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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Yes, straw hat on female charr.

I'm surprised by Necro's d/d damage in some dungeons. I'm using rabid armor/trinkets, but still getting lots of 3k crits. Can't really do much for the group beyond vuln and limited stability. Signet of Vamp's numbers seem to defeat it. But making it better would basically make it Healing Seed. Thats probably not a headache they want again.

Bringing back Mark of Pain would be interesting. Throw it on the boss, adds get blown up. Things like Vamp skills/spells or shadow damage in general probably wouldn't work so well given the difference between health/damage totals in GW2.


Question time. Could be lengthy. Skip if you don't wanna read noob stuff

Thief is a great profession, and the one that feels the most responsive when I get in the right mindset and it 'clicks'. When I'm on my thief I sort of fall into the habit of playing the "How many enemies can I kill before one of them manages to damage me?" game. It's like playing Batman.

Hmmm hadnt quite got that feeling and love the Arkham games. Only just started to click properly pretty late, last night so i'll give it more time. Fun either way though

Dagger / Dagger is a lot of fun, though pistol offhand is ridiculously good for PVE because of the near constant re-application of Blind. Shortbow is a solid choice for when you need some breathing room (#3. Disabling Shot's backwards evade is the real star) and will be useful in group situations for combos (especially the blast finisher on #2. Cluster Bomb). I also like mainhand Sword for the evasion / condition removal, but don't use it nearly as often.

Yeah was going dagger/dagger up until the recent mini re-spec, and was struggling a bit. Found alot of the time I was standing out of the battle flinging daggers at fools, which kinda defeated the purpose of of rocking twin daggers. I probably wasnt mobile enough while meleeing (only just starting to appreciate how important dodge is) and was doing it all wrong so I'll probably revisit it at some point. Mainly went that route for the badass factor (and the aforementioned Dragons Dogma feels) but happier now with dagger/pistol.

Shortbow on the other hand seems great but I've got 1 or two problems at my end with using it. I mentioned earlier the only way I can play this is with the xpadder support in the OP. It works really really well, especially considering its not native. However there are 2 things I'm not sure of. Firstly, left click on thumbstick is supposed to swap weapon loadouts, but that just doesn't happen for me. Have to grab the mouse and click the icon, which isn't at all intuitive. So not sure whats wrong there. The second thing is, I haven't figured out is how to aim the AOE attacks? I get this giant circle of death.... that I can only drop on my own head.... I can grab the mouse to aim, but again its not super intuitive. Once i can get those couple of things worked out, bows will definetley be sweet to use. And you're right about #3. Went 'oooohh' when I first pressed that

I have a hard time playing any thief build that doesn't put 3 points into Acrobatics. The first minor trait (Expeditious Dodger, gain swiftness on dodge) is decent enough and you've got some decent choices for your first major trait (Power of Inertia is respectable, Descent of Shadow is great in PVP / WvW, Fleet Shadow is great for stealth builds), but Feline Grace is what it's all about. Gaining back almost a quarter of your endurance after dodging, for a profession that needs to dodge as much as a thief to survive is just the cat's pajamas.

Hmmm eyed off the feline grace trait but wasn't sure. Always hesitant to take a sustain boost over an offensive/defensive buff (depending on character), mainly because I find there's usually always other ways to sustain. That may just be the APRGness that courses through my veins though. The same reason I chose the crit based path. Will still keep in mind. Can you respec traits easily enough?

Wait, which dungeon?

Also, Engineer is the best class. A true jack-of-all-trades with a pretty high skill floor but once you get it, you can do anything. Not too many drawbacks too.

I don't know about all that other stuff but, freakin flamethrowers yo

That's not how gw2 works.

From events you will get random blues, greens and yellows. Blues and greens are salvaged.
If the yellow is a dagger, greatsword or staff, it goes straight to the TP. If the yellow is anything else, it gets salvaged for ectoplasm, which you will bank or sell in the TP.

Every once in a while you will get an exotic. You will check what rune or sigil it contains, then compare sigil/rune prices vs item price on the TP. If sigil/rune price is superior or very close, you will salvage it.

You will run dungeons, eotm or craft/buy exotic gear of your preferred stat choice. These are all 100% chance of getting over time.

You *very* seldomly get legit usable gear in gw2 from loot drops. Drop tables are too diluted to be reliable in any way, shape, or form.

This is for late game, evidently. For leveling, just equip whatever.

