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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
The games community isn't all that bad. Let me know when GW2 fans start spamming a car manufacturer to give them a special event and then we'll talk haha.

Exactly this.

This community is tame compared to others out there.

Volvo gif DireTide

edit: Red Pandas are too damn cute.
In other news, I went to the Pittsburg Zoo today for the first time. Spent the whole morning just taking photos.














It's a really nice zoo. Very well maintained, the exhibits are varied (if a bit small), but the enclosures are well designed from what I could see. All the animals looked


One of them IS pay to win. The consortium harvesting sickle lets you thwack plants once and run off whereas all the peasants are stuck doing the crouch animation before they finish grabbing stuff. This animation times the few plants you'll ever hit and you'll see the crazy amounts of time saving.

Quoting for emphasis. I hate gathering on my peasant alts.


we didn't do any programming at all, just scripting, is it acceptable to post stuff like that?
Scripting is programming :)

GitHub stuff doesn't even have to be code; I think the only restriction (and this isn't even explicit, it's just a play-nice thing) is don't use it as some kind of file-share dumping ground.

There are tons of projects like yours on there, and they fit really well. A lot better than a forum post you don't control and a file host that could disappear at any time.


It is realy weird.

One one end you read forums and threadswith nothing but complaining whining .and constantly popi g a gasket over the smallest thing.

You get the impression that everyone hates this game .rhey hate the developers and they hate eachother. :p

Then you go in the game and you encounter (At least on SBI) one of the friendliest and most helpful comunity'S i have seen.

Of course it could be that there are Servers that cosists of nothing but Asshats but i don't know about that


Exactly this.

This community is tame compared to others out there.

Volvo gif DireTide

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

In other news, I went to the Pittsburg Zoo today for the first time. Spent the whole morning just taking photos.

Nice! That does look like a pretty great zoo, I've not been to a zoo for awhile but I keep meaning to because I love animals. Tigers being my favourite because they'reeeeeeeeee greaaaaaaat!

I did go a "Safari Park" recently though and while quite a lot of it wasn't amazing, a lot of animals were just deer and such what with the british climate and all. But there were some lions in a drive through enclosure and a few of them walked among us. One went right by my car on my side and I was tempted to open the window and stroke it before logic and common sense got the better of me. My roof trim was almost completely removed thanks to the monkey enclosure when I went through. I couldn't believe some of the cars that people were driving through it with, brand new top of the range stuff.

I took a shot right as it passed my window up close but my phone goofed out -.-

Strangely, my wing mirror couldn't handle being a monkeys seat and broke.


It's just... I know people love the LS, and I know that there is a lot of Anet that is in the dark and working on something we can only speculate about... But I wish they would take a long break and just fix the myriad of issues plaguing this game.

Week 2 of the Feature Pack starts next week and this: "focused on improving the Guild Wars 2 experience for new and veteran players alike!" Is making me hopeful, I just hope they fix the right things.
It's just... I know people love the LS, and I know that there is a lot of Anet that is in the dark and working on something we can only speculate about... But I wish they would take a long break and just fix the myriad of issues plaguing this game

It took WoW almost 8 years to fix some of my issues with it that it had since launch. Perhaps that's why I'm just not impatient when it comes to this kind of thing - because it either will get fixed, or it won't. And stressing over it does... nothing.


In other news, I went to the Pittsburg Zoo today for the first time. Spent the whole morning just taking photos.

It's a really nice zoo. Very well maintained, the exhibits are varied (if a bit small), but the enclosures are well designed from what I could see. All the animals looked

Neat. I ran an 8k today. Time to relax with a little Guild Wars.


I demand an ArenaNet interview by none other than us GAFers, stat!

We know better than to ask the kind of questions they can't answer, and the questions we would ask would veer more into the philosophical / personal realm that I think is very cool to discuss one-on-one but would probably make for a very uninteresting read.

It is realy weird.

One one end you read forums and threadswith nothing but complaining whining .and constantly popi g a gasket over the smallest thing.

You get the impression that everyone hates this game .rhey hate the developers and they hate eachother. :p

Then you go in the game and you encounter (At least on SBI) one of the friendliest and most helpful comunity'S i have seen.

Of course it could be that there are Servers that cosists of nothing but Asshats but i don't know about that

The people playing the game represent the majority of players, silently enjoying the game, contributing to the community and making the game a very pleasant place to be for the most part. The ones doing all of the screaming on Reddit / official forums are the vocal minority, and though they make a lot of noise, it doesn't really do anything but make the developers miserable and less likely to interact with the players as a whole.

It's just... I know people love the LS, and I know that there is a lot of Anet that is in the dark and working on something we can only speculate about... But I wish they would take a long break and just fix the myriad of issues plaguing this game.

