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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Do you have a pic with the helm hidden?

Man, I just spent 800 gems opening a new character slot. >.<


Any character with long hair is going to have issues again with clipping.


Katana would make more sense as a single handed sword. It's a bit too meek for a GS, but I guess we do have too many ridiculously oversized ones already.

They just call it "Belinda's Greatsword", so it's the community just using a term they're familiar with. I can get all history geek if you want and give you specific terms, but that'd just come across a little too weeaboo for 8 in the morning.


I dont like these outfits much anymoresssss... I mean, they dont make the classes look differentialally.

I think it is safe to say that apart from the holiday ones (where you would want a costume) none of the outfits make sense to me. They should be using the outfit slot for gameplay and cosmetic purposes, not just throwing armor sets that ignore weight restrictions and can't be broken up at you.

The Desert goggles and mask would have been a perfect "outfit;" something you can switch on and off for cosmetic purposes that overwrites your existing armor (in this case, your helm). A full costume that looks like it should be individual armor pieces for a specific armor class (the ninja outfit springs to mind)? Not a fan.

I understand the upset over precursor crafting and little WvW love, but I don't see the upset for the other thing. That was very strange requests for a first person mode? Seems like a terrible idea!

They didn't ask any WvW questions though, and Devon Carter is the one who usually covers WvW in interviews and the forum so it seems sort of odd (there is a Part 2 coming, maybe they ask there).

All of the answers in that interview basically boil down to "We don't know" or "We can't say," but they gave a little too much detail so that message was a little murky and the details gave Reddit fuel for their rage.

If people loved sab so much, probably should have played world 2 instead of just bitching about it on the forums. The community killed SAB, not ANet.

Yep. ArenaNet has the numbers on who did what, when and for how long. There may be a vocal part of the community that wants SAB back, but they're likely in the minority. We honestly don't know, though the overwhelmingly negative response to World 2 makes it pretty clear that there's a group, probably just as large or larger, that doesn't want it back.

I like SAB as much as anyone and would love to see it back, but I also get that a lot of people didn't care for it and game development is a zero-sum game; resources pulled from something that lots of people will like used for something less people like just doesn't make sense. I myself didn't enjoy World 2 nearly as much as World 1, and I think a decision was made to cut their losses on that content.

I think the Infinite Coin should be refundable, even though I think I would keep mine (silly, but it fills my last invisible bag slot on my Engineer and I kind of think of it as a good luck charm). I think they should probably make the unreleased SAB skins available via the Gem Store or some other mechanism so people can obtain them if they were really hoping for, say, a purple Super Greatsword skin. And I think they should flat out say "SAB is never coming back" and say why. Done. Never coming back.

The folks who lose their shit will throw a tantrum and leave (never mentioning it again) or move on and keep playing (never mentioning it again), but at least there will be closure on the matter instead of it getting regurgitated every 6 months or so.

Did you guys consider enjin? My guild uses it. Mumble/Forums. no noticeable downtime.

That's the one I suggested, at least for Mumble. A guild I helped out with missions a while back has their mumble server on enjin and every time I'm checking our server's status theirs is right there, chugging along (but empty).


Hmm, I wish the new armor was a skin instead of an outfit. The top and bottom seems interesting enough to play around with, but I don't like the shoulders. Oh well, less gems to spend.
There is a new blog post coming out everyday detailing the things coming with the feature pack and people still have tho audacity to ask "what is ANET actually working on?".

I am just gonna stick here. Done with reddit for now.

I hope ANET just blocks reddit for few weeks so non of the employees have to be subject to all these vile posts.


I think it is safe to say that apart from the holiday ones (where you would want a costume) none of the outfits make sense to me. They should be using the outfit slot for gameplay and cosmetic purposes, not just throwing armor sets that ignore weight restrictions and can't be broken up at you.
This new focus on outfits is baffling. The inability to mix-and-match is absurd. Looking like everyone else equals failing at Princess Wars.


Oh boy, the Katana is out? Looks like I'm gonna havta get me one of those! Even though I probably won't even use the skin.

I'm also not a fan of outfits, I don't see the point for them ever existing. It just removes customisation and choice.
This new focus on outfits is baffling. The inability to mix-and-match is absurd. Looking like everyone else equals failing at Princess Wars.