Yeah get most of that. At the stage of leveling I'm at there's still plenty of upgrades to be found just because the level 25 crappy set of pauldrons I just found are going to have higher rolls then the level 20 crappy set i've been wearing. It's all just about keeping all your gears slots at a reasonable level and not falling too far behind your actual level. And if you find something particuarly nice along the way, then bonus. At this stage i'm hitting up the tradiing post every 10 levels to fill spots with at-least-not-quite-as-crappy gear. Once i start getting into the higher levels, i'll no doubt start to get a bit tired of green, green, blue and start stinging for a yellow (which I still don't think i've seen yet) or exotic (def haven't seen, but DO want).

Speaking of, are exotics drops locked behind some kind of a level wall, or is there a (small) chance of them dropping wherever? Re-reading, you indicate you can craft them, which I probably won't be doing for a while (whats a craft :-\). Can they be found while fighting/exploring or is it more of a quest reward and/or crafting thing?

lox, your attitude is crazy awesome <3 I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but there are a few big ol' events you might that are accessible at your level you might like to see. If anyone catches him online at the right time, take him to SB, FE, JW, or the Frozen Maw and don't spoil 'em!

Hey, thanks man. Gamings my most time consuming hobby, outside of essentials like work, sleep (uhhh maybe) etc so might as well enjoy it right. And yeah, I'm up for running anything with ya'll (Lets do some muthafucking heart quests! .........Anyone? ..........Look a tumbleweed...). How much of a help i'd be is a whole other story. Plus time difference not-withstanding

Yep, 5-player groups for dungeons.

I was originally debating between Warrior and Guardian for my main, having come from other MMOs where I couldn't get into anything that wasn't melee ("casters are too squishy and stay far from danger," that sort of thing). I created an engineer because it fit a name I had grabbed and ended up loving the shit out of the class. It's my go-to profession when I just want to have fun.

The only class I can't get into are Necromancers. Even professions I would have normally stayed away from I end up really enjoying. Elementalist, for example, can use daggers and conjured weapons to become a "melee caster." Mesmer is a riot once you get some of their key traits unlocked and plays like nothing else in gaming (like having a duelist with a small army of suicide bombers at your side). Don't be shocked if you end up with 8 character slots.

Hmmm , at this stage i'm not terribly interested in Warriors or Guardians for the same reason. The old face tank, hack-slash, RAAAH-look at how buff I am playstyle has never really appealed to me. Not to say it still can't be fun with a good skill loadout, but I prefer the promise of the more interesting mobile classes. After seeing mesmers portal around and engineers BURN THE WORLD down I was sold pretty quickly. Rangers remind me of my Demon Hunter in D3, killing everything with turrets, pets, traps and various forms of arrows, and Eles look like a cross between Storm from the Xmen and Human Torch in a fantasy setting. That is to say, I have to check them out at some point.

Kinda of meh, towards necros as well. Summon classes can be fun, but I think they need to offer a little more then just a tonne of pets to kill everything for you. I'm sure there's more to them then that, but I need to suss them out some more.

Crafting isn't the best I've seen (Vanguard is still the best... or was, since it's shuttered now), but there's a lot of convenience features like fast repeat crafting, stacking recipes and such. Discovering items always awards more XP than just following recipes. Most items are going to have two basic components (a sword will have a hilt and a blade, for example) and then an "Insignia / Inscription" item that determines the stats. In addition to gathered materials, those also require items that only drop from monsters, like fangs, blood, bone, scales, etc. If you've been using the "Deposit Collectables" feature, your bank probably already has some of this stuff accumulating.

There's more in-depth guides out there, but those are kind of the basics.

So.Many.Questions. I've got some of that down like depositing materials (free stash space, sure) and trying to use better tools on nodes for better chances at nicer stuff. What I don't get is the actual putting-things-together part. I've been to a master crafter and go to assemble something, anything, and theres sweet fuck all in the panel on the left that it will let me throw in. I've been trying to pick up the mats that have the professions I chose highlighted in green, but I think currently there are all of about 2 of them that it will let me use. For reference I went with huntsman and can't really remember the other one. Maybe Leather worker??

I'll def check out a guide soon, but divulging that cuts into leveling time so, you know... I don't think its super crucial at the stage I'm at though. When I get to higher levels and wanting to squeeze out that bit of extra DPS (and also craft exotics apparently) i'll for sure be taking the time to look into it.

Dynamic Events you can trigger will usually (but not always) have a little orange icon (
) on the map and over the NPC. It's usually worth it to chat with an NPC, especially if they're sort of hanging around an area or they seem chatty.

Not everything is going to be marked though. There's a little tiny decorative item in a little tiny room underneath a staircase in one of the dungeons that triggers an event, and you really only notice the trigger you stand right next to that object. I probably ran past it for a year before I found out about it, and I'd be willing to bet there's a ton of people who still don't know it's there.

