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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Seda is the only name I knew you by for a long, long time.

I don't..even know for sure who you are in game. Gattsby?


Have I even known you that long? I thought you were someone I only met in the last couple months

Lol how many people have I forgotten

who am i


Sonic handles my blue balls
I've heard great things about the GW2 support staff, and even NCSoft's support. I'm less amiable towards NCSoft's support, since they refuse to help me with my admittedly unique Guild Wars 1 issue, but I can't entirely blame them since I am an outlier. But GW2, I've seen nothing but excellent support response times and help across the board.

My GW1 account got hacked and support said they could do nothing because I didn't have the original game's cd-key. (had my EoTN and Nightfall keys). I appealed to their community relations manager, Gaile Gray, via a forum, asking if there was anything she could do. She was extremely helpful and considerate, telling me all the nice things I wanted to hear as she left to investigate. Four days later she sends me a huge essay, accusing me of selling my account. It blew my mind that she had such a convoluted story. I tried to fathom where she got the story from and then I found out someone with the same handle I was using on that forum was active on a site where WoW accounts were sold and purchased. So she probably just asked the guy playing on my account and then did some amateur internet sleuthing.

I got frustrated, wrote off Guild Wars and played something else. Then bought the game again for cheap some time later. Saw my old account was still active so I messaged the guy:

Me: "Hey, I don't care about getting my old account back. I don't even want to know how you got my account. But I see you made a new character, could you do me a courtesy and delete my old characters so I could at least use the names again?"

Him: "Sure. Burger King & Koolaid Man are dumb names for a character anyway."

To be fair, I had an issue with gamestop giving me a bogus beta key for GW2 and support fixed it in a day. (Turns out it wasn't bogus and gamestop's keys weren't for that particular beta but they were nice to me.)
I was able to log in because I am good at what I do.

Decide I hate everyone in this guild.

Kicked everyone of you.



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I don't..even know for sure who you are in game. Gattsby?


Have I even known you that long? I thought you were someone I only met in the last couple months

Lol how many people have I forgotten

who am i

Gattsby in game, but back when you were maining Seda I played my Guardian Laidworm for the most part.
I heard some of the officers have cybersex in the GAFO guild. Is this true?? are you not representing sometimes because you are engaged in visual /emote driven eyes wide shut origastic Asura gang bangs??

if so, can I get an invite?


So, I finally managed to log in - and the support team actually managed to fix everything! Good stuff, I'm very happy right now!


I heard some of the officers have cybersex in the GAFO guild. Is this true?? are you not representing sometimes because you are engaged in visual /emote driven eyes wide shut origastic Asura gang bangs??

if so, can I get an invite?

I don't know. TWO aquatic creatures would just be kinda.. weird. A whale AND a walrus?


I heard some of the officers have cybersex in the GAFO guild. Is this true?? are you not representing sometimes because you are engaged in visual /emote driven eyes wide shut origastic Asura gang bangs??

if so, can I get an invite?
GAF guild only has cybersex on days ending with a "Y".



I know some are concerned about whether ArenaNet is communicating with you and listening and responding to your feedback. As you saw with yesterday’s announcement, we do. All of us at ArenaNet play the game with you, chat with you and read your forum posts, and work on the things that we think will most delight and entertain you.

We’ve set a clear policy in the past year: we don’t talk speculatively about future development. We don’t want to string you along. Creating fun is an uncertain business: sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t; sometimes we go back to the drawing board over and over before we get something right. If we make optimistic promises and then can’t deliver on them, everyone suffers. So when we attend a trade show or give an interview, we’re there to talk about what we’re getting ready to ship, not to speculate on what we might ship someday.

Don’t read that as meaning that we don’t want to talk with you about the longer-term roadmap. The intention of the CDI threads is to talk with you about the roadmap. We want to talk design philosophy with you and hear how you want to see the game evolve. When those discussions trigger development, we’ll work internally until we have something we’re proud of before we’ll announce it.

A lot of the questions I’ve seen posted this week are as simple as this: does ArenaNet have an agenda to never do something? That’s almost never the case, and if it is the case you deserve to know and we’ll make sure we get more clear. In general the simple truth is this: when we’re not currently working on something, it’s because we’re working on something else instead that we think is more important for the game and community.

Our developers post on these forums on a voluntary basis, and in addition to developers, we have a community team who can clarify and be the bridge between players and developers. They’re ready to engage you on these topics. And I know it’s hard for the community team to engage players across all the forums and sites where these questions are being discussed, so I’m going to support the team in consolidating and focusing as necessary, so that we can be clear to the community where you can go to get a response.

