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Not even asking the person to summon it first, before kicking? Wow.

This is why I will never have the courage to run a dungeon in this game.

I advertise for experienced 80 zerk leet ninjas. I expect them to know what to do. As does the rest of the group.

You can always get around the harshness by advertising in LFG for "everybody welcome!". Anything goes in those.


Not even asking the person to summon it first, before kicking? Wow.

This is why I will never have the courage to run a dungeon in this game.

A proper GAF group wouldn't do this. If you want to do dungeons, I'd be more than happy to help ease you into the basics without any kind of pressure. I'm sure we'd get lots of people willing to help out too.

Don't let people scare you away from playing the game how you want or experiencing all it has to offer just because they're a bunch of snobby jerks.
Don't let people scare you away from playing the game how you want or experiencing all it has to offer just because they're a bunch of snobby jerks.



This is why I will never have the courage to run a dungeon in this game.

The Dungoens I've tried are great, so long as you're with people you can be sure know what they're doing. Haven't tried PUGs but not sure if I'm game, especially while still new

Find it odd, with all those characters under your belt, that you've NEVER set foot in dungeon <shrug>



He was talking about PUGs. You're in GAF, ergo If he ran in a group with you, he'd be in a GAF group.

I have been in groups with you before and nobody was kicked. What you want to do with PUGs is your business, but I should hope if it's a guild run there wouldn't be any kind of problems.


The Dungoens I've tried are great, so long as you're with people you can be sure know what they're doing. Haven't tried PUGs but not sure if I'm game, especially while still new

Find it odd, with all those characters under your belt, that you've NEVER set foot in dungeon <shrug>
I played WoW for a couple of years before GW2 came out. The only positive thing I can say about the trinity was that when I played a healer and my bf played tank we didn't have to be scared that people would kick us. Mean and agressive elitists who didn't like the way we did things could go back to their 30-40min queue or play nice. We were good at what we did but we were not dead serious all the time and we didn't speedrun or anything. I can't remember a wipe except on some new heroics before we learned the encounters. Most of the times someone died it was because some DPSer thought it was all about doing maximum damage (so they pulled aggro and got splotched).
But it was never fun to actually play healer. I liked DPSing (rogue <3). But when I played DPS characters I wasn't doing mega DPS according to Recount so I always had the threat of being kicked hanging over my head and I got kicked multiple times even tho the group was doing just fine. It made me insecure and stressed and when stressed I make mistakes that give people a "reason" to kick me. It's pretty hopeless :p

When I started playing GW2 I was overwhelmed by the world. Exploration! Group content wasn't really on the radar since we didn't have a guild and knew nobody who liked the game, and we were too insecure to PUG stuff. I regret this now because back then it was a new experience to everyone. People would have been much more forgiving.
When I got really interested in exploring the dungeons the general buzz around them was already "zerk speedrun or KICK" and I just never got into it. Since I play so many characters I play them all differently and it's often FAR from the most efficient or "best" build.
I have seen AC Story, CM story, one AC path (thanks GAF <3) and have pulled a bunch of newbie groups through the Living World dungeons (Molten base and the Mai Trin one). So I've done a little. It was easier with the LW stuff since it (again) was new to everyone and people like me didn't want to miss out on it so we could all help each other.

I guess I should try running more dungeons with GAF to shake off this feeling of not being good enough. And maybe make my own PUGs where I help other like me by stating it's newbie runs :p It's not as easy as it sounds because I am so insaley insecure.


I have done much dungeoning either, only done the story mode paths for all the dungeons with the exception of Crucible of Eternity. I logged in this weekend and was going to ask for a guild run but changed my mind since the guild chat was super quiet, everybody seems busy doing their own thing. Maybe we can have a GAFguild dungeon marathon this weekend?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I always keep the "buff groups" trait active.

I think only Ranger, Guardian and Warrior have them right?

Also holy shit, that lag in tequatl
Ele has a gm trait where it gives ferocity to the party when blasting fields. Also makes fire fields last longer, so you should pick it anyway if pve'ing.

