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Dinged 80 on my Warrior and got him decked out in Exotic Zerk stuff with a decent weapon. Now just to help the girl get her Elementalist to 80 and deck her out and then we'll try and do her first dungeon. Ever. In any MMO. Should be fun, lol!
Dinged 80 on my Warrior and got him decked out in Exotic Zerk stuff with a decent weapon. Now just to help the girl get her Elementalist to 80 and deck her out and then we'll try and do her first dungeon. Ever. In any MMO. Should be fun, lol!
I suggest you do. GAFSmash dungeon run rather than an LFG for a first time run.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Dinged 80 on my Warrior and got him decked out in Exotic Zerk stuff with a decent weapon. Now just to help the girl get her Elementalist to 80 and deck her out and then we'll try and do her first dungeon. Ever. In any MMO. Should be fun, lol!

Solo Ascalonian Story while she watches. Impresses all the ladies.
Lovestruck, Dragon's Jade, Aetherblade, Fused and Dreamthistle weapon sets will no longer be available for tickets on the 18th November.

I was reminded of this while browsing Reddit so I copied the message someone else posted to let anyone on here know that might not be aware. I wonder if some of those skins are going to go up even more in gold prices.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I'll just leave this here.
(Not posting directly since it's a big GIF).


Edit: that whiteboard in the beginning is amazing


The Cryptarch's Bane
I wasn't being too serious about that, just kidding around.
kos has never been serious about anything before
Hmmmm Pistol Whip? Is that the sword/pistol skill, mapped to i think 3, that fires an intial shot that I think stuns (maybe blinds), and then leaps intowards the target to cut them up? That was pretty cool but haven't sword/pistol combo'd too much. Unless I'm thinking of the completely wrong skill. .. Come to think of it dagger/pistol has that or something similiar as well?
Sorry for the delayed responses! No, that is Shadow Shot, the Dagger/Pistol skill (it's blind). The Sword/Pistol stuns (can move while activating this, then locks you in place and does a TON of damage while also evading (near-invulnerability). It also cleaves up to 3 targets. If you can manage your initiative you can seriously mitigate incoming damage in melee range to the point where you can "tank" safely, then swap weapons to whatever distance set you like and get out of dodge to recharge. It's a glorious skill.

Ok so AoE aiming seems to be at least functional. I messed with the script setting and getting a starting spot that isn't on my own head, a good thing.
You shouldn't have had to do that :/ it uses an ideal relative position that actually scales to your window size.
It still seems a little buggy though. Sometimes after the icon is deployed the circle of death stays 'locked' in place and panning with the right thumbstick, that as I understand should aim the AoE cursor with the camera, only pans the camera around. That makes it kinda useless.

I have found a way to circumvent it by holding down back, and then using the right thumbstick, and it will behave as it should, however pressing the button to attack, with back held down, starts popping up menus. Not what I'm after in the middle of a fight. So sometimes the steps I have to take to attack with an AoE are:

- press button to deploy
- shit, cursor not moving
- hold down back button, and aim to target with thumbstick.
- release back button, and only then press attack button.
5. Pressing back, from memory, toggles the camera controls off the right thumbstick and onto mouse. I right click the mouse when I need to use that, and when I want control of the camera back to the thumbstick I press back. Yeah thats it. Can't remember what back does when the camera is already on the controller though.
Yeah, please please please believe me when I say it's seriously not working. It might seem like just one simple aspect that's off, but it makes the entire setup. On the one hand it sucks that it's not working for you yet, but on the other hand I'm excited for you cause you have nooooo idea how awesome it feels when working properly yet. Hopefully you added in the '.' in the bindings for weapon swap already so that bit is fixed?

I would undo whatever change you made to the script, or just redownload- at least at first, you want to just check out the default fixed position. The trick here is that the script will basically constantly be resetting your mouse to this certain "horizon" spot, as though you have a crosshair there, and you will aim with the camera. Aiming with an emulated cursor is something you barely barely ever have to do- extreme niche situations like tricky Arrow Cart aiming in WvW. The standard aiming is very natural and you'll get used to it quickly.

However, this aspect of the script isn't working for you yet- it's just leaving the cursor where you leave the mouse. The most common cause of this is (outside of Win8, which it's just not compatible with yet ;_;) having UAC enabled. If you can, make sure it's turned totally off and reboot.

