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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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I think you're right, but if I guess people can also infer that precursor crafting won't be in this feature pack (I really hope it is >_> but my bet is that it'll come with the next batch of legendary weapons) where they would have said something like "Yeah, you will see new information about it soon enough" or something along those lines. I mean if it was coming in this feature pack you'd think they would be absolutely sure that everything is in place for it and they wouldn't have had to dodge the question in their typical manner. But then again, that was a WvW game designer speaking.

I think they are being discreet about it since... well, something vague like "you will see soon" can make the in-game market go nuts. Since precursors are such a heavy component in the game economy, they are probably being very careful with it.

Also, to change the topic a bit, anyone planning to go to PAX this year?


Gather round folks, pull up a chair, I have a tale to tell of hope, despair, victory and then more despair. It was a bright morning and being the brave, bold warrior that I am, I decided to set forth on an adventure alone to lay siege to a mighty castle in the Eternal Battlegrounds. Taking on such a challenge with nothing but a sword would have been foolish, so I took with me a blueprint for an amazing invention called a Catapult. I grabbed some supplies from a nearby ally and set out on my quest. During my journey to the tower, I came across many enemies who were seeking out adventurers such as myself but I was too quick and cunning to be caught. Before I knew it I reached my destination, Langor Gulch.


Following the instructions given to me, I began building the catapult contraption below the tower out of sight with what little supply I had managed to carry. Was it hidden well enough? Would it be able to see the wall? Was I about to die a horrible death? I had no time for such thoughts because I quickly realised I would need more materials to complete it. So I set about ferrying supplies from nearby allies. During my final trips return, an eagle eyed enemy spotted me across the battlefield and gave chase. Thankfully, I managed to hide behind a wall. The best hiding spot I had ever found. When the coast was clear, I returned to the catapult and made the finishing touches so that I could begin my seige. I delicately fired the first round but alas, it could not fire high enough over the cliff. I was about to lose all hope when I noticed that hitting the top of the cliff still somehow magically did some damage to reinforced wall above. Huzzah!

I went about slowly firing the machine every few seconds, praying to the old gods and the new that none of my enemies would wisen up to my mischeivous plan, but unfortunately it was not to be. An enemy guardian soon heard news of the attack and sought me out. Upon arrival he spotted my contraption and came to put a stop to it. My plan was falling apart before my eyes and for a second I froze. All my training as a cub, all of the time spent with my warband and still, I froze. Before I could react he was upon me, zapping me with his glowing staff. I retaliated with force, striking him with my hammer. We battled for what felt like an eternity, but we were both too equally matched. It was at this point that I knocked him out and used the opportunity to slip out of the mists and back into Tyria. A valiant effort if I may say so myself, but one that was ultimately thwarted. This concludes my story, gief me gold for the gr8 story telling.


Dear old grandpa Retro, do tell us you tales of valor and glory. Tell us about the time you took Stonemist with only your bare hands, the time you wrestled the Cobalt Wurm into the ground he came from. Oh gramps, will you delight us this time of the saga of besting the villanous Kos Luthar, and his nefarious sidekick Adriaaa. Please grandpa Retro, we await your beautiful prose and entertaining tales.

I was bored.


Nice screenshots these last few pages, shame about the character models in the way hahaha.

This reddit rage is no different then wow's old forum drama although I am sympathetic to it all. That interview should never have been published since it asked the wrong questions to the wrong people and only got pointless answers. SAB should be back; it was fun, different, and had cool rewards, it's haters can choose not to play it. Precursor crafting is one's real life job and paying the gems-to-gold to Gnashblade. Nobody appears to care to fix spvp or wvw so it is a good thing I enjoy the base mechanics and just play for fun with competent people. Guild halls are home instances. Play zerker since all mobs kill in one hit anyway. Etc, etc.

The problem that is blowing up right now is that a lot of people that really enjoy GW2 want it to be their subscription-based mmo with constant 1-2 month major, permanent content patches when it's never going to be that way. You'd think after almost 2 years and an outburst every few months that everybody would be clued in by now that the living story, for all of its 2 hours of instanced content and redesigned zones every 2 weeks, is here to stay and they best be happy with it. They ought to fight their daily Tequatl, karka queen, fractal, and whatever else until the rng goddess smites or bestows ascended upon them.