Yeah I checked the spoiler too. Gunna be keeping an eye out now.

Rewards for DEs and hearts going to be XP, a little money and Karma. Instead of having to pick from a few quest rewards, Karma is sort of a "quest reward currency" that you can spend by talking to the Heart NPCs once you've completed their objective (all of them turn into vendors, and some of them have unique skins) or save if you don't like what they offer. That's a decent way to fill gaps in your gear, but apart from skins not terribly thrilling. Don't worry too much about hoarding karma either, once you get to max level you'll be sitting on a ton of it (I'm just over 4 million and I just spent a shitload on Obsidian Shards).

Have wondered about karma. Have been hoarding it so far and not spent any. Kind of gave up on checking the heart vendors, but it might be an idea if gear starts falling a bit behind during the leveling process.

Skins are just changing the look of different bits of equipped gear right?

Again, thanks for the help and taking the time to reply. If anyone can help with the 2 xpadder issues I have buried somewhere in there, I'd be super grateful


Kinda of meh, towards necros as well. Summon classes can be fun, but I think they need to offer a little more then just a tonne of pets to kill everything for you. I'm sure there's more to them then that, but I need to suss them out some more.

There's a bunch of necro builds that have nothing to do with pets. My main necro's build is a kinda quirky take on the Juggermancer build. It's kinda the necro build for people that don't like necros. It sacrifices damage and conditions for toughness. I don't do it strait up since I think a pure build gives up a little TOO much damage. What it boils down to is you're a cloth wearing tank that does not die unless you don't pay attention or something goes horribly wrong. I like my other necro builds, but that one is just sheer fun to play. For the record, right now I have 3 lvl 80 necro characters. Besides the tanky one, I have a condition build one and a minion build one. Haven't decided what the 4th one will be when I get to it on my rotation.


Shortbow on the other hand seems great but I've got 1 or two problems at my end with using it. I mentioned earlier the only way I can play this is with the xpadder support in the OP. It works really really well, especially considering its not native. However there are 2 things I'm not sure of. Firstly, left click on thumbstick is supposed to swap weapon loadouts, but that just doesn't happen for me. Have to grab the mouse and click the icon, which isn't at all intuitive. So not sure whats wrong there. The second thing is, I haven't figured out is how to aim the AOE attacks? I get this giant circle of death.... that I can only drop on my own head.... I can grab the mouse to aim, but again its not super intuitive. Once i can get those couple of things worked out, bows will definetley be sweet to use.
I use Xpadder too, a parallel version of Hawkian and Weltall's setup. Regarding weapon swap, first make sure that your keyboard keybind is working, then make sure Xpadder is connecting that specific key with the controller button. It should light up on the Xpadder GUI when pressed.

As for AoEs, within the AutoHotKey script there is a set coordinate (x,y) to which the mouse returns to display the AoE circle. You should be able to recode that coordinate to a better position on your monitor, i.e. centered horizontally and near the horizon in front of you vertically.

Hmmm eyed off the feline grace trait but wasn't sure. Always hesitant to take a sustain boost over an offensive/defensive buff (depending on character), mainly because I find there's usually always other ways to sustain. That may just be the APRGness that courses through my veins though. The same reason I chose the crit based path. Will still keep in mind. Can you respec traits easily enough?
As easy as possible: for free any time once you've left combat, at the top of the window. Overall I would recommend choosing traits that grant your build new abilities, but I partially break that rule on thief, grabbing a mix of +% damage and stealth boosting traits (06404).

Speaking of, are exotics drops locked behind some kind of a level wall, or is there a (small) chance of them dropping wherever? Re-reading, you indicate you can craft them, which I probably won't be doing for a while (whats a craft :-\). Can they be found while fighting/exploring or is it more of a quest reward and/or crafting thing?
Exotics are probably level-gated, but you really shouldn't worry. Once you are level 80, exotic gear is a very low bar to acquire in many forms.

For reference I went with huntsman and can't really remember the other one. Maybe Leather worker??
Because gear is very easy to acquire at 80, crafting professions are really for flavor and acquiring specific non-required items, not producing basic gear.

Skins are just changing the look of different bits of equipped gear right?
Yep, one transmutation stone each. They're fairly easy to acquire in PvP, but overall I would recommend wearing whatever you find until 80 when you will have a better idea of what stat combos you will favor for your exotic gear set. I.e., reach 80, then obtain exotic armor and weapons, then transmute the skin of each one. Perhaps I should've spoiler tagged this endgame content? ;)
Oh yeah. Warriors. So mobile. Just look at all the movement skills in anything that isn't a greatsword. Plethora.

