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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Haha, celestial is the brightest white in the game.

top of page edit:

Looking for people to PvP tonight. 8:30PM eastern



:) So amazing, such wow.


That Ceremonial Plated outfit would look amazing if not for the Cone of Shame. Also the fact that it's an outfit and not an armor set. That hair clipping. :(


Geh that article.

GW2 isn't meant to be WoW anymore than GW1 was. You play for your own fun. If you can't do that, then its the wrong game for you. If you're not digging it, stop for a while, come back later to loads of new stuff.

It is annoying the fan-sites can cobble an article together like this, basically a better worded, over-dramatic version of an forum post, yet receive recognition from ANet. Moreso, they'll likely change their tune in the future, and without any of subsequent crow-eating cause ANet has to 'play nice.' So cash in on the bad. Hype the good. Games Media gonna Games Media.
And now, for some meaningless stats:


In spite of their rage, the GW2 subreddit has not stopped growing by over a hundred members a day, non-stop, over the last two years (except for a brief drop two months after launch). The last few days have not interrupted that growth at all.

The ESO subreddit has not stopped losing members since May. The WildStar subreddit has not stopped losing members since last month. The WildStar subreddit lost as many members as the ESO one did, in half the time.

The FFXIV subreddit keeps on trucking, but has half the members the GW2 one does, and is growing at half the speed that the GW2 one did.


And that concludes your meaningless stats for the day. Enjoy this German Shep with dwarfism:

I've solo queued Team PVP about 50 times in the last few weeks, and I think I've only come across playing against 4 or 5 full roster queues. sPvP is for suckers. tPvP all day! More rank, no Spirit Watch.
Well, downloading my client and building the girls PC over the next week. Hopefully get her on board since I did also buy her the game at the 50% off.

I played with you guys way back in the beginning but shit just got in the way, I got bored with MMO's in general for a while, but now I'm ready!

Is the guild still open to all or do I have to tell you my ilvl of gear? =P


Is the guild still open to all or do I have to tell you my ilvl of gear? =P

Hey, welcome back. I recognize you from back in the day, you were fairly active and then sort of disappeared.

There's room for both you and your lady friend whenever you'd like to join, just post your name.#### or a character name for each of you.


In spite of their rage, the GW2 subreddit has not stopped growing by over a hundred members a day, non-stop, over the last two years (except for a brief drop two months after launch). The last few days have not interrupted that growth at all.

So people that like the game cant rage? We have to be like this GAF-community and feel like ANET can do no wrong? Reddit is normally overly-positive about GW2 so for it to be so negative is quite interesting indeed.

I bet the rage by the end of the week will only amplify when these additional WvW/sPVP features are fully out in the open. Tomorrow will be about the overpriced commander tags and the 21st could be about the combat log. 'Great' stuff indeed that will satisfy the WvW and sPVP community. Why not just announce a tedious coverage based tournament with a terrible points system at the end of it all too.
So people that like the game cant rage? We have to be like this GAF-community and feel like ANET can do no wrong? Reddit is normally overly-positive about GW2 so for it to be so negative is quite interesting indeed.

I bet the rage by the end of the week will only amplify when these additional WvW/sPVP features are fully out in the open. Tomorrow will be about the overpriced commander tags and the 21st could be about the combat log. 'Great' stuff indeed that will satisfy the WvW and sPVP community. Why not just announce a tedious coverage based tournament with a terrible points system at the end of it all too.

I never said that people that like the game can't rage. I never said Anet can do no wrong. I have often pointed out their missteps. Please don't put words in my mouth.

The current negativity over at reddit is bandwagon mob mentality, and not indicative of anything, other than there are a lot of people who love to bitch. Yes, there are valid issues and concerns regarding GW2. Threads and posts about those issues happen often, here, and on reddit, and on the forums. And they often contain good discussion on the topic that I hope ArenaNet is reading.

But the bandwagon ragetrain that happened because of that interview, was really just certain people using it as an excuse to start "airing grievances", and it caught on. These things happen. WoW has gone through thousands of these little wildfires, and people saying "Blizzard has lost their way, know nothing, game is ded", etc. Such events rarely give the developers any meaningful feedback, because it's people screaming "more cheese less macaroni" on the left, and people screaming "less cheese more macaroni" on the right.

My posting of the subreddit growth stats had little to do with the current rageball happening there. I just found it interesting, even if it is meaningless. I don't even consider the ESO membership there dropping indicative of an issue with the game, but rather that it highlights the toxic community there. Even the ESO subreddit moderator called it quits a while back, saying the community was too toxic for them to stay. WildStar's numbers dropping likely has more to do with the free month ending, I expect it to start raising again soon.

