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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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My gf is torn with the experience she's having. Been playing for a month and decided to make a second character after the patch. While she's enjoying that the game is giving her clues on where to go and what is what, she finds the new weapon unlocking system dreadful. "I just clicked 1 for the entire tutorial...just clicked 1" When she realized story doesn't unlock until 10 she ended up using all the Tomes she had accumulated from PVP.
To be fair, I always found the early levels boring until weapon swapping

Those early levels sound far more boring now. The changes seem more like they just wanted to spread "achievements" across levels 1-80. They give a lot of tools from the start and I would say by the time you had your Elite in the old game, there wasn't much else to aim for other than "80".

But seriously...downed state "skill 3" unlocks at lvl 19. Did they really do that or is reddit exaggerating?

I could completely understand that. But having a month of playtime (probably level 80?) it still is a person with some experience.

Honestly, they should have an option when creating a character that you choose.

"My fiance made me play this with him"


"I left my fiance to have more time to farm my legendary"

I always felt that in almost every MMO, a lot of the bitching and moaning about superfluous stuff like 'tutorials' and such should just have an option. If you want it, it's there, if not, continue on your way.


Yea sure and take the rest of the season to fully unlock it.

And lol at this 2 month mid-season break. At least more people are starting to finally get up in arms at ANET.

I'll take a several month season break if the story updates continue to be more substantial than they were last season.

I can't speak to the feature patch since I haven't tried anything out yet. I can say that they really turned me off starting new alts when they changed the way new characters gain traits, though. I'm not a grind guy, never was, never will be. It sounds like they changed the game to grind out a little more, probably because they found people were getting to 80 too fast or something. All of the changes were made with player retention in mind (collection achievements, spreading out skills/traits, more crafting objectives, etc.) This isn't inherently a bad thing, since people were actually asking for more stuff to do.


With Season 2 starting back November 4th,

That would mean Halloween should start October 21st (2 weeks before) unless they want to start it October 14th and let it run 3 weeks.

The Festival of the Four Winds kicked in five weeks before Season 2, so... wouldn't be a surprise at all, especially if they sneak some more returning content in with it.
In before "SAB!"

Those early levels sound far more boring now. The changes seem more like they just wanted to spread "achievements" across levels 1-80. They give a lot of tools from the start and I would say by the time you had your Elite in the old game, there wasn't much else to aim for other than "80".

But seriously...downed state "skill 3" unlocks at lvl 19. Did they really do that or is reddit exaggerating?

To be fair, they've been going by insanely fast. I've been purposely trying to approach it as a new player as much as possible (going exactly where it tells me, not doing anything it doesn't suggest like reviving downed NPCs for XP) and I blew through the first ten levels in about two hours.

Reddit isn't lying about that one though, and I kind of agree that they should unlock all at once (even though I can imagine for a new player that that's the last time you want to see a bunch of new stuff popping up all at once). I do agree that they tried to spread things out maybe a bit too much, but I also know that I've been playing games my entire life and MMOs for at least a third of that now, so this sort of stuff is second nature at this point.

I agree, while there are things that could have been done better, bitching and death threats are not the way to go about fixing them. Can't we have a reasoned discourse anymore?

That's kind of the point; we can't.

I don't think I'm leaking any kind of super secret or anything, but about a year ago (It was shortly after the new Tequatl fight was added) we were contacted by ArenaNet to participate in a "Guild Outreach" thing they wanted to try, where they were inviting guild leaders to speak directly to the developers on their private Teamspeak server. Jira and I were the ones who ended up going.

I can't remember for sure who was in there, but I do remember Regina Buenaobra (English Community Manager) sort of hosted it and Devon Carter (Content Designer) and Isaiah Cartwright (Game Designer) were there. Rubi Bayer (Social Media Coordinator) was there but didn't talk much, I think she was just listening in. Could have been a few others I'm just not remembering. The reason I'm listing the names is so you guys know this wasn't just "some PR guy" who was involved, but actual developers.

It was a fucking mess. One or two people basically talked over the others, interrupted people while they were talking (including the devs!), kept steering the conversation back to their pet peeves even when the developers had a very specific, unrelated topic to discuss, etc. Someone would start to say something and the same people would speak up, talking louder than the others, even in cases where the developers said "Does anyone else have any thoughts?". Jira and I both got in maybe four or five comments over the span of maybe 45 minutes to an hour, and you guys know how eager we both are to talk about this game at length. There was also quite a bit of disrespectful comments and tone and at one poin, the devs had to basically force people to move on because they were screaming in circles about Guild vs. Guild.