No one expects the guard to run the +tuffness trait >__>

But yeah, the major expectations go

warr: banners, vuln, maybe EA/phalanx
ele: might, fields, icebow, cleanse
engie: vuln, blast, cleanse, reflec
mez: reflec, cleanse, quickness
guard: reflec, stab, aegis, blind, cleanse
thief: projectile defense, blind, blast, interrupt
ranger: vuln, crit, cleanse, frost
necro: change to something else.

obv doesn't apply to gaf runs.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Ele has a gm trait where it gives ferocity to the party when blasting fields. Also makes fire fields last longer, so you should pick it anyway if pve'ing.

No one expects the guard to run the +tuffness trait >__>

But yeah, the major expectations go

warr: banners, vuln, maybe EA/phalanx
ele: might, fields, icebow, cleanse
engie: vuln, blast, cleanse, reflec
mez: reflec, cleanse, quickness
guard: reflec, stab, aegis, blind, cleanse
thief: projectile defense, blind, blast, interrupt
ranger: vuln, crit, cleanse, frost
necro: change to something else.

obv doesn't apply to gaf runs.

Huh, I don't remember that trait.

Also strange, I keep seeing guardies with the toughness buff.
And I keep running into guardians that don't drop reflect. The night is dark and full of terrors and allathat.

Grandmaster Trait XI. Persisting Flames: Blast finishers you execute on fire fields give fury. Fire fields last longer.

Can't even imagine what would compel a guard to pick Strength in Numbers instead of Meditation Mastery if speccing Valor, but eh.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh I should get that trait. Does that mean I get more hits with fire fields (like say Lava Font) because they last longer? Right now I'm using Pyromancer's Puissance.

Also 22 members online yet it's quiet. Ded game ded guild.


Stuff that I agree with

Hey! I agree on nearly all points although never played WoW.

- Holy Trinity = silly idea for people who like to play on their own once in while
- Elitists are dumb
- Min-maxing is a waste of time if you're having fun anyway
- Explorations rad

So with that in mind, lets do dungeons:) Seriously if you get some of the more experienced and patient Guildys along and make it clear you're new to dungeoning, you won't have to do much. Except follow the occassional instruction, and look at the pretty pictures. Oh and make numbers fly off heads where necessary...

Dungeon spoiler:
I was taken on a run yesterday where I got to play ghostbusters in one. Was AWESOME, despite not having a clue what was going on. Just closed my eyes and pretended I was Bill Murray
Lots o' stuff

Yeah, I hear you. I also haven't really gotten much into dungeons in this game because:

- I feel like I might not pull my weight or let people down if I don't bring the right build
- Don't really know the dungeons all that well beyond the basics
- Long time solo player whose friends have stopped playing
- Lots of other stuff to explore in PvE
- Can roam in WvW and the mists where if I fail, it only really impacts me (most of the time)


Sounds like we need to start having regular dungeon events to show people the basics in a fun way without any pressure. Because they really are fun guys, and are not to be missed. I can't speak for every single GAFer, but I personally love showing people the ropes and dungeons have all sorts of cool things going on that are worth experiencing.

I don't mind if it takes longer than usual, or we die a lot, or whatever other outcomes you might worry about; repairs are free and as long as people are having fun, that's the important part. Some of my favorite dungeon runs have been ones where we fail (usually because everybody is so laid back and/or drunk that it's funny rather than frustrating) and some of the worst dungeon runs have been fast, efficient speed runs.

I know Hawkian loves doing dungeon runs and I'm sure there's quite a few others lurking about. Maybe we'll schedule some after Makeups or on an weeknight.


Lots of nice and good stuff said :) Thanks for the encouragement! (and the list on what to bring into dungeons, even if it's not for GAF runs)

Also 22 members online yet it's quiet. Ded game ded guild.
Oh, made me remember that I should probably mention that I often alt-tab and sorta forget to check on the game in quite some time. Also since I switch characters so much it happens that I miss stuff said in chat (especially since it wipes the guild chat when you switch characters). So if I seem to ignore any of you it isn't peronal or anything. I'm probably just not there atm :p


Well, I like speedrunning dungeons for gold, but that's more "work" than actually playing the game. I'll run some dungeons if you catch me online.
Oh I should get that trait. Does that mean I get more hits with fire fields (like say Lava Font) because they last longer? Right now I'm using Pyromancer's Puissance.