Not everyone who isn't currently whining about something is a white knight. Not everyone whining about something is a troll. GAF GW2 is not a hivemind, we are an incredibly diverse set of opinions, and it shows because we're constantly butting heads.

But we're all here because we like the game. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here. And if someone IS here in the thread and community, but does not like the game, I'd have to ask them: then why are you here.
Hey, welcome back. I recognize you from back in the day, you were fairly active and then sort of disappeared.

There's room for both you and your lady friend whenever you'd like to join, just post your name.#### or a character name for each of you.

Cool! Yeah, "life" happened, lol. Plus I was a little burnt on MMOs then but it's been a while. Expect a lot of questions in guild chat.


So people that like the game cant rage? We have to be like this GAF-community and feel like ANET can do no wrong?

He's saying that in spite of the perception that the Guild Wars 2 subreddit is angry, it hasn't slowed down that community's growth.

As far as your commentary on this community, this may come as a surprise but you can like something and still be critical of it (in fact, I'd argue that those who are passionate about something are the most likely to offer useful criticism). It's not black and white, love or hate, blind worship or seething hatred. This community is regularly critical of decisions ArenaNet has made, we just don't pile it on for sport.

Such events rarely give the developers any meaningful feedback, because it's people screaming "more cheese less macaroni" on the left, and people screaming "less cheese more macaroni" on the right.

Who in their right fucking mind wants more macaroni? Jesus, get the hell out of here with that casual side-dish bullshit. "Oooh, look at me, I'm making macaroni, I just boil water, dump it in and it's done." All you do is turn on the stove and open a box, and you just get handed delicious pasta. Fuckin' knob-turners. Real foodies take pride in their dinners, and real cheese sauce is a challenging, complex process that feeble-minded eaters can't appreciate. First there's the entire roux (fuckin' casuals don't even know French, gtfo). Then you have to simultaneously bring milk to a simmer without burning on the bottom (which anyone can tell you requires a steady, constant whisk) while mixing in the grated cheese. Oh, right, fuckin' pasta posers can't be bothered to grate cheese... "it's too much work, you have to grind." Waaaaaaah. Fuckin' noodle-noobs, lrn2grate. That's not even touching on all the preparation; cheese selection (only scrubs use anything less than Vermont extra sharp), getting the proper cookware, watching Youtube videos to master your technique (I prefer Alton Brown's walkthru videos). There's a lot of subtle nuance that most so-called mac n' cheese eaters just can't be bothered with, which is why they keep adding convenience items to the cash grocery store, like pre-grated cheeses or quick-boil pasta.

Don't even get me started on this 99-cent instant shit with the powdered cheese, I don't know how anyone can enjoy that after trying the real thing, they obviously have nostalgia blinders on because their mom and dad made it for them when they were kids and they're too lazy to pick up any kitchen implement that isn't the phone to order pizza, god damned fat, lazy macaronubs.

Cool! Yeah, "life" happened, lol. Plus I was a little burnt on MMOs then but it's been a while. Expect a lot of questions in guild chat.

Nah, we like questions. Unless they're about pasta. Pre-salt the water, add a tbsp on olive oil to prevent sticking, drain when al dente, IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!!11


Didn't expect to come back to this shitstorm on reddit after a few days off. I read a transcript of the interview everyone is talking about and I can see where all these complaints are coming from about communication. It certainly doesn't help that the new commander tags cost 300g per color (we'll see tomorrow) where it seems Anet totally missed the point. And no update on the precursor situation actually got my friend really riled up (had high hopes it would be in this feature pack, after the new backpack) that he's on the verge of quitting.

Also the new update on the feature pack today was super lame. I hope they got more updates to WvW because I don't think this will have any sort of significant impact on current WvW gameplay.

Usually Tuesdays are exciting days to be a gw2 fan but not this week I guess :(

I hope you're all still having fun though! I have a sudden itch to farm the TA path this weekend so that'll keep me busy till I can get back into pvp ^^


Didn't expect to come back to this shitstorm on reddit after a few days off. I read a transcript of the interview everyone is talking about and I can see where all these complaints are coming from about communication. It certainly doesn't help that the new commander tags cost 300g per color (we'll see tomorrow) where it seems Anet totally missed the point. And no update on the precursor situation actually got my friend really riled up (had high hopes it would be in this feature pack, after the new backpack) that he's on the verge of quitting.