I remember sitting there, listening to the bile being poured directly into my ear and thinking "This is like having the Official Forums performed live." It was disappointing for both parties, you could hear it in their voices as the thing went on.

Now, that's as close to 'face-to-face' you can get with a game developer short of actually being face-to-face. If they couldn't maintain a reasoned level of discourse then, what hope is there for the giant, seething, anonymous beast?


Yea sure and take the rest of the season to fully unlock it.

And lol at this 2 month mid-season break. At least more people are starting to finally get up in arms at ANET.

I really don't get this Releasing method . i really don't !

Is it really Such a horrible thing: that instead of just tossing a new map at you they decide to do in parts in conjunction with the story ?

Would your fun in anyway be diminished ?
Dammit ... still reading the forums ...

So, people bitching about the leveling system are most likely bitching about keyfarming? I don't get the complaints ...

Is this really impacting the "veterans"?, how slow do you have to be to not get to level 40 fairly quickly? My GF is absolutely new to MMOs and we've done it in about a week (level 35 or 36) and that has been A LOT of screwing around, not playing on many days due to kid and a new puppy ... very little time really actually 'trying' to level and it's coming along pretty quickly even while being inefficient. Honestly, I'd say about 3 or 4 "hardcore" days where we played for a few hours.

Maybe somebody can enlighten me. Do people re-roll characters so often that this impacts it? I don't see how this really slow downs the process of somebody "in the know".

I see "man, when I first started, getting new weapons, trying new skills was the best! Now I can't even do that until lvl 15" .... which you get in what? another hour or two of playing? The Elite being at 40 is the only one that truly doesn't make sense to me. I think you should have that earlier. But the rest? I honestly don't get it.

I honestly don't get how somebody can complain about the tutorial of a game when it actually improves the rate that the information is coming at you.

EDIT: Looks hostile, it isn't. I'm actually really curious about this. I see more people bitching about the beginning tutorial than they do "nerfs" to classes like the Warrior #2 move where it's lowered in damage by 5% or something.


I actually kind of like the way they meted out Dry Top. Every area was large enough that it didn't feel tiny and the density of things to do was pretty high (story + events + coin hunt + buried chests) with a pretty good dose of extras (jumping puzzle, llama search) each time. Sprinkle in the little incidentals (new resources, new currency, etc.) and you've got a tasty gumbo.

Starting a new character last night and not immediately kicking her up to 20 and jumping back into my regular habits, I saw some parts of Plains of Ashford that I hadn't really noticed or appreciated before. The new heart they added in the northwest corner forces you to spend more than two seconds grabbing a POI and skill point. It's actually kind of a cool area visually, and I'm not sure if there are new events or just ones I had never seen before because I was blowing past them so quickly. There was one where you answer questions about each Charr legion until they select a champion (actually a veteran mob) that you fight. It was entirely lore-based (except for the fight, of course, but that was the next event in the chain), and completely new to me.

I honestly feel like doling out content in very healthy chunks gives you time to appreciate them, rather than blowing through everything that's an immediate objective and pushing into the next. That's always been my problem with MMO expansions too; they give you a huge chunk of content and the players just devour it as quickly as possible. At least with Dry Top I can say I know where everything is and have a pretty good idea how to get around. I've done World Completion twice and I still get lost in some zones or forget where specific things are.

I do think the pacing needs a little work though; two weeks felt just a tad too long, but one week feels too short. I know some people blew through "everything" in an hour, but for me it was usually a couple days at most. I still haven't done all of the Living World achievements. Glad I decide when I get to do them though, that's definitely a welcome change in my book.


Ranger LB 2 with Quicking Zephyr is the bestest thing.

Also, I think the best thing for now is to just ignore the forums and Reddit for the next few days. The complainers will die down, and we can finally look at the changes with a more objective view, instead of just raging about changes because changes. I still think that they should have a way to disable level unlocks, so veteran players can just get all the slots from the beginning. You'll still have to get the skill points and unlock the major traits, but you can at least have access to all your utilities and class abilities.


^^^ Holy shit, that's insane.

The new tab for minis is pretty much the best thing ever.

I'm sad because I only had one set of the original Wintersday Minis, which means I had to pick between keeping those three or mystic forging them to get Foostivoo. I hope they bring him back at some point.

Dammit ... still reading the forums ...

So, people bitching about the leveling system are most likely bitching about keyfarming? I don't get the complaints ...