See you in-game, Mike O’Brien


Lulz. I'm amazed anyone thinks reddit has any intrinsic value.

Let's decide what statements matter via democracy; that'll work out great. /s




I love how the people on reddit saying "Wow, taking so much time to say nothing - more proof Anet something something".

I'm almost at the point where I'm just going to give up on reddit.

It amuses me that even after the very thing he just said, they actually expect the exact opposite to happen. That they'll just go oh fuck it we'll tell you everything so you can bitch and whine if it's delayed or changed.


Eh I think reddit has been a very positive net influence on the game. As much as they overreact to stuff they also swing heavily to the other side, and probably for substantially longer than they slant negatively. It's what, the second largest MMO subreddit out there? I don't think it's fair to just write them off as some weird group of extremists.


The Cryptarch's Bane
let's do the Aetherpath reschedule Sunday after makeup missions, about 4 p.m. Eastern.

hopefully we can have everyone make it, it was definitely looking like thete would be almost enough for two groups last night.


Eh I think reddit has been a very positive net influence on the game. As much as they overreact to stuff they also swing heavily to the other side, and probably for substantially longer than they slant negatively. It's what, the second largest MMO subreddit out there? I don't think it's fair to just write them off as some weird group of extremists.

It's not just the 2nd largest MMO subreddit, it's the 8th? largest game series subreddit. IMO what has transpired these past few days is that you have some people who were unhappy as per normal, then you had people who no longer play and want to throw their "opinion" into the pile just to sew more seeds of discontent because they have odd psychological issues. They basically saw it as their chance to make GW2 look bad in the biggest way possible since Ascended-gate.


I'm currently exploring Brisban Wildlands since it's the final zone on my list, and up until this point I didn't really think much of it. But I just stumbled upon the Skritt caverns that endlessly go on in every direction and it's a pretty sweet little area, I no longer think the zone is completely bad.

Also, new build in 10!


I think there's some increasing frustration from a segment that hasn't really been frustrated before as well. My friend and I fall into this category. I've put over 2000 hours into this game, love it to death, would recommend it to everyone, but even I'm getting a little tired of not much changing in the core gameplay. Maybe it's because I mostly play WvW and that's been virtually ignored for a long time now. I really enjoy the LS and the story stuff, but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for significant changes/additions to classes, weapons, abilities and the like.


Not so sure anymore. Used to go there for nuts and bolts discussions, lately its been mostly bitching. Not sure there's anywhere left to get that sort of thing.

I'm having a hard time understanding what more people want for WvW. New maps are apparently incredibly difficult to pull off. So that is off the table. But Tags getting revamped. New mastery coming. New season. Exploits seem to get slowly, but surely fixed. There doesn't seem to be much else that could be done with it short of revamping the whole thing to address the ppt-coverage bit.

I tend to WvW in phases, and it mostly works. I'd love a much smaller, more focused WvW map (Fort Aspen, broken record, etc.) but I can understand what a giant demand that would be.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think there's some increasing frustration from a segment that hasn't really been frustrated before as well. My friend and I fall into this category. I've put over 2000 hours into this game, love it to death, would recommend it to everyone, but even I'm getting a little tired of not much changing in the core gameplay. Maybe it's because I mostly play WvW and that's been virtually ignored for a long time now. I really enjoy the LS and the story stuff, but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for significant changes/additions to classes, weapons, abilities and the like.
just take a break until stuff interesting enough for you to come back arrives. there's no need or use for frustration.


Not so sure anymore. Used to go there for nuts and bolts discussions, lately its been mostly bitching. Not sure there's anywhere left to get that sort of thing.

I'm having a hard time understanding what more people want for WvW. New maps are apparently incredibly difficult to pull off. So that is off the table. But Tags getting revamped. New mastery coming. New season. Exploits seem to get slowly, but surely fixed. There doesn't seem to be much else that could be done with it short of revamping the whole thing to address the ppt-coverage bit.

I tend to WvW in phases, and it mostly works. I'd love a much smaller, more focused WvW map (Fort Aspen, broken record, etc.) but I can understand what a giant demand that would be.

Any changes to classes are indirect large changes to WvW, and that's what I want most right now. Aside from that:

- More rewards for defending objectives
- Mastery lines built towards defending objectives
- More ability for small groups to impact the larger battle
- More stuff to spend badges on (skins, directly buying ascended gear, maybe stuff currently on laurel vendors?)