On that note, the executioner's axe reaaally makes me want a poleaxe type weapon.
Sure, the animations are just rehashed GS animations with a different hand placement, but whatevs.

Damn you for making me want to create my own gifs.
Don't be creepy.


Man don't spoil the endgame progression.

Seriously, not a fuck given. Found it interesting if anything. Maybe for the sake of others however......

There's a bunch of necro builds that have nothing to do with pets. My main necro's build is a kinda quirky take on the Juggermancer build. It's kinda the necro build for people that don't like necros. It sacrifices damage and conditions for toughness. I don't do it strait up since I think a pure build gives up a little TOO much damage. What it boils down to is you're a cloth wearing tank that does not die unless you don't pay attention or something goes horribly wrong. I like my other necro builds, but that one is just sheer fun to play. For the record, right now I have 3 lvl 80 necro characters. Besides the tanky one, I have a condition build one and a minion build one. Haven't decided what the 4th one will be when I get to it on my rotation.

Hah. Probably sounds like I was hating, but like a lot of things in this game I haven't really seen enough of them or know enough about them to make a proper judgment. Posts like this however, tend to pique my interest a bit so.....

I use Xpadder too, a parallel version of Hawkian and Weltall's setup. Regarding weapon swap, first make sure that your keyboard keybind is working, then make sure Xpadder is connecting that specific key with the controller button. It should light up on the Xpadder GUI when pressed.

As for AoEs, within the AutoHotKey script there is a set coordinate (x,y) to which the mouse returns to display the AoE circle. You should be able to recode that coordinate to a better position on your monitor, i.e. centered horizontally and near the horizon in front of you vertically.

Thanks for the advice. My keybind for weapon swap is set to ` and when I click the thumbstick the GUI lights up accordingly. Are you saying that when I press an input command on the keyboard, the corresponding button should light up on the xpadder? Having trouble getting that to work for any inputs if so....

Exotics are probably level-gated, but you really shouldn't worry. Once you are level 80, exotic gear is a very low bar to acquire in many forms.

Is that to say there's better stuff to seek out then exotics if they're a low bar? If so might wanna spoiler the reply, but I'm game

Because gear is very easy to acquire at 80, crafting professions are really for flavor and acquiring specific non-required items, not producing basic gear.

Ok cool, but when can I start using some of these materials even if to make something totally useless? At this stage I just wanna say I did it you know


Thanks for the advice. My keybind for weapon swap is set to ` and when I click the thumbstick the GUI lights up accordingly. Are you saying that when I press an input command on the keyboard, the corresponding button should light up on the xpadder? Having trouble getting that to work for any inputs if so....
No, I meant you should first verify that pressing ` swaps your weapon (sounds like that works?), then verify that pressing the thumbstick lights up the gui button with ` on it. If both of those things are happening, it should work.

Is that to say there's better stuff to seek out then exotics if they're a low bar? If so might wanna spoiler the reply, but I'm game
The next tier of gear is ascended; it's only marginally better than exotic gear statistically so reasonable people stop there.

Ok cool, but when can I start using some of these materials even if to make something totally useless? At this stage I just wanna say I did it you know
Crafting begins as soon as you start finding materials (they changed some of this stuff for new players recently). You need to go to a craftsperson to "learn" the profession, then start crafting via discovery or recipes. Sorry I really don't feel like going into more detail because I find it so uninteresting. ;)
No, I meant you should first verify that pressing ` swaps your weapon (sounds like that works?), then verify that pressing the thumbstick lights up the gui button with ` on it. If both of those things are happening, it should work.

The default key bindings for the controller setup uses . (period) to swap weapons, so maybe lox needs to check those too.

Gamepad Instructions said:
Open Guild Wars 2 and, from the controls menu, add the following bindings. For those that already have keys bound to them, you can add these as alternates so as to leave base functionality intact.
, (comma) to "Previous Target". As mentioned above, you don't have to clear the default (Shift+Tab), just add it as its alternate; same for all of those below that have bindings already.
. (period) to "Swap Weapons". This is needed to avoid conflicts with different regional keyboards using different keys for this.
Numpad 8 to "Camera" -> "Zoom In".
Numpad 2 to "Camera" -> "Zoom Out".
Z to "Stow/Draw Weapons".
X to "Swim Down". If there ever is a binding for "Crouch", bind it to X as well.
L to "Toggle Walk / Run".
U to "About Face".
F5 to "GUI -> Hide / Show"
F6 to "Screenshot -> Normal".


See, it's already Moondrop's turn. I'm out of GIFs. I didn't make any others to play with.