The easiest way to test if it's working is to just press the Back button once- it should immediately jump your cursor back to "the spot"- then it'll disappear cause you have camera control. If that doesn't happen, the script isn't working yet.

edit: Hmm, this way that you described it is actually accurate: "the circle of death stays 'locked' in place and panning with the right thumbstick, that as I understand should aim the AoE cursor with the camera, only pans the camera around" the key is that the "spot" is always fixed, like a crosshair. Does that make sense in comparison to what you're experiencing? Hopefully we can get this figured out.
Solo Ascalonian Story while she watches. Impresses all the ladies.

I do this every time the daily achievement pops up for Story Dungeon Completer, but I've yet to meet any ladies that seem too impressed by it.

I'm sure they're all just waiting for that Arah 2 run I gave up on. Yeah, that's it...
I do this every time the daily achievement pops up for Story Dungeon Completer, but I've yet to meet any ladies that seem too impressed by it.

I'm sure they're all just waiting for that Arah 2 run I gave up on. Yeah, that's it...

Why would they be impressed when they know that in your heart Brynn will always be #1?
Am I reading new expansion rumors ?
Shall we start an expansion wishlist ?

- Legendary Armor ! (Yes!)
Requires Ascended Armor as precursor so people don't get pissy and bloat forums with complaints.

- Hench/Heroes GW1 style. Mostly heroes.
Something like FFXIV does with Chocobo.

- Guild Halls and Guild Airships. FFXIV is bringing it.
GW2 gotta 1up it !

- Polymock with minis. Insta gem cash crab for Anet.
Gotta buy them all !

- 8 man Underworld and Fissure of Woe. Not 10/15/20 man, 8 man. 8.

- And the usual new class, race, weapon, skills, dungeon junk.


It's easier to list the things I don't want;

- New tier of equipment.
- Level Cap increase.
- Skill Bloat.

Pretty much anything else is fine, because I don't worry about ArenaNet listening to the wrong people or making bad decisions when it comes to things much anymore. They don't always nail the landing from a communications standpoint (Ascended gear, NPE) but every change they've made has been for the better and fits with the rest of the game. So if they do add stuff like housing, raiding, whatever; it'll be done in the most "Guild Wars 2-ish" way possible.
I want to see an expansion that takes place in Elona, since Kralkatorrik is causing havoc there while Palawa Joko is forced to deal with him. By the time we get to Elona, we (as players) will have already dispatched at least two dragons (Mordremoth and Zhaitan), but I want to get to Elona with Joko having already slain Kralkatorrik. It'll be a great way to show just how strong Joko is as a primary antagonist - he defeated an Elder dragon without the help of any of Tyrian races. In fact, I hope Palawa Joko makes a palace out of the body of Kralkatorrik, exploiting his giant corpse to raid it for energy (to further empower his army) and then converting the dragon's hollowed-out deceased body into an extravagant palace. Joko would basically be telling Tyria: "Come at me, bro."


Improved animations

Better technical features (framerate increase, especially in wvw, draw distance, etc)

Cantha and or Elona

Existing weapons dispersed across the existing classes

Guild halls (and GvG)

Legendary scavenger hunt

I definitely do not want henches or heroes, a level increase, a new tier of anything be it weapons or armor.


I am not gonna put a whole list because it won't affect what does come.

I think a level increase would be pointless.

I expect a new legendary weapon set and maybe legendary armor/accessories, but I wouldn't be surprised if it stays weapon only. The fact that you only equip one or two instead of six I think makes that work better. Legendary backpieces would make some sense, but there are so many flashy backpieces I'm not sure how you up the ante for a legendary one.

>5 man instances could be neat. If they are just "big dungeons" though, that would be lame. They would have to function differently to be interesting, I think.

leng jai

My expansion wishlist:

- Minipet speed buff

- Ascended upgrade for Infinite Light

- Build templates

- Ranger pet name templates

- Ranger pet name length buff

- Consume all luck button, or auto consume

- Adjusting weapon sheathing option

- Ranger longbow range increase

- Functional dye preview

- Mail system that doesn't suck smelly genitals

- Infinite Gift of Explorations after first world completion

- Uncontested Fort Mariner waypoint

- Sunless rune buff

- Another derivative defiance buff

- A wardrobe that actually functions like wardrobe

- Option to turn off legendary footprints

- More elaborate in-game stalking mechanisms

- More clipping

- A half decent quiver back piece

- UI scaling/options

- DX11

- Elder Wood buff.
My expansion wishlist:
This reads more like what a QoL feature patch should bring instead of being expansion worthy. :O