In my dreams:
- WvW having a large(r) impact on the rest of the world. Maybe a new dungeon that was only accessible when your world has control of Stonemist. In turn allow people who don't play WvW to help the cause somehow, maybe something they do in the world boosts supply counts for WvW'ers for a time. Donate 100 copper ingots to earn XP/coin/whatever and grant a small permanent buff to sentries or walls in your world. Just something that says this part of the game isn't completely separate from the game other than needing to go there for 100% map completion, a couple jumping puzzles and maybe a legendary.

just take a break until stuff interesting enough for you to come back arrives. there's no need or use for frustration.

I'm not frustrated enough to not want to play right now, I just have to give myself different goals to stay involved. Stuff like the new backpack are actually really good for that and I hope they expand upon this system a lot in the future.
but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for significant changes/additions to classes, weapons, abilities and the like.

I understand the frustration, but it's still kind of weird to me. As a fighting game player, I've been playing the same character since the 90s, with almost no real changes to how he plays or his moveset (and the changes they made in the newest iteration of the game, made me stop playing the series - so change/addition isn't always good).

I think if a game's design is good and solid, it's timeless. Quake doesn't need loadouts, iron sights or new weapons. Perfection isn't about what you add, but what you take away. Though in the case of things like PvP and WvW, I do agree the overarching systems need alteration, along with things like new maps for PvP - you can't have only a few maps, unless you're Dota.

I do *wholeheartedly* agree that things like defending in WvW needs significantly better rewards, to make it really appealing. I'd love to see the karma cap zerg halted in its tracks more often by some solid defense.


I understand the frustration, but it's still kind of weird to me. As a fighting game player, I've been playing the same character since the 90s, with almost no real changes to how he plays or his moveset (and the changes they made in the newest iteration of the game, made me stop playing the series - so change/addition isn't always good).

I think if a game's design is good and solid, it's timeless. Quake doesn't need loadouts, iron sights or new weapons. Perfection isn't about what you add, but what you take away. Though in the case of things like PvP and WvW, I do agree the overarching systems need alteration, along with things like new maps for PvP - you can't have only a few maps, unless you're Dota.

I do *wholeheartedly* agree that things like defending in WvW needs significantly better rewards, to make it really appealing. I'd love to see the karma cap zerg halted in its tracks more often by some solid defense.

Regarding gameplay, I feel it's very strong (to the point where I've played one class with three weapons for probably 1250 hours at least), but the core elemental systems just aren't (and shouldn't be) on the level of Quake or UT back in the day. In something more skill based I would completely agree that you don't need more options, you just need to get better. There's a relatively low skill cap in GW2 so I think more options are needed over time to keep things fresh.


The Cryptarch's Bane
definitely want more weapon skills. if you wanna use the fighting game analogy just think of it as new characters. obviously you want to stick with your main and that makes sense and it will continue to be enjoyable to play, but you surely understand the desire for more choices. i'd feel this way even if it were completely skill based with no stats or gear (well, as PvP already is, actually). variety is the something something.


Any changes to classes are indirect large changes to WvW, and that's what I want most right now. Aside from that:

- More rewards for defending objectives
- Mastery lines built towards defending objectives
- More ability for small groups to impact the larger battle
- More stuff to spend badges on (skins, directly buying ascended gear, maybe stuff currently on laurel vendors?)

I'm down with most of these, but there's the EotM problem when it comes to increased rewards. Namely, how to do it that won't result in people afking, or lining up to abuse the system. Everything I've thought up ends with 'Then the EotM train comes over and does it 24/7"

I've got something like 15,000 badges, casual that I am. I think ANet has painted themselves into a corner with these. Too low a cost, you flood the market(s). To high a cost, people accuse you of grind. Still I wish they would do something, too.

Best I can recall Bloodlust was suppose to address the bit about smaller groups having a bigger impact. It was met pretty negatively by the wvw community, wasn't it? I've rarely paid much attention to it myself.

We run a small havoc group twice a week, usually with less than a full group lately, we're able to take towers & bay/hills depending on the matchup. But the population imbalances seem to be the real problem. Not seeing what ANet could do about that. I mean we can defend a tower against 10-15 with siege, yeah, but when 30-40 dragonbrand show up there's just not much to be done. - Its one of the reasons I want a smaller, objective based map someday. Like 10v10v10 or some such.