Damn. NeoGif? (yeah, sorry. probably been used)

No, I meant you should first verify that pressing ` swaps your weapon (sounds like that works?), then verify that pressing the thumbstick lights up the gui button with ` on it. If both of those things are happening, it should work.

Yup. Both those things are happening but still no weapon switch. Was just clarifying if it should do the same with the keyboard or not. Somethings not right it would seem....

Crafting begins as soon as you start finding materials (they changed some of this stuff for new players recently). You need to go to a craftsperson to "learn" the profession, then start crafting via discovery or recipes. Sorry I really don't feel like going into more detail because I find it so uninteresting. ;)

Hah all good. I'm pretty sure I'll find it the same, that is uninteresting, once I work it out and find its best uses. Generally prefer to spend as little time as required crafting, and more time killing shit as a rule

And lol at you Warriors
Wouldn't be that surprising, coming from the guy that created a fatsimile in game.

So mean.


Ike Turner, are you using that GIF program posted in Off Topic side awhile back?

I think so. I record with ShadowPlay, play back the section I'm looking for, and then grab it with GifCam.

You can also just put the game in Windowed mode and do it straight from the game without recording a video first.


You know, some people view the thread using their data on their phone. I'll like it if you guys don't spam the thread with massive, slow-loading gifs.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Was in a group doing AC1 this morning, all 4 of the guys had less than 600 achievement points, so relatively new players.

They all stacked for Kohler, which led to Kohler cleaving the bunch in 3 hits dead, leading to a solo attempt. Is stacking for every encounter part of the tutorial?

You know, some people view the thread using their data on their phone. I'll like it if you guys don't spam the thread with massive, slow-loading gifs.


It's 8kb :p


I sorta like the crafting. I don't think it's "fun", I just think it's functional. It's pretty easy to do once you get the "system".
It's hard to know how to explain it for a new person tho.

And btw, Guardian doesn't have to be "The old face tank, hack-slash, RAAAH-look at how buff I am".
... rather "look at how buffed I am" :D But seriously. I like staff guardian and my newest guardian is one of my favs. She's a scepter/torch one.


I'll fill in a bit, but people mostly answered everything.

Hmmm hadnt quite got that feeling and love the Arkham games. Only just started to click properly pretty late, last night so i'll give it more time. Fun either way though

Oh, I didn't mean that it plays like any particular Batman game, just that the fighting style feels like the MMO version of what that character is known for; come out of nowhere, engage multiple foes without being touched and then disappear just as quickly. Lots of shadowsteps, stealth and abilities that also have evasion frames (Disabling Shot, Flanking Strike, Pistol Whip, Death Blossom, Roll for Initiative) just makes fighting as a thief feel just like it should. The initiative system helps, of course, since there's no cooldowns to manage on your weapon skills.

Yeah was going dagger/dagger up until the recent mini re-spec, and was struggling a bit. Found alot of the time I was standing out of the battle flinging daggers at fools, which kinda defeated the purpose of of rocking twin daggers. I probably wasnt mobile enough while meleeing (only just starting to appreciate how important dodge is) and was doing it all wrong so I'll probably revisit it at some point. Mainly went that route for the badass factor (and the aforementioned Dragons Dogma feels) but happier now with dagger/pistol.

It really boils down to personal preference unless you're one of those kind of players who can't sleep at night if they don't have the most optimal dps. Any kind of GAF group is going to be fine with whatever you want to use. Dagger / Pistol is still a damn fine setup (especially with Shadow Shot being unblockable and having access to two blinds).

Shortbow on the other hand seems great but I've got 1 or two problems at my end with using it.

If Moondrop's advice doesn't solve your problem, expect Hawkian to chime in shortly. I have everything I need to play with a controller, I just haven't bitten the bullet yet.

Hmmm eyed off the feline grace trait but wasn't sure. Always hesitant to take a sustain boost over an offensive/defensive buff (depending on character), mainly because I find there's usually always other ways to sustain. That may just be the APRGness that courses through my veins though.

Without delving too deeply into the ugly mess that is the "Zerker Meta", a full damage-oriented thief is usually one or two missteps at most from being a dead thief, and you can't cause any damage when you're dead. Depends on what you're doing, but I'd rather have the extra dodge roll than slightly higher damage. There are those who would disagree (probably strongly disagree), but I'd rather a boss fight take 5 seconds longer if it means less risk of a full wipe. It's up to you how much of a safety net you want, and if you feel you can go without it then go for it.