I want to see an expansion that takes place in Elona, since Kralkatorrik is causing havoc there while Palawa Joko is forced to deal with him. By the time we get to Elona, we (as players) will have already dispatched at least two dragons (Mordremoth and Zhaitan), but I want to get to Elona with Joko having already slain Kralkatorrik. It'll be a great way to show just how strong Joko is as a primary antagonist - he defeated an Elder dragon without the help of any of Tyrian races. In fact, I hope Palawa Joko makes a palace out of the body of Kralkatorrik, exploiting his giant corpse to raid it for energy (to further empower his army) and then converting the dragon's hollowed-out deceased body into an extravagant palace. Joko would basically be telling Tyria: "Come at me, bro."
I had a similar thought, except Palawa somehow enslaves Kralkatorrik (magic!) and you fight off both.


Fighting Joko means we would defeat Joko and I'm not down with that. He's the loveable old Skeletor of GW.

Where were all the polymock lovers in GW1? Everyone else I knew hated it. The rage over some PvE skill being tied to it was pretty severe. It had to be the most hated thing in the game. Its weird seeing people ask for it now.

I hope to never see a tier beyond Ascended. I'd rather see them find a way to make ascended more interesting. Seems like most people run around with empty infusion slots, maybe something could be done with that. The Halloween jewels were popular enough. But like power creep, effect creep should be a concern too. If everyone is running around glowing, sparkling, fizzing and stuff, its going to feel meaningless after a point.
Instead of a tier beyond ascended, maybe just upgrade slot like grips (GW1 had grips!). Something new and power-increasing to get in the expansion, or something that adds unique effects at least.
It's easier to list the things I don't want;

- New tier of equipment.
- Level Cap increase.
- Skill Bloat.

Pretty much anything else is fine, because I don't worry about ArenaNet listening to the wrong people or making bad decisions when it comes to things much anymore. They don't always nail the landing from a communications standpoint (Ascended gear, NPE) but every change they've made has been for the better and fits with the rest of the game. So if they do add stuff like housing, raiding, whatever; it'll be done in the most "Guild Wars 2-ish" way possible.

Wouldn't mind them going in the other direction, tho. Would be nice to see the xpac getting rid of levels and fixing the irrelevance of blue/green equipment tiers by ditching them completely.

Also trait/skill presets. I mean, come the fuck on already.

But no, not every change has been for the better. Current trait acquisition method remains crap.


Wouldn't mind them going in the other direction, tho. Would be nice to see the xpac getting rid of levels and fixing the irrelevance of blue/green equipment tiers by ditching them completely.

Also trait/skill presets. I mean, come the fuck on already.

I don't think levels can be excised from the game at this point, but I do believe it's something that shouldn't have been there in the first place (and we know from interviews that was their original plan). If they can swing it, fuck yes. I'm also fine with gear tiers being gone, preferably replaced with straight gameplay decisions.

But that's a bit much to hope for at this stage.

But no, not every change has been for the better. Current trait acquisition method remains crap.

True, though I tend to lump that into the "Traits are kinda crap in general" pile.


I like the idea of a trait hunt for tier 6 traits. Stuff like the Karka Queen, Lyssa and the like. Not crazy about doing it for lower tier stuff. If it was made hand in hand with the leveling system and the areas themselves, I imagine it would be a lot better too.

But that runs into the differences between an expansion like EotN, or a full standalone like Nightfall and Factions.


Hmm. In the first two stories, I think you get to choose at the same NPC. With two choices marked by a little yellow/gold-ish icon. In the lvl 30-story you always need to pick between two NPCs with one choice each. The lvl 30 story is basically "Here, these are three orders in Tyria. Now decide which one you like most!" with only two of them having a solution for the current problem. If you speak to one of them you can say that you wanna know more about that person's plan, decline to help or go with the plan. If you wish to see the other option you need to speak to the other NPC.

Ok that explains that then. 2 different NPCs offer the different options. I was thinking that you speak to 1 guy who offers 2 different choices. I was just hurrying through and didn't even think to speak to the other NPC. Gotcha

Sorry for the delayed responses! No, that is Shadow Shot, the Dagger/Pistol skill (it's blind). The Sword/Pistol stuns (can move while activating this, then locks you in place and does a TON of damage while also evading (near-invulnerability). It also cleaves up to 3 targets. If you can manage your initiative you can seriously mitigate incoming damage in melee range to the point where you can "tank" safely, then swap weapons to whatever distance set you like and get out of dodge to recharge. It's a glorious skill.