Week 2 of the Feature Pack starts next week and this: "focused on improving the Guild Wars 2 experience for new and veteran players alike!" Is making me hopeful, I just hope they fix the right things.

But the things you want fixed might be completely different from what others want fixed. You may like dungeons, but other people hate them. They may love WvW and think there's no excuse for all of these lame dungeons when they could be making new WvW maps instead. Or they PvP and can't stand that there are balance changes coming because PVE players are always exploiting skills to farm dungeon tokens. Or they want to roleplay and hate that town clothes were removed because of the Wardrobe that everyone else seems to love. Or they may have complaints that exist entirely beyond the scope of the current game (Guild vs. Guild, for example) or even the series (personal housing).

Everyone wants their little thing fixed, but there's a finite amount of resources and time in which to do it, and fixing one thing can upset another. Games are big, complex systems, and MMOs more so, in which seemingly minor changes can touch on a dozen different other things and cascade outward. The best you can do is remain hopeful and patient, maybe try something new (I'm enjoying PvP a lot more than I thought I would and it's opened up a whole part of the game I had been avoiding) and try not to let the rottenly entitled tantrum-throwing parts of the community get to you / rub off on you.

And don't let monkeys sit on your rear view mirror, apparently.

It took WoW almost 8 years to fix some of my issues with it that it had since launch. Perhaps that's why I'm just not impatient when it comes to this kind of thing - because it either will get fixed, or it won't. And stressing over it does... nothing.

Pretty sure there's a guy in the WoW thread who still holds a grudge against Blizzard for not including the Dance Studio they announced for Wrath of the Lich King. I think he had a Dexter avatar, but who knows now.

Edit: Looks like Martin Kerstein is leaving the company too. Cue the "everyone is leaving, game is dead" threads.


Edit: Looks like Martin Kerstein is leaving the company too. Cue the "everyone is leaving, game is dead" threads.

Even if that isn't true, there have been an insanely high amount of folks who have left the company in the past few months -- more than have been made aware to the public, I'm sure.

This is not a good sign at all.


Even if that isn't true, there have been an insanely high amount of folks who have left the company in the past few months -- more than have been made aware to the public, I'm sure.

This is not a good sign at all.

We'll never know why they've left officially, and speculation doesn't do any good.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
saw this post by chris on forum earlier shall be interesting

Will be posting a list of ten areas that were heavily impacted by CDIs next week.
Thanks for calling out some. Note there are way more than 10 (-:
I never expect anything to be perfect. I think if I saw something that was perfect I would kill it and eat it.
I was unhappy wit a lot of things in Guild Wars 1. The lack of exploration(hidden walls), z axis, copy pasted skills who only differed in tiny incremental to energy cost/action cost/recharge times, the lack of actual crafting, auction house, mass pvp, and solo based pvp.
55hp Monks made me unhappy, I was happy as a lone wolf in random Arena. But Guild Wars 1 drew me in because it understood a fundamental principle I hate about almost every other goddamn MMO (and most RPGs ever made). That idea that item stats is king. This idea that magic:the gathering build embracing in a action and strategy focused rpg.. this was gold to me.

So all the years of GW1 felt like a heavy compromise to me. Guild Wars 2 fixes almost all the issues I lived with in Guild Wars 1, and I still feel exempt from so much of the bullshit of all other games.
So I am in awe of guild wars 2. its the first game I have played were alts make sense. Its one of the only games were they significantly increased my value. all the time spent on collecting money for dyes and gears for one character, was made account bound, which increased my enjoyment immensely.
I think I am drawn to that analogy Louis CK makes about cell phones in one of his stand up shows ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpUNA2nutbk ) - He is talking about cell phones and how weird it is that people are so unsatisfied with something that is amazing. "it's as good as it is. why would you expect it to be amazing?".

I've thought a lot about this. about my own dissatisfaction with anything in life, and I've realized that shit dosnt become better or worse, more or less enjoyable based on my expectations. It's just about taking it for what it is.
well, these things are not perfect, these are not very fun, but I still take it for what it is. ArenaNet could fix everything that is wrong wit the game today, and I promise you that tomorrow there would just be as many reddit posts about other stuff
It's just the human condition. In particularly in MMORPGs because people are not incentive to stop playing because there is no end.
You know when to stop playing half-life 2. that game has an end and some clear goals. But for an open ended never ending game, people play these tings until they burn out. and they post something crazy on forums talking about the good old days before the devs ruined/nerfed or whatever it.
It's a silly thing because its a fact of life that everything is better when its new, unexplored and exciting. Recognizing this is not easy.
I just wish people would in the entire MMO genre overall would be better to separate the concept of taking a break due to burnout and fatigue, and simply knowing what the fair constructive criticism is.