IT is only absurd because you don't understand why outfits exist in the first place. The only absurd thing you could argue is that they should release some outfits in game without the cash shop.

Outfits exist because Arenanet realized that the original armor system restricted the creativity for their designers, require 3 armor classes * 5 races*2 genders and at the same time had a lot of clipping issues. Outfits exist to minimize those things.


IT is only absurd because you don't understand why outfits exist in the first place. The only absurd thing you could argue is that they should release some outfits in game without the cash shop.

Outfits exist because Arenanet realized that the original armor system restricted the creativity for their designers, require 3 armor classes * 5 races*2 genders and at the same time had a lot of clipping issues. Outfits exist to minimize those things.
I understand why outfits exist: to make as much money as possible. My use of the term "absurd" refers to the contradiction between the inability to customize outfits and the endgame of Princess Wars. I used the term correctly.

You however are postulating about the contents of the minds of Anet developers, something you cannot possibly have any understanding of unless you are an employee. So check your own assumptions before you come after mine.


IT is only absurd because you don't understand why outfits exist in the first place. The only absurd thing you could argue is that they should release some outfits in game without the cash shop.

Outfits exist because Arenanet realized that the original armor system restricted the creativity for their designers, require 3 armor classes * 5 races*2 genders and at the same time had a lot of clipping issues. Outfits exist to minimize those things.

The only difference between creating outfits and armor skins are providing for armor weights. I don't see why this new outfit couldn't have been a skin, as it's not like making it an outfit will solve clipping issues outside of other armors. Look at how badly the new outfit clips with long hair. It just narrows the players' creativity in creating their own skins.


The Cryptarch's Bane
you can also "equip" an outfit without using any transmutation charges, so you can have a level 10 character looking decent whatever they're actually wearing, instead of having to use 6 charges on physical items that would become outleveled quickly. so they have a different sort of value to me than an armor set. they aren't preferable because I always like to mix and match a bit but I can understand the development convenience in that vein. this one shouldn't have been an outfit because it has interesting pieces that should be separate. where I really find them lacking is the dye channels, as Moondrop pointed out to me they are sometimes wildly off as far as what is matched to which channel and they encourage monochromatic dye schemes. so anyway, I won't get this one cause I don't want to use it all at once, but I don't really oppose outfits in general. though I always prefer armor sets personally I don't exactly consider them a better value.

this customer communication drama is so boring. seems way too easy for john q. commenter to forget how companies that don't care about their customers actually behave. this is just noise.

seeing that "i stopped playing an MMO that has no subscription" is meant to be considered a worthwhile concept for an entire editorial column strikes me as a little pathetic. it might be a good idea for anyone who is upset right now to spend some time not thinking about what ArenaNet needs to do or the future of the game, but their relationship with Guild Wars 2. there's no reason it needs to be thought of as something capable of generating this much obvious stress.


I think Dry Top is a great addition for a simple, easy pve zone. Not really the challenging endgame content people like that link are looking for, but I think the coordination required for T6 and being rewarded for it is pretty admirable. Seeing a map coordinate the events and even designating people to each area is not unlike how people set up for Teq, though obviously on a lower level. If only it had a challenging world boss every third sandstorm or so. The giant is close...

It's just unfortunate that a consequence of how it's set up means that it has to be so dense and tiny. It's a bare little blip on the map. And it had to be dripped in via 3 installments. Sometimes I just want something on the scale of...any other vanilla zone (or hell, 2 or 3 zones) and just be allowed to go explore.

I focus on DT since it is the feature addition of season 2 thus far..



I do agree on certain points, especially about PVP and WvW.

I think ANET made a huge mistake of attaching rewards(items) to everything during Season 1.

Personal Story didn't have rewards at every step, and Season 2 follows that step pretty well.

As for Dynamic events, I think he's right by saying it's one of the best thing about GW2, and all the recently added events have only been kill X.

They did had a couple of "interesting" one, mechanically, in dry top. The crystal/flag game, and the golem you need to throw charged stones at, so he continues moving forward.