Also 22 members online yet it's quiet. Ded game ded guild.
Yerp. Gives 2 extra ticks to the thing, which makes it sync with the cooldown and turns lava font into a permanent fire field. Sync that with some arcane wave/brilliance rotations and you also got a solid fury uptime. Also makes sure that your dps doesnt halt when youre casting meteor.

And ffs peoples, if you see lotsa folks online, just say hi or ded guild ded in gchat.


Whenever there is activity in gchat it's usually about how mean that Kos fellow is to everyone. I don't know him well enough to chime in so i just stay quiet. Anyway I always thought the gchat is quiet is because everyone is on Mumble.


Whenever there is activity in gchat it's usually about how mean that Kos fellow is to everyone. I don't know him well enough to chime in so i just stay quiet. Anyway I always thought the gchat is quiet is because everyone is on Mumble.

Kos, always bringing everyone together.


Sounds like we need to start having regular dungeon events to show people the basics in a fun way without any pressure. Because they really are fun guys, and are not to be missed. I can't speak for every single GAFer, but I personally love showing people the ropes and dungeons have all sorts of cool things going on that are worth experiencing.

I don't mind if it takes longer than usual, or we die a lot, or whatever other outcomes you might worry about; repairs are free and as long as people are having fun, that's the important part. Some of my favorite dungeon runs have been ones where we fail (usually because everybody is so laid back and/or drunk that it's funny rather than frustrating) and some of the worst dungeon runs have been fast, efficient speed runs.

I know Hawkian loves doing dungeon runs and I'm sure there's quite a few others lurking about. Maybe we'll schedule some after Makeups or on an weeknight.


A Retro/Hawkian/3 noob run could be quite the thing.
Whenever there is activity in gchat it's usually about how mean that Kos fellow is to everyone. I don't know him well enough to chime in so i just stay quiet. Anyway I always thought the gchat is quiet is because everyone is on Mumble.
He is a really nice guy that everyone picks on just because he hails from the land of Canadia.

When I play for prolonged periods of time I always have mumble open. Usually one us officers use it on non guild mission times.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm still not using mic or mumble in any game because I am shy... that and I like to pretend everyone's voices and it would ruin my imagination.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I only talk on Xbox Live. So if anyone wants to chat with me via PS4, PC or WiiU - you gotta be in my xbox party. Also, I use a Darth Vader voice mask.

Sounds like we need to start having regular dungeon events to show people the basics in a fun way without any pressure. Because they really are fun guys, and are not to be missed. I can't speak for every single GAFer, but I personally love showing people the ropes and dungeons have all sorts of cool things going on that are worth experiencing.

We should start with Arah 1,2,4.
I would be down for helping the more experienced players in their ability to run the newbies through the dungeons.

Rather, let me reword that; I'm a newbie and would love to go with you guys! I know my fiance would love to join too. Finally got us both geared out, she searched for a build and such, I think we're pretty much both Zerker at this point (Warrior and Elementalist) with Exotic gear.

I'm pretty squishy in WvW though, do most people run Soldier gear in there? I remember on my Guardian I was able to survive a bit more with lesser quality gear but that could have been the class more than the spec/gear.

And what the hell is up with Black Lion Ticket Scraps? Are they just incredibly rare? As a 'present' for us I bought us some keys to play with and there really is nothing worthwhile in those chests besides those things that I saw, just boosters that I don't really care about. Besides key farming on another character, what other ways do you actually get keys after reach 80?

EDIT: Googled, looks like key farming is the only viable option ... dang.


I only talk on Xbox Live. So if anyone wants to chat with me via PS4, PC or WiiU - you gotta be in my xbox party. Also, I use a Darth Vader voice mask.