Duely noted. I'm kinda liking dagger/pistol - shortbow atm, but I'm also at the whim of random leveling gear a little. Ie if I find I nice sword, that's hits harder then the dagger I've got, then I'll likely use it. Though, so far drops across the board, to be expected, have been pretty crappy.

AoE aiming stuff

-Edit- pointless drivel below. See edits at the end

Yup weapon switch is good to go. So good (the fix was in the instruction file all along. Though UltimateIke worked it out before I re-read that. My bad) Though I just realized there's a cooldown while in combat :-( Balance I spose

Re aiming - Yeah I guess its sort of hard to describe 'how I expect it to act' and what its actually doing in text. But it has been a bit wacky. After more play last night after I posted, it seemed to behave itself a little better (in accordance with my own expectations of course) but would still do some odd stuff.

Now I'm a touch confused. Are you saying the AOE circle is meant to deploy in a set position (dictated by the script settings) and with those ideal and working as required, it should deploy in a position where I shouldn't have to move the actual circle a whole lot? (If that makes sense). If that the case it seems pretty off, and may well have to do with playing around with the settings in the script which I will definetly reset.

Very rarely when I press, say Y on the controller will the preset position be any good (this was also the case before changing any script settings. That was the reason I even did that in the first place), and I'll find I need to try and move the actual circle using the right thumbstick. When it works and doesn't just stay locked it feels totally natural and great (as you mentioned it should) starting position of 500 meters away at a Cliffside (or on my own head) notwithstanding.

The other thing, that sometimes happens when trying to move the circle with the thumbstick, is it becomes super sensitive, in that the cursor will start on my head, i'll move the stick a little to move it to where I want it, and and of a sudden its on that same cliff on the other side of the map. Then, using very slight adjustments of the right thumbstick, I can usually get it back to the field of battle, though having to be so delicate with how much I move the thumbstick in the middle of a heated battle can be a little annoying.

Having said all that, and from what I take from your post regarding how it should dial in an ideal starting spot, none of that should be an issue because I shouldn't need to move the actual circle? The circle SHOULD start in an ideal spot, say 15 videogame-meters in front of me, lock in, then I pan around that spot with the camera? Again hope that makes sense.

Sorry for the confusion. Its mostly because when it works (like I expect it too, possibly different from how it actually does) it feels really good, and raining down poison and fire arrows on mobs is particularly satisfying.

And yeah the more I think about it, it will be good to get this last part working right before jumping into Eles, Mesmers etc who I am assuming are a little (lot?) more AoE based. Its a non issue meleeing which is mostly what I've been doing though.

Thanks for your patience in trying to help work this out too

-Edit- Hmmm ok. Reset the script, rebooted PC for good measure and played around for 5 minutes or so - and things are now feeling........ Really good. Starts in a reasonable spot (I get what you're saying about pressing back to check the cursor position now) and if I need to move the circle around its nice and responsive as well. Though last night, it would be the same for maybe a minute or 2 before doing some of the aforementioned weird stuff. Will see how it goes, but early signs are good

-Edit- Edit - Yeah ok this is shits loads better. I think I now have 100% functional xpadder controls. Muthafukn woot!


And done. Did like the idea of the Vigil
and fighting dragons and such
, but Whispers sounds a lot more suitable for a Thief. Plus the NPC (Ihan?) by far had the sweetest getup on
Ihan is niiiice. Your new mentor is even better. But I bet you're going to be one of the people that can't stand him just because I told you to go Whispers to meet him ;D
He's a bit of a love or hate kinda guy...

Vigil has some really cool characters too. I love their leader a lot. And since you'll be playing more characters you won't miss out on that one so it's all good :D

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Mine is weird

Zerk Warrior - Vigil
Cleric Warrior - Priory
Elementalist - Whispers
Engineer - Vigil
Guardian -Priory
Thief - Vigil
Necromancer - Priory
Mesmer - Vigil
Ranger - Whispers


Checked my document and was very surprised to find that I have 18 characters in the Vigil, 11 in the Durmand Priory and 16 Whisper agents O:

I really thought Vigil would be the least joined! :p Or at least that it would be a bit more even. The "low" Durmand amount surprised me a lot. I love the Vigil leader but the missions are pretty boring and I like the other mentors more. Ohwell :D


Yup thinking engineer will have to go Vigil, Ele - Priory. Haven't really thought beyond that.