But the event system is capable of sooo much more. Giving stories to event, chaining them, giving them win/fail steps and branching off. I know they're more costly to do, but they're just so much better than Kill X events.

As for the story, I'm enjoying Season 2 way more than Season 1 and Personal story.


Yeah, none (?) of the dry top events chain at all, despite the events individually being fairly varied (and to get some achievements, not trivially un-challenging). Being able to spit out timers for everything seems a bit inorganic, but when the world bosses works like that now I guess you can't be surprised.


New blog post is up. Excited for the siege disabler, and it's even a very small inadvertent buff to the guardian shield that I was mentioned yesterday since we can absorb them coming towards siege. Hopefully there's some more stuff in the patch itself that help defenders and/or at least make defending more worthwhile.

Regarding DryTop, I really love how the zone looks and explores but I'm mostly sad with how it plays. Lots of uninspired events that don't transition at all, and on defined timers to boot? Boooo. Everything just feels so inorganic and zergy that I don't really want to go back there after I've completed all the achievements and exploration that I want to do.


Regarding DryTop, I really love how the zone looks and explores but I'm mostly sad with how it plays. Lots of uninspired events that don't transition at all, and on defined timers to boot? Boooo. Everything just feels so inorganic and zergy that I don't really want to go back there after I've completed all the achievements and exploration that I want to do.

I actually think they've designed these events to be anti-zerg.

If you want to reach the top Tiers, you have to split up around the map, to complete these events. Doesn't make the event good though.


I actually think they've designed these events to be anti-zerg.

If you want to reach the top Tiers, you have to split up around the map, to complete these events. Doesn't make the event good though.

I guess I meant Zerg more as running as quickly as possible from event to event in a way that ends up feeling super artificial. It's basically EotM for PvE.


I like their anti zerg, but you're right, it needs meta events. Chaining events were always my favorite. Though the problem with chain events is that they're very zerg friendly.


Most new updates since i started pmaying have been solid attempts to break Zergs.

the only thing anet should change is that when an event fails there should not be a reward given at all or only give a crappy reward.

The pavilion proved to me that if the lowest reward is "good enough" there is almost no incentive too do better outside of guild attempts.

Hence my believe that anet should try to enforce "learning through failure harder.


I actually think ANET needs to rework how they give rewards, and what they give for rewards.

I like rewards as much as the other guy, but I do actually think we're getting too many of them for basically nothing.

But I don't know how they could modify it though. Cause you either give reward, or gold which then buys reward. But the more gold that goes into the economy, the more costly the rewards (on the TP) get.


New blog post is up. Excited for the siege disabler, and it's even a very small inadvertent buff to the guardian shield that I was mentioned yesterday since we can absorb them coming towards siege. Hopefully there's some more stuff in the patch itself that help defenders and/or at least make defending more worthwhile.
I'm all for changes to the WvW siege meta. Love the "safe eject" from destroyed golems. Hopefully they'll nerf the traveler/speed runes exploit with this patch.

I wonder if siege disabler can be used to counter defenders, i.e. throw it up on the battlements and disable arrow carts? Because when numbers are fairly even, the advantage is clearly with defenders who have set up superior ACs.



What I want to know about this is.. how does the Ascended weapon with the same skin work? I don't want to pay for a skin if I can eventually craft the sword, and with that cool effect to boot.

I think I might grab the quiver though since I missed out on it the first couple times it was out. I might also get Kasmeer's Staff for my Mesmer, either that or the Lovestruck one.
I think outfits are great, since you can switch them on/off without using transmutation charges. However, Outfits only being available as Gem Store purchases instead of there being any Outfits as gameplay rewards is kind of sad.


I'm all for changes to the WvW siege meta. Love the "safe eject" from destroyed golems. Hopefully they'll nerf the traveler/speed runes exploit with this patch.

I wonder if siege disabler can be used to counter defenders, i.e. throw it up on the battlements and disable arrow carts? Because when numbers are fairly even, the advantage is clearly with defenders who have set up superior ACs.

It's a 1200 range grenade, how do engi grenades work? I would think you'll be able to.