Is this really impacting the "veterans"?, how slow do you have to be to not get to level 40 fairly quickly? My GF is absolutely new to MMOs and we've done it in about a week (level 35 or 36) and that has been A LOT of screwing around, not playing on many days due to kid and a new puppy ... very little time really actually 'trying' to level and it's coming along pretty quickly even while being inefficient. Honestly, I'd say about 3 or 4 "hardcore" days where we played for a few hours.

Maybe somebody can enlighten me. Do people re-roll characters so often that this impacts it? I don't see how this really slow downs the process of somebody "in the know".

I see "man, when I first started, getting new weapons, trying new skills was the best! Now I can't even do that until lvl 15" .... which you get in what? another hour or two of playing? The Elite being at 40 is the only one that truly doesn't make sense to me. I think you should have that earlier. But the rest? I honestly don't get it.

I honestly don't get how somebody can complain about the tutorial of a game when it actually improves the rate that the information is coming at you.

EDIT: Looks hostile, it isn't. I'm actually really curious about this. I see more people bitching about the beginning tutorial than they do "nerfs" to classes like the Warrior #2 move where it's lowered in damage by 5% or something.

Key farming is an entirely different ball of string, but there's obviously some overlap. Somebody in Guild Chat was saying that getting keys is actually easier now because all you have to do is get to level 10 and there are ways to do that quicker (crafting, for example), but I haven't tried it myself. I get that there's a bit of a 'speed run' thing going on, and I actually think if players value their money more than their time, that's kind of cool that they can get some gem store stuff (personally, I value time more than money since you can never get time back). I don't think their interests are more important than getting players through the early game now anymore than when WoW players were bitching about the "death of twinking" in low level PVP half a decade ago, however. But I do get the charm of trying to beat your previous time and getting a 'free' key, just not at the expense of other, potentially more important elements.

As far as Vets complaining about the early game stuff, it pretty much boils down to leveling alts.There's a lot of over-dramatic hyperbole, like "OMG U PRESS 1 THE ENTIRE TIME!!!! WAT HAPPENED 2 THE MANIFESTO, ANET, WHY DO I HAVE TO SWING A SWORD THEN SWING A SWORD AGAIN!?!?!?!111 LIERS!!!111" (yes this is an actual thread on Reddit), but you gain a level once you finish that little opening story segment so we're talking all of 3 or 4 minutes (in which you're also learning movement and camera control). For most experienced players, probably less. They also probably have some experience scrolls kicking around, or know how to play well enough that you can speed the process up substantially (remember, things like PVP and WvW aren't locked at low levels, they're just not immediately apparent). Someone mentioned last night that you have to "unlock" the Gems to Gold conversion at something like Level 59. The ability is always there, and always visible, the game just doesn't tell you it is.

I think a lot of it is being done by folks pissed about something else, so they latch onto anything they can bitch about and act concerned about it. You spend all of an hour without all 5 weapon skills unlocked, but some people are using a positive change that doesn't affect them to frame a "the developers have lost their way" argument.


Ranger LB 2 with Quicking Zephyr is the bestest thing.

Also, I think the best thing for now is to just ignore the forums and Reddit for the next few days. The complainers will die down, and we can finally look at the changes with a more objective view, instead of just raging about changes because changes. I still think that they should have a way to disable level unlocks, so veteran players can just get all the slots from the beginning. You'll still have to get the skill points and unlock the major traits, but you can at least have access to all your utilities and class abilities.

This is what I do, except I do it all the time. There isn't a lot of reasonable discourse there, and I don't mean that they're just all too pessimistic or whiny. It's just that the nature of that kind of setup doesn't allow for good viewpoints of varying opinions to be discussed.

I don't particularly feel the need to know what people on reddit think. It never added much to my experience, negatively or positively. I have no desire to go there to complain about the game, nor do I have a reason to go there to defend it.


/sigh. Mumble is down. Again.

This is what I do, except I do it all the time. There isn't a lot of reasonable discourse there, and I don't mean that they're just all too pessimistic or whiny. It's just that the nature of that kind of setup doesn't allow for good viewpoints of varying opinions to be discussed.

I don't particularly feel the need to know what people on reddit think. It never added much to my experience, negatively or positively. I have no desire to go there to complain about the game, nor do I have a reason to go there to defend it.

Reddit was basically useful for news and to see what kind of cool stuff the community is doing (let's be honest; there's a lot of art / videos / etc. that's really cool). Now it's basically a version of the Official Forums where the mob mentality can also control what comments are most visible.