I don't know about all that other stuff but, freakin flamethrowers yo

I run a build that uses the Flamethrower and Elixirs to build up a ton of might, which means in addition to setting the world on fire I can also chuck elixirs to support allies, curing conditions, giving boons (especially Stability). I can swap to different elixirs and grant stealth or revive downed players instantly too.

I mention it because it speaks to the versatility Spiritfox was getting at; even as a damage-oriented pyromaniac, the Engineer can still jump into a support role. And the Flamethrower itself has a fair share of control abilities (one knockback, one blind) too.

Speaking of, are exotics drops locked behind some kind of a level wall, or is there a (small) chance of them dropping wherever?

To expand on Moondrop's answer, they're level-gated; there just aren't any rare weapons in the game under level 30 and no exotics lower than level 62. You'll get 'em eventually.

So.Many.Questions. I've got some of that down like depositing materials (free stash space, sure) and trying to use better tools on nodes for better chances at nicer stuff. What I don't get is the actual putting-things-together part. I've been to a master crafter and go to assemble something, anything, and theres sweet fuck all in the panel on the left that it will let me throw in. I've been trying to pick up the mats that have the professions I chose highlighted in green, but I think currently there are all of about 2 of them that it will let me use. For reference I went with huntsman and can't really remember the other one. Maybe Leather worker??

I'll def check out a guide soon, but divulging that cuts into leveling time so, you know... I don't think its super crucial at the stage I'm at though.

Well, you level from crafting too, 8 full character levels if you can get them to level 400. So you're not really cutting into your leveling time, you get XP from pretty much anything but standing around. It's not really crucial now, no, but it is a way to get a quick level or two and fill in gaps in your gear as you go.

So, to answer your questions;

1. For gathering tools the quality of the tool doesn't give you better chances at rare items, the nodes themselves are level gated. If you try to mine Iron with a Copper Mining Pick, you'll get a lot of "Ruined ore" instead. Just get the best tools available for your level and you'll always be fine.

2. In terms of putting stuff together, you start with Raw Materials (copper ore, green wood log, rawhide leather sections) that need to be refined (copper ingot, green wood plank, Rawhide Square). Refined Materials are used to make Components (Rawhide glove strap, rawhide glove lining). Finally, you need an Insignia (for armor) or Inscription (for weapons) to determine the stats of the item.

So your basic crafting process is Raw Material > Refined Material > Components. Then craft an insignia / inscription from refined materials and "Fine materials" (the ones that drop from enemies like bone, blood, scales). Combine the components with the insignia/inscription and it produces an item.

It sounds complex, but once you get a feel for the different steps you'll barely think about it. The reason there isn't much in the list on the left is that a lot of recipes are based on discovery (the top tab in the crafting menu). For leatherworking, I'm pretty sure they give you a basic recipe for Mighty Rawhide Boots, but by crafting the two components for the boots and then making a different insignia (other than mighty), you can go to the discovery panel and unlock recipes for different stat combinations.

3. There's a lot of overlap with materials. Huntsman will use wood and metal with a little leather for bowstrings. Leatherworker will use leather and cloth.

Have wondered about karma. Have been hoarding it so far and not spent any. Kind of gave up on checking the heart vendors, but it might be an idea if gear starts falling a bit behind during the leveling process.

I wouldn't buy a ton of Karma, but if you see a vendor selling a shoulder piece and your current one is 5 or 6 levels behind, you might as well. I find I buy trinkets (accessories and necklaces, mostly) more than armor, just because those don't drop a whole lot. You'll probably spend a lot less than most of us did on the way up, since they added a lot of rewards to the leveling process in September.

Was in a group doing AC1 this morning, all 4 of the guys had less than 600 achievement points, so relatively new players.

They all stacked for Kohler, which led to Kohler cleaving the bunch in 3 hits dead, leading to a solo attempt. Is stacking for every encounter part of the tutorial?

Barf. I wonder where they learned to fail so hard so quickly?
I think we should take it upon ourselves (for those that like GAFsmash Dungeon runs, so not Coriolanus) to advertise GAFSmash runs on LFG and try to make it a thing.


Yup. Both those things are happening but still no weapon switch. Was just clarifying if it should do the same with the keyboard or not. Somethings not right it would seem....
Ok try this: make sure that the button in both Xpadder and GW2 is set to ` and not ' . I've made that mistake before.

They all stacked for Kohler, which led to Kohler cleaving the bunch in 3 hits dead, leading to a solo attempt. Is stacking for every encounter part of the tutorial?
I had a bit of drama yesterday when a pug explained to me the purpose of stacking after I refused. Ignoring concepts like "fun" and "skill," let's get to the heart of the only thing stackers appear to care about: time (i.e. loot). I don't dispute that stacking will lead to lower average TTK, but for pugs there will be higher variance. Which is to say that only in stacking do you purposely set yourself up for situations in which the entire party is downed simultaneously. This strategy is especially ridiculous when one class is generally carrying an AoE res. But for the sake of my fellow GAFers I will endeavor to hold my tongue and simply continue to not stack.