Race wise I thought Charr when I first eyed them off. I'll usually take the more 'exotic' looking non-human characters any day, but then.... They looked kinda chunky and WoW-y. Plus not at all Theif-y (despite being 'cat-like'??) They've grown on me since after seeing them in game though, and I'll likely make an engineer out of one. Was sold pretty quickly on humans when I was able make a pretty little lady with little effort, and then seeing some of the gearing options in game.

Sylvari is easy. Can only be an Elementalist right? Maybe Mesmer too

Not totally sold on Norns yet (maybe if I decide to make a Warrior or Guardian) , and Asura, well, uhhhh yeah. I think I'll keep my opinions to myself on those through fear of offending. Lets just say, not really my thing

Oh and I know its been discussed ad nauseam but @Spyware, holy shit dude. I don't even wanna ask how many in game hours its taken to amass all that...


Well, the charr already have Ash legion for rogue stuff

Wait. What? Are you saying that the look of each race varies depending on the class chosen? Beyond just what gear they have equipped, that is?

Oh, re this mysterious mentor. Are you talking about Denris of whatever his name is in the first village? He always tells me to rack off atm and come back later, even after joining the Whispers. I gather access to him will open up at some point, I guess tied to the PS. Or is it someone else entirely? Someone yet to be introduced? Or maybe someone I've met but wasn't really paying attention:-/

Currently no personal story to do, so a little curious....

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh he was talking about how charr looks weird for thief class, so I said Ash legion exists so charr being thieves isn't far off.


Oh shit! Just realized the various trait skills are locked behind doing specific things in the world. Or purchasable, apparently from the trainer who doesn't want to talk to me atm. As opposed to unlocking them at different levels that is.

Just accidently picked up practiced tolerance, which seems nice cos I've been trying to stack precision where possible.

Time to get hunting for some of the others...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Aww man, exploring Fields of Ruin made me encounter the event where a certain charr clones himself to defeat the enemy.


I mostly see three Boneflayers, but never this many!
But that's a bit much to hope for at this stage.

For biweekly updates? Sure.
For a xpac? eeeh...
Mechanics are already in the game, anyway.

Sure as heck would make the thing grab a lotta headlines.

I like the idea of a trait hunt for tier 6 traits. Stuff like the Karka Queen, Lyssa and the like. Not crazy about doing it for lower tier stuff. If it was made hand in hand with the leveling system and the areas themselves, I imagine it would be a lot better too.

Yeah, hunting for the new t3 traits is fine. Sadly, anet just went "lol orr temples yo" on almost all of them, thus, blarf.
If they wanted to do it the lazy way, shouldve just tied all of the t1 and t2 traits to LS completion, tbh.


Sonic handles my blue balls
My expansion wishlist:

- Minipet speed buff

- Ascended upgrade for Infinite Light

- Build templates

- Ranger pet name templates

- Ranger pet name length buff

- Consume all luck button, or auto consume

- Adjusting weapon sheathing option

- Ranger longbow range increase

- Functional dye preview

- Mail system that doesn't suck smelly genitals

- Infinite Gift of Explorations after first world completion

- Uncontested Fort Mariner waypoint

- Sunless rune buff

- Another derivative defiance buff

- A wardrobe that actually functions like wardrobe

- Option to turn off legendary footprints

- More elaborate in-game stalking mechanisms

- More clipping

- A half decent quiver back piece

- UI scaling/options

- DX11

- Elder Wood buff.

You're out of control with these demands.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Wait what, apparently they removed the only good "Pact arc" personal story (the Greatest Fear) and they switched around the tail end of the Pact story line so it wouldn't make sense anymore.

What the fuck


Sonic handles my blue balls
Wait what, apparently they removed the only good "Pact arc" personal story (the Greatest Fear) and they switched around the tail end of the Pact story line so it wouldn't make sense anymore.

What the fuck

YUP. They still haven't given a response for removing the Greatest Fear arc. In September they said they were "looking into it". So people still don't know if it's an enormous glitch or if they intentionally removed a chunk of interesting story content.

Poor Apatia.


heh, seeing some old content being found is cool! i might visit these places to give it a look.

yesterday retro took me to see the asuran prision.

they have a guy arrested because hes dumb, another because its a drunk bear, a chicken, and a doctor who people say that made the drunk bear.

they really think the norn is a bear.
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