I tend to skim it now just to see if any of that stuff is around, but generally that gets pushed into oblivion or actively downvoted by the screaming horde. I don't particularly care what Reddit has to say (again, a very small part of the game's population feels the need to go on the internet and post about it), but the fact that ArenaNet validated it by addressing it directly kind of rubs me the wrong way. The community basically knows now that if it whines, threatens and harasses long enough and hard enough, it gets results. It's like a child throwing a tantrum, even negative attention is attention. Not that they'll influence the day-to-day development of the game, but it's still annoying to see every little change met with full-on cranked-to-11 rage now. As Piranha mentioned, they aren't even bitching about the nerfs to stuff like Warrior adrenaline or FGS, they're too busy finding fault with things that barely affect them. It's like... concern trolling. Think of the Lowbies!


I know i've said this before but in ways I do think this thread is getting worse. It really does feel like now that if you have criticisms of anything, then there's no point in posting because your just some dumb "veteran" player who is blinded to everything.

This thread almost seems to be trying to push the agenda that in GW2, everything is PERFECT. Nothing is wrong, and if you think something is wrong, then please, leave the thread.


Sonic handles my blue balls
There's a lot of over-dramatic hyperbole, like "OMG U PRESS 1 THE ENTIRE TIME!!!! WAT HAPPENED 2 THE MANIFESTO, ANET, WHY DO I HAVE TO SWING A SWORD THEN SWING A SWORD AGAIN!?!?!?!111 LIERS!!!111"



The Cryptarch's Bane
I know i've said this before but in ways I do think this thread is getting worse. It really does feel like now that if you have criticisms of anything, then there's no point in posting because your just some dumb "veteran" player who is blinded to everything.

This thread almost seems to be trying to push the agenda that in GW2, everything is PERFECT. Nothing is wrong, and if you think something is wrong, then please, leave the thread.
nothing has changed. it would be idiotic to claim everything is perfect let alone push it as an agenda. many criticisms are voiced, plenty in sarcastic fashion. no one is being told to leave.
I know i've said this before but in ways I do think this thread is getting worse. It really does feel like now that if you have criticisms of anything, then there's no point in posting because your just some dumb "veteran" player who is blinded to everything.

This thread almost seems to be trying to push the agenda that in GW2, everything is PERFECT. Nothing is wrong, and if you think something is wrong, then please, leave the thread.

It's been shown time and time again, with proof, that this simply isn't true. But people who *want* the thread to devolve into a big "we hate Arenanet" circlejerk, might obviously feel persecuted when their whining isn't treated as Words from God.

Look, we've all got valid complaints regarding GW2. Everyone in this thread has, at some point, gone on about something that personally irks them, and hopes it gets fixed. But OT threads for games are about enjoying the game, playing it, not sitting on the internet acting like a backseat game designer. Though don't tell Retro. ;)

I never once said the concerns of any veteran players in the *thread* are invalid, only that the self-professed veterans on reddit are getting increasingly ridiculous, blinded by their own egos and desires, ignorant of anything outside the scope of what might directly improve their personal gaming experience. Which, from the sounds of their posting, was never that great to begin with.

Here's some realtalk. Perhaps the problem isn't the thread getting worse. Perhaps the problem is, the thread isn't being responsive to your personal needs. If you want to complain, go ahead, but that doesn't mean every post that complains about stuff has to be debated to death, especially when half the time people's complaints have been brought up before, several times, and discussed to deaaaaath.

Holy Trinity? Nuff said.

But I do think the players who are perpetually unhappy with the changes ArenaNet are making, *should* stop playing the game. It's clear they're not enjoying it, it's clear ArenaNet is not catering to their needs. So why are they sticking around? I know some of them are just hate-playing the game, so they can keep fueling their righteous indignation, but there are others that seem level headed and rational, yet, just never happy with the product. So why continue using the product?

This meme of "gaf gw2 hivemind only loves never hates" is getting old, right up there with "GAF is sony paid shills". Just because the majority of the people in the thread here are *enjoying* the game and don't want to complain more than they compliment, doesn't make this a place that's hostile to criticism of the game.

Because seriously. Do we want GW2 to become the "I quit GW2 ten years ago but I'm still here to complain about how bad it was and how ArenaNet still clearly has no idea what they're doing" thread? I saw enough of that crap with WoW, people posting on WoW sites and forums even though they've not enjoyed the game for years, or haven't played in years, but *insist* their dated opinions are totally valid and the only reason the game still sucks is because Blizzard hasn't personally responded to their specific demands.