It's a 1200 range grenade, how do engi grenades work? I would think you'll be able to.
I think we're going to have to wait for the implementation. Some ground-targeted AoEs wrap over the edge and operate on a plane parallel with the ground, like tomato storm, but others will just hit the face of the wall, like engi mines. But even if it shakes up AC defensive placement, that's something.


Also nice that thieves can now basically become solo saboteurs on the battlefield, mesmers to some degree as well I guess. Hopefully it'll also mean more cata lines rather than rams that lead to more open field battles.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
only thing annoying me about this game is how much stuff they put in the gem store, i realise they arent doing expansions like original which was the core of where they recouped there loses. and i understand they are adding things to gem store to recoupe loses there. but dam the amount of things they use as skins to sell is just really annoying,


Also nice that thieves can now basically become solo saboteurs on the battlefield, mesmers to some degree as well I guess. Hopefully it'll also mean more cata lines rather than rams that lead to more open field battles.
Thieves have been going bonkers with solo supply traps since Season 2.


What I want to know about this is.. how does the Ascended weapon with the same skin work? I don't want to pay for a skin if I can eventually craft the sword, and with that cool effect to boot.

What do you mean? Like do you get to keep the Ascended weapon skin?


Also nice that thieves can now basically become solo saboteurs on the battlefield, mesmers to some degree as well I guess. Hopefully it'll also mean more cata lines rather than rams that lead to more open field battles.

It could theoretically mix up the way siege is used, with rams dropping down to the low cost / high risk option and catapults being the "safe" option. Do you drop a ram and try to burn down the door before the blob arrives, or do you set up catapults and arrow carts to safely plink it? Obviously I only know Silver League tactics, but it seems to me we always tear down cannons and oil (when they're even up) then burn the door with a ton of rams.

Reddit is super super mad

BREAKING NEWS: Water is still wet.
Requesting AMA from Colin lol.

There is feature pack news coming out everyday and there will be a pax event at end of August with probably more news.


It could theoretically mix up the way siege is used, with rams dropping down to the low cost / high risk option and catapults being the "safe" option. Do you drop a ram and try to burn down the door before the blob arrives, or do you set up catapults and arrow carts to safely plink it? Obviously I only know Silver League tactics, but it seems to me we always tear down cannons and oil (when they're even up) then burn the door with a ton of rams.

BREAKING NEWS: Water is still wet.

Thinking maybe a combo. One disabler can take out all the rams at once I think, so maybe have 1-2 of those going then a cat or two and make them either choose which to disable or at least blow twice the resources.


People datamined an Ascended weapon that has the Belinda Greatsword skin called The Delaqua Family Blade: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Delaqua_Family_Blade

It also has a cool effect around the blade which I made a WebM of a few pages back, I'll go find it. Found it:

Huh, no idea. The one in the gem store doesn't have an effect... If they really add it as a craftable weapon with said effect... I'm going to be pissed if that happens...


Thinking maybe a combo. One disabler can take out all the rams at once I think, so maybe have 1-2 of those going then a cat or two and make them either choose which to disable or at least blow twice the resources.

That's what I mean; the rams are high-risk because they *have* to be clumped up near the door to work, so we might see people shift away from them a little (which is fine because they seem to be the only thing people use now) so that one player can't stop a whole push.

I wonder what kind of internal cooldown there might be on these things, otherwise a single player or a small handful working together should single-handedly stop massive onslaughts if they're careful enough. In theory, a thief or two on scout duty could drop into a fortification and keep the siege perpetually locked down.


Huh, no idea. The one in the gem store doesn't have an effect... If they really add it as a craftable weapon with said effect... I'm going to be pissed if that happens...

Like I said, it is datamined so we have absolutely no idea if it will end up in the game at all, or if it will be super rare if it does. I don't think I'll get the skin from the store all the same.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Need to do some finishing touches on my PC when I get home (got some stuff modded, should be all ready to go and looking purty), but after that I'll be PvPing.

Does anyone want to join up for team arenas tonight? I will lead, all are welcome and it's very casual. The rewards are quite good even for losing now because you still advance along your track.


I now understand why people are willing to pay so much for Unidentified Dyes, I got a couple out of a BL chest and one of them turned out to be Celestial, a really nice looking white. Let's have a cheeky check on the TP how much this is worth.. oh 35G :|
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