We should start with Arah 1,2,4.

Might as well wish to have Mai trin as their first fractal then to utterly break them .

I would be down for helping the more experienced players in their ability to run the newbies through the dungeons.

Rather, let me reword that; I'm a newbie and would love to go with you guys! I know my fiance would love to join too. Finally got us both geared out, she searched for a build and such, I think we're pretty much both Zerker at this point (Warrior and Elementalist) with Exotic gear.

I'm pretty squishy in WvW though, do most people run Soldier gear in there? I remember on my Guardian I was able to survive a bit more with lesser quality gear but that could have been the class more than the spec/gear.

And what the hell is up with Black Lion Ticket Scraps? Are they just incredibly rare? As a 'present' for us I bought us some keys to play with and there really is nothing worthwhile in those chests besides those things that I saw, just boosters that I don't really care about. Besides key farming on another character, what other ways do you actually get keys after reach 80?

EDIT: Googled, looks like key farming is the only viable option ... dang.

Well they can drop from mobs but i thought i read somewhere that there droprate is even lower then a Precursor so yeah ,either go Key farming and die of boredom or pay mucho dineiro .

Pick your poison .


Sonic handles my blue balls
I'll start playing my Mesmer again once the class gets a speed signet or there becomes an option to withdrawal infinite Salvage o-matics for each character after purchase. Then and only then, can I guarantee my presence will bring more pug members to a LFG posting.
The only dungeons I don't frequent are HotW and Arah. Probably because of the length and annoyance. :/

Yeah, I really like the Honor of the Waves dungeon (because Kodan are my favorite race in this game) and I only ever do the first path of it. It has a couple of annoying bosses but other than that I didn't mind doing it daily when I was working towards a full set of the dungeon heavy armor.


I wouldn't mind finding a group of like minded people who would want to find a "middle ground" between gaf, pugs, and speed runners. People who don't mind stacking at some convenient places (like those SE golems), but won't be told what to run explicitly, in a low-stress no worries gaf atmosphere. Maybe that cross section is a bit narrow, though. That's the sort of dungeon runs I would like to go on.


i dont mind doing any dungeons at all. just dont say stack. i really dont like the idea off speedrunning. i prefer to spend over 4hrs on a single dungeon than just 15mins.

its not my fault i find difficult things more fun.
Looks like Colin is finally listening to my suggestions: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Currencies-The-Wallet/first#post4566660
CJ said:
Right now we’re sort of splitting out things you can “spend” between three different places: Your inventory, your bank, and your wallet.
At its core, we need to decide on one of these to compliment your inventory and call it good. As we’re continuing to introduce more items like the geodes and bandit “hello my name is” crests, this has obviously become even more of an issue
Ultimately, we either need to let you spend materials from your bank directly at vendors so you don’t need to keep them in your inventory (and then make geodes/crests materials) OR continue to make the wallet larger and larger. Or option #3 we haven’t considered yet you might think of in this suggestion forum!
Either way, we’re aware of the need and will address it “when it’s ready™”.


Got my Caithe's Blossom last night. Woot. Only need to acquire the Heavy Shoulder armor now to get my Luminescent Skin. Probably just gonna farm another 1000 Bandit Crests in the Silver Wastes.


lol mai trin is like:


i aint kidding. ( she was kind of like this back in the time. )

never forget.

Well if they make her like that i would demand smaller hitboxes . :p

In case any new people are wondering , this is GAFractals vs Mai Trin fight
Recorded by Ike to give you an idea why she is called one of the hardest bosses in the game :


That artillery barrage is murder if you are unlucky .
Dude manages to complicate the simplest issues.

They're not materials. Either of them. Aint used for crafting shit. Can't be traded.
Why wouldn't they be in the wallet?

Like. What.
"Omg the wallet will get bigger"
Who cares about the size of the wallet?

Maybe he is hinting that in the future they might be used in crafting recipes.

I agree with who cares if wallet gets bigger. I never even open it. I just hover over the gold amount which shows me all my currencies.
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