GW2 being an MMO, means there is a massive, huge, wide variety of people playing it. But I'm rebelling against the narrative that the GW2 subreddit speaks for everyone, or that they're even a representative sampling of the playerbase.


nothing has changed. it would be idiotic to claim everything is perfect let alone push it as an agenda. many criticisms are voiced, plenty in sarcastic fashion. no one is being told to leave.

No one is being told to leave directly, however you get the impression.

I mean hell, ArenaNet has even removed and changed the order of PS missions to the point where some things no longer make sense.

But what do I know? I'm just some dumb veteran player.


Sonic handles my blue balls
No one is being told to leave directly, however you get the impression.

I mean hell, ArenaNet has even removed and changed the order of PS missions to the point where some things no longer make sense.

But what do I know? I'm just some dumb veteran player.

Gonna send as many of these pins to ArenaNet to match the number of cupcakes they recently got.


In other news, I have a picture of a Llama set as my desktop for all of this week.


I know i've said this before but in ways I do think this thread is getting worse. It really does feel like now that if you have criticisms of anything, then there's no point in posting because your just some dumb "veteran" player who is blinded to everything.

This thread almost seems to be trying to push the agenda that in GW2, everything is PERFECT. Nothing is wrong, and if you think something is wrong, then please, leave the thread.

No one here thinks GW2 is perfect. Plenty of us have our opinions on content we feel are not being fully appreciated, but I feel most of us realize screaming them and polluting any game discussion that may happen here will not change anything. I'm not sure if your complaint is aimed at specific people, but if your concern is that we are not complaining like the forums or reddit are... well, GAF has a multitude of opinions and unlike the karma system of reddit or the..forumness of the official forum, we don't enforce one type over the other or give more visibility to the flavor of the moment opinion. If anything, I feel what we have here is a discourse towards constructive criticism, which I find infinitely more useful than just crude criticism.

Speaking from personal experience in dealing with both types, constructive criticism is awesome because unfounded criticism is an easy way to create chaos and flames all over the place, both for people who agree and disagree with what is said. I like that when I come to the OT I find people who are willing to explain their positions and that only helps creating more organic and helpful discussions toward what the game can do and be.


The Cryptarch's Bane
No one is being told to leave directly, however you get the impression.

I mean hell, ArenaNet has even removed and changed the order of PS missions to the point where some things no longer make sense.
that seems very stupid. I haven't experienced how the alterations to chapters 7 and 8 affect the narrative continuity firsthand, but it doesn't seem like you can reverse the order of the mission structure without breaking some things and I have no idea what that was necessary for.
But what do I know? I'm just some dumb veteran player.
This attitude is counterproductive. you're being just as dismissive of anyone who might have a counterargument.
@Retro - Yeah, that's kind of what I am getting from it. People angry at the game and going on rants about how "it's been 2 years ... ".

That said, I'm part of the cash shop problem. Have purchased the axe and mining pick with unlimited charges as well as the salvage-o-matic. #NoRagrats

Man, I'm kind of jealous of the new players, ones that haven't played an MMO. This will be their "one" when they (if) move onto other games.


If you have a criticism, just voice it like adriaaa does. Don't preempt yourself calling your opinion unwanted.

I love that my phone recognizes "adriaaa"

The following post is satire, semi-real or mostly fictitious. All words contained within are fake. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental.






These are actually some of my own personal pet peeves regarding the new player experience. Perhaps formatted this way, my complaints will seem more valid and real, instead of just being ignored. ;..;

Yeah, I dunno about the Personal Story rearranging, because I've not personally played through every PS since the change, so I kinda gotta take people's word on it. So I take that with some salt. But if the changes do muck with the logical flow of events, I hope ArenaNet fixes it.

Trading Post and miniatures aside, most of these changes are rotten fetid shit, I think it's obvious why they were made, and I don't expect that any of it has to do with making the Western playerbase any happier. I may finally after 2 years be done with this game. If I want Asian handholding cashgrab grindfests I'll go back to playing Aion, at least there's no pretending at being something better than what they are there.

Level headed and rational discourse, with valid criticism explained and elaborated on in a civil, productive way.



Sonic handles my blue balls
If you have a criticism, just voice it like adriaaa does. Don't preempt yourself calling your opinion unwanted.

I love that my phone recognizes "adriaaa"

My girlfriend yelled "ARAH" the other morning, letting me know that she wanted to play Guild Wars.

Dude's a bad influence.


This thread almost seems to be trying to push the agenda that in GW2, everything is PERFECT. Nothing is wrong, and if you think something is wrong, then please, leave the thread.