Bad pr might as well be no pr to me so I don't really care anymore, especially for questionable, at times, class balance and quality of life adjustments. I play GW2 because at its base it's fun and the in-game community is mostly pretty awesome. This guild though, absolutely the worst.

At Zeroth, I'm jealous. Planned to go to PAX this year but passes sold out by the time I heard that they went on sale. Plus, the friends I was going with decided to go to a local animu convention instead.... yeah. Maybe next year, I have high hopes.


Was it always this way? Is that too far back? I was there...

It's been dead since day one. I don't think anybody even plays this game anymore, they just hang out waiting for someone to be critical of it so they can rush to the game's defense. I don't know if it was always so rotten, but certainly since I became a Guild Leader things have gone even further downhill.


It's been dead since day one. I don't think anybody even plays this game anymore, they just hang out waiting for someone to be critical of it so they can rush to the game's defense. I don't know if it was always so rotten, but certainly since I became a Guild Leader things have gone even further downhill.

This game doesn't have enough dyes. I demand more dyes, I think the lack of dye choice is ridiculous and want a refund.


I went to a noodle shop today for a late lunch but apparently they were closed between 3 and 5 between lunch and dinner and I was incredibly sad so I cried into a chick-fil-a milkshake instead.


This game doesn't have enough dyes. I demand more dyes, I think the lack of dye choice is ridiculous and want a refund.



In all seriousness, we do have a great little community here and I'm proud to have even been involved in the process. We have our little bumps, sure, but we still have a shitload of active members, missions happen every week without fail, there have been exactly two bans (both non-GAFers too) and maybe a handful of official warnings. Everyone's well behaved, helpful and friendly. The only thing I wish we had was a higher guild cap; we hit 500 members way too quickly.

Okay, somebody quick make a "circlejerk" comment.


Finished Mawdrey lastnight. 9000 Bloodstone left. Half tempted to make a second just to eat through all this faster. Looking forward to having a fragment sink someday too.

Is it me, or do most axe models look oversized? Really noticing it with the Chaos Axe. Its like its two sizes too big for my Norn's model.

leng jai

Finished Mawdrey lastnight. 9000 Bloodstone left. Half tempted to make a second just to eat through all this faster. Looking forward to having a fragment sink someday too.

Is it me, or do most axe models look oversized? Really noticing it with the Chaos Axe. Its like its two sizes too big for my Norn's model.

Yeah, the scaling in this game is pathetic. Everything is designed to be used for human and everything else is an afterthought. Check out how big Braham's Mace is on your Norn or Meteorlogicus.
People going to pax or live in Seattle try to go to the ANET event that I'm sure they will have and then fill us in on all the juicy details.

Pro-tip if you go and tell ANET people you are from GAFGuild, you will be treated like royalty.

Please don't emberras us by wearing a fedora to the event.


Sonic handles my blue balls
If I wanted to unlock the Traveler's Rune in pvp, could I just equip it in PvE or do I need to buy the unlock?


If I wanted to unlock the Traveler's Rune in pvp, could I just equip it in PvE or do I need to buy the unlock?

99% sure you need to buy it. Once per account I think.

source: I had travelers runes on my guardian, but It still wasn't unlocked in pvp for him.


The Cryptarch's Bane
If I wanted to unlock the Traveler's Rune in pvp, could I just equip it in PvE or do I need to buy the unlock?

*Scratches head*

If you unlock it in PvP it's just an unlocked option in the menu. You still need actual physical runes in PvE, so that would do nothing for you there.

edit: OH. I get you. No, you have to spend the whatever for that and sigil of generosity in pvp.


The Cryptarch's Bane
new in the gem store

guild roster expander
Speaking of which, we've passed the 480 mark again. It's a cull or be culled world.

I don't know what our cutoff is yet in terms of timeframe, but I would like to clear 100 spots if feasible this time. So:

If you have not been active but do not wish to be kicked, log in once before Tuesday, August 26th.

As always, if you are culled this has nothing to do with you personally and you need only ask for a reinvite. "Noticing that you have been kicked" is about the level of activity we demand from our members.

Again, the culling is coming, six days from today.

So it is written.
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