Maybe tell your friend there's two more weeks of information and this week's focus on WvW means there's no way they were going to discuss Precursor crafting. It seems odd to get angry and storm out of the ballpark after the first inning.

I imagine they do it this way so that there isn't a giant, confusing info-dump like there has been in the past, and it gives their team time to answer questions and make responses to specific items instead of everything all at once.


Maybe tell your friend there's ywo more weeks of information and this week's focus on WvW means there's no way they were going to discuss Precursor crafting. It seems odd to get angry and storm out of the ballpark after the first inning.

I imagine they do it this way so that there isn't a giant, confusing info-dump like there has been in the past, and it gives their team time to answer questions and make responses to specific items instead of everything all at once.

If I'm not mistaken, they state that there's been no development towards precursor crafting and that they're generally happy with the current state of legendary weapons (I'll check the transcript again). This has been an issue for my friend for a while though, stuck at the getting the legend and has no intent whatsoever to buy it. He's been basically in WvW for the last 2 months, completely uninterested in PvE.


So people that like the game cant rage? We have to be like this GAF-community and feel like ANET can do no wrong? Reddit is normally overly-positive about GW2 so for it to be so negative is quite interesting indeed.

I bet the rage by the end of the week will only amplify when these additional WvW/sPVP features are fully out in the open. Tomorrow will be about the overpriced commander tags and the 21st could be about the combat log. 'Great' stuff indeed that will satisfy the WvW and sPVP community. Why not just announce a tedious coverage based tournament with a terrible points system at the end of it all too.


Another promising response when it comes to precursor crafting.

Goddamnit. This has to be a troll interview.
Don't tell me I have to wait another year for SAB world 3...

So sad. No mention of fixing Mesmer Phantasms who occasionally do nothing.

Not thrilled with this balance post:
- Ele elite changes sound like they'll be made even more worthless.
- Engi gadget changes don't sound like buffs to my WvW build.
- Mesmer scepter less effective with power builds.

It's fair to find schadenfreude regarding FGS nerfs for PvE speed running. But there's nothing funny about how terrible elementalist elites are in PvP/WvW, especially if they nerf tornado-buffed tomato storms as hinted.

Time for more testing on D-Series golem. Norn eles master race. :/

Reddit seems pretty incensed, but what else is new. On the other hand I get some of their complaints as most of the reasons given for some of the reasonable questions were pretty shitty. No first person mode because it makes combat hard? That's basically just dodging the question, because no one wants it for combat unless they're crazy.

It doesn't seem like that interview should've been released, or maybe even done. Nothing of worth came of it. But I guess plenty of people here agree that ANet is pretty bad at PRing their game.

The interview was a waste of time.

Problem is, is that ArenaNet isn't really making it easy to defend them... A lot of answers were really shitty.

You don't have to defend them, if you dont want to. You just have to realize that like always people are overreacting. Which is exactly teh reason why Arenanet doesn't say anything. Anet "fan" are the definition of fanatics and they go beyond anything consider as reasonable in terms of reaction.

So who initiated the interview anyway? What was the point of having it if you're essentially not going to say anything of substance?

As much as I like the way it looks, I am disappointed with how many clipping issues it has with itself and with certain weapons.

So now outfits even clip into themselves? Clipping is life.

Hmm, I wish the new armor was a skin instead of an outfit. The top and bottom seems interesting enough to play around with, but I don't like the shoulders. Oh well, less gems to spend.

This new focus on outfits is baffling. The inability to mix-and-match is absurd. Looking like everyone else equals failing at Princess Wars.

only thing annoying me about this game is how much stuff they put in the gem store, i realise they arent doing expansions like original which was the core of where they recouped there loses. and i understand they are adding things to gem store to recoupe loses there. but dam the amount of things they use as skins to sell is just really annoying,

hive mind


If I'm not mistaken, they state that there's been no development towards precursor crafting and that they're generally happy with the current state of legendary weapons (I'll check the transcript again). This has been an issue for my friend for a while though, stuck at the getting the legend and has no intent whatsoever to buy it. He's been basically in WvW for the last 2 months, completely uninterested in PvE.

The Guildmag interview only says "we don’t really have anything to announce at this time", "we don’t have anything that we can say right now" and "it’s something we hope to be making improvements to and to have more to talk about sometime soon."

Which is Standard Game Developer for "We're working on it, but if we tell you all about it now and we decide to change it later or it gets pushed back because we don't think it's ready, you guys will flip your fuckin' lids, accuse us of breaking promises, call us lazy, blame us for global warming, the state of Israel and the plight of the common man. Sorry, we tried to be as transparent as glass before and when things didn't work out exactly as you imagined you threw rocks, so we boarded up our windows and our world is that much drabber for it."

hive mind

OMG, thank you, that makes putting together my Ignore List so much easier!