Except that there is a lot of criticism, it just happens that this thread is reasonable about it so it (usually) doesn't get drawn out into long, protracted arguments. I have a laundry list of things I dislike about the game, but we've discussed them and moved on until something changes and I bring them up again.

I think you're confusing "No one can ever criticize the game" with expecting a certain level of discourse. If all you bring to the table is a short burst of opinions passed off as facts and loaded with incendiary language, yeah, of course that sort of thing is met with the kind of response you're describing. As Levyne said just this morning; "I agree with about half of the general sentiment, but what an inelegant and unconvincing way to frame your position."

People can disagree and still be civil about it.

But OT threads for games are about enjoying the game, playing it, not sitting on the internet acting like a backseat game designer. Though don't tell Retro. ;)



Well I gave the early levels a go.

From a really noob perspective I think there is more they could explain, if that's really their purpose, some important things are not covered like they maybe should (also no access to the hint panel if you want to check them again ?)

Quest rewards + extra explanations are nice though.

As someone who would level an alt, the whole thing is just boring, even with the sped up leveling, and that comes mostly because we've played the early game with more skills before and now they're restricted.

Having the option to revert back to something more like the old system at least for weapon skills once you've completed the first 10 levels at least once would do the trick fine. (allowing you to grab skill points at any level too)

You know, the good ol' 'Skip tutorial' option.

Short version of what was originally a bigger post since this thread went to shit while I was typing :p


Neo Member
I think these changes were made for probably soon to be released Trial for GW2

Someone on reddit expained it better than me so I'll post his explanation.



So I'm going to try to make sense of these changes they've done. Keep in mind this will not be about the personal story changes. While I do like they put in it in chunks, I do not like them taking out an entire chapter. I also dislike the changes done to the NPE however I'm going to try to think from their perspective and problems they were trying to address.

So first lets talk your 1-10 experience.

The new area is well design for new players. It takes less time to level to 10 and it includes a lot of tutorials and ways to ease into the game for players. They were some nice touches to teach vet and new players of MMOs the unique features in combat of Gw2.

The main thing I will try to be focusing on is the new way they stretched out the player progression. Originally in Gw2 by the time you were level 30 you'd usually have all, if not most of the utility skills. If you were doing map completion you'd usually have a good chunk of skill points from the skill point areas in the map. This original system (including the trait system) basically had a short time to progress your character to almost full power (except for stats) and it relied on playing the game. Kind of like how Guild Wars 1 was. In Guild wars 1 you'd usually get to level 20 (max) and still have a good chunk of the campaign to play. The only form of progression after this time was really getting new gear/weapons and new skills. This system must have not been sufficient enough since they changed it. Now I don't have the numbers, so I can't tell you exactly why. However I will list a few common complaints I hear in game while I'm helping players or from people that quit.

  1. No Direction. Back in the early days of development Gw2 didn't have hearts, waypoints, max level was once level 20 I believe, and characters had most of the skills unlocked. Many complained of lack of direction/feeling of progression. They made a lot of changes till what we got at release. I'm guessing that this problem must have never went away (in Anet's eyes).
  2. Getting the full "experience" of the game. I talked to many players and ex players (players who haven't gotten to max level) that felt that they got the experience of the game. Many got to to level 30 or above levels, did a few dungeons, and would say things like. "Does the game get any different at level 80?", "I've gotten to X level and I feel like I've played all gw2's combat has to offer me", etc. Thing's like that and it is quite common I heard things like this.
  3. Nothing to look forward too. Again after they get most of the stuff you character can get, they stop looking forward to leveling since they feel like their character is "completed", as one player put it.

Those are the 3 main areas I think Anet may be trying to address. So I don't believe it is about anything in the way of easing new players into these skills. It's more about giving players something to look forward to. Something to convince them to keep leveling. Basically a carrot on a stick and the stick gets shorter as you level.
Another thing I'd like to mention are trial accounts. that_shaman did some mining a few patches ago, here[1] , and found trial accounts. Some things to know from these accounts.

  1. You can't do certain stuff. Such as you can't do team arenas, can only go into the Edge of the Mist, etc.
  2. There is a level restriction. Your "max" level is 15, and you can continue to earn exp to level 19 (so if you upgrade you go from 15 to 19).

Now lets look at those changes compared to the recent leveling stages. Notice something? Trial accounts would be missing out on a lot of their characters abilities and such. No traits, not many skills, get weapon switching right when you reach your "max" level, etc. By offering these things at further level, it would be a huge enticement for trial accounts to upgrade and purchase the game.