I know people who post "threats" to developers of MMOs the play because they want them to work harder. They have the devs will work harder if the feel pressure from the community. But they dont realize that you cant work creatively with negative sponges feeding you. it's an entire company of people going to work just wanting their free time and feeding of their kids as much as any of us. It's a bizarre situation to call them out as greedy and manipulating and liars and other stuff like that.
You can say that stuff about Bank of America or Monsanto. But ArenaNet? Come on. They have their faults but some people are posting like their house was being repo'ed.


I ended up grabbing another 2 character slots while it is still on sale because I know I may eventually get to a point where I want to make a Ranger/Necro and regret not having a slot available.


thank you for reminding me braxzy, bought my slot.

You're very welcome. I keep unintentionally making people buy things from the gem store when I mention stuff I've bought, I see a career in marketing blossoming here.
I'm totally joking.


I'm sure the sky isn't falling, but if it was, but it would be nice if it fell on that other place. Also be neat to see GW2 /wiki become as good as GW1 /wiki.

Messing around with sigils. I can't honestly tell if fire is worth it. I don't follow my combat logs closely, but it seems like an extra blast/attack every so often would be tops. Accuracy / Force is just so boring. Need to liven things up.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm sure the sky isn't falling, but if it was, but it would be nice if it fell on that other place. Also be neat to see GW2 /wiki become as good as GW1 /wiki.

Messing around with sigils. I can't honestly tell if fire is worth it. I don't follow my combat logs closely, but it seems like an extra blast/attack every so often would be tops. Accuracy / Force is just so boring. Need to liven things up.
fire and air are both great and even work well together in burst builds


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
let me make a new package for GitHub and I'll give any revisions needed to the instructions in the op.

This will also allow users to propose revisions to make it more compatible with other setups. ie: Mac or PS3 (without MotionJoy).

The pull/commit/publish system on GitHub is perfect for that.
I ended up grabbing another 2 character slots while it is still on sale because I know I may eventually get to a point where I want to make a Ranger/Necro and regret not having a slot available.

I bought one for key farmer lol :(

If you see Keeymee in the guild, that's me ...


Correct and id rather have this not become another Naughty dog like meme where the studio is aparently dying or in trouble when 3-4 people leave .

Exactly. In the same way that the community tried to make a big deal out of Robert Hrouda leaving last year, nothing ever really came of it and the game kept right on going. That's not to say he didn't contribute to the game (having run a dungeon he helped design with him in the party made that pretty clear), or that the folks leaving today didn't either, just that the departure of a few people =/= company is dead.


I saw a comment on Reddit that I thought was quite a cool idea. An account wide bag type. Similar to how invisible bags do their thing and equiment boxes. This could be the bag that you drop your permanent harvesting tools in, you commonly used foods, account wide items you like to keep on you and your salvage kit etc. Sure, that's pretty much what the bank is there for, but how often do you remember to drop things in the bank? And it's much more convenient having the bag there at all times.

Alternatively, possibly the option to turn your starter bag into an account wide thing by choice. Or even better, make things like Permanent Harvesting Tools an account widr unlock. But then I suppose that reduces gem store income.
When I was playing earlier the Kate Welch news came out and in game Zeroth was blaming me for her leaving.

Just before I logged out I said that I'm going to go because I need to make another ANET dev quit.


Wanted to pvp some, rusty. Thought I'd try hot join. Bleh. People openly team manipulate. Watched the same mesmer switch teams every time one took a lead. How the hell is that even possible.

I want to like GW2's pvp, but it doesn't want to like me. Going to go play RA.

* Thinking more about it, just give me four guys on one side running at four guys on another side in a 5 minute elimination match. Disable the down-state, but give everyone a one-time channeled revive. No spectators. No team swapping. Win or go home. Definitely no capturing points or orb monkey business. That's it! Gah!

At the risk of obsessing, I really do not get how they went from GW1 pvp to GW2 pvp. The reasoning, the step by step mental process, the whys, the pros and cons. I don't get it. I'm regretting the media blackout I did for GW2, maybe they explained it all at some point. - Its not even the actual fighting that bugs me, just all the systems in place surrounding it. Urgh.
Wanted to pvp some, rusty. Thought I'd try hot join. Bleh. People openly team manipulate. Watched the same mesmer switch teams every time one took a lead. How the hell is that even possible.

I want to like GW2's pvp, but it doesn't want to like me. Going to go play RA.

Hot Join is like joining a random server in Quake. It's a crapshoot what you're gonna get. Do Team Queue rather.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Unfortunately my ISP has decided that I should have spotty Internet tonight, (thanks Charter ,l,, ), so I won't be making Guild Missions tonight.

Hopefully it's cleared up by tomorrow so I can participate in make ups.