The Guildmag interview only says "we don’t really have anything to announce at this time", "we don’t have anything that we can say right now" and "it’s something we hope to be making improvements to and to have more to talk about sometime soon."

Which is Standard Game Developer for "We're working on it, but if we tell you all about it now and we decide to change it later or it gets pushed back because we don't think it's ready, you guys will flip your fuckin' lids, accuse us of breaking promises, call us lazy, blame us for global warming, the state of Israel and the plight of the common man. Sorry, we tried to be as transparent as glass before and when you didn't get your way all you do was throw rocks, so we boarded up our windows and our world is that much drabber for it."

I think you're right, but if I guess people can also infer that precursor crafting won't be in this feature pack (I really hope it is >_> but my bet is that it'll come with the next batch of legendary weapons) where they would have said something like "Yeah, you will see new information about it soon enough" or something along those lines. I mean if it was coming in this feature pack you'd think they would be absolutely sure that everything is in place for it and they wouldn't have had to dodge the question in their typical manner. But then again, that was a WvW game designer speaking.


I mean if it was coming in this feature pack you'd think they would be absolutely sure that everything is in place for it and they wouldn't have had to dodge the question in their typical manner. But then again, that was a WvW game designer speaking.

There's that too. Asking the WvW designer about SAB and Precursor crafting, technical features like the camera... all he gave were non-answers, because he either doesn't know because it's not his part of the game to manage or he knows but he can't say. It's not that those things aren't in development or being considered, it's just that they can't say without it being taken as a promise.

Hell, when the interviewer pressed him to explain how soon, he even gave the Standard Response: "Soon."

Personally, I think it's coming. I think there were plans for it a while ago but other things got in the way. I also think the Back Piece from this latest round of living story is sort of a 'trial run' for how precursor crafting will work. But we don't know, and they won't say, and getting angry about it doesn't do anything but make the developers less likely to interact with the community.


The Cryptarch's Bane
i think rage is just always bad, when it's about a videogame. i guess i can live out on that limb alone, it's okay with me.

i should restate though, if anyone feels legitimately upset right now, by anything you've heard in past few days, by arenanet's lack of communication, by any concept that could be the case regarding the game's future, think about the relationship you have with it. maybe it's time to make it a more casual thing.


Hell, when the interviewer pressed him to explain how soon, he even gave the Standard Response: "Soon."

Personally, I think it's coming. I think there were plans for it a while ago but other things got in the way. I also think the Back Piece from this latest round of living story is sort of a 'trial run' for how precursor crafting will work. But we don't know, and they won't say, and getting angry about it doesn't do anything but make the developers less likely to interact with the community.

Ha, the transcript says "soon" in quotations; I wonder if the dev actually did the "quotation" motion with his fingers, could be a hint!

And I agree, I really like the new scavenger hunt for the back item, not to mention that it consumes bloodstone dust, something everyone wanted a use for since it was introduced (even heard someone got a T6 mat from it).

On the last point though, I found that Anet have a pretty tough skin against community backlash. If I ever had to deal with those forum users on a daily basis I would probably set the servers on fire in less than a week. At most I hope a dev comes out and address some of the concerns the community has presented.


I don't mean to say "see, we're really the most diverse group of opinions EVER" but to claim that a guild as large as ours all share some opinion is just a little silly. Adriaaa is one of the game's harshest critics but also one of the most popular people here.


Ha, the transcript says "soon" in quotations; I wonder if the dev actually did the "quotation" motion with his fingers, could be a hint!

At most I hope a dev comes out and address some of the concerns the community has presented.

"Soon" is basically ANet's version of Blizzard's "when it's finished." It's the art of the non-answer taken to a meme-like state.

As for that last point, I don't think it'll happen. Responding to it directly is the most sure-fire way to make sure it happens again, by giving the community the impression that when it reacts badly, it gets results. Like a petulant child.

Yep, just get a bunch of legitimate comments together and dismiss it as hive mind behaviour.
Isn't saying hive mind ban worthy? D:

Guys, might want to make an appointment to have your sarcasm meters detected. Hyun insinuated that the GAF community as a whole thinks "ANET can do no wrong," and Levyne was giving examples of how incorrect that assumption is from just the last page or so. The only thing that GAFGuild seems to have in common is that we like playing Guild Wars 2 at least enough to stay active in the community... oh, and that Kos smells like moosesweat and shame, but that's kinda obvious
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