Now you may be asking, what about veterans and their alts? There are two things to this. One was skill points. Now I don't know about other players, but I had a lot of skill point giving items. I was unlocking my skills fairly quickly. I think one reason they stretched things out was to address this. Make veterans ability to "quicken" progression less impactful by level locking the progression instead of just skill point locks. Finally you can look at another of that_shamans post , here[2] you can see experience scrolls. Will these scrolls be offered in the gemstore only? Maybe drops from ingame? I have no idea. I personally think it would be in their best interested to have them drop from less populated areas of the endgame. Using this would allow veteran players to bypass many of the newer restrictions.

So in conclusion, I don't think many of the changes were made in terms of a new player experience. Most of the changes made to 1-10 starter zones I think were to help ease the NPE. However the stretch out of the character progression in terms of weapons switching, traits, and skills was probably made for two reasons. One to give people more reason to level in terms of character progression (which was complained about quite often from the random players I talked to or ex players). The other was to prepare the game for incoming trial accounts. Trial accounts would give us an influx of new players. Along with this they wanted to lock out many of the things that make guild wars 2 combat "good" to trial accounts to give them more of a reason to upgrade
As someone who would level an alt, the whole thing is just boring, even with the sped up leveling, and that comes mostly because we've played the early game with more skills before and now they're restricted.

100% with you on that, and with the idea that there needs to be a 'skip starter shit' button for people who already have a level 80. But for a complete and utter newcomer to the game and/or genre, I think a lot of the changes are going to benefit people. I've got a few friends who are now trying the game again and enjoying it more than the first time they did, because it - and this pains me to admit it - has a more "traditional" opening that they can digest better. It's more... WoW like.

But if it gets them playing the game, why should I complain? I'd rather have more people get into and enjoy the game, than try to pander too much to veterans. And I'm one of those veterans (a facet which seems to be ignored quite often). I also want new content, new shit to do. But I understand the value in getting the opening of the game better for new players. because I'm the one that benefits down the line when there's a fresh crop of 80s that understand and appreciate the game better.

However the stretch out of the character progression in terms of weapons switching, traits, and skills was probably made for two reasons. One to give people more reason to level in terms of character progression (which was complained about quite often from the random players I talked to or ex players). The other was to prepare the game for incoming trial accounts. Trial accounts would give us an influx of new players. Along with this they wanted to lock out many of the things that make guild wars 2 combat "good" to trial accounts to give them more of a reason to upgrade.

Most sense I've seen all day.


Except that there is a lot of criticism, it just happens that this thread is reasonable about it so it (usually) doesn't get drawn out into long, protracted arguments. I have a laundry list of things I dislike about the game, but we've discussed them and moved on until something changes and I bring them up again.

I think you're confusing "No one can ever criticize the game" with expecting a certain level of discourse. If all you bring to the table is a short burst of opinions passed off as facts and loaded with incendiary language, yeah, of course that sort of thing is met with the kind of response you're describing. As Levyne said just this morning; "I agree with about half of the general sentiment, but what an inelegant and unconvincing way to frame your position."

People can disagree and still be civil about it.


My biggest issue is that anytime someone does make a criticism about any changes, you get multiple long winded posts about how they're wrong. Every single time. It's never a: "I can see what you mean... but-,"

It's always a: "You're wrong and i'm going to show you how you're wrong."
My biggest issue is that anytime someone does make a criticism about any changes, you get multiple long winded posts about how they're wrong. Every single time. It's never a: "I can see what you mean... but-,"

It's always a: "You're wrong and i'm going to show you how you're wrong."

I can see what you mean, but.

You're wrong.

Jokes aside: really. I do get where you're coming from, but I also feel you've kind of painted a picture of the thread's "zeitgeist" and now you're engaged in pure confirmation bias. You're ignoring posts where people agree with criticisms (they happen often), and are cherry-picking out the things that suit your narrative of "gw2hivemind only loves, never hates". Again, it has been proven several times, with examples, that people have brought up criticism. And then discussion happens.

Just because the discussion isn't 100% "omg you're right burn them at the stake for these trespasses", doesn't mean the discussion doesn't happen.

I'm not trying to pick on you or anything, but you raised the point, and this is what's known as a reply.
Is the Drop Top area finished? I haven't actually been there yet or even kept up with the updates to it.

Seems so. It ended up being the size of Southsun, but a laid out a bit better with discreet mini-zones connected via specific bridges/funnels.