So then later we went on a GAFsmash run of CM to cleanse the palate. I joked that I would make images and host a GAF event, but really I'm just going to dungeon this way from now on. And y'all can either kick me from party or join in a glorious anti-stacking revolution.


I sorta like the crafting. I don't think it's "fun", I just think it's functional. It's pretty easy to do once you get the "system".
It's hard to know how to explain it for a new person tho.

And btw, Guardian doesn't have to be "The old face tank, hack-slash, RAAAH-look at how buff I am".
... rather "look at how buffed I am" :D But seriously. I like staff guardian and my newest guardian is one of my favs. She's a scepter/torch one.

Functionals good. And yeah I'm sure it'll fall into place at some point.

And yeah I agree about warrior classes (in general, and per above, apparently here). It's just generally the first thing you think of when you think "warrior" and probably the easiest and/or best way to the play it. Didn't mean to quite pigeonhole it the way I did though

Guardians though ,seem like they could be kinda interesting. They've got some KUNG FU monk-like skills they can call on if I'm not mistaken? The answer to this will likely decide weather I roll one, one day, cos Kung Fu chopping giant monsters to death (in videogames) is likely better then sex
(in videogames)

- Edit - Damn you Retro. We apparently having diametrically opposing schedules. Again you post right as I'm headed for bed


I had a bit of drama yesterday when a pug explained to me the purpose of stacking after I refused. Ignoring concepts like "fun" and "skill," let's get to the heart of the only thing stackers appear to care about: time (i.e. loot). I don't dispute that stacking will lead to lower average TTK, but for pugs there will be higher variance. Which is to say that only in stacking do you purposely set yourself up for situations in which the entire party is downed simultaneously. This strategy is especially ridiculous when one class is generally carrying an AoE res. But for the sake of my fellow GAFers I will endeavor to hold my tongue and simply continue to not stack.

So then later we went on a GAFsmash run of CM to cleanse the palate. I joked that I would make images and host a GAF event, but really I'm just going to dungeon this way from now on. And y'all can either kick me from party or join in a glorious anti-stacking revolution.

Stacking only works if everyone stacks.

Speed running only works if everyone knows the tricks / exploits / safety spots.

Since both stackers and speed runners do not, by virtue of the pace they wish to maintain, spend any time explaining or even mentioning their tactics, everyone who hasn't watched the same video or read the same guide is left to try to keep up and figure out what the tricks are as they go. Which is just asking for all sorts of things to go wrong.

The solution is to just not waste time and frustration trying to get special little tricks to work and just play the damn game.


Sonic handles my blue balls
But really, what are the benefits of stacking in a 5 man group?

Ranged bosses like golems in SE1? Ok, but only if someone is actually packing a reliable reflection. (Ranger axe reflection is pitiful) But if a group without reflection stacks, chances are that you're giving the enemy's AoE a chance to hit everyone and so people drop faster than boss.

I feel like it's a tactic that should otherwise be for either messing with line of sight (hide behind a door!) or for pro dungeon clearing groups. Otherwise there are too many variables to take into account (is everyone a zerker, is everyone packing the right skills to make stacking optimal i.e. buffs / condi removal, do people know how to dodge, etc.) More often than not, I can tell when it'll be a shit show before the stacking happens.

But I'm sure many new players look up guides online on how to complete a dungeon and sees groups like DnT who are coordinated, stack and kill things in seconds. So they think they'll do the same and instead get murdered.

I also just think it's more fun when everyone is scattered like they're chickens with their heads cut off. ^_^


SE is another dungeon in need of hulksmashing. Take on those golems straight up, Tazza in her room, actually use the water fountains, break into the clown car on its level...
And yeah I agree about warrior classes (in general, and per above, apparently here). It's just generally the first thing you think of when you think "warrior" and probably the easiest and/or best way to the play it. Didn't mean to quite pigeonhole it the way I did though

Guardians though ,seem like they could be kinda interesting. They've got some KUNG FU monk-like skills they can call on if I'm not mistaken? The answer to this will likely decide weather I roll one, one day, cos Kung Fu chopping giant monsters to death (in videogames) is likely better then sex
(in videogames)
Guatdians are not kung fu at all, they're much more like a Cleric or paladin. Heavily armored casters with lots of group buffs, crowd control, and defensive utility.

