because that is the focus of the game, and where the majority of the playerbase is. I know (some) WvW players like to think the universe revolves around them, but it just doesn't. Yes, it can make the WvW and PvP players feel neglected - and I agree there are things Anet should be doing - but let's be realistic here.

I'm in two minds over WvW Season. I think it helps, in the long run, since it brings people into the mode and you're more likely to have people stick around after once they find it fun. But I also see how it can cause the problems you describe.

Population imbalance is something that simply isn't going to go away while there is sever-based matchups. In any Server vs Server setup, you will always get guilds and people moving around chasing what they think are the servers to be, for best rewards. If you removed all rewards from the system, you'd lose half the population because without carrots to chase, they have no fun. So it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

read my edit sorry bout that
Just give me GvG instances and a ranking system and I will shut up forever.

If I was Anet, and it's a good thing I'm not or half of GAFguild would hate me, that's what I'd do. Just put in GvG with ranks, but I'd also remove WvW entirely, excluding EotM, but also scrap PvP. Just take out both systems, wholesale - until we (being Anet) are in a position to approach both fully, with the full attention such modes tend to require.

And everyone would hate me for taking away the "broken, useless things they hate because they're broken and useless", because now they don't have them anymore and realize they still want them, even if they're not perfect. :p


I was big into GvG in Guild Wars 1. I don't know if I'd have the skin for it now, though. It would definitely be a nice addition regardless.
If there's one thing 25 years of playing MMOs have taught me, is that no matter what a developer does, it's never good enough to please everyone. Ever.

That's just a life thing. You can please 100% of the people part of the time or part of the people 100% of the time. You can't please 100% of people 100% of the time. It's impossible...actually it's literally impossible due to flaws in human nature.


Mumble is currently offline, they're listing our status as 'Unknown' which generally happens when there's a DDOS attack. Will post when we're back up, until then we're sorry for the inconvenience.

You might try using the Stormbluff Isle teamspeak in the meantime, as there is a designated GAF channel that you do not need permission to enter like the WvW channels. Get the info by quoting the OT.

And yes, we'll be changing hosts ASAP.

Mumble is back up, carry on.


Mumble Update, sorry for the double post:

Valued Customers,

We will be performing required maintenance on your host node today to patch operating system level exploits recently published. We don't expect downtime to last more than a few hours.

So yeah, there's that. Will post as soon as it's back up, but since it went down shortly before 9, I would imagine it will be back up around midnight.

Edit: 10:26, looks like it's back up. Enjoy!


The Cryptarch's Bane

went down to tigerdirect's store in miami to see about them putting together a kit with parts of my choosing. turns out it just happens to be a tax free weekend, they can do exactly what I was hoping for and have it ready Sunday. put together a great rig under my max budget with assembly and stability testing, better than expected cause of the tax thing.

get home very happy with myself and sit down at my desk. then I look at the power button on my PC. no, no. I glare at the power button. I know exactly what's about to happen. push it and this fucker boots into windows in seconds like it's never done a bad thing in its life. it even has the presence of mind to skip the whole "windows did not shut down properly" screen this time around.

>_< whatever. SOMEthing is wrong with it affecting multiple areas and I'm sick of troubleshooting every two or three months and thinking this time I must have found the root cause. it had a good run and was getting dated anyway except for the upgrades I'm keeping. even if it doesn't bluescreen again all weekend I'm keeping the order.

I got steak and shake on the way home. I kid you not, my cashier's name was Lyssa. the old broad must be real pleased with all this.



went down to tigerdirect's store in miami to see about them putting together a kit with parts of my choosing. turns out it just happens to be a tax free weekend, they can do exactly what I was hoping for and have it ready Sunday. put together a great rig under my max budget with assembly and stability testing, better than expected cause of the tax thing.

get home very happy with myself and sit down at my desk. then I look at the power button on my PC. no, no. I glare at the power button. I know exactly what's about to happen. push it and this fucker boots into windows in seconds like it's never done a bad thing in its life. it even has the presence of mind to skip the whole "windows did not shut down properly" screen this time around.

>_< whatever. SOMEthing is wrong with it affecting multiple areas and I'm sick of troubleshooting every two or three months and thinking this time I must have found the root cause. it had a good run and was getting dated anyway except for the upgrades I'm keeping. even if it doesn't bluescreen again all weekend I'm keeping the order.

I got steak and shake on the way home. I kid you not, my cashier's name was Lyssa. the old broad must be real pleased with all this.

The gods are playing with you man


The Cryptarch's Bane
Let me eat dinner and I'll put together that list for you.
oh I'm sorry man, I already made the order. It's not that you took too long or anything, i got a bunch of pointers in the build a PC thread and the TD store closed at 9.


oh I'm sorry man, I already made the order. It's not that you took too long or anything, i got a bunch of pointers in the build a PC thread and the TD store closed at 9.

WELL FINE, SEE IF I CARE! Nah awesome that you could get it together that fast. Mind telling me what you got?


The Cryptarch's Bane
WELL FINE, SEE IF I CARE! Nah awesome that you could get it together that fast. Mind telling me what you got?

oh woops sorry man!

Corsair Carbide 200R (glad to get something understated after my current homonculus of a case)
i5-4960K Haswell, 3.5GHZ
Cooler Master Hyper 212 Air Cooler (curious how this compares to whatever you were gonna suggest)
16GB G. Skill DD3-1600 (2 8GB DIMMs)
MSI Z97-645 Gaming (I'm not one to give a crap about how a mobo looks but hell if this thing isn't a looker)
Corsair CX600M Modular 600W PSU

that plus my 780SC and M500 480GB... and yeah this will certainly be the most bleeding-edge system I have ever owned by a happy margin

edit: The 200R is svelte, and I'm a little concerned with heat. Noise isn't much of a concern for me however, so hopefully I can load it up with some side fans if I need to.