Have fun!


Why are jumping puzzles in this game so good <3

*fiddle with broken space bar*

Sad to hear about Martin, he's been there since the good days of gw1 :(


It comes and goes. The Marvel Heroes community is no saint either, Social chat can get really racist, toxic and insulting, and the forums can become a massive rageball if a hero's 52 review doesn't align with what some of the vocal members wanted.

It's sad, but toxic culture is a part of any online game, but GW2's subreddit community hasn't gotten that bad at least. It's just going through a bit of growing pains. It's been two years, and now will be the time a lot of people are getting bored, and starting to examine why they're playing the game. Or, they're unhappy, aren't sure why, and just blame the game even though it's likely them who just aren't interested anymore. Sure, ArenaNet could be doing more to keep people's interest, but if the Living World ain't doing it for yah, well, so it goes.

I'm actually getting just... tired, of having to even read people's complaints about the game *no matter how valid they may be*. I'm not saying people don't have legitimate things to critique or worry about, and I have my own set of things I hope they work on, like revamped crafting interface, etc... but it's just getting tiring having to wade through so much strife and grief. And when people want to tell others how much they like the game, and appreciate it, they're told they're just being white knights or contributing to the "anet can do no wrong" echochamber. It's okay to scream and shout and throw tantrums, but it's not okay to just like and enjoy a thing and say so publically. That's the impression that's being created, anyway.

So for myself as well, two years in, I need to re-evaluate how I interact with the game and its community. I certainly don't want to become known as the person always bitching about those redditors. Hell, I only got into the GW2 subreddit to share my in-game photography... and I avoided the GAF thread for the longest time because I usually don't play well with others - but I'm really glad I joined the GAF guild in the end, it's improved my experience tremendously.

And that's the thing. I just want to enjoy the game, warts and all. I don't want to spend hours writing out criticism, or rebuttals to criticisms. I don't want to listen to people's essay-length dissertations about the economy, precursors, drop rates, dungeons, WvW... I'm just so done with all that. I appreciate people that take the time to really lay down and examine the issues the game faces, and I hope they get noticed by ArenaNet staff who can make a difference if convinced, and all that. But that's not a part of the game I want to engage in anymore. I'm not interested in the politics. I don't care if the hardcore dungeoneers feel neglected. I mean, I do care, of course I do, but I also just don't anymore, y'know? My own enjoyment of the game doesn't have to be reliant on others being happy. And I'm tired of people who are unhappy with the game, trying to make me unhappy with it, by trying to convince me of how bad ArenaNet actually is, how they fail, why their failures proves the game overall is failure, etc, etc.

I just don't see the point anymore, of all that. The game's either going to get better, or worse, for an individual playing it. If it gets worse, they stop playing. If it gets better, they enjoy it more.

I enjoy it. Warts and all. Failings and all. And I want to continue enjoying it, even if others are unhappy with it. So it's time for me to be more selfish, I think, and just plain stop looking at, thinking about, and talking about the community, except the positive parts of it that really contribute with things like art, programs, guides and such.

This really echoes my thoughts from earlier. It pisses me off when I go to look at the subreddit for news and just see bitching. I wonder if some people realize that they're indirectly responsible for two people leaving the company which just causes more tin foil hats. This bullshit is going to snowball out of control and I honestly think they need to just go all out and release the rest of the two weeks of feature pack pages just to take heat off of all the whining.


This really echoes my thoughts from earlier. It pisses me off when I go to look at the subreddit for news and just see bitching. I wonder if some people realize that they're indirectly responsible for two people leaving the company which just causes more tin foil hats. This bullshit is going to snowball out of control and I honestly think they need to just go all out and release the rest of the two weeks of feature pack pages just to take heat off of all the whining.

I think the Reddit trolls would just call that another victory, like they've been cheering about Kerstein's "firing" (nevermind that no one has said whether he left or was fired, he was obviously fired because it fits their narrative). It would just be another case of "we got them to do what we wanted!" and would further encourage the kind of behavior we've seen over the last week.

When Mike O'Brien acknowledged their disruptive behavior in his "Communicating with you" post, he acknowledged their ability to be disruptive, which only empowers them further. Basically, his post says "We care what Reddit thinks" and that's a road you seriously don't want to go down.

In other words, he forgot the #1 rule of the Internet: Don't feed the trolls.
TIL that the only reason MMOs exist is to run dungeons. More at 11.

It's true though because all my friends left the game due to dungeons being terrible, so clearly guild wars 2 is dying or will be dead soon.

Just you wait, if Arenanet doesn't fix this the will be a mass exodus when that one game super awesome finally gets released. Just wait and see. I keep telling people that but the fan squad keep downvoting everything negative about Arenanet.
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