EDIT: I personally suspect it's done, and another Southsun sized area will be added over the remaining season, but I'm not sure if it'll connect to Dry Top, or be somewhere else.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Is the Drop Top area finished? I haven't actually been there yet or even kept up with the updates to it.
not sure if it's totally finished, but it definitely has a lot of stuff in it at this point.
Having the option to revert back to something more like the old system at least for weapon skills once you've completed the first 10 levels at least once would do the trick fine. (allowing you to grab skill points at any level too)

You know, the good ol' 'Skip tutorial' option.
yeah, there's a big difference between a new player and a new character.

The level 20 scrolls will function as tutorial skips to some extent. i'm interested how the curve from 20-30 has been altered.


Fuck that.

After I'm done kicking Miktar's ass, I'm coming for your ass next.
Then your family's ass.
And your dog's ass.
And if you don't have a dog, I'm going to buy you a dog and let you grow to love him, just so I can kick your dog's ass and make you sad.

Having the option to revert back to something more like the old system at least for weapon skills once you've completed the first 10 levels at least once would do the trick fine. (allowing you to grab skill points at any level too)

You know, the good ol' 'Skip tutorial' option.

I totally get where this comes from, because I go through it every damn time I pick up a Zelda game. I don't disagree that the changes negatively impact existing players (though I do disagree just how negatively), but I also know that the game needed a better tutorial. Not just because the Devs say so (though I'm inclined to believe them), but because I've run with PUGs who I swear don't know how to play the game. Hell, the Berserker Meta could even be viewed as an extension of this, because players immediately latch onto tricks like stacking and burning down enemies quickly because they aren't aware of / don't understand things like dodging, control abilities, etc.

I think a "Skip Tutorial" option would be perfectly fine, as long as it's unlocked by something only an experienced player will have done. Players tend to mash the "Skip tutorial" button and then complain that the game never helps them.

I actually think it would be awesome if you could burn a Gift of Exploration to unlock all waypoints for a character. It would completely break the game, but then nobody should have a Gift of Exploration who doesn't understand that. Something similar with traits too. But new players seriously need a hand, and this is probably the best tutorial I've seen in an MMO (though I think Blizzard actually added in little cut-scenes with Cataclysm, so who knows).

My biggest issue is that anytime someone does make a criticism about any changes, you get multiple long winded posts about how they're wrong. Every single time. It's never a: "I can see what you mean... but-,"

It's always a: "You're wrong and i'm going to show you how you're wrong."

I think you're confusing a discussion for a debate; it isn't a contest and there isn't a winner. In a rational discussion, Person A explains their position, Person B agrees / disagrees and explains why, Person A responds and so on. Eventually one person brings the other around to their way of thinking or they simply agree to disagree (or a mix of the two). If Person A just jumps in and says "Red is the worst color ever", Person B doesn't exactly have a whole lot to respond to; an opinion passed off as a fact, with no explanation. How exactly can he say "I can see what you mean, but..." when he's got nothing to work with?

We have discussions critical of the game all the time, they're just not hostile and they aren't built on little angry blurbs.

Seems so. It ended up being the size of Southsun, but a laid out a bit better with discreet mini-zones connected via specific bridges/funnels.

EDIT: I personally suspect it's done, and another Southsun sized area will be added over the remaining season, but I'm not sure if it'll connect to Dry Top, or be somewhere else.

People broke out of the map and found that the zone extends just past the northern border of Brisban Wildlands. Dry Top ain't done yet.



Frost Spirit is the worst skill ever!

See, comments like this, I tend to just ignore because I haven't tinkered around with any of the Ranger spirits For all I know, it probably is the worst skill in the game, but you won't see my arguing about it.

(Seriously, what did they do to Frost Spirit, now I'm curious).


I wanna be angry and outraged.

Mostly I'm just annoyed that I had unplayable lag yesterday and now the power's out. From what I could test initially though, the might stacking on my beastmaster axe was crazy.

But honestly guys, when GW2 disappoints me, I don't feel the urge to come tell y'all about it; I just go play other games. I don't need your validation to know when Anet made a bad design decision.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Not sure if my client was glitching or if it's a "new feature" but I couldn't finish downed players off in PVP while my controller's right stick was in camera mode. I had to click f7 to get back into mouse mode, hover the mouse near the downed player and only then could I finish them off.

Confirmed, you can't stomp / revive / interact if you have right mouse button held down.

So basically anyone with AutoHotKey (i.e. plays with controller) is screwed until it's fixed.
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