In my dreams:
- WvW having a large(r) impact on the rest of the world. Maybe a new dungeon that was only accessible when your world has control of Stonemist. In turn allow people who don't play WvW to help the cause somehow, maybe something they do in the world boosts supply counts for WvW'ers for a time. Donate 100 copper ingots to earn XP/coin/whatever and grant a small permanent buff to sentries or walls in your world. Just something that says this part of the game isn't completely separate from the game other than needing to go there for 100% map completion, a couple jumping puzzles and maybe a legendary.

They tried something like that in GW1, and after a year or so they removed it. Don't recall the exact reasoning now, but hard to see them going that route again. There's the minor buffs we build up over the week, which are fairly significant but they seem to go unnoticed.

Wouldn't mind seeing a WvPvE map someday. But that would be getting closer to open-world-pvp and that might be something they wanted to avoid.


And so I finally reach the dreaded 99.9% complete moment. Ugh. My gifts are wrapped, my precursor is in my possession.. the only thing that stands between me and my first legendary is a tower in EB.



I'm down with most of these, but there's the EotM problem when it comes to increased rewards. Namely, how to do it that won't result in people afking, or lining up to abuse the system. Everything I've thought up ends with 'Then the EotM train comes over and does it 24/7"

I'm certainly not smart enough as a designer to make something up that's good, but I'm sure ANet is. Or they better be, because WvW is a large part of their end game and they obviously meant it as a way to keep people around for a long time.

There has to be a way to change around the incentives for something like EotM. Right now they're just aligned the wrong way.

I've got something like 15,000 badges, casual that I am. I think ANet has painted themselves into a corner with these. Too low a cost, you flood the market(s). To high a cost, people accuse you of grind. Still I wish they would do something, too.

Yeah not sure what to do here. Some kind of one-time badge dump followed by a rebalancing of how they're awarded seems like the only option. Maybe just a quick and dirty badge-gold conversion (t6 mats?) since most career WvW players don't exactly make a ton of cash.

Best I can recall Bloodlust was suppose to address the bit about smaller groups having a bigger impact. It was met pretty negatively by the wvw community, wasn't it? I've rarely paid much attention to it myself.

I think it helped at the margins, and that part of the BL maps is much more interesting than the rest if nothing else. I just think they pussied out when it comes to the impact holding the points can have. Bloodlust and Outnumbered have always been switched around from what they should be; change Outnumbered to boosting stats and you have a fairer match and make Bloodlust (with a different name) +large amounts of magic find (with a lot of awesome WvW-only drops for extra sweetner) that's even more pronounced on the folks who contribute to capturing/holding the points and maybe things will change? I dunno.

They tried something like that in GW1, and after a year or so they removed it. Don't recall the exact reasoning now, but hard to see them going that route again. There's the minor buffs we build up over the week, which are fairly significant but they seem to go unnoticed.

Wouldn't mind seeing a WvPvE map someday. But that would be getting closer to open-world-pvp and that might be something they wanted to avoid.

Like I said, in my dreams. I wish they'd build up all the areas of the game to have super compelling rewards that outwardly affected everyone in the game but that never really seemed to be the way they wanted to take the game.


Wow. Sometimes I really have no luck :(

I was in EB for three or so hours after reset and whilst there were a couple of times we got close to Langor Gulch (the only tower I need), we never got close and obviously weren't always aiming for it. Eventually I thought hey this isn't gonna happen lets go remake my elementalist. Half way through a hear a whisper noise but don't think anything of it, finish the character and get in-game.

It was only someone who'd I'd been talking to letting me know that we'd just capped the tower, and as I got into EB on my Warrior it got taken back...

leng jai

Wow. Sometimes I really have no luck :(

I was in EB for three or so hours after reset and whilst there were a couple of times we got close to Langor Gulch (the only tower I need), we never got close and obviously weren't always aiming for it. Eventually I thought hey this isn't gonna happen lets go remake my elementalist. Half way through a hear a whisper noise but don't think anything of it, finish the character and get in-game.

It was only someone who'd I'd been talking to letting me know that we'd just capped the tower, and as I got into EB on my Warrior it got taken back...

Karma for not choosing the worst class.


Bloodlust was a change that gave small, coordinated groups a concrete objective. It's actually rather important in winning the PPT game and we never ignore it when playing seriously. If it were switched to the buffs of Outmanned, we would always ignore it. The mechanic also allows small groups to map hop and still contribute.

EDIT for clarity: the stat buffs from Outmanned are relatively unimportant; what matters is the point-per-kill.

I dunno, I don't do much havoc but with a bit of siege mastery and voice comms they can take down pretty much any objective short of a zerg itself.
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