So, I hit 30 with my Guardian yesterday and maaaaaaaan are those elite skills terrible, lol. What should I buy? TBH every one of them seems like a waste of 10 skill points :D


oh woops sorry man!

Corsair Carbide 200R (glad to get something understated after my current homonculus of a case)
i5-4960K Haswell, 3.5GHZ
Cooler Master Hyper 212 Air Cooler (curious how this compares to whatever you were gonna suggest)
16GB G. Skill DD3-1600 (2 8GB DIMMs)
MSI Z97-645 Gaming (I'm not one to give a crap about how a mobo looks but hell if this thing isn't a looker)
Corsair CX600M Modular 600W PSU

that plus my 780SC and M500 480GB... and yeah this will certainly be the most bleeding-edge system I have ever owned by a happy margin

edit: The 200R is svelte, and I'm a little concerned with heat. Noise isn't much of a concern for me however, so hopefully I can load it up with some side fans if I need to.

200R is a solid case.

Haven't been following CPUs after I made my upgrade and stopped messing with the CPU coolers to prevent myself from shorting another one out from the sometimes shitty Hawaii weather.

The CM Hyper 212 and 212+ are always good choices.

G. Skill is a 3 thumbs up company.

MSI board IS a looker. I don't follow boards either unless I need a CPU or the board.

Corsair PSUs, 5 thumbs.

Short of something being defective, it looks solid.


oh woops sorry man!

Corsair Carbide 200R (glad to get something understated after my current homonculus of a case)
i5-4960K Haswell, 3.5GHZ
Cooler Master Hyper 212 Air Cooler (curious how this compares to whatever you were gonna suggest)
16GB G. Skill DD3-1600 (2 8GB DIMMs)
MSI Z97-645 Gaming (I'm not one to give a crap about how a mobo looks but hell if this thing isn't a looker)
Corsair CX600M Modular 600W PSU

that plus my 780SC and M500 480GB... and yeah this will certainly be the most bleeding-edge system I have ever owned by a happy margin

edit: The 200R is svelte, and I'm a little concerned with heat. Noise isn't much of a concern for me however, so hopefully I can load it up with some side fans if I need to.

Be sure to oc that CPU .


So, I hit 30 with my Guardian yesterday and maaaaaaaan are those elite skills terrible, lol. What should I buy? TBH every one of them seems like a waste of 10 skill points :D

Renewed Focus will likely be your most used. It's a good skill, just very boring. The books are a lot of fun in big WvW zergs.

What race are you? Those elites will likely be better as just a casual leveling ability; if you have access to the Mistfire Wolf that's very good as well.


My heart breaks every time I see an ele using a staff. They don't know what fun is.

I'm back to farming dungeons but I still fail to see how people can get 50g+ a day. I've been running as much as 9~11 paths a day and barely hit the 12g mark >.> Do they count the gold you make from tokens later on?


My heart breaks every time I see an ele using a staff. They don't know what fun is.

I'm back to farming dungeons but I still fail to see how people can get 50g+ a day. I've been running as much as 9~11 paths a day and barely hit the 12g mark >.> Do they count the gold you make from tokens later on?

What do you considder a fun ELE weapons ?

I am open for suggestions .


What do you considder a fun ELE weapons ?

I am open for suggestions .

My favorite combo is S/D (currently running LH 6/6/2/0/0) followed by D/D. They keep you moving on your toes and you gotta stay focused and time your dodges to stay alive. I know there's a lot of stacking done in dungeons but even then managing your rotations is still more fun than sticking in fire staff spamming #2 and meteor shower.

I use staff in WvW though, only place where it really shines.


My favorite combo is S/D (currently running LH 6/6/2/0/0) followed by D/D. They keep you moving on your toes and you gotta stay focused and time your dodges to stay alive. I know there's a lot of stacking done in dungeons but even then managing your rotations is still more fun than sticking in fire staff spamming #2 and meteor shower.

I use staff in WvW though, only place where it really shines.

Worth a shot .

Also i just realised that the mid season break falls directly together with my vacation so Thanks Anet. i won't have to miss anything :p


My favorite combo is S/D (currently running LH 6/6/2/0/0) followed by D/D. They keep you moving on your toes and you gotta stay focused and time your dodges to stay alive. I know there's a lot of stacking done in dungeons but even then managing your rotations is still more fun than sticking in fire staff spamming #2 and meteor shower.

I use staff in WvW though, only place where it really shines.

Staff Ele is fun. You need to juggle all the different roles you can do, from CC to support to DPS. Of course, all that is moot in PvE, cause ppl only need to hit stuff fast.


My heart breaks every time I see an ele using a staff. They don't know what fun is.
Pff. I guess I don't know that fun is might stacking and single target DPS, because that's about all that S/D has over staff.

Staff ele is more fun to me because it covers a broader range of functions: AoE dps, AoE soft and hard CC, AoE healing. And really if we went skill by skill, the staff has more versatile and iconic abilities to me than scepter and offhand dagger.

I use my staff ele in every mode- even sPvP. If anything I should give D/D another shot.


I have an 80 of everything but an engineer, and by far I find my might stacking D/D ele the most intense and fun to play. I might do the most overall dps with him as well. Difficult to say. This little guy packs a punch.



Some pages back I referred to my warrior valkyrie pvp build as having fury uptime. That was silly; it has none and relies solely on sigil of intelligence. And ultimately that's why it's an unpopular choice vs. soldier or zerker amulet, because good players can dodge eviscerate.
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