Guardians are not super mobile, but they're hard to stop. Warriors are very mobile, on the other hand. Not as much as thief, but they have a number of leaps and spin attacks that gets them where they need to go. They also have solid range options, more so than guardian, really.
SE is another dungeon in need of hulksmashing. Take on those golems straight up, Tazza in her room, actually use the water fountains, break into the clown car on its level...

Actually I was surprised that awhile back when I did a stack/speed run of SE3, everyone just circled the clown car and attacked it, took it down pretty quick while trying best to avoid AOE, and then proceeded to kill the champ that spawns.

If we GAFSmash SE3, we should take a stroll to the champion Destroyer as well.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Actually I was surprised that awhile back when I did a stack/speed run of SE3, everyone just circled the clown car and attacked it, took it down pretty quick while trying best to avoid AOE, and then proceeded to kill the champ that spawns.

If we GAFSmash SE3, we should take a stroll to the champion Destroyer as well.

To be fair, if you're speed running melee'ing is the way to go with the clown car.
The benefits of stacking revolve around forcing mobs to clump together in order to maximize cleave/aoe damage. This also has the side-effect of making reflects, shortrange buffs and other forms of damage mitigation far more effective, thus reducing damage intake on party. Stacking is control, and it is reliant on a whole host of factors, chief amongst them being damage output. Even if some in the group are not familiar with some particulars, other benefits like party-wide reflect, closer proximity for rezzes/buffs and cleave damage go a great way towards facilitating runs.

We get around the "inexperienced guy that needs explanation" part by simply asking for people experienced with the dungeon who also happen to be mlg pro leet ninja zerkers.

Due to the way downed states and damage output works, even if someone in the party dies during a trash clear, they usually wont even have to be revived, since all mobs are tagged and going down fast. For bosses a solid group will drop almost everything and mash Rez as soon as the pop-up appears, so whatever accidental momentary dps loss is short-lived. This is, obviously, greatly facilitated by stacking.

People should be paying attention to defiance stacks and using ib5 if an ele is around regardless of overarching strategy, tho.

And yeah, a good comp stacking se3 will have, like, two eles and a mez, so you just preload might, drop icebows+timewarp and melt that freaking thing.
also espritrenard, gifblock extensions should be right up your alley..
Mind you, speedrun stacking has very little in similar with lfg stacking.


The benefits of stacking revolve around forcing mobs to clump together in order to maximize cleave/aoe damage.
Stackers don't get to claim all the benefits of clumping mobs together. The problem is that stackers demand that all party members stand in fire and never move. But apparently that's ok because people are standing inside your character model for easy ressing... if they're not downed as well. Also you don't explain why people insist on stacking on bosses, which is due to its true main "benefit": it's good at exploiting the AI.
I've taken each class up to level 80 now and geared them all out. If there were only a way to unlock all waypoints for each of them in a quick and easy manner, I'd play these new beefy alts more often.
Stackers don't get to claim all the benefits of clumping mobs together. The problem is that stackers demand that all party members stand in fire and never move. But apparently that's ok because people are standing inside your character model for easy ressing... if they're not downed as well. Also you don't explain why people insist on stacking on bosses, which is due to its true main "benefit": it's good at exploiting the AI.

Ive no idea what group of stackers youre running into that insists that you stay in the fire, sorry. They should be preventing that fire from being started in the first place.

As for exploiting the AI, ive no idea what you mean by that.
I think I'm going to delete my male Norn Guardian, Joe Shlabotnik, and reroll an Asura Guardian. I've fallen in love with the animations and tier 3 cultural armor.


NSFW image might be more offensive to readers than large gif files!

Eight megabyte version of whynotboth.gif

I think I'm going to delete my male Norn Guardian, Joe Shlabotnik, and reroll an Asura Guardian. I've fallen in love with the animations and tier 3 cultural armor.

Standard-issue whynotboth.gif
D'you need the character slot for your new one? I don't think I could delete a character once they've been 80 for a bit. I need an Asura that isn't a scholar for cultural (armour) reasons but not badly enough to buy a ninth character slot or kill something I put hours into.
Standard-issue whynotboth.gif
D'you need the character slot for your new one? I don't think I could delete a character once they've been 80 for a bit. I need an Asura that isn't a scholar for cultural (armour) reasons but not badly enough to buy a ninth character slot or kill something I put hours into.

No, I don't need the slot. I just don't have any reason to have more than one of the same class, I guess. And I really haven't put a lot of time into him. I got to 80, messed around with things like dungeons, world bosses, and guild missions. I've put more time into my current main, Van Go Lion (warrior), and various other alts that have come and gone.
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